Saturday, 25 February 2012




    Nim :2009 111 202

    Readability test

    Readability tests, readability formulas, or readability metrics are formulae for evaluating the readability of text, usually by counting syllables, words, and sentences. Readability tests are often used as an alternative to conducting an actual statistical survey of human readers of the subject text (a readability survey).

    Resource :
    (April, 2011) title Readability test
    Retrieved from

    NIM : 2009 111 349

    according to wiki -answer (2011) readability test is :formulae for evaluating the readability of text, usually by counting syllables, words, and sentences. Readability tests are often used as an alternative to conducting an actual statistical survey of human readers of the subject text .

    so it can be conclude that Readability tests are often used as an alternative to conducting an actual statistical survey of human readers of the subject text Word processing applications often have readability tests , which can be deployed on documents in-editing.

    adopted from : wiki answer (2011) readability test.
    retrieved from :

    2009 111 371


    According to Webster’s Online Dictionary by Princeton University (2006), in the sciences, readability is a measure of an instrument's ability to display incremental changes in its output value. In writing, readability is defined as reading ease, especially as it results from a writing style. Ease-of-reading is the result of the interaction between the text and the reader.

    From the statement above, readability test is the way to measure the reader ability of writing that makes it easy or difficult to read and understand.

    Adopted from:
    Webster’s Online Dictionary by Princeton University (2006), Extended Definition: readability.
    Retrieved from:

  4. Assignment 7
    Name :Lusi Hartiyas
    NIM : 2009 111 240

    Accroding to David (1990:2), Readability tests are tools for checking how easy or difficult documents are to read. A formula measures the average sentence length of a document in words and the average word length in syllables. Putting those two numbers into an equation gives a result showing how a text rates on a readability scale.

    From the explanation, it can be stated that Readability tests is a test that is used in reading, a test which aims to find a passage that includes easy or difficult to read and understand, ways to knowing whether a text or passage can be read or not, it is difficult in reading or not. Readability test be used to enhance the ability of the author, as well as to facilitate the readers before they read a passage.

    Adopted from:
    Elliot C.David.1990. Writing Wills In Plain Language. Retrieved from:

  5. Name : VERAWATY
    NIM : 2009 111 186


    According to MANCKO (2008) Readability test is a way to measure the reading ease, comprehension, retention, reading speed, and reading persistence of a text.
    By definition, can I conclude that the readability test is to measure or test for someone in their reading comprehension. Do activities that get the results to be achieved or not?

    Adopted From:
    Mancko SA Inggris (2008-2012). Readability Test. Retried From:

  6. Name : Ananda Tri Cahya Putri
    NIM : 2009111332

    According to UsingEnglish (2012), readability tests are designed to give a statistical analysis of the difficulty of a text. While any attempt to reduce language use, which is inherently creative, to statistics can be criticized, readability tests can be used to give an approximate indication.

    It can be said that, readability test are made to find out whether the text is readable or not. Of course, there is some kind of formula to test the text. After we get the result from the formula, we can concluded is the quality of text is easy or difficult to read and to be understand.

    Adopted from 2012. Readability Test. Retrieved from

    NIM : 2009 111 046


    According to George Klare (1963) readability is the ease of understanding or comprehension due to the style of writing. It can be concluded that readability can concern to writing style to know and comprehend the text.

    According to the creator of the SMOG readability formula G. Harry McLaughlin (1969) readability as the degree to which a given class of people find certain reading matter compelling and comprehensible. It can be implied readability is an interaction between the text and a group of readers to know the characteristics such as reading skill, prior knowledge, and motivation.

    According to Mancko (2008) readability test is a way to measure the reading ease, comprehension, retention, reading speed, and reading persistence of a text. It can be stated that readability test is a test to measure the satisfaction of someone when he or she reads a text, and it also can be used to know the speed of reading.

    According to thecreativegenie (2012) Readability is the quality of a written document that makes it easy to read and understand. It can be concluded that readability shows

    According to Wikipedia, Readability tests is formula for evaluating the readability of text, usually by counting syllables, words, and sentences. It can be assumed that readability test is a test to evaluate a text, it can be from the sentences, words or syllables.


    Fiona Hossack(2004). Technical Language and the General Public. Retrieved from: File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML
    H. William (September 2007).The Principles of Readability. Retrieved from:
    Mancko, 2008. Readability test. Retrieved from:
    thecreativegenie (2012).Applying readability tests to a document. Retrieved from: Wikipedia (2012). Readability test. Retrieved from:

    NIM : 2009 111 104
    Semester / Class : 6 / Regular B


    According to English Language ( ELS ) Learning ( 2012 ), Readability test is designed to give a statistical analysis of the difficulty of a text.

    From the definition it can be stated that readability test is a process that used to understand and comprehend difficult words or sentences in a text.

    Adopted from :
    English Language ( ELS ) Learning ( April 2012 ). Definition of Readability Test.
    Retrieved from :

    NIM : 2009 111 104
    Semester / Class : 6 / Regular B


    According to English Language ( ELS ) Learning ( 2012 ), Readability test is designed to give a statistical analysis of the difficulty of a text.

