Thursday, 16 February 2012




    Nim : 2009.111.112
    ATT : 05
    Gickling and Havertape’s (1981) in Treptow (2006:2) define there are three level of reading comprehension, the level define from the operationalized ;
    1. The Instructional Level : with 93-97% known words constituting
    2. The Independent Level : greater than 97% known
    3. The Frustational Level : less than 93% known
    And according to Brenda Smith (1999) that modified by cuesta education there are three level of reading comprehension. And there are :
    1. LITERAL - what is actually stated.
    In this level the readers known about the facts details, they memorize word by word and it's just a surface understanding.
    TESTS in this category are objective tests dealing with true / false, multiple choice and fill-in-the blank questions. Common questions used to illicit this type of thinking are who, what, when, and where questions.
    2. INTERPRETIVE - what is implied or meant, rather than what is actually stated.
    In this level the readers can make a summaries from what they read, they can improve what they read in their life it's mean the can tapping into prior knowledge / experience, they can increase their knowledge, making logical leaps and educated guesses.
    And the readers read between the lines to determine what is meant by what is stated.
    TESTS in this category are subjective, and the types of questions asked are open-ended, thought-provoking questions like why, what if, and how.
    3. APPLIED - taking what was said (literal) and then what was meant by what was said (interpretive) and then extend (apply) the concepts or ideas beyond the situation.

    In this level we are analyzing or synthesizing information and applying it to other information.

    Sources :
    - Treptow, M.A. (2006). “Reading at Students’ Frustrational, Instructional, and Independent Levels: Effects on Comprehension and Time on-Task.” Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Center for Reading Research. Retrived from :
    - Brenda Smith (1999). “Level Of Comrehension”. Retrived from :

  2. Name : Nur Fitriana
    Nim : 2009 111 244
    ATT LIST : 11

    According to Nurhadi’s concept (in Eti Nurhayati : 2011), reading comprehension skill has three level, they are:
    1. Literal reading skill
    In this literal reading skill, the readers just have skill to got what the readers have read. The readers just give attention for every sentence in the text and try to meorize it in their mind.
    2. Critical reading skill
    In critical reading skill, the readers try to understand about the meaning what they have read. The readers do not just memorize what they have read, but sometimes they do not have same oponion with the writer. Even, the readers understand about the concept of the text.
    3. Creative reading skill
    The readers in creative reading skill do not just read the text, but they try to practice what they have read an the text (positive things).
    Adopted from : Hendra Sugiantoro (2012). Reading Comprehension Level. Retrieved from.

  3. According to Nurhadi’s concept (in Eti Nurhayati : 2011), reading comprehension skill has three level, they are:

    1. Literal reading skill
    In this literal reading skill, the readers just have skill to got what the readers have read. The readers just give attention for every sentence in the text and try to meorize it in their mind.

    2. Critical reading skill
    In critical reading skill, the readers try to understand about the meaning what they have read. The readers do not just memorize what they have read, but sometimes they do not have same oponion with the writer. Even, the readers understand about the concept of the text.

    3. Creative reading skill
    The readers in creative reading skill do not just read the text, but they try to practice what they have read an the text (positive things).

    Adopted from : Hendra Sugiantoro (2012). Reading Comprehension Level. Retrieved from.

  4. ATT LIST : 26
    NIM : 2009 111 243

    According to James H.Berry SC4, there are Three Levels of Reading Comprehension:
    1. Literal Level
    In this level, the readers must not comprehend or understand the meaning from the text but they just memorize the Information about the date or fact.
    For example : What year did King Henry VIII born?
    From this question, the reader can look for the date directly from the paragraph without comprehend perfectly.

    2. Interpretive Level
    At the Interpretive level, the readers begin to try to understand what the writer meant. It is more difficult than literal level.
    For example: “How did King Henry VIII wield his power as King of England?
    This question more complex than the question in Literal Level. The readers must comprehend and understand the contents from the paragraph. They can read more than one times so they get the point easily.

    3. Applied Level
    In this level, the readers raise to think more critical and analyze. The question is more complex than before. In this level, they are analyzing and applying the information. It’s important for the readers to answer the question correctly.

    Adopted from : James H. Berry, SC4. 2005. Levels of Reading Comprehension. Retrivied from:

    NIM : 2009 111 049
    CLASS : 6 g
    Student no. list: 13

    The three levels of comprehension, or sophistication of thinking, are presented in the following hierarchy from the least to the most sophisticated level of reading.
    • Least = surface, simple reading
    • Most = in-depth, complex reading

    Level One
    LITERAL - what is actually stated.
    • Facts and details
    • Rote learning and memorization
    • Surface understanding only
    TESTS in this category are objective tests dealing with true / false, multiple choice and fill-in-the blank questions.
    Common questions used to illicit this type of thinking are who, what, when, and where questions.

    Level Two
    INTERPRETIVE - what is implied or meant, rather than what is actually stated.
    • Drawing inferences
    • Tapping into prior knowledge / experience
    • Attaching new learning to old information
    • Making logical leaps and educated guesses
    • Reading between the lines to determine what is meant by what is stated.
    TESTS in this category are subjective, and the types of questions asked are open-ended, thought-provoking questions likewhy, what if, and how.

    Level Three
    APPLIED - taking what was said (literal) and then what was meant by what was said (interpretive) and then extend (apply) the concepts or ideas beyond the situation.
    • Analyzing
    • Synthesizing
    • Applying
    In this level we are analyzing or synthesizing information and applying it to other information.

