According to Sandra paddock it be conclude; Narrative writing, put simply, is telling a story. Every novel is an example of narrative writing, and you'll also find it in poems, short stories, essays and plays. The narrative tells about an event or events, the people who participated in them, and how each person was affected by them. The only examples of narrative writing you'll find on Helium will be in the creative writing section, because this style of writing is not appropriate for informative articles. However, that does not mean that narrative writing is purely fictional. If you've read a good biography, autobiography, or history book recently, the author will have constructed a narrative based on real people, facts and events, but written from his own point of view. For example, it's a fact that the Battle of Waterloo took place in 1815, and that Napoleon Bonaparte was defeated there. However, if you read several historical novels about the period, or some of the letters or memoirs the participating soldiers wrote, each account will be different, because it will be told from a particular point of view. Narrative writing is perhaps the most versatile writing style of all, as it can be used in so many ways. Descriptive writing is, well, description! The best writers use descriptive writing to draw their readers into an experience or event so that they feel as if they are there. Descriptive writing can be used in almost anything, and is often used alongside and within narrative writing to give colour and depth to the story. This writing style makes full use of metaphors, similies and all the other tools in the writer's box of tricks, and the aim is to show something or someone to the reader, rather than simply telling them. While it may not advance the plot like narrative writing, it involves the reader and enhances the reading experience. According to kims corner it be conclude; Descriptive Writing The primary purpose of descriptive writing is to describe a person, place, or event so that the topic can be clearly seen in the reader's mind. The writer must use vivid details that paint a picture for the reader. Expository Writing The primary purpose of expository writing is to provide information such as an explanation or directions. Narrative Writing The primary purpose of narrative writing is to describe an experience, event, or sequence of events in the form of a story. recount In Massachusetts, recounts are a quasi-judicial procedure based on the General Laws, court decisions, and customs developed from practical experience. A recount is a straightforward procedure if all parties involved work from the same basic understanding of established rulings and if proper decorum is maintained. The rights of all principals are clearly delineated in the statute. Procedure Procedure is the set of steps which should be completed in the right sequence to get the goal. In our daily life, we often have to perform some steps to make or get something done. For example, early in the morning, you help your mother prepare cups of tea for all members of your family. In making cups of tea, you have to follow certain procedure in order to get a nice drink. Most of our daily activities are related with procedures. That is why, you should understand what a procedure text is, how to make and use it. The generic structure of procedure has three principal components namely (1) the goal, (2) materials and (3) steps.
According to Clara Jennifer (2007), that narrative is a text focusing specific participants. Its social function is to tell stories or past events and entertain the readers.
Generic Structure of Narrative
A narrative text will consists of the following structure: 1.Orientation: Introducing the participants and informing the time and the place
2.Complication: Describing the rising crises which the participants have to do with
3.Resolution: Showing the way of participant to solve the crises, better or worse.
B.Descriptive Text
According to Clara Jennifer (2008), that descriptive text is a text which say what a person or a thing is like. Its purpose is to describe and reveal a particular person, place, or thing.
The Generic Structure of Descriptive Text
Descriptive text has structure as below: 1.Identification; identifying the phenomenon to be described.
2.Description; describing the phenomenon in parts, qualities, or/and characteristics.
C.Expository Text
According to Fountans and Pinnel (2001), that expository text is nonfiction reading material. The intent of these written works is to inform or explain something to the reading audience. Expository text can vary in nature. Some common formats of expository writing include the following: How-To (Procedural) Definition Description Persuasion Analysis Classification Comparison
D.Procedure Text
According to Clara Jennifer (2007), that procedure is a text that show a process in order. Its social function is to describe how something is completely done through a sequence of series
Generic Structure of Procedure 1.Goal: showing the purpose
2.Material: Telling the needed materials
3.Step 1-end: Describing the steps to achieve the purpose
E. Recount Text
According to Clara Jennifer (2007), that recount is a text which retells events or experiences in the past. Its purpose is either to inform or to entertain the audience. There is no complication among the participants and that differentiates from narrative.
Generic Structure of Recount 1.Orientation: Introducing the participants, place and time
2.Events: Describing series of event that happened in the past
3.Reorientation: It is optional. Stating personal comment of the writer to the story
From all of the explanations above, it can be concluded that the texts have their own purposes as a text. Such as, the first, narrative text to amuse/entertain the readers and to tell a story. The second, descriptive text to describe a particular person, place or thing in detail. So, The third, expository text To reveal the readers that something is the important case. The fourth, procedure text to readers how to do or make something completely. And the last, recount text to retell something that happened in the past and to tell a series of past event.
Adopted from:
Jennifer, Clara. 2007. What is narrative text. Retrieved from:
Jennifer, Clara. 2008. What is descriptive text. Retrieved from:
Fountans and Pinnell. 2001. What is expository text. Retrieved from:
Jennifer, Clara. 2007.What is procedure text. Retrieved from:
Jennifer, Clara. 2007. What is recount text. Retrieved from:
According to Samsuri, Edi (2012) Narrative text is used to amuse / entertain the readers that are to gain and hold the reader’s interest in a story. It can be imaginary or factual (fairy tales, mysteries, fables, romances, adventure stories, myths, and legends). The generic structure: - orientation - complication - resolution - re-orientation - coda From the definition, it can assume that narrative text is a text focusing specific participants. Its social function is to tell stories or past event and entertain the readers.
Next, according to (2012) Descriptive text is meant to give a verbal picture of an object, character, or event. Description is considered one of the four traditional forms of composition (along with exposition, narration, and persuasion). From the definition, it means that descriptive text is a text which says what a person or a thing is like. Its purpose is to describe and reveal a particular person, place, or thing.
Furthermore, according to WikEd (2007) Expository text is nonfiction reading material. The intent of these written works is to inform or explain something to the reading audience. So, from the definition, it can conclude expository text is a text that tries to inform or instruct the reader. Longer expository texts are usually divided into different topic sections with separate headings.
Then, according to Teteregoh, Adrianus (2011) Procedure text is the set of steps which should be completed in the right sequence to get the goal. From the definition, it can understand that procedure text is a text which gives instructions on how to do something.
Last, according to (2012) Recount text is a text that telling the reader about one story, action, or activity. Its goal is to entertaining or informing the reader. Generic structure: - Orientation: Introducing the participants, place and time - Events: Describing series of event that happened in the past - Reorientation: It is optional. Stating personal comment of the writer to the story. From the definition, it can understand recount text is a text which retells events or experiences in the past. Its purpose is either to inform or to entertain the audience. There is no complication among the participants and that differentiates from narrative.
According to Samsuri, Edi (2012) Narrative text is used to amuse / entertain the readers that are to gain and hold the reader’s interest in a story. It can be imaginary or factual (fairy tales, mysteries, fables, romances, adventure stories, myths, and legends). The generic structure: - orientation - complication - resolution - re-orientation - coda From the definition, it can be assumed that narrative text is a text focusing specific participants. Its social function is to tell stories or past event and entertain the readers.
Next, according to (2012) Descriptive text is meant to give a verbal picture of an object, character, or event. Description is considered one of the four traditional forms of composition (along with exposition, narration, and persuasion). From the definition, it means that descriptive text is a text which says what a person or a thing is like. Its purpose is to describe and reveal a particular person, place, or thing.
Furthermore, according to WikEd (2007) Expository text is nonfiction reading material. The intent of these written works is to inform or explain something to the reading audience. So, from the definition, it can be concluded expository text is a text that tries to inform or instruct the reader. Longer expository texts are usually divided into different topic sections with separate headings.
Then, according to Teteregoh, Adrianus (2011) Procedure text is the set of steps which should be completed in the right sequence to get the goal. From the definition, it can be understand that procedure text is a text which gives instructions on how to do something.
Last, according to (2012) Recount text is a text that telling the reader about one story, action, or activity. Its goal is to entertaining or informing the reader. Generic structure: - Orientation: Introducing the participants, place and time - Events: Describing series of event that happened in the past - Reorientation: It is optional. Stating personal comment of the writer to the story. From the definition, it can be understand recount text is a text which retells events or experiences in the past. Its purpose is either to inform or to entertain the audience. There is no complication among the participants and that differentiates from narrative.
According to Samsuri, Edi (2012) Narrative text is used to amuse / entertain the readers that are to gain and hold the reader’s interest in a story. It can be imaginary or factual (fairy tales, mysteries, fables, romances, adventure stories, myths, and legends). The generic structure: - orientation - complication - resolution - re-orientation - coda From the definition, it can be assumed that narrative text is a text focusing specific participants. Its social function is to tell stories or past event and entertain the readers.
Next, according to (2012) Descriptive text is meant to give a verbal picture of an object, character, or event. Description is considered one of the four traditional forms of composition (along with exposition, narration, and persuasion). From the definition, it means that descriptive text is a text which says what a person or a thing is like. Its purpose is to describe and reveal a particular person, place, or thing.
Furthermore, according to WikEd (2007) Expository text is nonfiction reading material. The intent of these written works is to inform or explain something to the reading audience. So, from the definition, it can be concluded expository text is a text that tries to inform or instruct the reader. Longer expository texts are usually divided into different topic sections with separate headings.
Then, according to Teteregoh, Adrianus (2011) Procedure text is the set of steps which should be completed in the right sequence to get the goal. From the definition, it can be understand that procedure text is a text which gives instructions on how to do something.
Last, according to (2012) Recount text is a text that telling the reader about one story, action, or activity. Its goal is to entertaining or informing the reader. Generic structure: - Orientation: Introducing the participants, place and time - Events: Describing series of event that happened in the past - Reorientation: It is optional. Stating personal comment of the writer to the story. From the definition, it can be understand recount text is a text which retells events or experiences in the past. Its purpose is either to inform or to entertain the audience. There is no complication among the participants and that differentiates from narrative.
Adapted from: 2012. Glossary of Education. Located in Redwood City, California. Retrieved from: of Education. 2012. Recount-text-penjelasan-contoh. Retrieved from: Samsuri, Edi. 2012. English material. Education: posted by admin on 7:03 PM. Retrieved from: Teteregoh, Adrianus. 2011. Procedure text. Retrieved from: WikEd. 2007. Expository. Retrieved from:
Name : meidiana eka putri (59) According to trone smith (1997) Narrative is a text focusing specific participants. Its social function is to tell stories or past events and entertain the readers. Generic Structure of Narrative A narrative text will consists of the following structure: 1. Orientation: Introducing the participants and informing the time and the place 2. Complication: Describing the rising crises which the participants have to do with 3. Resolution: Showing the way of participant to solve the crises, better or worseone Adopted from : smith, trone(1997). Narrative text. Retrieved from
Procedure According to englishDirection A procedure text can be a an instruction on how to make food and beverage, making interesting things, planting etc. Adopted from : englishDirection. Procedure text retrieved from : Expository according to wikipedia expository text is type of writing where the purpose is to inform, describe, explain, or define the author's subject to reader. It means that Expository text is meant to deposit information and is the most frequently used type of writing by students in elementary schools, middle schools, high schools, colleges and universities. A well-written exposition remains focused on its topic and lists events in chronological order. Adopted from wikipedia (2009). Expository text. Retrieved from :
Procedure text according to Utari dhina(2009) Procedure Text is a text that is designed to describe how something is achieved through a sequence of actions steps or he generic structures of procedure text are: • Goal / aim ( or title) • Materials ( not required for all procedural texts) • Steps ( the actions that must be taken) it means that how people perform different processes in a sequence of steps.This text uses simple present tense,often imperative sentence.It also uses the temporal conjunction such as : first,second,then,next,finally,etc
adopted from : dhina, utari (2009). Procedure text. Retrieved from :
Recount Text according to Derewianka (1990) Recount text is to retell past event or something which happened in the past and identified three types of Recount text, namely Personal Recount, Factual Recount, and Imaginative Recount. Personal Recount exposes an event in which the writer or the author got involved or acted in the event himself. Belong to this type among others are daily funny incidents, entries of a diary, etc. Factual Recount is a note of an event, such as scientific experiment report, police report, newspaper report, history explanation, etc. Imaginative Recount is an unreal event or story, like reading texts for language lesson, a story about a life of a slave, etc. Generic Structure of Recount 1. Orientation: Introducing the participants, place and time 2. Events: Describing series of event that happened in the past 3. Reorientation: It is optional. Stating personal comment of the writer to the story
Language Feature of Recount • Introducing personal participant; I, my group, etc • Using chronological connection; then, first, etc • Using linking verb; was, were, saw, heard, etc • Using action verb; look, go, change, etc • Using simple past tense It can be concluded that recount text is e text which retells events or experiences in the past. Its purpose is either to inform or to entertain the audience. When the Generic Structure of Recount consist of Orientation: Introducing the participants, place and time 2)Events: Describing series of event that happened in the past 3) Reorientation: It is optional. Stating personal comment of the writer to the story Adopted from : Derewianka (1990). Recount text . retrieved from :
Name : meidiana eka putri (59) According to trone smith (1997) Narrative is a text focusing specific participants. Its social function is to tell stories or past events and entertain the readers. Generic Structure of Narrative A narrative text will consists of the following structure: 1. Orientation: Introducing the participants and informing the time and the place 2. Complication: Describing the rising crises which the participants have to do with 3. Resolution: Showing the way of participant to solve the crises, better or worseone Adopted from : smith, trone(1997). Narrative text. Retrieved from
Procedure According to englishDirection A procedure text can be a an instruction on how to make food and beverage, making interesting things, planting etc. Adopted from : englishDirection. Procedure text retrieved from : Expository according to wikipedia expository text is type of writing where the purpose is to inform, describe, explain, or define the author's subject to reader. It means that Expository text is meant to deposit information and is the most frequently used type of writing by students in elementary schools, middle schools, high schools, colleges and universities. A well-written exposition remains focused on its topic and lists events in chronological order. Adopted from wikipedia (2009). Expository text. Retrieved from :
Procedure text according to Utari dhina(2009) Procedure Text is a text that is designed to describe how something is achieved through a sequence of actions steps or he generic structures of procedure text are: • Goal / aim ( or title) • Materials ( not required for all procedural texts) • Steps ( the actions that must be taken) it means that how people perform different processes in a sequence of steps.This text uses simple present tense,often imperative sentence.It also uses the temporal conjunction such as : first,second,then,next,finally,etc
adopted from : dhina, utari (2009). Procedure text. Retrieved from :
Recount Text according to Derewianka (1990) Recount text is to retell past event or something which happened in the past and identified three types of Recount text, namely Personal Recount, Factual Recount, and Imaginative Recount. Personal Recount exposes an event in which the writer or the author got involved or acted in the event himself. Belong to this type among others are daily funny incidents, entries of a diary, etc. Factual Recount is a note of an event, such as scientific experiment report, police report, newspaper report, history explanation, etc. Imaginative Recount is an unreal event or story, like reading texts for language lesson, a story about a life of a slave, etc. Generic Structure of Recount 1. Orientation: Introducing the participants, place and time 2. Events: Describing series of event that happened in the past 3. Reorientation: It is optional. Stating personal comment of the writer to the story
Language Feature of Recount • Introducing personal participant; I, my group, etc • Using chronological connection; then, first, etc • Using linking verb; was, were, saw, heard, etc • Using action verb; look, go, change, etc • Using simple past tense It can be concluded that recount text is e text which retells events or experiences in the past. Its purpose is either to inform or to entertain the audience. When the Generic Structure of Recount consist of Orientation: Introducing the participants, place and time 2)Events: Describing series of event that happened in the past 3) Reorientation: It is optional. Stating personal comment of the writer to the story Adopted from : Derewianka (1990). Recount text . retrieved from :
According to Mastuki (2009). “Narrative text is the text that have a purpose is to amuse, entertain and to deal with actual or vicarious, experience indifferent ways: Narrative deal with problematic events which lead to a crisis or turningpoint of some kind, which in turn find a resolution, than descriptive text is a tex that have a purpose is to describe a particular person, animal, place or thing, next expository text is Expository text is used to inform the reader. The writer must write in a way that doesn't assume that the reader has prior knowledge of the subject matter. It is used to explain things rather than argue a point, then procedure text is the text that have a purpose is to describe how something is accomplished through a sequence of action or steps, the last recount text is the text that used to retell events for the purpose of informing or intertraining ”. So from the definition can be assumed that narrative text is to amuse/entertain the readers and to tell a story, to describe a particular person, place or thing in detail, expository text is a text is used to invite the reader ,and it is used to give information about something to the reader’s, Procedureis the text that used to help readers how to do or make something completely, and recount text is a text that used to retell something that happened in the past and to tell a series of past event.