    From the definition it can be stated that readability test is a process that used to understand and comprehend difficult words or sentences in a text.

    Adopted from :
    English Language ( ELS ) Learning ( April 2012 ). Definition of Readability Test.
    Retrieved from :

    NIM: 2009.111.126


    According to McDaniel and Gates (1999), Readability Tests are designed to give a statistical analysis of the difficulty of a text. While any attempt to reduce language use, which is inherently creative, to statistics can be criticized, readability tests can be used to give an approximate indication.

    From the statement above, we can conclude that readability test is used to verify a reading text whether it can be read or not. Readability tests evaluate the mechanics of a text to determine the level of difficulty for the reader.

    Resource :
    French, J., Stevens, C.B., McVey. D., & Merritt, R. (2010). Social Marketing and Public Health: Theory and Practice. Retrieved from:

    NIM : 2009111081


    According to Cheryl Stephens,Readability describes the ease with which a document can be read. Readability tests, which are mathematical formulas, were designed to assess the suitability of books for students at particular grade levels or ages.

    The tests were intended to help educators, librarians and publishers make decisions about purchase and sale of books. They were also meant to save time - because before the formula were used those decisions were made on recommendations of educators and librarians who read the books. These people were taking books already written and figuring out who were the appropriate reading groups.

    Webster's defines "readable" as:

    fit to be read,
    agreeable and attractive in style; and

    Obviously, readability formulas cannot measure features like interest and enjoyment. Also, when we ask whether text is understood by its reader we are questioning is "comprehensibility". Readability formulas cannot measure how comprehensible a text is. And they cannot measure whether a text is suitable for particular readers needs.

    Readability formulas were first developed in the 1920s in the United States. From the earliest efforts to today, readability tests have been designed as mathematical equations which correlate measurable elements of writing - such as the number of personal pronouns in the text, the average number of syllables in words or number of words in sentences in the text.

    The use of readability tests in the plain language process is a controversial topic. Now that readability scores are easy to obtain by using computerized grammar and style checking software programs, there is new pressure to adopt them. While some people use readability tests to help them make their writing plainer, other people are fervently opposed to their use.

    Adopted from :Readability: It's Past, Present, & Future Beverly L. Zakaluk and S. Jay Samuels, editors, published by the International Reading Association, Newark, Delaware, 1988.

  12. Name : Risnayanti
    Nim : 2009111323


    From Mancko SA(2008-2012)Readability tests and readability metrics are a way to measure the reading ease, comprehension, retention, reading speed, and reading persistence of a text.

    According to Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia readability tests, readability formulas, or readability metrics are formula for evaluating the readability of text, usually by counting syllables, words, and sentences. Readability tests are often used as an alternative to conducting an actual statistical survey of human readers of the subject text (a readability survey).

    There are several popular readability indexes, for example:

    * Gunning Fog Index
    * Flesch Reading Ease Scale
    * Flesch-Kincaid Grade Index

    So, from the explanation above, it can be concluded that readability tests are ways to measure and determine how readable the content of the text is, usually by counting syllables, words, or sentences.
    Readability tests are often used as an alternative to conducting an actual statistical survey of human readers of the subject text (a readability survey).

    Resources :
    Mancko AS(2008-2012) The Readability Tests, retrieved from :
    Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, Readability Tests, retrieved from :
    Gnome Dev Center, Readability Tests, retrieved from :

  13. Name :Yayan Aprianto
    Nim :2009 111 106

    Readability test

    Readability testing of patient leaflets aims at checking the creation of PIL in accordance to paragraph 3 of the Article 59 of EU directive 2004/27/EC, especially to the findability, applicability and understandability of text. The test design is individually structured user testing interviews involving independent observers and supervisor. All event has carefully prepared in close connection with the sponsor according to the demographic situation of drug's target (indicated) and/or current actual patient group.

    Writing the protocol
    Writing the test questions
    Preparing the questionnaires
    Defining the target group
    Enrolling of volunteers into the target group
    Checking questionnaire within a pilot test involving 1-3 patients
    Performing the interviews with (at least) 20 patients in two separate
    Performing statistical analyses
    Correction of the patient leaflet if needed
    Repeating the interviews if needed
    Writing the summary
    Preparing the document for submission to the authority
    Translation of the document into English
    Loan translation of the approved patient leaflet

    Resource :
    Pharma Coldwell,(July,2001) tittle Readability Test
    Retrieved from

  14. Readability test
    Nama : Loris Pardiansah
    NIM : 2010.111.375.P
    Readability tests, readability formulas, or readability metrics are formulae for evaluating the readability of text, usually by counting syllables, words, and sentences. Readability tests are often used as an alternative to conducting an actual statistical survey of human readers of the subject text (a readability survey). Word processing applications often have readability tests built-in, which can be deployed on documents in-editing. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    How to use readability tests
    Researchers have been critical of using readability tests on readers of an additional language. They point out that these tests cannot take into account that we mentally process our first language differently than we do additional languages we have acquired. Therefore a reader does not approach the text with the same or similar intuition for the language existing among native users. This is important when using cloze testing on text intended for people reading in an additional language. It is also significant when designing the testing groups for cloze tests or try-outs of the material. A population which meets the same criteria for first language must be used to accurately assess the readability of material written in a second or additional language.
    Keep the readability formula out of the writing process itself.
    Follow other guidelines to writing. If you like to work with guidelines in checklists, use the Document Design Centre's Guidelines, the CBA/CBA Guidelines, the CLIC Red Alert Editing System or Fry's Writeability Checklist.