    Adopted from: McWhorten, Kathleen T. College Reading & Study Skills, 7th Edition. 2003. Levels of Comprehension. retrieved from

    NIM : 2009 111 250
    ATT LIST: 10

    Wiki (2012), defines that there are four levels of reading comprehension. The four levels are:
    1. Literal, which is what is actually stated. It means that this level is based on what was actually stated in the material. In this level, there is no need to go beyond what was stated, the material just has to get absorbed as it was shared, with no bias or opinion by the reader or student. For the most part, as long as the person understood the material, the language of it, what was viewed, than it is safe to say that they achieved the literal level of comprehension.
    2. Interpretive or Inferential, which is what is implied. This level requires that the subject material is not only understood, but also that a general understanding of what was implied is reached. This forces the student to build his or her understanding of the subject matter by using the facts presented to read between the lines for the true meaning of what was meant for absorption
    3. Applied or Evaluative, which is when what was meant by what was stated is actually applied to concepts or ideas that go beyond what was discussed, and
    4. Appreciative, which is more abstract and based on a deeper understanding of the material in question and based on the student's own feelings towards the material or author.

    Adopted from: Wiki (2012). What are the four levels of reading comprehension?. Retrieved from: 468.

  7. Name : Rika Hartati PGRI
    Nim : 2009 111 316
    No Absen : 27

    Base on Wikipedia (2012) Reading comprehension is defined as the level of understanding of a text. This understanding comes from the interaction between the words that are written and how they trigger knowledge outside the text.

    According to Cochran (1991) Reading Comprehension levels is to obtain details or browse the full contents of a reading effectively. This understanding are intended to understand the contents of an effective reading. This understanding is also intended to understand the reading as it is written in words, sentences, and paragraphs in the text reading. Level in reading comprehension also requires the ability to remember about the things written in the text. This level of understanding is the ability to recognize and recall again that the information stated in the text.

    Adopted : google ( 2012 ) Reading Comprehension Levels.
    Retrieved from . http// reading Comprehension Levels

    NIM : 2009 111 052
    ATT : 20
    Concept reading comprehension level according Akmar Muhamad (a_muhamad[at] university sains malaysia)
    Reading comprehension level there are actually three main levels or strands of comprehension--literal, interpretive and critical comprehension.

    @The first level, literal comprehension, is the most obvious. Comprehension at this level involves surface meanings. At this level, teachers can ask students to find information and ideas that are explicitly stated in the text. In addition, it is also appropriate to test vocabulary.
    @The second level or strand is interpretive or referential comprehension. At this level, students go beyond what is said and read for deeper meanings.We must be able to read critically and analyse carefully what we have read.
    At this level, teachers can ask more challenging questions such as asking students to do the following:

    * Re-arrange the ideas or topics discussed in the text.
    * Explain the author's purpose of writing the text.
    * Summarize the main idea when this is not explicitly stated in the text.
    * Select conclusions which can be deduced from the text t!hey have read.
    @Finally, the third level of comprehension is critical reading whereby ideas and information are evaluated. Critical evaluation occurs only after our students have understood the ideas and information that the writer has presented. At this level, students can be tested on the following skills:

    * The ability to differentiate between facts and opinions.
    * The ability to recognize persuasive statements .
    * The ability to judge the accuracy of the information given in the text.

    Adapted from :

    NIM : 2009 111 052
    ATT : 20

    Concept reading comprehension level according Akmar Muhamad (a_muhamad[at] university sains malaysia)
    Reading comprehension level there are actually three main levels or strands of comprehension--literal, interpretive and critical comprehension.

    @The first level, literal comprehension, is the most obvious. Comprehension at this level involves surface meanings. At this level, teachers can ask students to find information and ideas that are explicitly stated in the text. In addition, it is also appropriate to test vocabulary.
    @The second level or strand is interpretive or referential comprehension. At this level, students go beyond what is said and read for deeper meanings.We must be able to read critically and analyse carefully what we have read.
    At this level, teachers can ask more challenging questions such as asking students to do the following:

    * Re-arrange the ideas or topics discussed in the text.
    * Explain the author's purpose of writing the text.
    * Summarize the main idea when this is not explicitly stated in the text.
    * Select conclusions which can be deduced from the text t!hey have read.
    @Finally, the third level of comprehension is critical reading whereby ideas and information are evaluated. Critical evaluation occurs only after our students have understood the ideas and information that the writer has presented. At this level, students can be tested on the following skills:

    * The ability to differentiate between facts and opinions.
    * The ability to recognize persuasive statements .
    * The ability to judge the accuracy of the information given in the text.

    Adapted from :

  10. Nama : Putri Kusuma Wardani
    NIM : 2009 111 376
    att list : 24

    Cuesta colledge (2004) defined in reading there are simple reading and complex reading and level of reading comprehension is divided of three levels, such as:
    *in level 1 is leteral: To find out what is text talking about,it just survical understanding to memorize and also rote learning.
    *in level 2 is interpretive: To find out the countain of the text, so that can make the conclusion and logical educated guesses.
    In level 3 is applied the concepts or ideas beyond the situation. The information that is gotten from the text is analyzed and then be applied it to other information.

    College, Cuesta. 2004. Level of Reading Comprehension. Accessed from: Http://

  11. Name : Kiki Marlyn
    NIM : 2009 111 385
    att list : 25

    James, H Berry (2005) defined is three different levels of comprehension can be called the literal level, the interpretive level and the applied level. The first level of comprehension can be called the literal level for the sake of wording because it is the most simple. The second level of comprehension is called the interpretive level. At this level, attempting to understand what the author meant by what the author said in the story, paragraph or textbook. The last level is called the applied level. At this level, attempting to elevate or raise thinking one more “notch” or level to a more critical, analyzing level.

    Berry, James H. 2005. Level of reading Comprehension. Accessed from:

  12. Name :ERLINAWATI
    Nim : 2009.111.335
    ATT LIST : 35

    Reading Comprehension levels

    Levels of Comprehension

    The three levels of comprehension, or sophistication of thinking, are presented in the following hierarchy from the least to the most sophisticated level of reading.

    Least = surface, simple reading
    Most = in-depth, complex reading

    Level One

    LITERAL - what is actually stated.