References: Mastuki. 2009. The Kinds of Texts. Available on: Assessed on Tuesday, 22nd of May 2012
1)Narrative text is a text which contains about story (fiction/non fiction/tales/folktales/fables/myths/epic) and its plot consists of climax of the story (complication) then followed by the resolution. Example: Long time ago a remote village, in central China was inhabited mainly with farmers and hunters. One day, a poor farmer lost his entire livestock to flood. He prayed hard to God for help or his family would die of starvation.Few days later, an old man with long grey beard, passed by his house took pity on him. He gave him a goose and said “ I don’t have any expensive thing to give you and hope this goose will help you to ease your hardship.” A week later to almost surprise the farmer found and egg in his yard. This was no ordinary egg. It was a golden egg. He was suddenly overcome with joy. Thereafter, his livelihood had rapidly improved but the farmer had forgotten his earlier hardship. He became lazy, arrogant and spendthrift. Strangely, the goose only laid one golden egg every six months. The greedy farmer lost his patient and slaughtered his goose thinking there were plenty of golden eggs inside its stomach. Though he very much regretted for his foolishness, it’s already too late. According to dudi nurmansyah it can be conclude: 2).Descriptive text is a text which says what a person or a thing is like. Its purpose is to describe and reveal a particular person, place, or thing. Example: I have a close Friend. She is beautiful, attractive and trendy. She always wants to be a trend setter of the day. She always pays much attention on her appearance. Recently, she bought a new stylist foot legs from Cibaduyut shoes products. These shoes really match on her. 3).Expository is something intended to explain or describe. (adjective) An essay that is intended to explain a series of events is an example of anexpository essay. 4). A procedure is a block of code that performs a single task. Its a building block of a computer program but is a somewhat old fashioned phrase as nowadays computer languages use functions not procedures. 5).Spoof is an imitative work created to mock, comment on, or trivialise an original work, its subject, author, style, or some other target, by means of humorous, satiric or ironicimitation. For example: the story of Abu Nawas. 6)Recount text is a text that is used to retell events for the purpose of informing or entertaining. example: An Excursion to the Botanical Garden
On Thursday 24 April we went to the Botanical Garden. We walked down and boarded the bus. After we arrived at the garden, we walked down to the Education Centre. The third grade students went to have alook around. First, we went to the first farm and Mrs. James read us some information. Then, we looked at all the lovely plants. After that we went down to a little spot on the Botanical Garden and had a morning tea break. Next, we did sketching and then we met the fourth grade students at the Education Centre to have lunch. Soon after that, it was time for us to go and make our terrariums while the fourth year students went to have a walk. A lady took us into a special room and introduced herself. Then she explained what we were going to do. Next, she took us to a pyramid terrarium. It was really interesting. After we had finished, we met the fourth grade students outside the gardens. Then we reboarded the bus and returned to school.
Labov ( 1972) states that narrative text is assumes all narratives are stories about a specific past event, and they have common properties. Narrative told past event, beginning with “once upon a time” and ending “they lived happily ever after”. From the definiton it can be assumed that narrative text is a text that tell about a specific past event, start from the beginning untill ending about stories.
Joandra Pianda (2011) states that Descriptive text is a text which says what a person, place, or a thing like. Its purpose is to describe and reveal a particular person, place or thing. From the definition, it can be assumed that descriptive text is a text that explain about someone, place look like.
Longacre (1983,) Expository text is a text which explain, describe, give information or inform something and explain a concept or procedure. It also can give insight. From the definiton it can be assumed that expositry text is a text which explains about something
Utari dhina (2009:1) states that Procedure Text is a text that is designed to describe how something is achieved through a sequence of actions or steps.It explains how people perform different processes in a sequence of steps.This text uses simple present tense,often imperative sentence.It also uses the temporal conjunction such as : first,second,then,next,finally,etc. From the definition it can be assumed that procedure text is a text that explain about how to make something start from beginning till finihs.
Utari dhina (2009:01) states that Recount text is a text that is used to retell event for the purpose of informing or entertaining. . From the definition it can be assumed that recount text is a text that retell about something, sothat someone to know about someone that he/she doesn’t know.
Adopted from: Siti Maslia (2011). Teaching A Narrative Text For Third Grade Of Senior High School Though Blogger . Retrieved from : Adopted from: Pianda, Jondra. (2011), Types of text. Retrieved from: Adopted from: Expository Text. Retrieved from : Adopted from :Utari dhina (2009:1) states that Procedure Retrieved from: Adopted from : Utari dhina (2009:01) states that Recount Retrieved from :
According to jefrrey bunger descriptive writing is defined as a type of expoitry writing. It means a writer feels the that whatever they are writing is describing what they are writing about, and the reader must be satisfied from it means describing the statement in such a way that the reader get the basic and important information from it easily.
from the explanation above it can be assumed that descriptive writing is a kind of writing that describe what the writer;s feel to the reader, the writer show what the writing tells about so that the reader can get the point of the writing fast and easily.
Adopted from: Jefrrey bunger.definition descriptive writing. Retrieved from :
According to Richard Nordquist expository writing is a pedagogical term for any form of writing that conveys information and explains ideas: exposition. As one of the four traditional modes of discourse, expository writing may include elements of narration, description, and argumentation, but unlike creative writing or persuasive writing, its primary goal is to deliver information about an issue, subject, method, or idea. From the explanation above it can be concluded that expository writing is include narration, description, and argumentation, it means that expository writing will explain, describe, define, instruct, inform something to the reader.
Adopted from : Richard Noruist. Definition of expository writing. Retrieved from :
Narative, descriptive, expository, procedure, and recount text.
According to Sunu (September, 26th 2007), there are any kinds of text. They are : Narative text is text which usually used to amuse, entertain, and to deal with actual or vicarious experience in different ways. It’s mean that the purpose of narative trext is to amuse or entertain the readers with the story that deal with the problematic event and resolution. Moreover, Sunu stated that narative text has generic structure like orientation, complication, resolution, and reorientation. Descriptive text is text which has purpose To describe a particular person, place, or thing. The generic structure of this text is identification and description. It’s implied that descriptive text is used to describe something to the readers precisely so that the raders can feel waht have been described in the text. Expository text is text which is used To persuade the reader or listener that something should be/shouldn’t be the case. Gegeric structure of the text is thesis, argument, and recommendation. It can be said that expository is text which is used to influence or change their way of thinking about the case that should/shouldn’t be happen. Procedure text is kind of text which has purpose To describe how something is accomplished through a sequence of actions or steps. Generic structure of the text is goal, materials, and steps. It’s stated that this text is used to describe to the readers on how to make something in cronological order with some material and step that must be followed by the readers. Recount text is text which is used To retell events for the purpose of informing or entertaining by using general structure like orientation, event, and reorientation/conclusion. It’s mean that the purpose of recount text is to retell to the readers what happen in the past through a sequence of events.
Taken from Thomas assumption (2000) : he said that A narrative is a meaningful sequence of events told in words. It is sequential in that the events are ordered, not merely random. Sequence always involves an arrangement in time (and usually other arrangements as well). A straightforward movement from the first event to the last constitutes the simplest chronology. However, chronology is sometimes complicated by presenting the events in another order: for example, a story may open with the final episode and then flash back to all that preceded it. Here, the story is happened in the past time, which has three generic structures of it. They are orientation, complication, and resolution.
And then, Description is about sensory experience – how something looks, sounds, tastes. Mostly it is about visual experience, but description also deals with other kinds of perception. (2012): the descriptive text is a text which says what a person or a thing is like. Its purpose is to describe and reveal a particular person, place, or thing." Generic structure in descriptive text are : 1. Identification : containing about identification something/someone who will be identified or identifying the phenomenon to be described. 2. Description : containig about the explanation / drawing about something by mentioning some their characteristics and qualities.
Fountas and Pinnell (2007) : they said that Expository text is nonfiction reading material. The intent of these written works is to inform, describe, explain, or define something to the reading audience. Some common formats of expository writing include the following: - Definition - Description - Persuasion - Analysis - Classification - Comparison (2012) : A procedural text is a text which gives instructions on how to do something. Definition of Procedure Procedure is a text that shows a process in order. Its social function is to describe how something is completely done through a sequence of series Generic Structure of Procedure TEXT: (1) Goal. (2) Material Needed. (3) Methods or Steps. Language Feature of Procedure : Language Feature of Procedure Using temporal conjunction : firstly, secondly Using action verb : read, pour, take Using imperative sentence : put the glass on the table Using Simple Present Tense : put, open, is, are ( 2012 ) : Recount Text is a text that telling the reader about one story, action or activity. Its goal is to entertaining or informing the reader. But it is different with narraative text. Because in this text, there is no problem that appear in the story. There is only an event, with an orderly sequences of the story. Generic structure (susunan umum) recount text ini terdiri dari: 1. Orientation tells who was involved, what happened, where the events took place, and when it happened. 2. Events tell what happened and in what sequence. 3. Reorientation consists of optional-closure of events/ending.
Adopted from: Thomas (2000), Narrative Text. Retrieved From: http://www.englishindo. com /2012/01/narrative-text-penjelasan-contoh.html . Accessed on : 21 may 2012.
Adopted from: (2012), Penjelasan Descriptive Text. Retrieved From: . Accessed on : 21 may 2012.
Adopted from: Fountas and Pinnell (2007), Expository Text. Retrieved From: index.php/Expository_text. Accessed on : 21 May 2012.
Adopted from: (2012), Procedure Text. Retrieved From: /Presentation/ piladesky-1402734-procedure-text/. Accessed on : 21 may 2012.
Adopted from: (2012), Recount Text. Retrieved From: /2012/01/ recount-text-penjelasan-contoh.html. Accessed on : 21 may 2012.
According to, Narrative text is a kind of text to retell the story that past tense. The purpose of the text is toentertain or to amuse the readers or listeners about the story and says that Narrative text is; The telling of a story or an account of a sequence of events, so from the definitions, it can be concluded that narrative text is a kind of entertainment text which is in the text there is an account of a sequence of events
References: • Adopted from: . 2006-2012. Narrative text. retrieved from: Accessed on; june 03, 2012 • Adopted from: . 2012. What is Narrative text. retrieved from: Accessed on; may 31, 2012 According descriptive text is text or speech that is means to give a verbal picture of an object, character, location, or event. Description is considered one of the four traditional forms of composition (along with exposition, narration, and persuasion).
From the definitions, it can be concluded that descriptive text is a kind of texts which is in the text there is definition or description of an object.
According expository text is text or speech that is meant to set forth or explain a concept or procedure. Considered one of the four traditional forms of composition (along with description, narration, and persuasion), exposition may contain elements of the other three forms in order to achieve its purpose. From that definition, it can be conclude that expository text is a text that contains elements of the other three forms (description, narration, and persuasion) in order to achieve its purpose.
According to Teterongoh, Procedure is the set of steps which should be completed in the right sequence to get the goal. From the definition, it can be concluded that procedure text is a text kind of text which is in this text, the writer try to tell the steps to do something. References: • Adopted from: Teterongoh, Adrianus. January 17, 2011. Procedure text. retrieved from: Accessed on; June 04, 2012
According to Quantum Enterprise, Recount is a text which retells events or experiences in the past. Its purpose is either to inform or to entertain the audience. There is no complication among the participants and that differentiates from narrative. From the definition, recount text is a text which retells events or experiences in the past and the goals of this text are giving an entertainment and information. References: • Adopted from: QuantumEnterprise. November, 2011. Recount text. retrieved from: Accessed on; June 04, 2012
47. Cici Murdiyani (09250011) NARRATIVE According to Talib (2011) Narrative is a text focusing specific participants. Its social function is to tell stories or past events and entertain the readers. It means that to amuse/entertain the readers and to tell a story or past events. Furtheremore, dominant language features of narrative are using past tense, using action verb, chronologically arranged. DESCRIPTIVE According to Larson (2004) said that descriptive text is a text which say what a person or a thing is like. Its purpose is to describe and reveal a particular person, place, or thing. It means that, descriptive text to describe a particular person, place or thing in detail. Furtheremore, The Generic Structure of Descriptive Text has structure are Identification; identifying the phenomenon to be described. Description; describing the phenomenon in parts, qualities, or/and characteristics. Furtheremore, the language feature of descriptive text. Using attributive and identifying process. Using adjective and classifiers in nominal group. Using simple present tense. Expository text According to Betty (2000) said that the definition of Expository text: Usually nonfiction, informational text. This type of is not organized around a story like structure but is instead organized based on the purposes and goals of the author or by content. Examples include news articles, informational books, instruction manuals, or textbooks. It can be explained that expository text is the text that has information, this text is not organized in structure but it is organized depend on the purposes and goals of the author or by content. Furthermore, Examples of expository text frames or structures include cause & effect, concept & definition, sequential, or proposition & support.