    Use the formulas for feedback only:
    • Write
    • Apply the formula
    • Revise
    • Test
    Remember that the readability test is only a screen and offers only a prediction. Remember that the score is only a prediction that the text is suitable for a particular reading grade. Remember that the formulas do not take into account other features which contribute to comprehension so they may underestimate or overestimate the suitability of the material.
    by Darville Richard and Hiebert Marilyn (1985)Canadian Law Information Council, CLIC Papers on PLEI, no. 7.

  15. Name : SUSILAWATI
    Nim : 2009.111.062.p


    Defenition reability test
    A readability test is a way to measure a text for how easy it is to read. Readability tests give a prediction as to how difficult readers will find a particular text. They do this by measuring one or both of the two main
    causes, as follows:

    Word difficulty is usually measured by vocabulary lists or word length.

    adpted from :Wikipedia Meaning and Definition on 'Readability.
    retrieved from :

  16. Name


    Readability tests and readability metrics are a way to measure the reading ease, comprehension, retention, reading speed, and reading persistence of a text.
    acording to Watts, L. and J. Nisbet, Legibility in Children's Books (NFER, 1974)Readability tests are often used as an alternative to conducting an actual statistical survey of human readers of the subject text Word processing applications often have readability tests , which can be deployed on documents in-editing.


  17. name : Emilda kontesa
    Nim : 2009 111 381

    according to Gilliland, J., Readability (University of London Press, 1972)
    Readability formulae cannot be the sole judge of the suitability of a text. Other factors need to be considered : for example, the size of type and length of line, sentence structure, the number of words per page, the use of colour, the use of diagrams, the page layout and whether confusing cross-references such as 'see Fig. 39.27' are required, the number of concepts per paragraph, the use of white-space between paragraphs, whether the text is 'interactive', the human interest score, etc.


  18. name : Aryani
    Nim : 2010 111 359P

    according to Graham, W., 'Readability and science textbooks', School Science Review, 1978, 208, 59, 545-550. eadability

    This article outlines the subject of readability, and its relevance to school books.
    The 4 main sections of the article are:
    1. The effect of interest and motivation.
    2. Legibility, including type, layout and reading conditions.
    3. Sentence structure, including readability formulae.
    4. Reading ages for school textbooks, especially in science.

    NIM : 2009 111 194


    According to Cheryl Stephens (2000):
    Readability describes the ease with which a document can be read. Readability tests, which are mathematical formulas, were designed to assess the suitability of books for students at particular grade levels or ages.

    Webster's defines "readable" as:
    • Fit to be read,
    • Interesting,
    • Agreeable and attractive in style; and
    • Enjoyable.

    From the definition, it can be stated that Readability Test can help the students, librarian, and the publisher make decision about purchase and sale of books. Obviously, readability formulas cannot measure features like interest and enjoyment. Readability formulas cannot measure how comprehensible a text is. And they cannot measure whether a text is suitable for particular readers needs.

    Adopted from:
    Stphens, Cherly.(2000). All about Readability. Retrieved from:

  20. Name : Tirta Widyanata
    NIM : 2009 111 132

    According to Juicy Studio (2000-2001) that Readability is the measure of how easy it is to read and comprehend a document. Readability tests are unable to determine the likelihood that the document is comprehensible, interesting, or enjoyable.

    Based on the explanation above, we can conclude that readability test is how the way to make easy when we read and we work some tests. For a test should be easily understood, the writing style should be clear and simple. It's mean the structure of the sentences in the test should be logical, unambiguous, and avoid redundant words.

    Adopted from: Juicy Studio (2000-2001), readability test retrieved from:

    NIM :2009 111 267

    What is Readability?

    Text readability is a measure of how well and how easily a text conveys its intended meaning to a reader of that text.
    A number of factors influence the readability of a text. These include:
    • Physical factors such as typeface, font size, spacing and layout;
    • Reader factors such as prior knowledge, reading ability, and motivation of the reader;
    • Vocabulary difficulty;
    • Text structure;
    • Text coherence and cohesion;
    • Syntax.
    Measuring Readability
    A number of indices have been proposed for measuring readability and some are still used and are included in word processing programs. These include Flesch, Dale and Chall, Fry, Bormuth, Coleman & Liau. For more information on these see Readability Indices.
    A new method of estimating readability
    A new method of estimating readability not based on word or sentence length is now available. This method correlates highly with graded texts, and gives a visual indication of text readability.