    Facts and details
    Rote learning and memorization
    Surface understanding only

    TESTS in this category are objective tests dealing with true / false, multiple choice and fill-in-the blank questions.

    Common questions used to illicit this type of thinking are who, what, when, and where questions.
    Level Two

    INTERPRETIVE - what is implied or meant, rather than what is actually stated.

    Drawing inferences
    Tapping into prior knowledge / experience
    Attaching new learning to old information
    Making logical leaps and educated guesses
    Reading between the lines to determine what is meant by what is stated.

    TESTS in this category are subjective, and the types of questions asked are open-ended, thought-provoking questions like why, what if, and how.
    Level Three

    APPLIED - taking what was said (literal) and then what was meant by what was said (interpretive) and then extend (apply) the concepts or ideas beyond the situation.


    In this level we are analyzing or synthesizing information and applying it to other information.

    Addopted : Mc Whorten, Kathleen T. College Reading & Study Skills, 7th Edition. 2003. Levels of Comprehension. retrieved from

    NIM : 2009.111.165
    AT LIST : 1

    According to Pearl Chang ( ), teachers usually devide reading comprehension levels into 3 levels

    1.1 The first level--literal comprehension
    At this level, teachers focus on asking students to find information and ideas that are clearly stated in the text. Karlin (1971) noted that for readers, being able to read for literal meanings requires fluency and mastery of word meanings in context. In other words, this level involves comprehension of the surface meanings within the context that readers are reading. in this level, students just memorize some keywords that is connected by the text without looking for the meaning of the writer

    1.2 The second level--interpretive or referential
    The difference between this level and the first level is that students in this level go beyond what is stated, and read for deeper meanings. Students need to be able to see relationships among ideas, so they must know how ideas go together and also see the implied meanings of these ideas. They are required to draw conclusions, make generalizations and predict outcomes. In this level, student have to find the deeper meaning of the writer such us the intrinsix and extrinsix view of the text, topic sentences, the overview and also understand all of the elements that is included in the text.

    1.3 The third level of comprehension--critical reading
    Critical evaluation occurs only after the readers have understood the ideas and information that the writer has presented. At this level, students are supposed to have these abilities. in this level, the students have to answer the questions correctly and sometimes teacher will ask the students to retell the story by using their own word and their own understanding.

    addopted from : Chang, Pearl, A Pilot Study of Technique and Skills
    In Testing Reading Comprehension, retrieved from

    NIM : 2009.111.165
    AT LIST : 1

    According to Pearl Chang ( ), teachers usually devide reading comprehension levels into 3 levels

    1.1 The first level--literal comprehension
    At this level, teachers focus on asking students to find information and ideas that are clearly stated in the text. Karlin (1971) noted that for readers, being able to read for literal meanings requires fluency and mastery of word meanings in context. In other words, this level involves comprehension of the surface meanings within the context that readers are reading. in this level, students just memorize some keywords that is connected by the text without looking for the meaning of the writer

    1.2 The second level--interpretive or referential
    The difference between this level and the first level is that students in this level go beyond what is stated, and read for deeper meanings. Students need to be able to see relationships among ideas, so they must know how ideas go together and also see the implied meanings of these ideas. They are required to draw conclusions, make generalizations and predict outcomes. In this level, student have to find the deeper meaning of the writer such us the intrinsix and extrinsix view of the text, topic sentences, the overview and also understand all of the elements that is included in the text.

    1.3 The third level of comprehension--critical reading
    Critical evaluation occurs only after the readers have understood the ideas and information that the writer has presented. At this level, students are supposed to have these abilities. in this level, the students have to answer the questions correctly and sometimes teacher will ask the students to retell the story by using their own word and their own understanding.

    addopted from : Chang, Pearl, A Pilot Study of Technique and Skills
    In Testing Reading Comprehension, retrieved from

  15. Name : Ayu Amelia
    NIM : 2009.111.131
    Class : 6.G


    According Hafni (1981) and Tollefson (1989) classifies the reading comprehension of five levels: literal comprehension, reorganization, inferential, evaluation, and appreciation. Literal understanding is a prerequisite for a higher level of understanding, which is read to obtain details of these works effectively. The second is the interpretive understanding of the reorganization and inferential comprehension. Interpretive understanding is the understanding of meaning between sentences or implied meaning of a text or drawing conclusions. Interpretive understanding also includes an understanding of the mood of participants included in the story (the mood of a passage) the author's purpose story, and the meaning of figurative language. The highest type of understanding is an understanding of the evaluative. Evaluative understanding is the ability to evaluate the text material. Evaluative understanding are in critical reading.
    So,understanding the reader is at the level of understanding of evaluation, if the reader can compare the ideas found in the text with certain norms and take the conclusions relating to the text. Understanding and critically dependent on literal comprehension, interpretive comprehension, and understanding of important ideas implied.

    References :

  16. Name : Ayu Rahayu
    NIM : 2009 111 276
    Class : 6G
    ATT LIST : 22


    By: Imron Rosidi
    Hafni (1981) and Tollefson (1989) classifies the reading comprehension of five levels: literal comprehension, reorganization, inferential, evaluation, and appreciation.
    1. Literal comprehension is the ability to capture the information expressly provided in the text. Literal understanding is the lowest level of understanding, but it is important because it takes in the reading process as a whole.
    It means to be able to achieve a higher level of understanding, the reader must go through the level of literal comprehension.

    2. Interpretive understanding is the understanding of meaning between sentences or implied meaning of a text or drawing conclusions. Interpretive understanding of the process of getting the ideas implied by the text, which could not immediately be found in the text. Reading comprehension includes interpretive inferences about the main idea of a text, a causal relationship is implied in the text, the pronoun reference, referral adverbs (adverb), and words are omitted.
    It means also includes an understanding of interpretive understanding mood offender contained in the story (the mood of a passage) the author's purpose story,

    3. Evaluatif is ability to evaluate the level of understanding text material. Evaluative understanding are in critical reading. Reader's understanding is at this level if the reader can compare the ideas found in the text with certain norms and take the conclusions relating to the text.