Procedure text According to Harme (2009) Define that the definition of procedure text is a text that is designed to describe how something is achieved through a sequence of actions or steps. It can be explained that procedure text is how people perform different processes in a sequence of steps. This text uses simple present tense, often imperative sentences. It also uses the temporal conjunction such as first, second, then, next, finally, etc. Purpose: to help readers how to do or make something completely. Recount text According to Jeremy (2008) said that the definition of recount text is a text that is used to retell events for the purpose of informing or entertaining. It can be assumed that recount text is the text to retell something that happened in the past and to tell a series of past event. Furtheremore, The generic structures of recount text are, first orientation, it means that it gives the readers the background information needed to understand the text such as who was involved, where it happened, when it happened. Second, events it means that a series of events, ordered in a chronological sequence. Third, re-orientation it means that restates the writer’s opinion or personal comment of the writer on the incident. Furtheremore, The significant Lexicogrammatical features, use of simple past tense, action verb, and using adjectives, use of temporal conjunctions (when, after, before, next, later, then), use of personal pronoun (I, we) References: Talib (20011). Narrative text. Retrieved from: accessed on: 5 May 2012 Larson (2004). Descriptive text. Retrieved from: Accessed on: 4 May 2012 Betty (2000). Expository text. Retrieved from: Accessed on: 4 May 2012 Harme (2000). Procedure text. Retrieved from: Accessed on: 4 May 2012.
According to Ardiku (2011) Narrative text has a social Function to amuse, entertain. Descriptive text has Social Function : to describe a particular person, places, or things. Procedure Text has Social Function to describe how something is accomplished through a sequences of actions or steps. Recount text has a Social Function to retell events for the purpose of informing or entertaining. Expository text - nonfiction in which the author seeks to explain or inform. The information can be verified as true. It can be assumed that narrative text is one kind of text where is the context has a power to take a load of mind of the reader and make a reader become diverted. Descriptive text is one kind of text which is used to illustrate the description of a specific things for example the text which title Borobudur temple. Procedure text is one kind of text which is used to retell one of incident that has an objective to give the information and also can amuse the reader. expository is one kind of text that give the information about the fact that is proved as true fact to the readers.
reference Ardiku, Munir. 2011. genre (kinds of text) in English Language for Junior High School. Retrieved from: accessed on 23 may 2012
NARRATIVE Purpose: To amuse/entertain the readers and to tell a story Generic Structure: 1. Orientation 2. Complication 3. Resolution 4. Reorientation Dominant Language Features: 1. Using Past Tense 2. Using action verb 3. Chronologically arranged
DESCRIPTIVE Purpose: to describe a particular person, place or thing in detail. Dominant Generic Structure: 1. Identification 2. Description Language Features: 1. Using Simple Present Tense 2. Using action verb 3. Using adverb 4. Using special technical terms
PROCEDURE Purpose: to help readers how to do or make something completely Generic Structure: 1. Goal/Aim 2. Materials/Equipments 3. Steps/Methods Dominant Language Features: 1. Using Simple Present Tense 2. Using Imperatives sentence 3. Using adverb 4. Using technical terms
RECOUNT Purpose: to retell something that happened in the past and to tell a series of past event Generic Structure: 1. Orientation 2. Event(s) 3. Reorientation Dominant Language Features: 1. Using Past Tense 2. Using action verb 3. Using adjectives
EXPOSITORY texts are non-fiction works that present information rather than stories. For example, an essay, article or book that describes a procedure; presents an argument; provides information about a social phenomenon; or describes a place or person is an expository text.
references: understanding types of texts. retrieved from: . accessed on june 6th 2012 How to Summarize Expository Texts. retrieved from: . accessed on june 6th 2012
1. Definition of Narrative According Bos sulap (2010) that narrative is a text focusing specific participants. Its social function is to tell stories or past events and entertain the readers. A narrative text will consists of the following structure: a. Orientation: Introducing the participants and informing the time and the place b. Complication: Describing the rising crises which the participants have to do with c. Resolution: Showing the way of participant to solve the crises, better or worse from the explanation above it can be assumed that forms of narrative texts are in use to tell a story of past.
2. Definition Descriptive According Copyright (2007) that Descriptive text is a text which say what a person or a thing is like. Its purpose is to describe and reveal a particular person, place, or thing. Descriptive text has structure as below: a. Identification; identifying the phenomenon to be described. b. Description; describing the phenomenon in parts, qualities, or/and characteristics. from the explanation above it can be assumed that A descriptive text is a text which lists the characteristics of something.
3. Definitions Expository Acocrding ghaitram (2007) that Expository is a mode of writing in which the purpose of the author is to inform, explain, describe, or define his or her subject to the reader. Examples of expository texts are textbooks, encyclopedias, scientific books/journals, atlases, directions, guides, biographies, newspapers. from the explanation above it can be assumed that expository nature to explain something informative. examples of expository discourse is taken from one article at a mass quote telecommunications stubs.
4. Definition of Procedure According Bos sulap (2010) that Procedure is a text that show a process in order. Its social function is to describe how something is completely done through a sequence of series. Generic Structure of Procedure: a. Goal: showing the purpose b. Material: Telling the needed materials c. Step 1-end: Describing the steps to achieve the purpose from the explanation above it can be assumed that procedure text is used to provide instructions or information on how something should be done
5. Definition of Recount According Bos sulap 2010 that Recount is a text which retells events or experiences in the past. Its purpose is either to inform or to entertain the audience. There is no complication among the participants and that differentiates from narrative. Generic Structure of Recount 1. Orientation: Introducing the participants, place and time 2. Events: Describing series of event that happened in the past 3. Reorientation: It is optional. Stating personal comment of the writer to the story from the explanation above it can be assumed that recount text to retell the events that have passed to inform and entertain readers.
Reference : 1. Sulap bos . 2010. What is narrative.retrieved from http://bos-
2. Copyright, 2007, Understanding Types of Text, retrieved from :
3. Ghaitram 2007, types of expository texts, retrieved from :
4. Sulap bos. 2010. What is procedure text. Retrieved from :
5.Sulap bos , 2010. What is recount text . Retrieved from : http://bos-
1. Narrative text is a kind of text to retell the story that past tense. The purpose of the text is to entertain or to amuse the readers or listeners about the story. From the definition it can be assumed that narrative text is a text which contains snout story .for example: snow white
2. Exposition is a type of oral or written discourse that is used to explain, describe, give information or inform.
From the definition it can be assumed that Expository text is a text which explains something.
3. Englishindo(2012). recount text adalah a text that telling the reader about one story, action or activity. Its goal is to entertaining or informing the reader.
From the definition it can be assumed that recount text is reading text that shows us what’s happened in the past, for example, children’s days
4. According Paul c. Jordan. A descriptive text is a text which lists the characteristics of something. From the definition it can be assumed that descriptive text is a reading text that describe a person, place, thing in detail. for example, about Jakarta city.
5. A procedural text is a text which is intended to tell the reader how to do, operate, or make something. From the definition, it can be assumed that procedure text is a text which gives instructions on how to do something, usually use “how to” .example : how to operate computer?
References Paul c. Jordan (2004). What is a descriptive text?. Retriviewed from:
Name :Mubarikah(64) NIM:09250036 Dodi indra(2011) Recount text is a text which list and describe one's experiences by retelling events in the order in which they happened. It consists series of events. Generic structure of Recount: 1. Orientation ( It tells about the person, the location ant the time of the event happened ) 2. Events ( It tells about the series of events that happened along the story. ) so it can assumed recount text is to retell past experience and to tell past activity Isdaryanto(2007) a narrative text is a text amuse, entertain and deal with actual or vicarious experience in different ways. Narrative deal with problematic events which lead to a crisis or turning point of some kind, which in turn finds a resolution So in my opinion, Narrative is a text focusing specific participants. Its social function is to tell stories or past events and entertain the readers ) and its plot consists of climax of the story (complication) then followed by the resolution. Tsalyer(2011) Expository text is used to inform the reader. write in a way that doesn't assume that the reader has prior knowledge of the subject matter. It is used to explain things rather than argue a point. So my opinion expository text is a text which explains something. Descriptive text or speech that is meant to give a verbal picture of an object, character, location, or event. Description is considered one of the four traditional forms of composition (along with exposition, narration, and persuasion). so it can assumed descriptive text is a text which say what a person or a thing is like. Its purpose is to describe and reveal a particular person, place, or thing. Procedure is a text that show a process in order. Its social function is to describe how something is completely done through a sequence of series.
References Indra dodi(2011) Recount Text. Retrived from: Accessed on wednesday 6 June 2012 Isdaryanto(2007). Definition of Narrative Text. Retrived from: Accessed on wednesday 6 June 2012 Tsalyer(2011). What is Expository Text Retrived from: Accessed on wednesday 6 June 2012
Name: Dona Febriyanti Nim : 09250013 (42) Definition of narrative, descriptive, expository, procedure, and recount texts • According Isdaryanto (2012) narrative text is a text amuse, entertain and deal with actual or vicarious experience in different ways. Narrative deal with problematic events which lead to a crisis or turning point of some kind, which in turn finds a resolution. So, it can be assumed thatnarrative text is always interesting and amusing. A narrative text is arranged in orientation, complication and resolution. Adopted from : Isdaryanto (2012) narrative text. Retrieved from : • According Vhariss (2003) DESCRIPTIVE WRITING is the clear description of people, places, objects, or events using appropriate details. An effective description will contain sufficient and varied elaboration of details to communicate a sense of the subject being described. Details used are usually sensory and selected to describe what the writer sees, hears, smells, touches, and it can be assumed descriptive text is structured with general identification and followed by detail description. In Identification paragraph. Adopted from : Vhariss (2003) descriptive writing.Retrieved from : • According Wikipedia (2012) Expository writing is a type of writing where the purpose is to inform, describe, explain, or define the author's subject to the reader. Expository text is meant to deposit information and is the most frequently used type of writing by students in elementary schools, middle schools, high schools, colleges and universities. So it can be assumed Exposition is a type of oral or written discourse that is used to explain, describe, give information or inform. Adopted from Wikipedia (2012) Expository writing. Retrieved from : • Accordinng David Bolton (2012) A procedure is a block of code that performs a single task. Its a building block of a computer program but is a somewhat old fashioned phrase as nowadays computer languages use functions not procedures. Adopted from : David Bolton (2012) procedure. Retrieved from : • According Quantum Enterprise (2010) Recount text is a text which retells events or experiences in the past. Its purpose is either to inform or to entertain the audience. There is no complication among the participants and that differentiates from narrative. Adopted from : Quantum Enterprise (2010) Recount text. Retrieved from :
Name: Dona Febriyanti Nim : 09250013 (42) Definition of narrative, descriptive, expository, procedure, and recount texts • According Isdaryanto (2012) narrative text is a text amuse, entertain and deal with actual or vicarious experience in different ways. Narrative deal with problematic events which lead to a crisis or turning point of some kind, which in turn finds a resolution. So, it can be assumed thatnarrative text is always interesting and amusing. A narrative text is arranged in orientation, complication and resolution. Adopted from : Isdaryanto (2012) narrative text. Retrieved from : • According Vhariss (2003) DESCRIPTIVE WRITING is the clear description of people, places, objects, or events using appropriate details. An effective description will contain sufficient and varied elaboration of details to communicate a sense of the subject being described. Details used are usually sensory and selected to describe what the writer sees, hears, smells, touches, and it can be assumed descriptive text is structured with general identification and followed by detail description. In Identification paragraph. Adopted from : Vhariss (2003) descriptive writing.Retrieved from : • According Wikipedia (2012) Expository writing is a type of writing where the purpose is to inform, describe, explain, or define the author's subject to the reader. Expository text is meant to deposit information and is the most frequently used type of writing by students in elementary schools, middle schools, high schools, colleges and universities. So it can be assumed Exposition is a type of oral or written discourse that is used to explain, describe, give information or inform. Adopted from Wikipedia (2012) Expository writing. Retrieved from : • Accordinng David Bolton (2012) A procedure is a block of code that performs a single task. Its a building block of a computer program but is a somewhat old fashioned phrase as nowadays computer languages use functions not procedures. Adopted from : David Bolton (2012) procedure. Retrieved from : • According Quantum Enterprise (2010) Recount text is a text which retells events or experiences in the past. Its purpose is either to inform or to entertain the audience. There is no complication among the participants and that differentiates from narrative. Adopted from : Quantum Enterprise (2010) Recount text. Retrieved from :
1. Recount Text Social Function : to retell events for the purpose of informing or entertaining. Generic Stucture: a. Orientation: provides the setting and introduces the participants b. Events : tell what happened, in what sequences c. Reorientation: optional closure of events Significant lexiogrammatical features: Focus on specific participants, use material processes, circumstances on time and place, use past tense, focus on temporal sequence so it can be assumed that recount text is the text text that retell the event to inform or entertain the reader.
2. Narrative Text Social Function :to amuse, entertainn Generic Stucture: a. Orientation: sets the scene and intruuduces the participants b. Evaluations: a stepping back to evaluate the plight. c. Complication: a crisis arises d. Resolution : the crisis is resolved e. reorientation: optional Significant lexiogrammatical features: focus n specific participants, use material processes, behavioral processes, and verbal processes. USe temporal conjuctions, and temporal circumstances, use past tense it means that narrative is the text that consist of the process or story about something or event.
3. Procedure Text Social Function : to describe how something is accomplished through a sequences of actions or steps. Generic Stucture: a. Goal b. Material c. Steps 1-n Significant lexicogrammatical features: Use simple present tense, often imperative. use mainly material processes it means that procedure is the text that describing the way to use something, or it can say that procedure is the the text to guide someone to do something by the steps.