    4. Appreciation is expressed understanding for the emotional and aesthetic response to the text in accordance with the standards of personal and professional standards of literary forms, styles, types, and literary theory. Understanding the cognitive appreciation involves all the dimensions involved in the level of previous understanding.
    It means the understanding of appreciation, the reader also uses the power of imagination is required to obtain a new author beyond what is presented. This means that readers respond to texts creatively charged.

    Adopted from : TINGKAT PEMAHAMAN MEMBACA - Umar Bakri

  17. WIRA LESTARI NIM : 2009 111 211 (6G)16 April 2012 at 06:20

    cLass : 6 G ( 2009 111 211 )
    ATT List: 39


    In reading, there are three levels of comprehension :
    1. LITERAL - WHat is actually
    * Facts and details
    * Rote learning and memorization
    * Surface understanding only

    2. INTERPRETIVE - What i implied or meant, rather than what is actually states.
    * Drawing inferences
    * Tapping into prior knowledge / experience
    * Attaching new learning to old information
    * Making logical leaps and educated guesses
    * Reading between the lines to determine what is meant by what is stated

    3. APPLIED- Taking what was said (literal) and then what was meant by what was said (interpretive) and then extend (apply) the concepts or ideas beyond the situation.
    * Analyzing
    * Synthesizing
    * Applying

    Students need to be able to decode words in order to read. However, they also need strong comprehension skills. Students need to understand the meaning of the words they are reading in the context of the text. we can see ability students from reading comprehension from the way they understanding and have skill in reading.

    Sources :

    NIM : 2009.111.159

    According to Safi’ie (1993) in Rosidi (2009), state that there are two level of reading comprehension.
    1. Basic level reading comprehension
    • Literal : is the ability to get the information from the text, it is the basic or the lowest ability but still important because its needed in reading process.

    2. High level reading comprehension
    • Interpretative: is the ability in reading process to get the ideas that didn’t write in the text directly
    a. The ability to make the conclusion of the text
    b. The ability to make a generalization
    c. The ability to find the cause and the effect
    d. The ability to make a comparison of the text

    • Critic : is the ability in reading not only comprehend the text but also to give the opinions or suggestion about the writer’s statement
    a. Make the comparison between the writer’s statement with the reader’s experience.
    b. Make a question and find the purpose of the writer
    c. Give the response to the writer about the statement was given by the writer

    • Creative : is the process of reading to comprehend the text interpretatively and critically to make the new statements and the thinking rationally.

    Adopted from: Safi’ie (1993) in Rosidi, (2009)
    Retrieved from:

  19. Name : ELIA SAPITRI
    NIM : 2009 111 161
    Att List Number : 7


    According To James H. Berry,SC4 (2005) These three different levels of comprehension :
    1. Literal Level
    At this level, you would not have to understand the true meaning of a paragraph, however you could memorize the information. Instructors might ask you to read a chapter dealing with dates or specific facts. At the literal level, you would memorize these dates and facts.

    2. Interpretive Level
    At this level, you are attempting to understand what the authors meant by what she/he said the story, paragraph or textbook. It is presumed that you have already memorized certain facts at the literal level and now you are attempting to see the implications of the author's words. At this level you are attempting to "read between lines" as the say and you are attempting to understand that which memorized at the literal level of comprehension

    3. Applied Level
    At this level, you are attempting to elevate or raise your thinking one more "notch" or level to more critical, analyzing level. This presumes that you have already reached the previous two levels. At this level you are "reading between the lines" and then examining the message from the author and attempting to apply that massage to other settings.

    Adopted From : Copyright @ 2005 by James H.Berry,SC4
    Retrieved From :

    CLASS : 6.G
    NIM : 2009 111 263
    Att List : 38

    Accordimg to cuesta college :The three levels of reading comprehension, or sophistication of thinking, are presented in the following hierarchy from the least to the most sophisticated level of reading.
    • Least = surface, simple reading
    • Most = in-depth, complex reading
    1. Level One
    LITERAL - what is actually stated.
    • Facts and details
    • Rote learning and memorization
    • Surface understanding only
    TESTS in this category are objective tests dealing with true / false, multiple choice and fill-in-the blank questions.Common questions used to illicit this type of thinking are who, what, when, and where questions.
    2. Level Two
    INTERPRETIVE - what is implied or meant, rather than what is actually stated.
    • Drawing inferences
    • Tapping into prior knowledge / experience
    • Attaching new learning to old information
    • Making logical leaps and educated guesses
    • Reading between the lines to determine what is meant by what is stated.
    TESTS in this category are subjective, and the types of questions asked are open-ended, thought-provoking questions like why, what if, and how.
    3. Level Three
    APPLIED - taking what was said (literal) and then what was meant by what was said (interpretive) and then extend (apply) the concepts or ideas beyond the situation.

    • Analyzing
    • Synthesizing
    • Applying
    In this level we are analyzing or synthesizing information and applying it to other information.
    References : Last modified: 02/09/2004.

    CLASS : 6.G
    NIM : 2009 111 263
    Att List : 38

    Accordimg to cuesta college :The three levels of reading comprehension, or sophistication of thinking, are presented in the following hierarchy from the least to the most sophisticated level of reading.
    • Least = surface, simple reading
    • Most = in-depth, complex reading
    1. Level One
    LITERAL - what is actually stated.
    • Facts and details
    • Rote learning and memorization
    • Surface understanding only
    TESTS in this category are objective tests dealing with true / false, multiple choice and fill-in-the blank questions.Common questions used to illicit this type of thinking are who, what, when, and where questions.
    2. Level Two
    INTERPRETIVE - what is implied or meant, rather than what is actually stated.
    • Drawing inferences
    • Tapping into prior knowledge / experience
    • Attaching new learning to old information
    • Making logical leaps and educated guesses
    • Reading between the lines to determine what is meant by what is stated.
    TESTS in this category are subjective, and the types of questions asked are open-ended, thought-provoking questions like why, what if, and how.
    3. Level Three
    APPLIED - taking what was said (literal) and then what was meant by what was said (interpretive) and then extend (apply) the concepts or ideas beyond the situation.