4. Descriptive Text Social Function : to describe a particular person, places, or things Generic Stucture: a. Identification: identifies the phenomenon to be described b. Description: describes parts, qualities, characteristics Significant lexicogrammatical features: Focus on specific participants, use simple present tense it means that descriptive is text that use to describe something, place, or any other to the reader. According to :Fountas and Pinnell. (2001) Expository text is nonfiction reading material. The intent of these written works is to inform or explain something to the reading audience. Expository text can vary in nature. Some common formats of expository writing include the following: How-To (Procedural) Definition Description Persuasion Analysis Classification Comparison so, it can be concluded that : expository is nonfiction text that to inform th e information to the reader.
adopted from :Lusiedulink (2009) Genre (kind of the text) retriewed from :
Adopted from : Fountas and Pinnell. (2001) Guiding Readers and Writers: Grades 3-6 Teaching Comprehension, Genre, and Content Literacy. Heinemann Publishing: Portsmouth.last modified on december 2007 Retriewed from :
According to Isdaryanto (2012) Narrative Text is a text which contain about story (fiction/non-fiction, tales, folktales, fables, myths, epic) and its plot consists of climax of the story (complication) then followed by the resolution.
From the definition, it can assumed that Narrative Text is all of the story (fiction/non-fiction) that it is a text form then consists of the summit/climax story that has solution for the problem in the text. For example : Cinderella’s tales, Bawang Merah dan Bawang Putih’s tales, and so on).
According to Robert Waltz (2011) Descriptive text is a text which used in all forms of writing to create a vivid impression of a person, place, object or event.
From the definition, it can assumed that Descriptive Text is the text that use by writer to create or illustrate something that she/he wants to imagine. For example : a text about Pantai Panjang Bengkulu, and so on. Furthermore, Robert Waltz (2011) also defines Expository Text as the text that has aim at explanation. i.e. the cognitive analysis and subsequent syntheses of complex facts. Example : an essay on “Rhetoric : What is it and why do we study it?”. From the definition, it can assumed that expository text is a text that has the goal to explain about something. For example : An Article: the kinds of fruit and its utility, and so on.
Adopted from : Waltz, Robert (2011). “text types and Textual Kindship”. Retrieved from :
According to Adrianus Teteregoh (2011) Procedure Text is the step of steps which should be completed in the right sequence to get the goal.
From the definition, it can assumed that Procedure Text is the text which have steps that has the right structure or series to take the writer purposes. For example : An article : “How to make pempek”, and so on.
Adopted from : Teteregoh, Adrianus (2011). “ Procedure Text”. Retrieved from :
According to Quantum Enterprise Brigade (2009) Recount Text is a text which retells events or experience in the past.
From the definition, it can assumed that Recount text is a text that included by writer’s events or experiences when she/he has in the past situation. For example : an essay : “Holiday”, and so on.
Adopted from : Brigade, Quantum Enterprise (1809). “Recount text”. Retrieved from :
NARRATIVE, DESCRIPTIVE, EXPOSITORY, PROCEDURE, AND RECOUNT TEXT 1. Narrative text is a kind of text to retell the story that past tense. The purpose of the text is to entertain or to amuse the readers or listeners about the story. From the definition it can be assumed that narrative text is a text which contains snout story .for example: snow white
2. Exposition is a type of oral or written discourse that is used to explain, describe, give information or inform.
From the definition it can be assumed that Expository text is a text which explains something.
3. Englishindo(2012). recount text adalah a text that telling the reader about one story, action or activity. Its goal is to entertaining or informing the reader.
From the definition it can be assumed that recount text is reading text that shows us what’s happened in the past, for example, children’s days 4. According Paul c. Jordan. A descriptive text is a text which lists the characteristics of something. From the definition it can be assumed that descriptive text is a reading text that describe a person, place, thing in detail. for example, about Jakarta city.
5. A procedural text is a text which is intended to tell the reader how to do, operate, or make something. From the definition, it can be assumed that procedure text is a text which gives instructions on how to do something, usually use “how to” .example : how to operate computer?
References Paul c. Jordan (2004). What is a descriptive text?. Retriviewed from:
Mensi resolusi (60) NARRATIVE, DESCRIPTIVE, EXPOSITORY, PROCEDURE, AND RECOUNT TEXT 1. Narrative text is a kind of text to retell the story that past tense. The purpose of the text is to entertain or to amuse the readers or listeners about the story. From the definition it can be assumed that narrative text is a text which contains snout story .for example: snow white 2. Exposition is a type of oral or written discourse that is used to explain, describe, give information or inform.
From the definition it can be assumed that Expository text is a text which explains something.
3. Englishindo(2012). recount text adalah a text that telling the reader about one story, action or activity. Its goal is to entertaining or informing the reader.
From the definition it can be assumed that recount text is reading text that shows us what’s happened in the past, for example, children’s days 4. According Paul c. Jordan. A descriptive text is a text which lists the characteristics of something. From the definition it can be assumed that descriptive text is a reading text that describe a person, place, thing in detail. for example, about Jakarta city.
5. A procedural text is a text which is intended to tell the reader how to do, operate, or make something. From the definition, it can be assumed that procedure text is a text which gives instructions on how to do something, usually use “how to” .example : how to operate computer?
References Paul c. Jordan (2004). What is a descriptive text?. Retriviewed from:
Mensi resolusi (60) NARRATIVE, DESCRIPTIVE, EXPOSITORY, PROCEDURE, AND RECOUNT TEXT 1. Narrative text is a kind of text to retell the story that past tense. The purpose of the text is to entertain or to amuse the readers or listeners about the story. From the definition it can be assumed that narrative text is a text which contains snout story .for example: snow white 2. Exposition is a type of oral or written discourse that is used to explain, describe, give information or inform.
From the definition it can be assumed that Expository text is a text which explains something.
3. Englishindo(2012). recount text adalah a text that telling the reader about one story, action or activity. Its goal is to entertaining or informing the reader.
From the definition it can be assumed that recount text is reading text that shows us what’s happened in the past, for example, children’s days 4. According Paul c. Jordan. A descriptive text is a text which lists the characteristics of something. From the definition it can be assumed that descriptive text is a reading text that describe a person, place, thing in detail. for example, about Jakarta city.
5. A procedural text is a text which is intended to tell the reader how to do, operate, or make something. From the definition, it can be assumed that procedure text is a text which gives instructions on how to do something, usually use “how to” .example : how to operate computer?
References Paul c. Jordan (2004). What is a descriptive text?. Retriviewed from:
NARRATIVE, DESCRIPTIVE, EXPOSITORY, PROCEDURE, AND RECOUNT TEXTS According to Chuz.iem@ (2007), about understanding types of text. There are some kinds of text: 1. Narrative Text Narrative texts always teach us some moral value. Most stories are narrative. If a story consists of orientation, complication, and resolution, surely the story is a narrative text. Orientation; the introduction of what is inside the text. What text is talk in general. Who involves in the text. When and where it happen. Complication; what happens with the participants. It explores the conflict among the participants. Complication is the main element of narrative. Without complication, the text is not narrative. The conflict can be shown as natural, social or psychological conflict. Resolution; this is the phase where the participants solve the problem aroused by the conflict. It is not matter whether the participants succeed or fail. The point is the conflict becomes ended. From the explanation above, it can be assumed that narrative text means to amuse/entertain the readers and to tell a story that consists of (orientation, complication, and resolution). References: Adopted from. Chuz.iem@. (2007). Understanding Types of Text. Retrieved on : Accessed on: 2 june 2012. 2. Descriptive Text Commonly a descriptive text will describe a particular thing, place, or someone. A descriptive text is structured with general identification and followed by detail description. In Identification paragraph, descriptive text will explore to answer the question of who, what when and where. The detail description will include a description to answer how it looks, where it is sees, what it does, and what it make it special. From the explanation above, it can be assumed that descriptive text means to describe a particular (person, place or thing) in detail. References: Adopted from. Chuz.iem@. (2007). Understanding Types of Text. Retrieved on : Accessed on: 2 june 2012. 3. Procedure Text Procedure, this instructional text is to instruct or describe how to make something or how something is done through a series of sequenced steps or phases. How to make something completely is the best example of procedure text. From the explanation above, it can be assumed that procedure text means to help readers how to do or make something completely. References: Adopted from. Chuz.iem@. (2007). Understanding Types of Text. Retrieved on : Accessed on: 2 june 2012. 4. Recount Text Recount, this text tries to retell events. Recount text is majorly written in past tense mode. As it tells the story of of certain experience, it must be written in simple past tense, past continuous tense or past perfect tense. Recount text is very similar to narrative text. But recount text does not explore any complication among the participants, rather it recounts the event per event which happened in the last time. From the explanation above, it can be assumed that recount text means to retell something that happened in the past and to tell a series of past event, References: Adopted from. Chuz.iem@.(2007). Understanding Types of Text. Retrieved on : Accessed on: 2 June 2012. 5. Expository Text According to Longacre (1983,) Expository text is a text which explain, describe, give information or inform something and explain a concept or procedure. It also can give insight. From the explanation above, it can be assumed that expository text means the text that explain about something. References: Adopted from Longacre (1983).expository text. Retrieved on : Accessed on: 2 June 2012.
According to Marpuddin (2010) - Narrative is a text focusing specific participants. Its social function is to tell stories or past events and entertain the readers. From the definition, it can be assumed that Narrative text is text that contain stories or tales of imagination and aim to entertain the readers or listeners.
- Descriptive text is a text which say what a person or a thing is like. Its purpose is to describe and reveal a particular person, place, or thing. From the definition, it can be assumed that Descriptive text is the text used to describe people, places, or specific objects.
- Procedure is a text that show a process in order. Its social function is to describe how something is completely done through a sequence of series. From the definition , it can be assumed that Procedure text is text that gives instructions on how to do something or create something through a series of actions or steps. The instructor will be teaching the audience members a process that will allow them to complete a task. The purpose is to teach the audience about topic.
- Recount is a text which retells events or experiences in the past. Its purpose is either to inform or to entertain the audience. From the definition, it can be assumed that Recount text is the text that be used to share the experience of the past, one's life journey in the past, or historical events of the past.
Adopted from: Marpuddin (2010). Definisi Jenis-Jenis Teks Bahasa Inggris (GENRE). Retrieved From :
- According to Wikipedia (2012)Expository writing is a type of writing where the purpose is to inform, describe, explain, or define the author's subject to the reader. From the definition, it can be assumed that Expository text is Text that be used to inform or explain something to the readers or listeners.
Adopted From: Wikipedia (2012). Expository Writing. Retrieved from:
According to Marpuddin (2010) - Narrative is a text focusing specific participants. Its social function is to tell stories or past events and entertain the readers. From the definition, it can be assumed that Narrative text is text that contain stories or tales of imagination and aim to entertain the readers or listeners.
- Descriptive text is a text which say what a person or a thing is like. Its purpose is to describe and reveal a particular person, place, or thing. From the definition, it can be assumed that Descriptive text is the text used to describe people, places, or specific objects.
- Procedure is a text that show a process in order. Its social function is to describe how something is completely done through a sequence of series. From the definition , it can be assumed that Procedure text is text that gives instructions on how to do something or create something through a series of actions or steps. The instructor will be teaching the audience members a process that will allow them to complete a task. The purpose is to teach the audience about topic.
- Recount is a text which retells events or experiences in the past. Its purpose is either to inform or to entertain the audience. From the definition, it can be assumed that Recount text is the text that be used to share the experience of the past, one's life journey in the past, or historical events of the past.
Adopted from: Marpuddin (2010). Definisi Jenis-Jenis Teks Bahasa Inggris (GENRE). Retrieved From :
- According to Wikipedia (2012)Expository writing is a type of writing where the purpose is to inform, describe, explain, or define the author's subject to the reader. From the definition, it can be assumed that Expository text is Text that be used to inform or explain something to the readers or listeners.
Adopted From: Wikipedia (2012). Expository Writing. Retrieved from:
NARRATIVE TEXT According to Isdaryanto (2012), narrative text is a text which contains about story (fiction/non fiction/tales/folktales/fables/myths/epic) and its plot consists of climax of the story (complication) then followed by the resolution. A narrative text is a text amuse, entertain and deal with actual or vicarious experience in different ways. Narrative deal with problematic events which lead to a crisis or turning point of some kind, which in turn finds a resolution.
DESCRIPTIVE TEXT According to Nurmansyah (2009), Descriptive Text is a text which says what a person or a thing is like. Its purpose is to describe and reveal a particular person, place, or thing.
EXPOSITORY TEXT According to Nordquist (2009), expository text is a text which is intended to give information about (or an explanation of) an issue, subject, method, or idea.
PROCEDURE TEXT According to Gatzke (2003); The purpose of a procedure is to tell the reader how to do or make something. The information is presented in a logical sequence of events, which is broken up into small sequenced steps. The most common example of a procedural text is a recipe.
RECOUNT TEXT According to Purwanti (2011), recount text is a text which retells events or experiences in the past. Its purpose is either to inform or to entertain the audience.
From the passages above, it can be assumed that narrative text is a text which contains climax and resolution and can entertain the readers; Descriptive text is a text which describe about something; Expository text is a text which give information about something; Procedure text is a text which tell the readers how to do something in a sequence of steps; Recount text is a text which tell the readers about past events.
According to Sandra paddock it be conclude;
ReplyDeleteNarrative writing, put simply, is telling a story. Every novel is an example of narrative writing, and you'll also find it in poems, short stories, essays and plays. The narrative tells about an event or events, the people who participated in them, and how each person was affected by them.
The only examples of narrative writing you'll find on Helium will be in the creative writing section, because this style of writing is not appropriate for informative articles. However, that does not mean that narrative writing is purely fictional. If you've read a good biography, autobiography, or history book recently, the author will have constructed a narrative based on real people, facts and events, but written from his own point of view.
For example, it's a fact that the Battle of Waterloo took place in 1815, and that Napoleon Bonaparte was defeated there. However, if you read several historical novels about the period, or some of the letters or memoirs the participating soldiers wrote, each account will be different, because it will be told from a particular point of view. Narrative writing is perhaps the most versatile writing style of all, as it can be used in so many ways.
Descriptive writing is, well, description! The best writers use descriptive writing to draw their readers into an experience or event so that they feel as if they are there. Descriptive writing can be used in almost anything, and is often used alongside and within narrative writing to give colour and depth to the story.
This writing style makes full use of metaphors, similies and all the other tools in the writer's box of tricks, and the aim is to show something or someone to the reader, rather than simply telling them. While it may not advance the plot like narrative writing, it involves the reader and enhances the reading experience.
According to kims corner it be conclude;
Descriptive Writing
The primary purpose of descriptive writing is to describe a person, place, or event so that the topic can be clearly seen in the reader's mind. The writer must use vivid details that paint a picture for the reader.
Expository Writing
The primary purpose of expository writing is to provide information such as an explanation or directions.
Narrative Writing
The primary purpose of narrative writing is to describe an experience, event, or sequence of events in the form of a story.
In Massachusetts, recounts are a quasi-judicial procedure based on the General Laws, court decisions, and customs developed from practical experience. A recount is a straightforward procedure if all parties involved work from the same basic understanding of established rulings and if proper decorum is maintained. The rights of all principals are clearly delineated in the statute.
Procedure is the set of steps which should be completed in the right sequence to get the goal. In our daily life, we often have to perform some steps to make or get something done. For example, early in the morning, you help your mother prepare cups of tea for all members of your family. In making cups of tea, you have to follow certain procedure in order to get a nice drink. Most of our daily activities are related with procedures. That is why, you should understand what a procedure text is, how to make and use it. The generic structure of procedure has three principal components namely (1) the goal, (2) materials and (3) steps.
A.Narrative Text
ReplyDeleteAccording to Clara Jennifer (2007), that narrative is a text focusing specific participants. Its social function is to tell stories or past events and entertain the readers.
Generic Structure of Narrative
A narrative text will consists of the following structure:
1.Orientation: Introducing the participants and informing the time and the place
2.Complication: Describing the rising crises which the participants have to do with
3.Resolution: Showing the way of participant to solve the crises, better or worse.
B.Descriptive Text
According to Clara Jennifer (2008), that descriptive text is a text which say what a person or a thing is like. Its purpose is to describe and reveal a particular person, place, or thing.
The Generic Structure of Descriptive Text
Descriptive text has structure as below:
1.Identification; identifying the phenomenon to be described.
2.Description; describing the phenomenon in parts, qualities, or/and characteristics.
C.Expository Text
According to Fountans and Pinnel (2001), that expository text is nonfiction reading material. The intent of these written works is to inform or explain something to the reading audience. Expository text can vary in nature. Some common formats of expository writing include the following:
How-To (Procedural)
D.Procedure Text
According to Clara Jennifer (2007), that procedure is a text that show a process in order. Its social function is to describe how something is completely done through a sequence of series
Generic Structure of Procedure
1.Goal: showing the purpose
2.Material: Telling the needed materials
3.Step 1-end: Describing the steps to achieve the purpose
E. Recount Text
According to Clara Jennifer (2007), that recount is a text which retells events or experiences in the past. Its purpose is either to inform or to entertain the audience. There is no complication among the participants and that differentiates from narrative.
Generic Structure of Recount
1.Orientation: Introducing the participants, place and time
2.Events: Describing series of event that happened in the past
3.Reorientation: It is optional. Stating personal comment of the writer to the story
From all of the explanations above, it can be concluded that the texts have their own purposes as a text. Such as, the first, narrative text to amuse/entertain the readers and to tell a story. The second, descriptive text to describe a particular person, place or thing in detail. So, The third, expository text To reveal the readers that something is the important case. The fourth, procedure text to readers how to do or make something completely. And the last, recount text to retell something that happened in the past and to tell a series of past event.
Adopted from:
Jennifer, Clara. 2007. What is narrative text. Retrieved from:
Jennifer, Clara. 2008. What is descriptive text. Retrieved from:
Fountans and Pinnell. 2001. What is expository text. Retrieved from:
Jennifer, Clara. 2007.What is procedure text. Retrieved from:
Jennifer, Clara. 2007. What is recount text. Retrieved from:
Name : Hanni Paramita Sari (50)
ReplyDeleteNIM : 09250021
According to Samsuri, Edi (2012) Narrative text is used to amuse / entertain the readers that are to gain and hold the reader’s interest in a story. It can be imaginary or factual (fairy tales, mysteries, fables, romances, adventure stories, myths, and legends). The generic structure:
- orientation
- complication
- resolution
- re-orientation
- coda
From the definition, it can assume that narrative text is a text focusing specific participants. Its social function is to tell stories or past event and entertain the readers.
Next, according to (2012) Descriptive text is meant to give a verbal picture of an object, character, or event. Description is considered one of the four traditional forms of composition (along with exposition, narration, and persuasion). From the definition, it means that descriptive text is a text which says what a person or a thing is like. Its purpose is to describe and reveal a particular person, place, or thing.
Furthermore, according to WikEd (2007) Expository text is nonfiction reading material. The intent of these written works is to inform or explain something to the reading audience. So, from the definition, it can conclude expository text is a text that tries to inform or instruct the reader. Longer expository texts are usually divided into different topic sections with separate headings.
Then, according to Teteregoh, Adrianus (2011) Procedure text is the set of steps which should be completed in the right sequence to get the goal. From the definition, it can understand that procedure text is a text which gives instructions on how to do something.
Last, according to (2012) Recount text is a text that telling the reader about one story, action, or activity. Its goal is to entertaining or informing the reader. Generic structure:
- Orientation: Introducing the participants, place and time
- Events: Describing series of event that happened in the past
- Reorientation: It is optional. Stating personal comment of the writer to the story.
From the definition, it can understand recount text is a text which retells events or experiences in the past. Its purpose is either to inform or to entertain the audience.
There is no complication among the participants and that differentiates from narrative.
Name : Hanni Paramita Sari (50)
ReplyDeleteNIM : 09250021
According to Samsuri, Edi (2012) Narrative text is used to amuse / entertain the readers that are to gain and hold the reader’s interest in a story. It can be imaginary or factual (fairy tales, mysteries, fables, romances, adventure stories, myths, and legends). The generic structure:
- orientation
- complication
- resolution
- re-orientation
- coda
From the definition, it can be assumed that narrative text is a text focusing specific participants. Its social function is to tell stories or past event and entertain the readers.
Next, according to (2012) Descriptive text is meant to give a verbal picture of an object, character, or event. Description is considered one of the four traditional forms of composition (along with exposition, narration, and persuasion). From the definition, it means that descriptive text is a text which says what a person or a thing is like. Its purpose is to describe and reveal a particular person, place, or thing.
Furthermore, according to WikEd (2007) Expository text is nonfiction reading material. The intent of these written works is to inform or explain something to the reading audience. So, from the definition, it can be concluded expository text is a text that tries to inform or instruct the reader. Longer expository texts are usually divided into different topic sections with separate headings.
Then, according to Teteregoh, Adrianus (2011) Procedure text is the set of steps which should be completed in the right sequence to get the goal. From the definition, it can be understand that procedure text is a text which gives instructions on how to do something.
Last, according to (2012) Recount text is a text that telling the reader about one story, action, or activity. Its goal is to entertaining or informing the reader. Generic structure:
- Orientation: Introducing the participants, place and time
- Events: Describing series of event that happened in the past
- Reorientation: It is optional. Stating personal comment of the writer to the story.
From the definition, it can be understand recount text is a text which retells events or experiences in the past. Its purpose is either to inform or to entertain the audience.
There is no complication among the participants and that differentiates from narrative.
Name : Hanni Paramita Sari (50)
ReplyDeleteNIM : 09250021
According to Samsuri, Edi (2012) Narrative text is used to amuse / entertain the readers that are to gain and hold the reader’s interest in a story. It can be imaginary or factual (fairy tales, mysteries, fables, romances, adventure stories, myths, and legends). The generic structure:
- orientation
- complication
- resolution
- re-orientation
- coda
From the definition, it can be assumed that narrative text is a text focusing specific participants. Its social function is to tell stories or past event and entertain the readers.
Next, according to (2012) Descriptive text is meant to give a verbal picture of an object, character, or event. Description is considered one of the four traditional forms of composition (along with exposition, narration, and persuasion). From the definition, it means that descriptive text is a text which says what a person or a thing is like. Its purpose is to describe and reveal a particular person, place, or thing.
Furthermore, according to WikEd (2007) Expository text is nonfiction reading material. The intent of these written works is to inform or explain something to the reading audience. So, from the definition, it can be concluded expository text is a text that tries to inform or instruct the reader. Longer expository texts are usually divided into different topic sections with separate headings.
Then, according to Teteregoh, Adrianus (2011) Procedure text is the set of steps which should be completed in the right sequence to get the goal. From the definition, it can be understand that procedure text is a text which gives instructions on how to do something.
Last, according to (2012) Recount text is a text that telling the reader about one story, action, or activity. Its goal is to entertaining or informing the reader. Generic structure:
- Orientation: Introducing the participants, place and time
- Events: Describing series of event that happened in the past
- Reorientation: It is optional. Stating personal comment of the writer to the story.
From the definition, it can be understand recount text is a text which retells events or experiences in the past. Its purpose is either to inform or to entertain the audience.
There is no complication among the participants and that differentiates from narrative.
Adapted from: 2012. Glossary of Education. Located in Redwood City, California. Retrieved from: of Education. 2012. Recount-text-penjelasan-contoh. Retrieved from:
Samsuri, Edi. 2012. English material. Education: posted by admin on 7:03 PM.
Retrieved from:
Teteregoh, Adrianus. 2011. Procedure text. Retrieved from:
WikEd. 2007. Expository. Retrieved from:
Name : meidiana eka putri (59)
ReplyDeleteAccording to trone smith (1997) Narrative is a text focusing specific participants. Its social function is to tell stories or past events and entertain the readers.
Generic Structure of Narrative
A narrative text will consists of the following structure:
1. Orientation: Introducing the participants and informing the time and the place
2. Complication: Describing the rising crises which the participants have to do with
3. Resolution: Showing the way of participant to solve the crises, better or worseone
Adopted from : smith, trone(1997). Narrative text. Retrieved from
According to englishDirection A procedure text can be a an instruction on how to make food and beverage, making interesting things, planting etc.
Adopted from : englishDirection. Procedure text retrieved from :
according to wikipedia expository text is type of writing where the purpose is to inform, describe, explain, or define the author's subject to reader. It means that Expository text is meant to deposit information and is the most frequently used type of writing by students in elementary schools, middle schools, high schools, colleges and universities. A well-written exposition remains focused on its topic and lists events in chronological order.
Adopted from wikipedia (2009). Expository text. Retrieved from :
Procedure text
according to Utari dhina(2009) Procedure Text is a text that is designed to describe how something is achieved through a sequence of actions steps or he generic structures of procedure text are:
• Goal / aim ( or title)
• Materials ( not required for all procedural texts)
• Steps ( the actions that must be taken)
it means that how people perform different processes in a sequence of steps.This text uses simple present tense,often imperative sentence.It also uses the temporal conjunction such as : first,second,then,next,finally,etc
adopted from : dhina, utari (2009). Procedure text. Retrieved from :
Recount Text
according to Derewianka (1990) Recount text is to retell past event or something which happened in the past and identified three types of Recount text, namely Personal Recount, Factual Recount, and Imaginative Recount. Personal Recount exposes an event in which the writer or the author got involved or acted in the event himself. Belong to this type among others are daily funny incidents, entries of a diary, etc. Factual Recount is a note of an event, such as scientific experiment report, police report, newspaper report, history explanation, etc. Imaginative Recount is an unreal event or story, like reading texts for language lesson, a story about a life of a slave, etc.
Generic Structure of Recount
1. Orientation: Introducing the participants, place and time
2. Events: Describing series of event that happened in the past
3. Reorientation: It is optional. Stating personal comment of the writer to the story
Language Feature of Recount
• Introducing personal participant; I, my group, etc
• Using chronological connection; then, first, etc
• Using linking verb; was, were, saw, heard, etc
• Using action verb; look, go, change, etc
• Using simple past tense
It can be concluded that recount text is e text which retells events or experiences in the past. Its purpose is either to inform or to entertain the audience. When the Generic Structure of Recount consist of Orientation: Introducing the participants, place and time 2)Events: Describing series of event that happened in the past 3) Reorientation: It is optional. Stating personal comment of the writer to the story
Adopted from : Derewianka (1990). Recount text . retrieved from :
Name : meidiana eka putri (59)
ReplyDeleteAccording to trone smith (1997) Narrative is a text focusing specific participants. Its social function is to tell stories or past events and entertain the readers.
Generic Structure of Narrative
A narrative text will consists of the following structure:
1. Orientation: Introducing the participants and informing the time and the place
2. Complication: Describing the rising crises which the participants have to do with
3. Resolution: Showing the way of participant to solve the crises, better or worseone
Adopted from : smith, trone(1997). Narrative text. Retrieved from
According to englishDirection A procedure text can be a an instruction on how to make food and beverage, making interesting things, planting etc.
Adopted from : englishDirection. Procedure text retrieved from :
according to wikipedia expository text is type of writing where the purpose is to inform, describe, explain, or define the author's subject to reader. It means that Expository text is meant to deposit information and is the most frequently used type of writing by students in elementary schools, middle schools, high schools, colleges and universities. A well-written exposition remains focused on its topic and lists events in chronological order.
Adopted from wikipedia (2009). Expository text. Retrieved from :
Procedure text
according to Utari dhina(2009) Procedure Text is a text that is designed to describe how something is achieved through a sequence of actions steps or he generic structures of procedure text are:
• Goal / aim ( or title)
• Materials ( not required for all procedural texts)
• Steps ( the actions that must be taken)
it means that how people perform different processes in a sequence of steps.This text uses simple present tense,often imperative sentence.It also uses the temporal conjunction such as : first,second,then,next,finally,etc
adopted from : dhina, utari (2009). Procedure text. Retrieved from :
Recount Text
according to Derewianka (1990) Recount text is to retell past event or something which happened in the past and identified three types of Recount text, namely Personal Recount, Factual Recount, and Imaginative Recount. Personal Recount exposes an event in which the writer or the author got involved or acted in the event himself. Belong to this type among others are daily funny incidents, entries of a diary, etc. Factual Recount is a note of an event, such as scientific experiment report, police report, newspaper report, history explanation, etc. Imaginative Recount is an unreal event or story, like reading texts for language lesson, a story about a life of a slave, etc.