    • Analyzing
    • Synthesizing
    • Applying
    In this level we are analyzing or synthesizing information and applying it to other information.
    References : Last modified: 02/09/2004.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Name : Septa Wilza Oriandra
      Nim : 2009 111 251
      No urut absen : 36

      Levels of Comprehension
      according to wikipedia Reading comprehension is defined as the level of understanding of a text. This understanding comes from the interaction between the words that are written and how they trigger knowledge outside the text. and then have the three levels of comprehension, or sophistication of thinking, are presented in the following hierarchy from the least to the most sophisticated level of reading.
      • Least = surface, simple reading
      • Most = in-depth, complex reading
      Level One
      LITERAL - what is actually stated.
      • Facts and details
      • Rote learning and memorization
      • Surface understanding only
      TESTS in this category are objective tests dealing with true / false, multiple choice and fill-in-the blank questions.
      Common questions used to illicit this type of thinking are who, what, when, and where questions.
      Level Two
      INTERPRETIVE - what is implied or meant, rather than what is actually stated.
      • Drawing inferences
      • Tapping into prior knowledge / experience
      • Attaching new learning to old information
      • Making logical leaps and educated guesses
      • Reading between the lines to determine what is meant by what is stated.
      TESTS in this category are subjective, and the types of questions asked are open-ended, thought-provoking questions like why, what if, and how.
      Level Three
      APPLIED - taking what was said (literal) and then what was meant by what was said (interpretive) and then extend (apply) the concepts or ideas beyond the situation.
      • Analyzing
      • Synthesizing
      • Applying

    NIM / Class : 2009 111 269 / 6 G
    Att List : 37

    According to Cuesta College, there are three levels of comprehension.
    The three levels of comprehension, or sophistication of thinking, are presented in the following hierarchy from the least to the most sophisticated level of reading.
    • Least = surface, simple reading
    • Most = in-depth, complex reading

    Level One > LITERAL - what is actually stated.
    • Facts and details
    • Rote learning and memorization
    • Surface understanding only
    TESTS in this category are objective tests dealing with true / false, multiple choice and fill-in-the blank questions.
    Common questions used to illicit this type of thinking are who, what, when, and where questions.

    Level Two > INTERPRETIVE - what is implied or meant, rather than what is actually stated.
    • Drawing inferences
    • Tapping into prior knowledge / experience
    • Attaching new learning to old information
    • Making logical leaps and educated guesses
    • Reading between the lines to determine what is meant by what is stated.
    TESTS in this category are subjective, and the types of questions asked are open-ended, thought-provoking questions like why, what if, and how.

    Level Three > APPLIED - taking what was said (literal) and then what was meant by what was said (interpretive) and then extend (apply) the concepts or ideas beyond the situation.
    • Analyzing
    • Synthesizing
    • Applying
    In this level we are analyzing or synthesizing information and applying it to other information.

    NIM / Class : 2009 111 269 / 6 G
    Att List : 37

    According to Cuesta College, there are three levels of comprehension.
    The three levels of comprehension, or sophistication of thinking, are presented in the following hierarchy from the least to the most sophisticated level of reading.
    • Least = surface, simple reading
    • Most = in-depth, complex reading

    Level One > LITERAL - what is actually stated.
    • Facts and details
    • Rote learning and memorization
    • Surface understanding only
    TESTS in this category are objective tests dealing with true / false, multiple choice and fill-in-the blank questions.
    Common questions used to illicit this type of thinking are who, what, when, and where questions.

    Level Two > INTERPRETIVE - what is implied or meant, rather than what is actually stated.
    • Drawing inferences
    • Tapping into prior knowledge / experience
    • Attaching new learning to old information
    • Making logical leaps and educated guesses
    • Reading between the lines to determine what is meant by what is stated.
    TESTS in this category are subjective, and the types of questions asked are open-ended, thought-provoking questions like why, what if, and how.

    Level Three > APPLIED - taking what was said (literal) and then what was meant by what was said (interpretive) and then extend (apply) the concepts or ideas beyond the situation.
    • Analyzing
    • Synthesizing
    • Applying
    In this level we are analyzing or synthesizing information and applying it to other information.

  24. Name : Nyiayu Nelly Windarti
    Nim : 2009 111 327
    class: 6G
    Att List : 40

    According to cuesta college (2004, There are three levels of reading comprehension:
    1. LITERAL : the test is relation with the fact. where the study can be used in reading by memorize.

    this test is the objective tests where the test must have the true or the wrong with the multiple choice and filling the blank question. the general question use the type of thinking with the question who, what, when, and where.

    2. INTERPRETIVE - what is meaning and not what is actually stated. Reading by deciding what is stated. test is in this category are subjective, and the types of questions asked are opened by questioning like why, what if, and how.

    3. APPLIED - applying what is said and then what is meant will be explained with the idea in long situation. this level we are analyzing the information and applying it to other information.

    Adopted from

    NIM : 2009111068
    Student number list : 14

    Understanding Reading Comprehension Levels
    Readers have four reading levels
    They are as follows:
    1. Instructional Level
    This is the level that the child's reading instruction is based on for guided reading. And at this moment they need adult guidance to be successful.
    2. Independent Level
    This is the child's just right reading level. They can read and comprehend their materianl without adult guidance.
    3. Frustration Level
    At this level the material is too difficult to read without adult guidance because the materian more difficult to understanding.
    4. Listening Comprehension Level
    This is the level of text the child can listen and understand what they read and it’s very good for them to increase their vocabulary and develop their knowledge through the material that they learnt.
    Adopted from : Mangan, 2011 Understanding Reading Comprehension Level.
    Retrieved from :

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

    NIM : 2009 111 105
    ATT LIST : 9

    According to James H. Berry, SC4
    There are three different levels of comprehension can be called the literal level, the interpretive level and the applied level.

    1.Literal Level
    The first level of comprehension can be called the literal level for the sake of wording because it is the most simple.At this level, you would not have to understand the true meaning of a paragraph, however, you could memorize the information. Instructors might ask you to read a chapter dealing with dates or specific facts. At the literal level, you would memorize these dates and facts.

    2.Interpretive Level
    The second level of comprehension is called the interpretive level.At this level, you are attempting to understand what the author meant by what s/he said in the story, paragraph or textbook.

    3.Applied Level
    The last level is called the applied level.At this level, you are attempting to elevate or raise your thinking one more “notch” or level to a more critical, analyzing level. This presumes that you have already reached the previous two levels. At this level, you are “reading between the lines” and then examining the message from the author and attempting to apply that message to other settings.

    Adopted from:James H.Berry,SC4(2005)Levels of Reading Comprehension.Retrivied - Amerika Serikat

    NIM : 2009 111 105
    ATT LIST: 9

    According to James H. Berry, SC4
    There are three different levels of comprehension can be called the literal level, the interpretive level and the applied level.

    1.Literal Level
    The first level of comprehension can be called the literal level for the sake of wording because it is the most simple.At this level, you would not have to understand the true meaning of a paragraph, however, you could memorize the information. Instructors might ask you to read a chapter dealing with dates or specific facts. At the literal level, you would memorize these dates and facts.

    2.Interpretive Level
    The second level of comprehension is called the interpretive level.At this level, you are attempting to understand what the author meant by what s/he said in the story, paragraph or textbook.

    3.Applied Level
    The last level is called the applied level.At this level, you are attempting to elevate or raise your thinking one more “notch” or level to a more critical, analyzing level. This presumes that you have already reached the previous two levels. At this level, you are “reading between the lines” and then examining the message from the author and attempting to apply that message to other settings.

    Adopted from:James H.Berry,SC4(2005)Levels of Reading Comprehension.Retrivied - Amerika Serikat

    NIM : 2009 111 111
    CLASS : 6 G
    ATT LIST : 12

    According to James H. Berry, SC4(2005) defined is three different levels of comprehension can be called the literal level, the interpretive level and the applied level.
    1. The first level of comprehension can be called the literal level for the sake of wording because it is the most simple. At this level, you would not have to information.
    2. Interpretive Levelof At this level, you are attempting to “read between the lines.” as they say. At this level, you are attempting to understand that which you memorized at the literal level of comprehension.
    3. Applied Level of At this level, you are attempting to elevate or raise your thinking one more “notch” or level to a more critical, analyzing level. This presumes that you have already reached the previous two levels. At this level, you are “reading between the lines” and then examining the message from the author and attempting to apply that message to other settings.

    Adopted from:Berry, James H. 2005. Level of reading Comprehension. - Amerika Serikat

  30. Name : LINDA PGRI
    NIM : 2009 111 291
    Att list : 23
    Reading Comprehension Level
    According to James H.Berry SC4 (2005),there are three Levels of Reading Comprehension :
    1. Literal Level
    In this level,the reader or student can attempt to answer the question. The readers would not have to understand the true meaning of a paragraph. However,The readers could memorize the information. In this level the readers would memorize these dates and facts.

    2. Interpretive Level
    The second level of comprehension is called the interpretive
    level. At the interpretive level the reader or students can attempt to answer this question. At this level, the readers will attempting to understand that which you memorized at the literal level of comprehension.
    3. Applied Level
    At this level the reader or students can attempt to answer this question.At this level, the readers will attempting to elevate or raise their thinking one more “notch” or level to a more critical, analyzing level. It means that the readers have already reached the previous two levels. Then,the readers will “reading between the lines” and then examining the message from the author and attempting to apply that message to other settings.
    Adopted from: James H.Berry,SC4(2005)Levels of Reading Comprehension.
    Retrivied :

  31. name : LISTIANI
    NIM : 2009111068
    Sstudents number list : 14

    Understanding Reading Comprehension Levels
    Readers have four reading levels
    They are as follows:
    1. Instructional Level
    This is the level that the child's reading instruction is based on for guided reading. And at this moment they need adult guidance to be successful.
    2. Independent Level
    This is the child's just right reading level. They can read and comprehend their material without adult guidance.
    3. Frustration Level
    At this level the material is too difficult to read without adult guidance because the material more difficult to understanding.
    4. Listening Comprehension Level
    This is the level of text the child can listen and understand what they read and it’s very good for them to increase their vocabulary and develop their knowledge through the material that they learnt.
    Adopted from : Mangan, 2011 Understanding Reading Comprehension Level.
    Retrieved from :

  32. Nama : Purnama Agustina_PGRI
    NIM : 2009 111 162
    Class : 6 G
    Att List :

    According by google.
    Posted on July 4, 2011 |

    Reading COmprehension Levels

    1. Literal Reading
    Literal Reading is a skill that made ​​the reader is referred to the understanding of the reading to get the main meaning, and can state the main idea, details, cause and effect of significant vocabulary words

    2. Interpretive reading
    Interpretive reading is the thinking skills which involves the reader to make a conclusion that is implied in the text reading. Demand that the ability to think where this high level of ability of the reader as an answer to the question in the category of interpretation is not directly mentioned in the text but the answer is implied.

    3.Critical Reading
    Critical reading is to compare the ideas that have been found in the material as well as previous experience to get the new material in the form of information or ideas that are quoted from the author.