Generic Structure of Recount
1. Orientation: Introducing the participants, place and time
2. Events: Describing series of event that happened in the past
3. Reorientation: It is optional. Stating personal comment of the writer to the story
Language Feature of Recount
• Introducing personal participant; I, my group, etc
• Using chronological connection; then, first, etc
• Using linking verb; was, were, saw, heard, etc
• Using action verb; look, go, change, etc
• Using simple past tense
It can be concluded that recount text is e text which retells events or experiences in the past. Its purpose is either to inform or to entertain the audience. When the Generic Structure of Recount consist of Orientation: Introducing the participants, place and time 2)Events: Describing series of event that happened in the past 3) Reorientation: It is optional. Stating personal comment of the writer to the story
Adopted from : Derewianka (1990). Recount text . retrieved from :
Arina Lailatul Fitria (35)
ReplyDeleteAccording to Mastuki (2009). “Narrative text is the text that have a purpose is to amuse, entertain and to deal with actual or vicarious, experience indifferent ways: Narrative deal with problematic events which lead to a crisis or turningpoint of some kind, which in turn find a resolution, than descriptive text is a tex that have a purpose is to describe a particular person, animal, place or thing, next expository text is Expository text is used to inform the reader. The writer must write in a way that doesn't assume that the reader has prior knowledge of the subject matter. It is used to explain things rather than argue a point, then procedure text is the text that have a purpose is to describe how something is accomplished through a sequence of action or steps, the last recount text is the text that used to retell events for the purpose of informing or intertraining ”. So from the definition can be assumed that narrative text is to amuse/entertain the readers and to tell a story, to describe a particular person, place or thing in detail, expository text is a text is used to invite the reader ,and it is used to give information about something to the reader’s, Procedureis the text that used to help readers how to do or make something completely, and recount text is a text that used to retell something that happened in the past and to tell a series of past event.
Mastuki. 2009. The Kinds of Texts. Available on: Assessed on Tuesday, 22nd of May 2012
1)Narrative text is a text which contains about story (fiction/non fiction/tales/folktales/fables/myths/epic) and its plot consists of climax of the story (complication) then followed by the resolution.
Long time ago a remote village, in central China was inhabited mainly with farmers and hunters. One day, a poor farmer lost his entire livestock to flood. He prayed hard to God for help or his family would die of starvation.Few days later, an old man with long grey beard, passed by his house took pity on him. He gave him a goose and said “ I don’t have any expensive thing to give you and hope this goose will help you to ease your hardship.”
A week later to almost surprise the farmer found and egg in his yard. This was no ordinary egg. It was a golden egg. He was suddenly overcome with joy.
Thereafter, his livelihood had rapidly improved but the farmer had forgotten his earlier hardship. He became lazy, arrogant and spendthrift.
Strangely, the goose only laid one golden egg every six months. The greedy farmer lost his patient and slaughtered his goose thinking there were plenty of golden eggs inside its stomach.
Though he very much regretted for his foolishness, it’s already too late.
According to dudi nurmansyah it can be conclude:
2).Descriptive text is a text which says what a person or a thing is like. Its purpose is to describe and reveal a particular person, place, or thing.
Example: I have a close Friend. She is beautiful, attractive and trendy. She always wants to be a trend setter of the day. She always pays much attention on her appearance. Recently, she bought a new stylist foot legs from Cibaduyut shoes products. These shoes really match on her.
3).Expository is something intended to explain or describe. (adjective)
An essay that is intended to explain a series of events is an example of anexpository essay.
4). A procedure is a block of code that performs a single task. Its a building block of a computer program but is a somewhat old fashioned phrase as nowadays computer languages use functions not procedures.
5).Spoof is an imitative work created to mock, comment on, or trivialise an original work, its subject, author, style, or some other target, by means of humorous, satiric or ironicimitation.
For example: the story of Abu Nawas.
6)Recount text is a text that is used to retell events for the purpose of informing or entertaining.
example: An Excursion to the Botanical Garden
On Thursday 24 April we went to the Botanical Garden. We walked down and boarded the bus.
After we arrived at the garden, we walked down to the Education Centre. The third grade students went to have alook around. First, we went to the first farm and Mrs. James read us some information. Then, we looked at all the lovely plants. After that we went down to a little spot on the Botanical Garden and had a morning tea break.
Next, we did sketching and then we met the fourth grade students at the Education Centre to have lunch. Soon after that, it was time for us to go and make our terrariums while the fourth year students went to have a walk.
A lady took us into a special room and introduced herself. Then she explained what we were going to do. Next, she took us to a pyramid terrarium. It was really interesting.
After we had finished, we met the fourth grade students outside the gardens. Then we reboarded the bus and returned to school.
Isdaryanto.2012.Definition Of Narrative text.retried from:
Nurmansyah,dudi.2009.Education.retried from:
Dictionary.1996-2012.Your Dictionary.retried from:
Bolton,david.2012.Definiton Of Procedure.retried from:
Aditya.2009.Blog Aditya D,N.retried from:
Wiki.2012.Parody.retried from:
Name : Saroni
ReplyDeleteNim : 0825 052
: 17
Labov ( 1972) states that narrative text is assumes all narratives are stories about a specific past event, and they have common properties. Narrative told past event, beginning with “once upon a time” and ending “they lived happily ever after”. From the definiton it can be assumed that narrative text is a text that tell about a specific past event, start from the beginning untill ending about stories.
Joandra Pianda (2011) states that Descriptive text is a text which says what a person, place, or a thing like. Its purpose is to describe and reveal a particular person, place or thing. From the definition, it can be assumed that descriptive text is a text that explain about someone, place look like.
Longacre (1983,) Expository text is a text which explain, describe, give information or inform something and explain a concept or procedure. It also can give insight. From the definiton it can be assumed that expositry text is a text which explains about something
Utari dhina (2009:1) states that Procedure Text is a text that is designed to describe how something is achieved through a sequence of actions or steps.It explains how people perform different processes in a sequence of steps.This text uses simple present tense,often imperative sentence.It also uses the temporal conjunction such as : first,second,then,next,finally,etc. From the definition it can be assumed that procedure text is a text that explain about how to make something start from beginning till finihs.
Utari dhina (2009:01) states that Recount text is a text that is used to retell event for the purpose of informing or entertaining. . From the definition it can be assumed that recount text is a text that retell about something, sothat someone to know about someone that he/she doesn’t know.
Adopted from: Siti Maslia (2011). Teaching A Narrative Text For Third Grade Of Senior High School Though Blogger .
Retrieved from :
Adopted from: Pianda, Jondra. (2011), Types of text. Retrieved from:
Adopted from: Expository Text.
Retrieved from :
Adopted from :Utari dhina (2009:1) states that Procedure
Retrieved from:
Adopted from : Utari dhina (2009:01) states that Recount
Retrieved from :
name : anggun prismadarti
ReplyDeletenim : 09250004
According to jefrrey bunger descriptive writing is defined as a type of expoitry writing. It means a writer feels the that whatever they are writing is describing what they are writing about, and the reader must be satisfied from it means describing the statement in such a way that the reader get the basic and important information from it easily.
from the explanation above it can be assumed that descriptive writing is a kind of writing that describe what the writer;s feel to the reader, the writer show what the writing tells about so that the reader can get the point of the writing fast and easily.
Adopted from: Jefrrey bunger.definition descriptive writing. Retrieved from :
According to Richard Nordquist expository writing is a pedagogical term for any form of writing that conveys information and explains ideas: exposition. As one of the four traditional modes of discourse, expository writing may include elements of narration, description, and argumentation, but unlike creative writing or persuasive writing, its primary goal is to deliver information about an issue, subject, method, or idea.
From the explanation above it can be concluded that expository writing is include narration, description, and argumentation, it means that expository writing will explain, describe, define, instruct, inform something to the reader.
Adopted from : Richard Noruist. Definition of expository writing. Retrieved from :
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteNarative, descriptive, expository, procedure, and recount text.
ReplyDeleteAccording to Sunu (September, 26th 2007), there are any kinds of text. They are :
Narative text is text which usually used to amuse, entertain, and to deal with actual or vicarious experience in different ways. It’s mean that the purpose of narative trext is to amuse or entertain the readers with the story that deal with the problematic event and resolution. Moreover, Sunu stated that narative text has generic structure like orientation, complication, resolution, and reorientation.
Descriptive text is text which has purpose To describe a particular person, place, or thing. The generic structure of this text is identification and description. It’s implied that descriptive text is used to describe something to the readers precisely so that the raders can feel waht have been described in the text.
Expository text is text which is used To persuade the reader or listener that something should be/shouldn’t be the case. Gegeric structure of the text is thesis, argument, and recommendation. It can be said that expository is text which is used to influence or change their way of thinking about the case that should/shouldn’t be happen.
Procedure text is kind of text which has purpose To describe how something is accomplished through a sequence of actions or steps. Generic structure of the text is goal, materials, and steps. It’s stated that this text is used to describe to the readers on how to make something in cronological order with some material and step that must be followed by the readers.
Recount text is text which is used To retell events for the purpose of informing or entertaining by using general structure like orientation, event, and reorientation/conclusion. It’s mean that the purpose of recount text is to retell to the readers what happen in the past through a sequence of events.
Adoipted from:
Sunu, Lintang. (September, 26th 2007). GENRE (Kinds of Texts). Sharingblogweb.Com
ReplyDeleteTaken from Thomas assumption (2000) : he said that A narrative is a meaningful sequence of events told in words. It is sequential in that the events are ordered, not merely random. Sequence always involves an arrangement in time (and usually other arrangements as well). A straightforward movement from the first event to the last constitutes the simplest chronology. However, chronology is sometimes complicated by presenting the events in another order: for example, a story may open with the final episode and then flash back to all that preceded it.
Here, the story is happened in the past time, which has three generic structures of it. They are orientation, complication, and resolution.
And then, Description is about sensory experience – how something looks, sounds, tastes. Mostly it is about visual experience, but description also deals with other kinds of perception. (2012): the descriptive text is a text which says what a person or a thing is like. Its purpose is to describe and reveal a particular person, place, or thing."
Generic structure in descriptive text are :
1. Identification : containing about identification something/someone who will be identified or identifying the phenomenon to be described.
2. Description : containig about the explanation / drawing about something by mentioning some their characteristics and qualities.
Fountas and Pinnell (2007) : they said that Expository text is nonfiction reading material. The intent of these written works is to inform, describe, explain, or define something to the reading audience. Some common formats of expository writing include the following:
- Definition
- Description
- Persuasion
- Analysis
- Classification
- Comparison (2012) : A procedural text is a text which gives instructions on how to do something. Definition of Procedure Procedure is a text that shows a process in order. Its social function is to describe how something is completely done through a sequence of series
Generic Structure of Procedure TEXT:
(1) Goal.
(2) Material Needed.
(3) Methods or Steps.
Language Feature of Procedure :
Language Feature of Procedure Using temporal conjunction : firstly, secondly Using action verb : read, pour, take Using imperative sentence : put the glass on the table Using Simple Present Tense : put, open, is, are ( 2012 ) : Recount Text is a text that telling the reader about one story, action or activity. Its goal is to entertaining or informing the reader. But it is different with narraative text. Because in this text, there is no problem that appear in the story. There is only an event, with an orderly sequences of the story.
Generic structure (susunan umum) recount text ini terdiri dari:
1. Orientation tells who was involved, what happened, where the events took place, and when it happened.
2. Events tell what happened and in what sequence.
3. Reorientation consists of optional-closure of events/ending.
Adopted from: Thomas (2000), Narrative Text. Retrieved From: http://www.englishindo. com /2012/01/narrative-text-penjelasan-contoh.html . Accessed on : 21 may 2012.
Adopted from: (2012), Penjelasan Descriptive Text. Retrieved From: . Accessed on : 21 may 2012.
Adopted from: Fountas and Pinnell (2007), Expository Text. Retrieved From: index.php/Expository_text. Accessed on : 21 May 2012.
Adopted from: (2012), Procedure Text. Retrieved From: /Presentation/ piladesky-1402734-procedure-text/. Accessed on : 21 may 2012.
Adopted from: (2012), Recount Text. Retrieved From: /2012/01/ recount-text-penjelasan-contoh.html. Accessed on : 21 may 2012.
ReplyDeleteNo : 001
According to, Narrative text is a kind of text to retell the story that past tense. The purpose of the text is toentertain or to amuse the readers or listeners about the story and says that Narrative text is; The telling of a story or an account of a sequence of events, so from the definitions, it can be concluded that narrative text is a kind of entertainment text which is in the text there is an account of a sequence of events
• Adopted from: . 2006-2012. Narrative text. retrieved from: Accessed on; june 03, 2012
• Adopted from: . 2012. What is Narrative text. retrieved from: Accessed on; may 31, 2012
According descriptive text is text or speech that is means to give a verbal picture of an object, character, location, or event. Description is considered one of the four traditional forms of composition (along with exposition, narration, and persuasion).
From the definitions, it can be concluded that descriptive text is a kind of texts which is in the text there is definition or description of an object.
• Adopted from: . 2006-2012. Descriptive text. retrieved from: Accessed on; June 04, 2012
According expository text is text or speech that is meant to set forth or explain a concept or procedure. Considered one of the four traditional forms of composition (along with description, narration, and persuasion), exposition may contain elements of the other three forms in order to achieve its purpose.
From that definition, it can be conclude that expository text is a text that contains elements of the other three forms (description, narration, and persuasion) in order to achieve its purpose.
• Adopted from: . 2006-2012. Expository text. retrieved from: Accessed on; June 04, 2012
According to Teterongoh, Procedure is the set of steps which should be completed in the right sequence to get the goal.
From the definition, it can be concluded that procedure text is a text kind of text which is in this text, the writer try to tell the steps to do something.
• Adopted from: Teterongoh, Adrianus. January 17, 2011. Procedure text. retrieved from: Accessed on; June 04, 2012
According to Quantum Enterprise, Recount is a text which retells events or experiences in the past. Its purpose is either to inform or to entertain the audience. There is no complication among the participants and that differentiates from narrative.
From the definition, recount text is a text which retells events or experiences in the past and the goals of this text are giving an entertainment and information.
• Adopted from: QuantumEnterprise. November, 2011. Recount text. retrieved from: Accessed on; June 04, 2012
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ReplyDelete47. Cici Murdiyani (09250011)
According to Talib (2011) Narrative is a text focusing specific participants. Its social function is to tell stories or past events and entertain the readers. It means that to amuse/entertain the readers and to tell a story or past events. Furtheremore, dominant language features of narrative are using past tense, using action verb, chronologically arranged.
According to Larson (2004) said that descriptive text is a text which say what a person or a thing is like. Its purpose is to describe and reveal a particular person, place, or thing. It means that, descriptive text to describe a particular person, place or thing in detail. Furtheremore, The Generic Structure of Descriptive Text has structure are Identification; identifying the phenomenon to be described. Description; describing the phenomenon in parts, qualities, or/and characteristics. Furtheremore, the language feature of descriptive text. Using attributive and identifying process. Using adjective and classifiers in nominal group. Using simple present tense.
Expository text
According to Betty (2000) said that the definition of Expository text: Usually nonfiction, informational text. This type of is not organized around a story like structure but is instead organized based on the purposes and goals of the author or by content. Examples include news articles, informational books, instruction manuals, or textbooks. It can be explained that expository text is the text that has information, this text is not organized in structure but it is organized depend on the purposes and goals of the author or by content. Furthermore, Examples of expository text frames or structures include cause & effect, concept &
definition, sequential, or proposition & support.
Procedure text
According to Harme (2009) Define that the definition of procedure text is a text that is designed to describe how something is achieved through a sequence of actions or steps. It can be explained that procedure text is how people perform different processes in a sequence of steps. This text uses simple present tense, often imperative sentences. It also uses the temporal conjunction such as first, second, then, next, finally, etc. Purpose: to help readers how to do or make something completely.
Recount text
According to Jeremy (2008) said that the definition of recount text is a text that is used to retell events for the purpose of informing or entertaining. It can be assumed that recount text is the text to retell something that happened in the past and to tell a series of past event. Furtheremore, The generic structures of recount text are, first orientation, it means that it gives the readers the background information needed to understand the text such as who was involved, where it happened, when it happened. Second, events it means that a series of events, ordered in a chronological sequence. Third, re-orientation it means that restates the writer’s opinion or personal comment of the writer on the incident. Furtheremore, The significant Lexicogrammatical features, use of simple past tense, action verb, and using adjectives, use of temporal conjunctions (when, after, before, next, later, then), use of personal pronoun (I, we)
Talib (20011). Narrative text. Retrieved from: accessed on: 5 May 2012
Larson (2004). Descriptive text. Retrieved from: Accessed on: 4 May 2012
Betty (2000). Expository text. Retrieved from: Accessed on: 4 May 2012
Harme (2000). Procedure text. Retrieved from: Accessed on: 4 May 2012.
Name : maya yana
ReplyDeleteAttendant list : 58
According to Ardiku (2011) Narrative text has a social Function to amuse, entertain. Descriptive text has Social Function : to describe a particular person, places, or things. Procedure Text has Social Function to describe how something is accomplished through a sequences of actions or steps. Recount text has a Social Function to retell events for the purpose of informing or entertaining. Expository text - nonfiction in which the author seeks to explain or inform. The information can be verified as true. It can be assumed that narrative text is one kind of text where is the context has a power to take a load of mind of the reader and make a reader become diverted. Descriptive text is one kind of text which is used to illustrate the description of a specific things for example the text which title Borobudur temple. Procedure text is one kind of text which is used to retell one of incident that has an objective to give the information and also can amuse the reader. expository is one kind of text that give the information about the fact that is proved as true fact to the readers.
reference Ardiku, Munir. 2011. genre (kinds of text) in English Language for Junior High School. Retrieved from: accessed on 23 may 2012
ReplyDeletePurpose: To amuse/entertain the readers and to tell a story
Generic Structure:
1. Orientation
2. Complication
3. Resolution
4. Reorientation
Dominant Language Features:
1. Using Past Tense
2. Using action verb
3. Chronologically arranged
Purpose: to describe a particular person, place or thing in detail.
Dominant Generic Structure:
1. Identification
2. Description
Language Features:
1. Using Simple Present Tense
2. Using action verb
3. Using adverb
4. Using special technical terms
Purpose: to help readers how to do or make something completely
Generic Structure:
1. Goal/Aim
2. Materials/Equipments
3. Steps/Methods
Dominant Language Features:
1. Using Simple Present Tense
2. Using Imperatives sentence
3. Using adverb
4. Using technical terms
Purpose: to retell something that happened in the past and to tell a series of past event
Generic Structure:
1. Orientation
2. Event(s)
3. Reorientation
Dominant Language Features:
1. Using Past Tense
2. Using action verb
3. Using adjectives
EXPOSITORY texts are non-fiction works that present information rather than stories. For example, an essay, article or book that describes a procedure; presents an argument; provides information about a social phenomenon; or describes a place or person is an expository text.
understanding types of texts. retrieved from: . accessed on june 6th 2012
How to Summarize Expository Texts. retrieved from: . accessed on june 6th 2012
Name : Linda Puspita
ReplyDeleteNumber : 56
1. Definition of Narrative
According Bos sulap (2010) that narrative is a text focusing specific participants. Its social function is to tell stories or past events and entertain the readers. A narrative text will consists of the following structure:
a. Orientation: Introducing the participants and informing the time and the place
b. Complication: Describing the rising crises which the participants have to do with
c. Resolution: Showing the way of participant to solve the crises, better or worse
from the explanation above it can be assumed that forms of narrative texts are in use to tell a story of past.
2. Definition Descriptive
According Copyright (2007) that Descriptive text is a text which say what a person or a thing is like. Its purpose is to describe and reveal a particular person, place, or thing. Descriptive text has structure as below:
a. Identification; identifying the phenomenon to be described.
b. Description; describing the phenomenon in parts, qualities, or/and characteristics.
from the explanation above it can be assumed that A descriptive text is a text which lists the characteristics of something.
3. Definitions Expository
Acocrding ghaitram (2007) that Expository is a mode of writing in which the purpose of the author is to inform, explain, describe, or define his or her subject to the reader. Examples of expository texts are textbooks, encyclopedias, scientific books/journals, atlases, directions, guides, biographies, newspapers.
from the explanation above it can be assumed that expository nature to explain something informative. examples of expository discourse is taken from one article at a mass quote telecommunications stubs.
4. Definition of Procedure
According Bos sulap (2010) that Procedure is a text that show a process in order. Its social function is to describe how something is completely done through a sequence of series. Generic Structure of Procedure:
a. Goal: showing the purpose
b. Material: Telling the needed materials
c. Step 1-end: Describing the steps to achieve the purpose
from the explanation above it can be assumed that procedure text is used to provide instructions or information on how something should be done
5. Definition of Recount
According Bos sulap 2010 that Recount is a text which retells events or experiences in the past. Its purpose is either to inform or to entertain the audience. There is no complication among the participants and that differentiates from narrative. Generic Structure of Recount
1. Orientation: Introducing the participants, place and time
2. Events: Describing series of event that happened in the past
3. Reorientation: It is optional. Stating personal comment of the writer to the story
from the explanation above it can be assumed that recount text to retell the events that have passed to inform and entertain readers.
Reference :
1. Sulap bos . 2010. What is narrative.retrieved from http://bos-
2. Copyright, 2007, Understanding Types of Text, retrieved from :
3. Ghaitram 2007, types of expository texts, retrieved from :
4. Sulap bos. 2010. What is procedure text. Retrieved from :
5.Sulap bos , 2010. What is recount text . Retrieved from : http://bos-
ReplyDeletemensi resolusi (60)
1. Narrative text is a kind of text to retell the story that past tense. The purpose of the text is to entertain or to amuse the readers or listeners about the story.
From the definition it can be assumed that narrative text is a text which contains snout story .for example: snow white
2. Exposition is a type of oral or written discourse that is used to explain, describe, give information or inform.
From the definition it can be assumed that Expository text is a text which explains something.
3. Englishindo(2012). recount text adalah a text that telling the reader about one story, action or activity. Its goal is to entertaining or informing the reader.
From the definition it can be assumed that recount text is reading text that shows us what’s happened in the past, for example, children’s days
4. According Paul c. Jordan. A descriptive text is a text which lists the characteristics of something. From the definition it can be assumed that descriptive text is a reading text that describe a person, place, thing in detail. for example, about Jakarta city.
5. A procedural text is a text which is intended to tell the reader how to do, operate, or make something.
From the definition, it can be assumed that procedure text is a text which gives instructions on how to do something, usually use “how to” .example : how to operate computer?
Paul c. Jordan (2004). What is a descriptive text?. Retriviewed from:
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ReplyDeleteName :Mubarikah(64)
Dodi indra(2011) Recount text is a text which list and describe one's experiences by retelling events in the order in which they happened. It consists series of events. Generic structure of Recount:
1. Orientation ( It tells about the person, the location ant the time of the event happened )
2. Events ( It tells about the series of events that happened along the story. )
so it can assumed recount text is to retell past experience and to tell past activity
Isdaryanto(2007) a narrative text is a text amuse, entertain and deal with actual or vicarious experience in different ways. Narrative deal with problematic events which lead to a crisis or turning point of some kind, which in turn finds a resolution
So in my opinion, Narrative is a text focusing specific participants. Its social function is to tell stories or past events and entertain the readers ) and its plot consists of climax of the story (complication) then followed by the resolution.
Tsalyer(2011) Expository text is used to inform the reader. write in a way that doesn't assume that the reader has prior knowledge of the subject matter. It is used to explain things rather than argue a point.
So my opinion expository text is a text which explains something.
Descriptive text or speech that is meant to give a verbal picture of an object, character, location, or event. Description is considered one of the four traditional forms of composition (along with exposition, narration, and persuasion).
so it can assumed descriptive text is a text which say what a person or a thing is like. Its purpose is to describe and reveal a particular person, place, or thing.
Procedure is a text that show a process in order. Its social function is to describe how something is completely done through a sequence of series.
Indra dodi(2011) Recount Text. Retrived from: Accessed on wednesday 6 June 2012
Isdaryanto(2007). Definition of Narrative Text. Retrived from: Accessed on wednesday 6 June 2012
Tsalyer(2011). What is Expository Text Retrived from: Accessed on wednesday 6 June 2012
Name: Dona Febriyanti
ReplyDeleteNim : 09250013 (42)
Definition of narrative, descriptive, expository, procedure, and recount texts
• According Isdaryanto (2012) narrative text is a text amuse, entertain and deal with actual or vicarious experience in different ways. Narrative deal with problematic events which lead to a crisis or turning point of some kind, which in turn finds a resolution. So, it can be assumed thatnarrative text is always interesting and amusing. A narrative text is arranged in orientation, complication and resolution.
Adopted from : Isdaryanto (2012) narrative text. Retrieved from :
• According Vhariss (2003) DESCRIPTIVE WRITING is the clear description of people, places, objects, or events using appropriate details. An effective description will contain sufficient and varied elaboration of details to communicate a sense of the subject being described. Details used are usually sensory and selected to describe what the writer sees, hears, smells, touches, and it can be assumed descriptive text is structured with general identification and followed by detail description. In Identification paragraph.
Adopted from : Vhariss (2003) descriptive writing.Retrieved from :
• According Wikipedia (2012) Expository writing is a type of writing where the purpose is to inform, describe, explain, or define the author's subject to the reader. Expository text is meant to deposit information and is the most frequently used type of writing by students in elementary schools, middle schools, high schools, colleges and universities. So it can be assumed Exposition is a type of oral or written discourse that is used to explain, describe, give information or inform.
Adopted from Wikipedia (2012) Expository writing. Retrieved from :
• Accordinng David Bolton (2012) A procedure is a block of code that performs a single task. Its a building block of a computer program but is a somewhat old fashioned phrase as nowadays computer languages use functions not procedures.
Adopted from : David Bolton (2012) procedure. Retrieved from :
• According Quantum Enterprise (2010) Recount text is a text which retells events or experiences in the past. Its purpose is either to inform or to entertain the audience. There is no complication among the participants and that differentiates from narrative.
Adopted from : Quantum Enterprise (2010) Recount text. Retrieved from :
Name: Dona Febriyanti
ReplyDeleteNim : 09250013 (42)
Definition of narrative, descriptive, expository, procedure, and recount texts
• According Isdaryanto (2012) narrative text is a text amuse, entertain and deal with actual or vicarious experience in different ways. Narrative deal with problematic events which lead to a crisis or turning point of some kind, which in turn finds a resolution. So, it can be assumed thatnarrative text is always interesting and amusing. A narrative text is arranged in orientation, complication and resolution.
Adopted from : Isdaryanto (2012) narrative text. Retrieved from :
• According Vhariss (2003) DESCRIPTIVE WRITING is the clear description of people, places, objects, or events using appropriate details. An effective description will contain sufficient and varied elaboration of details to communicate a sense of the subject being described. Details used are usually sensory and selected to describe what the writer sees, hears, smells, touches, and it can be assumed descriptive text is structured with general identification and followed by detail description. In Identification paragraph.
Adopted from : Vhariss (2003) descriptive writing.Retrieved from :
• According Wikipedia (2012) Expository writing is a type of writing where the purpose is to inform, describe, explain, or define the author's subject to the reader. Expository text is meant to deposit information and is the most frequently used type of writing by students in elementary schools, middle schools, high schools, colleges and universities. So it can be assumed Exposition is a type of oral or written discourse that is used to explain, describe, give information or inform.
Adopted from Wikipedia (2012) Expository writing. Retrieved from :
• Accordinng David Bolton (2012) A procedure is a block of code that performs a single task. Its a building block of a computer program but is a somewhat old fashioned phrase as nowadays computer languages use functions not procedures.
Adopted from : David Bolton (2012) procedure. Retrieved from :
• According Quantum Enterprise (2010) Recount text is a text which retells events or experiences in the past. Its purpose is either to inform or to entertain the audience. There is no complication among the participants and that differentiates from narrative.
Adopted from : Quantum Enterprise (2010) Recount text. Retrieved from :
Name : Irma Damayanti
ReplyDeleteNim : 09250023 (52)
According to lovabeauty (2009)defined that:
1. Recount Text
Social Function : to retell events for the purpose of informing or entertaining.
Generic Stucture:
a. Orientation: provides the setting and introduces the participants
b. Events : tell what happened, in what sequences
c. Reorientation: optional closure of events
Significant lexiogrammatical features:
Focus on specific participants, use material processes, circumstances on time and place, use past tense, focus on temporal sequence
so it can be assumed that recount text is the text text that retell the event to inform or entertain the reader.
2. Narrative Text
Social Function :to amuse, entertainn
Generic Stucture:
a. Orientation: sets the scene and intruuduces the participants
b. Evaluations: a stepping back to evaluate the plight.
c. Complication: a crisis arises
d. Resolution : the crisis is resolved
e. reorientation: optional
Significant lexiogrammatical features: focus n specific participants, use material processes, behavioral processes, and verbal processes. USe temporal conjuctions, and temporal circumstances, use past tense
it means that narrative is the text that consist of the process or story about something or event.
3. Procedure Text
Social Function : to describe how something is accomplished through a sequences of actions or steps.
Generic Stucture:
a. Goal
b. Material
c. Steps 1-n
Significant lexicogrammatical features:
Use simple present tense, often imperative. use mainly material processes
it means that procedure is the text that describing the way to use something, or it can say that procedure is the the text to guide someone to do something by the steps.
4. Descriptive Text
Social Function : to describe a particular person, places, or things
Generic Stucture:
a. Identification: identifies the phenomenon to be described
b. Description: describes parts, qualities, characteristics
Significant lexicogrammatical features:
Focus on specific participants, use simple present tense
it means that descriptive is text that use to describe something, place, or any other to the reader.
According to :Fountas and Pinnell. (2001) Expository text is nonfiction reading material. The intent of these written works is to inform or explain something to the reading audience. Expository text can vary in nature. Some common formats of expository writing include the following:
How-To (Procedural)
so, it can be concluded that : expository is nonfiction text that to inform th e information to the reader.
adopted from :Lusiedulink (2009) Genre (kind of the text)
retriewed from :
Adopted from : Fountas and Pinnell. (2001) Guiding Readers and Writers: Grades 3-6 Teaching Comprehension, Genre, and Content Literacy. Heinemann Publishing: Portsmouth.last modified on december 2007
Retriewed from :
Name : Mawaddah Hidayati
ReplyDeleteNIM : 09-25-0029
AN : 57
According to Isdaryanto (2012) Narrative Text is a text which contain about story (fiction/non-fiction, tales, folktales, fables, myths, epic) and its plot consists of climax of the story (complication) then followed by the resolution.
From the definition, it can assumed that Narrative Text is all of the story (fiction/non-fiction) that it is a text form then consists of the summit/climax story that has solution for the problem in the text. For example : Cinderella’s tales, Bawang Merah dan Bawang Putih’s tales, and so on).
Adopted from : copyright©2012, Retrieved from :
According to Robert Waltz (2011) Descriptive text is a text which used in all forms of writing to create a vivid impression of a person, place, object or event.
From the definition, it can assumed that Descriptive Text is the text that use by writer to create or illustrate something that she/he wants to imagine. For example : a text about Pantai Panjang Bengkulu, and so on. Furthermore,
Robert Waltz (2011) also defines Expository Text as the text that has aim at explanation. i.e. the cognitive analysis and subsequent syntheses of complex facts. Example : an essay on “Rhetoric : What is it and why do we study it?”.
From the definition, it can assumed that expository text is a text that has the goal to explain about something. For example : An Article: the kinds of fruit and its utility, and so on.
Adopted from : Waltz, Robert (2011). “text types and Textual Kindship”. Retrieved from :
According to Adrianus Teteregoh (2011) Procedure Text is the step of steps which should be completed in the right sequence to get the goal.
From the definition, it can assumed that Procedure Text is the text which have steps that has the right structure or series to take the writer purposes. For example : An article : “How to make pempek”, and so on.
Adopted from : Teteregoh, Adrianus (2011). “ Procedure Text”. Retrieved from :
According to Quantum Enterprise Brigade (2009) Recount Text is a text which retells events or experience in the past.
From the definition, it can assumed that Recount text is a text that included by writer’s events or experiences when she/he has in the past situation. For example : an essay : “Holiday”, and so on.
Adopted from : Brigade, Quantum Enterprise (1809). “Recount text”. Retrieved from :
Mensi resolusi (60)
1. Narrative text is a kind of text to retell the story that past tense. The purpose of the text is to entertain or to amuse the readers or listeners about the story.
From the definition it can be assumed that narrative text is a text which contains snout story .for example: snow white
2. Exposition is a type of oral or written discourse that is used to explain, describe, give information or inform.
From the definition it can be assumed that Expository text is a text which explains something.
3. Englishindo(2012). recount text adalah a text that telling the reader about one story, action or activity. Its goal is to entertaining or informing the reader.
From the definition it can be assumed that recount text is reading text that shows us what’s happened in the past, for example, children’s days
4. According Paul c. Jordan. A descriptive text is a text which lists the characteristics of something. From the definition it can be assumed that descriptive text is a reading text that describe a person, place, thing in detail. for example, about Jakarta city.
5. A procedural text is a text which is intended to tell the reader how to do, operate, or make something.
From the definition, it can be assumed that procedure text is a text which gives instructions on how to do something, usually use “how to” .example : how to operate computer?
Paul c. Jordan (2004). What is a descriptive text?. Retriviewed from:
Mensi resolusi (60)
1. Narrative text is a kind of text to retell the story that past tense. The purpose of the text is to entertain or to amuse the readers or listeners about the story.
From the definition it can be assumed that narrative text is a text which contains snout story .for example: snow white
2. Exposition is a type of oral or written discourse that is used to explain, describe, give information or inform.
From the definition it can be assumed that Expository text is a text which explains something.
3. Englishindo(2012). recount text adalah a text that telling the reader about one story, action or activity. Its goal is to entertaining or informing the reader.
From the definition it can be assumed that recount text is reading text that shows us what’s happened in the past, for example, children’s days
4. According Paul c. Jordan. A descriptive text is a text which lists the characteristics of something. From the definition it can be assumed that descriptive text is a reading text that describe a person, place, thing in detail. for example, about Jakarta city.
5. A procedural text is a text which is intended to tell the reader how to do, operate, or make something.
From the definition, it can be assumed that procedure text is a text which gives instructions on how to do something, usually use “how to” .example : how to operate computer?
Paul c. Jordan (2004). What is a descriptive text?. Retriviewed from:
Mensi resolusi (60)
1. Narrative text is a kind of text to retell the story that past tense. The purpose of the text is to entertain or to amuse the readers or listeners about the story.
From the definition it can be assumed that narrative text is a text which contains snout story .for example: snow white
2. Exposition is a type of oral or written discourse that is used to explain, describe, give information or inform.
From the definition it can be assumed that Expository text is a text which explains something.
3. Englishindo(2012). recount text adalah a text that telling the reader about one story, action or activity. Its goal is to entertaining or informing the reader.
From the definition it can be assumed that recount text is reading text that shows us what’s happened in the past, for example, children’s days
4. According Paul c. Jordan. A descriptive text is a text which lists the characteristics of something. From the definition it can be assumed that descriptive text is a reading text that describe a person, place, thing in detail. for example, about Jakarta city.
5. A procedural text is a text which is intended to tell the reader how to do, operate, or make something.
From the definition, it can be assumed that procedure text is a text which gives instructions on how to do something, usually use “how to” .example : how to operate computer?
Paul c. Jordan (2004). What is a descriptive text?. Retriviewed from:
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ReplyDeleteAccording to Chuz.iem@ (2007), about understanding types of text. There are some kinds of text:
1. Narrative Text
Narrative texts always teach us some moral value. Most stories are narrative. If a story consists of orientation, complication, and resolution, surely the story is a narrative text.
Orientation; the introduction of what is inside the text. What text is talk in general. Who involves in the text. When and where it happen.
Complication; what happens with the participants. It explores the conflict among the participants. Complication is the main element of narrative. Without complication, the text is not narrative. The conflict can be shown as natural, social or psychological conflict.
Resolution; this is the phase where the participants solve the problem aroused by the conflict. It is not matter whether the participants succeed or fail. The point is the conflict becomes ended.
From the explanation above, it can be assumed that narrative text means to amuse/entertain the readers and to tell a story that consists of (orientation, complication, and resolution).
Adopted from. Chuz.iem@. (2007). Understanding Types of Text. Retrieved on : Accessed on: 2 june 2012.
2. Descriptive Text
Commonly a descriptive text will describe a particular thing, place, or someone. A descriptive text is structured with general identification and followed by detail description. In Identification paragraph, descriptive text will explore to answer the question of who, what when and where. The detail description will include a description to answer how it looks, where it is sees, what it does, and what it make it special.
From the explanation above, it can be assumed that descriptive text means to describe a particular (person, place or thing) in detail.
Adopted from. Chuz.iem@. (2007). Understanding Types of Text. Retrieved on : Accessed on: 2 june 2012.
3. Procedure Text
Procedure, this instructional text is to instruct or describe how to make something or how something is done through a series of sequenced steps or phases. How to make something completely is the best example of procedure text.
From the explanation above, it can be assumed that procedure text means to help readers how to do or make something completely.
Adopted from. Chuz.iem@. (2007). Understanding Types of Text. Retrieved on : Accessed on: 2 june 2012.
4. Recount Text
Recount, this text tries to retell events. Recount text is majorly written in past tense mode. As it tells the story of of certain experience, it must be written in simple past tense, past continuous tense or past perfect tense. Recount text is very similar to narrative text. But recount text does not explore any complication among the participants, rather it recounts the event per event which happened in the last time.
From the explanation above, it can be assumed that recount text means to retell something that happened in the past and to tell a series of past event,
Adopted from. Chuz.iem@.(2007). Understanding Types of Text. Retrieved on : Accessed on: 2 June 2012.
5. Expository Text
According to Longacre (1983,) Expository text is a text which explain, describe, give information or inform something and explain a concept or procedure. It also can give insight. From the explanation above, it can be assumed that expository text means the text that explain about something.
Adopted from Longacre (1983).expository text. Retrieved on : Accessed on: 2 June 2012.
Name : Miftahuljanah
ReplyDeleteNim : 09250033
An : 61
According to Marpuddin (2010)
- Narrative is a text focusing specific participants. Its social function is to tell stories or past events and entertain the readers. From the definition, it can be assumed that Narrative text is text that contain stories or tales of imagination and aim to entertain the readers or listeners.
- Descriptive text is a text which say what a person or a thing is like. Its purpose is to describe and reveal a particular person, place, or thing. From the definition, it can be assumed that Descriptive text is the text used to describe people, places, or specific objects.
- Procedure is a text that show a process in order. Its social function is to describe how something is completely done through a sequence of series. From the definition , it can be assumed that Procedure text is text that gives instructions on how to do something or create something through a series of actions or steps. The instructor will be teaching the audience members a process that will allow them to complete a task. The purpose is to teach the audience about topic.
- Recount is a text which retells events or experiences in the past. Its purpose is either to inform or to entertain the audience. From the definition, it can be assumed that Recount text is the text that be used to share the experience of the past, one's life journey in the past, or historical events of the past.
Adopted from: Marpuddin (2010). Definisi Jenis-Jenis Teks Bahasa Inggris (GENRE). Retrieved From :
- According to Wikipedia (2012)Expository writing is a type of writing where the purpose is to inform, describe, explain, or define the author's subject to the reader. From the definition, it can be assumed that Expository text is Text that be used to inform or explain something to the readers or listeners.
Adopted From: Wikipedia (2012). Expository Writing. Retrieved from:
Name : Miftahuljanah
ReplyDeleteNim : 09250033
An : 61
According to Marpuddin (2010)
- Narrative is a text focusing specific participants. Its social function is to tell stories or past events and entertain the readers. From the definition, it can be assumed that Narrative text is text that contain stories or tales of imagination and aim to entertain the readers or listeners.
- Descriptive text is a text which say what a person or a thing is like. Its purpose is to describe and reveal a particular person, place, or thing. From the definition, it can be assumed that Descriptive text is the text used to describe people, places, or specific objects.
- Procedure is a text that show a process in order. Its social function is to describe how something is completely done through a sequence of series. From the definition , it can be assumed that Procedure text is text that gives instructions on how to do something or create something through a series of actions or steps. The instructor will be teaching the audience members a process that will allow them to complete a task. The purpose is to teach the audience about topic.
- Recount is a text which retells events or experiences in the past. Its purpose is either to inform or to entertain the audience. From the definition, it can be assumed that Recount text is the text that be used to share the experience of the past, one's life journey in the past, or historical events of the past.
Adopted from: Marpuddin (2010). Definisi Jenis-Jenis Teks Bahasa Inggris (GENRE). Retrieved From :
- According to Wikipedia (2012)Expository writing is a type of writing where the purpose is to inform, describe, explain, or define the author's subject to the reader. From the definition, it can be assumed that Expository text is Text that be used to inform or explain something to the readers or listeners.
Adopted From: Wikipedia (2012). Expository Writing. Retrieved from:
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ReplyDeleteName : Ferbawanti. S (47)
According to Isdaryanto (2012), narrative text is a text which contains about story (fiction/non fiction/tales/folktales/fables/myths/epic) and its plot consists of climax of the story (complication) then followed by the resolution.
A narrative text is a text amuse, entertain and deal with actual or vicarious experience in different ways. Narrative deal with problematic events which lead to a crisis or turning point of some kind, which in turn finds a resolution.
According to Nurmansyah (2009), Descriptive Text is a text which says what a person or a thing is like. Its purpose is to describe and reveal a particular person, place, or thing.
According to Nordquist (2009), expository text is a text which is intended to give information about (or an explanation of) an issue, subject, method, or idea.
According to Gatzke (2003);
The purpose of a procedure is to tell the reader how to do or make something.
The information is presented in a logical sequence of events, which is broken up into small sequenced steps.
The most common example of a procedural text is a recipe.
According to Purwanti (2011), recount text is a text which retells events or experiences in the past. Its purpose is either to inform or to entertain the audience.
From the passages above, it can be assumed that narrative text is a text which contains climax and resolution and can entertain the readers; Descriptive text is a text which describe about something; Expository text is a text which give information about something; Procedure text is a text which tell the readers how to do something in a sequence of steps; Recount text is a text which tell the readers about past events.
References :
Gatzke.(2003). Procedural Text. Retrieved from: (
Isdaryanto.(2012). Definition of Narrative Text. Retrieved from: (
Nordquist, Richard.(2009). Exposition. Retrieved from: (
Nurmansyah, Dudie.(2009). Descriptive Text. Retrieved from: (
Purwanti, Yayuk.(2011). Recount Text. Retrieved from: (