    4. Creative Reading
    Creative Reading is requires the reader to be able to deliver any material submitted by the author and the reader should be able to use their imagination and provide a solution or goal of a new alternative for those who are delivered by the author.

  33. Name :Risda
    NIM : 2009 111 284
    Att List Number :42


    According to by James H. Berry, SC4 Levels of Reading Comprehension there are three levels.

    1.literal level, At this level, you would not have to understand the true meaning of a paragraph, however, you could memorize the information.

    2.interpretive level.
    At this level, you are attempting to understand that which you memorized at the literal level of comprehension.

    3. The last level is called the applied level.
    At this level the reader or student can attempt to answer this question: Question: How would the author’s message apply to other situations given what you memorized and understood at the other two levels?

    References :James H.Berry,SC4(2005)Levels of Reading Comprehension.Retrivied - Amerika Serikat

  34. Nama : Butet Anggrawati
    Nim : 2009 111 374
    Att Lists : 16

    Levels of Comprehension

    Page maintained by Last modified: 02/09/2004.The three levels of comprehension, or sophistication of thinking, are presented in the following hierarchy from the least to the most sophisticated level of reading.

    Least = surface, simple reading
    Most = in-depth, complex reading

    Level One

    LITERAL - what is actually stated.

    Facts and details
    Rote learning and memorization
    Surface understanding only

    TESTS in this category are objective tests dealing with true / false, multiple choice and fill-in-the blank questions.

    Common questions used to illicit this type of thinking are who, what, when, and where questions.
    Level Two

    INTERPRETIVE - what is implied or meant, rather than what is actually stated.

    Drawing inferences
    Tapping into prior knowledge / experience
    Attaching new learning to old information
    Making logical leaps and educated guesses
    Reading between the lines to determine what is meant by what is stated.

    TESTS in this category are subjective, and the types of questions asked are open-ended, thought-provoking questions like why, what if, and how.
    Level Three

    APPLIED - taking what was said (literal) and then what was meant by what was said (interpretive) and then extend (apply) the concepts or ideas beyond the situation.


    In this level we are analyzing or synthesizing information and applying it to other information.

  35. Nama : Purnama Agustina_PGRI
    NIM : 2009 111 162
    Class : 6 G
    Att List :

    According by google
    Posted on July 4, 2011


    1. Literal Reading
    Literal Reading is a skill that made the reader is referred to the understanding of the reading to get the main meaning, and can state the main idea, details, cause and effect of significant vocabulary words

    2.Interpretive reading
    Interpreative Reading is the thinking skills which involves the reader to make a conclusion that is implied in the text reading. Demand that the ability to think where this high level of ability of the reader as an answer to the question in the category of interpretation is not directly mentioned in the text but the answer is implied.

    3. Critical Reading
    Critical reading is to compare the ideas that have been found in the material as well as previous experience to get the new material in the form of information or ideas that are quoted from the author.

    4. Creative Reading
    Creative Reading requires the reader to be able to deliver any material submitted by the author and the reader should be able to use their imagination and provide a solution or goal of a new alternative for those who are delivered by the author. -of-reading-comprehension.html

  36. Name : Winda Nurjayanti
    NIM : 2009 111 150
    Class : 6 G
    Att. list : 8

    Page maintained by Last modified: 2012. There are four noted levels of comprehension :
    • First level, which is the literal level, based on the fact of the material, it’s the easy one because its related to the given facts, not more.
    • Second level, Interpretation or Conclusion, based on the theory that run a step further. This level need that the materials not only for the comprehension, but also for the general comprehension of the reached implicit.
    • Third level, Applied or evaluative, this level is related to how the students apply what is general for the real-life events or situations.
    • The final level, Appreciative, based on students’ feeling about the material or the writers. It’s considered more abstract than the others because of the personality, likes and dislikes may influence this level.

    Adopted from : (2012). What are the four levels of reading comprehension? Retrieved =

  37. Name : Winda Nurjayanti
    NIM : 2009 111 150
    Class : 6 G
    Att. list : 8

    Page maintained by Last modified: 2012. There are four noted levels of comprehension :
    • First level, which is the literal level, based on the fact of the material, it’s the easy one because its related to the given facts, not more.
    • Second level, Interpretation or Conclusion, based on the theory that run a step further. This level need that the materials not only for the comprehension, but also for the general comprehension of the reached implicit.
    • Third level, Applied or evaluative, this level is related to how the students apply what is general for the real-life events or situations.
    • The final level, Appreciative, based on students’ feeling about the material or the writers. It’s considered more abstract than the others because of the personality, likes and dislikes may influence this level.

    Adopted from : (2012). What are the four levels of reading comprehension? Retrieved =

  38. Name : Putra pratama pgri
    class: 5G
    NIM : 2009.111.146
    att. list : 4

    According to Jelyns, there are three level of reading comprehension.

    >First is Literal
    Literal have mean what is actually stated, act and details. Literal is the simplest and consist of fact that were clearly stated in the reading.

    >Second is Interpretive
    Interpretive have mean what is implied or meant, rather than what is actually stated.

    >Third is Applied
    Applied is taking taking what was said and then what was meant by what was said and then apply the concept beyond the situation.

    Adopted from : Jelyns.Level of Reading Comprehension.retrieved from :

  39. Name : Putra pratama pgri
    class: 5G
    NIM : 2009.111.146
    att. list : 4

    According to Jelyns, there are three level of reading comprehension.

    >First is Literal
    Literal have mean what is actually stated, act and details. Literal is the simplest and consist of fact that were clearly stated in the reading.

    >Second is Interpretive
    Interpretive have mean what is implied or meant, rather than what is actually stated.

    >Third is Applied
    Applied is taking taking what was said and then what was meant by what was said and then apply the concept beyond the situation.

    Adopted from : Jelyns.Level of Reading Comprehension.retrieved from :

  40. Ricca Maitha PGRI17 April 2012 at 20:03

    Name : Ricca Maitha
    NIM : 2009.111.293
    Att.List : 2

    James H. Berry (2005) explains about levels of reading comprehension. There are 3 levels of comprehension, first is literal level, interpretive level and applied level. In the literal level, the reader can memorize specific info in the reading. Mean while in the interpretive level, the reader can see the implication of the reading or what meant by the author. The highest level of comprehension is the applied level, where the reader can analyze what they read and applied it at other setting or situation.

    Adopted from : James H. Berry (2005). Levels of Reading Comprehension. Retrieved from:

    N I M :2009111179
    NO.ABSEN :033
    according to wikipedia (2012) Many educators in the USA believe that students need to learn to analyze text (comprehend it) even before they can read it on their own, and comprehension instruction generally begins in pre-Kindergarten or Kindergarten. But other US educators consider this reading approach to be completely backward for very young children, arguing that the children must learn how to decode the words in a story through phonics before they can analyze the story itself.
    And in my opinion
    Reading comprehension level is defined as the level of understanding of a text. This understanding comes from the interaction between the words that are written and how they trigger knowledge outside the text. Proficient reading depends on the ability to recognize words quickly and effortlessly. If word recognition is difficult, students use too much of their processing capacity to read individual words, which interferes with their ability to comprehend what is read.

    1. Name : Debby Hamzah
      Nim : 2009 111 220
      Student Number List : 15

      (Google 2012) Reading comprehension involves several levels, namely understanding
      literal, interpretive, critical and creative.

      First, the literal understanding is the most basic kind of understanding.
      Is focused on understanding the parts are written in the literature,
      so that the implementation does not require the thinking skills

      Second, interpretive understanding is the process for obtaining ideide
      which is implied in the passage. comprehension
      interpretive among others include the ability: (1) make the conclusion, (2)
      generalize (3) find a causal relationship, (4) makes
      comparison, and (5) found a relationship between propositions.

      Third, a critical understanding is aimed at understanding
      content of reading comprehension, the reader not only to interpret the author's intent,
      but also gives an assessment of what the author.
      Characterized by the ability of a critical understanding of: (1) compare the contents ofthe reading
      the reader's own experience, (2) questioned the author's intent, and
      (3) reacted critically to the style of the author in conveying
      his ideas.

      Fourth, reading comprehension is to understand the creative
      reading through interpretative and critical thinking to gain
      new insights, new ideas, and rational thinking.

      Adopted from:

  42. Nama : Butet Anggrawati
    Nim : 2009 111 220
    Att Lists : 15


    Copyright © 2005 by James H. Berry, SC4.College instructors will expect that you, as a college student, will be able to read at all levels of meaning or comprehension. In this case, LEVELS mean different depths of understanding, different analysis of what is meant. In other words, you will be expected to read at different levels of comprehension. These three different levels of comprehension can be called the literal level, the interpretive level and the applied level. Let’s examine what each means briefly.
    - At the literal level, you would memorize these dates and facts.At the literal level, you are looking at what was written by an author at “face value”, little interpretation is needed
    - At this level, you are attempting to understand what the author meant by what s/he said in the story, paragraph or textbook. It is presumed that you have already memorized certain facts at the literal level and now you are attempting to see the implications of the author’s words. At this level, you are attempting to “read between the lines.” as they say. At this level, you are attempting to understand that which you memorized at the literal level of comprehension.
    -At the applied level, the student has now spent a fair amount of time building his/her learning curve and is now more able to see the larger implications of people who either are born “powerful” by their lineage of birth or have assumed power like someone elected into office.


  43. Nama : Debby Hamzah
    Nim : 2009 111 220
    Att Lists : 15


    Copyright © 2005 by James H. Berry, SC4.College instructors will expect that you, as a college student, will be able to read at all levels of meaning or comprehension. In this case, LEVELS mean different depths of understanding, different analysis of what is meant. In other words, you will be expected to read at different levels of comprehension. These three different levels of comprehension can be called the literal level, the interpretive level and the applied level. Let’s examine what each means briefly.
    - At the literal level, you would memorize these dates and facts.At the literal level, you are looking at what was written by an author at “face value”, little interpretation is needed
    - At this level, you are attempting to understand what the author meant by what s/he said in the story, paragraph or textbook. It is presumed that you have already memorized certain facts at the literal level and now you are attempting to see the implications of the author’s words. At this level, you are attempting to “read between the lines.” as they say. At this level, you are attempting to understand that which you memorized at the literal level of comprehension.
    -At the applied level, the student has now spent a fair amount of time building his/her learning curve and is now more able to see the larger implications of people who either are born “powerful” by their lineage of birth or have assumed power like someone elected into office.


  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. Name : Debby Hamzah
    Nim : 2009 111 220
    Student Number List : 15

    (Google 2012) Reading comprehension involves several levels, namely understanding
    literal, interpretive, critical and creative.

    First, the literal understanding is the most basic kind of understanding.
    Is focused on understanding the parts are written in the literature,
    so that the implementation does not require the thinking skills

    Second, interpretive understanding is the process for obtaining ideide
    which is implied in the passage. comprehension
    interpretive among others include the ability: (1) make the conclusion, (2)
    generalize (3) find a causal relationship, (4) makes
    comparison, and (5) found a relationship between propositions.

    Third, a critical understanding is aimed at understanding
    content of reading comprehension, the reader not only to interpret the author's intent,
    but also gives an assessment of what the author.
    Characterized by the ability of a critical understanding of: (1) compare the contents ofthe reading
    the reader's own experience, (2) questioned the author's intent, and
    (3) reacted critically to the style of the author in conveying
    his ideas.

    Fourth, reading comprehension is to understand the creative
    reading through interpretative and critical thinking to gain
    new insights, new ideas, and rational thinking.

    Adopted from:
