Reading for different purposes According to stella Cottrell,2011 For all subjects, you will need to know how to change quickly from one kind of reading to another. 1. Browsing : looking over a text to see how it ‘feels’, whether it appears to be the right kind of book, what it contains that might be of use, getting a general feel of the contents. You often take in more information when browsing than you may think at the time. 2. Checking: looking in the contents or index to see whether the book contains specific information that you know you want - or which looks useful. 3. Focusing in: allowing yourself to read more closely when you spot something that looks more useful. It is also important to notice when the text is less useful, and to return to browsing. 4. Fact-finding: looking for specific facts and data. 5. Background: This is additional reading, which gives you a sense of the bigger picture. Select texts that are general and which you find inviting or easy to read. Read these selectively and at your own pace. This is best undertaken in vacations if possible. It can be conclude that the purpose of reading is to looking for important information,specific information,and select text that are general and than getting general feels of the contents. References Cotrell,stella.2011.Reading Strategies.retried from: different purposes of reading are:To be entertained,To complete a task,To obtain information,and To analyze. based on the explain above, it can be assumed that the different purposes of reading are to be entertained, like read a comic or novel or humor book/comic, second is to complete a task, like read a book and then looking for the answers of the book, third is to obtain information , like read a newspaper article, and the last is to analyze, like read a article maybe :)
adopted from: the different purposes you could have for reading?. retrieved from: Accessed on 19 April 2012
In reading a text, it will use different style for different purpose. If students can get the general sense of a sentence or paragraph without knowing every word, there’s no need to interrupt their reading by using a dictionary to find the word’s meaning. They will probably get the sense of the unknown word from the context. Sometimes they will want to read through material quickly, but they will need to read more carefully when they are reading to learn. So, there are some different style for different purposes in reading. Based on Sholes (2009): he gives some assumptions of Some Purposes for Reading which are devided into:
• for pleasure or for personal reasons Here, student don’t need to know the meaning of every word in the text. They may want to read fast.
• to find general information such as what a book is mostly about To find the general information, student will want to skim trough a book or several books to determine how the books are organized and what they cover.
• to find a specific topic in a book or article Students will need to scan a book or article to find out the specific information that they look for. When he scans, he will look at the title, the table of contents, the headings, and the index to find out if the material gives information about the topic.
• to learn subject matter that is required for a class In this purpose, student have to read carefully and slowly. When a student studies for a test, he will want to skim the book or chapter first to see what it covers. Then he will read the headings and subheadings to discover how the book is organized. He should try to make connections between the material and what he already knows.
Efficient readers have learned to use different strategies for different kinds of reading. They know when it’s OK to read quickly – skipping over some of the words, how to skim for general information, scan for specific information, and how to study for tests.
Sholes, DeLene. 2009. Some Different Purposes for Reading. Available on: Accessed on: March 16 2012.
Name :Mubarikah No :64 Elizabeth K. Knutson, U.S. Naval Academy (1998) having a purpose means having a reason to read and approaching a text with a particular goal in mind, whether that goal involves learning or entertainment. In both real-world and classroom situations, purpose affects the reader's motivation, interest, and manner of reading. And based on Delene Sholes(2009) Some Purposes for reading • for pleasure or for personal reasons • to find general information such as what a book is mostly about • to find a specific topic in a book or article • to learn subject matter that is required for a class So, it can be assumed that Reading with a purpose means approaching texts with a specific goal. References ElizabethK.Knutson(1998) Reading with a Purpose: Communicative Reading Tasks for the Foreign Language Classroom.Retrieved from: Accessed on Thursday 3th Mei 2012
Acccording Pritchard (2007), There are three different purposes of reading: 1. To gather material that must be understood and recalled in detail. 2. To understand and evaluate the author’s purpose in writing and the supportive arguments or evidence presented. 3. Background reading.
From the definition it can be assumed different purposes of reading is before reading, should know the background to read with collecting the material that must be understood in detail and must understand the author's purpose in writing with supporting arguments or evidence as a text
Adopted from : Pritchard (2007), Reading for Academic Purposes, retrieved from :, accessed on : 3 March 2012
Sholes Delena,(2009), states that there are many different purpose of reading such as for pleasure or for personal reasons to find general information such as what a book is mostly about to find a specific topic in a book or article to learn subject matter that is required for a class. so it can be assumed that different purposes of reading reader read just for pleasure for example the reader read novel that make reader be spirit, to find out the information what book, magazine or other wants to delivery to reader, to find specific topic in passage and the last different purpose of reading to learn subject is required for a class for example, students want to know about tense, so students or reader do need to learn subject about tense.
Adopted from : Sholes Delena,(2009),Reading For DifferentPurposes.Retrieved from: http://
To get the most from what you are reading you should start by setting a purpose. A reader can read text for different purpose. For example, According to Pat Dalia (2001), By setting a purpose readers know HOW to read, if the readers read for entertainment, the readers read more quickly, as remembering details is less important. And if the readers read for information, the readers need to read more slowly, in order to remember the details. It can be concluded that different purpose of reading depend on the purpose of the readers when they read. For example the readers just read for pleasure or to get some information.
Adopted from:
Dalia, Pat. (2001). Read for different purpose. Retrieved from:
Different purposes of reading According to Sholes (2009) said that Some Purposes for Reading are “ for pleasure or for personal reasons, to find general information such as what a book is mostly about, to find a specific topic in a book or article, and the last to learn subject matter that is required for a class. It can be assumed that reading is used, First, for taking a fun like reading an article on magazine, although may be there are some words that is not understood by the readers, they don’t care about it, they skip it, and guess the meaning from the content ,mainly they only need to catch what the article about. Second reading for taking not specific information , for example there is a person who want to know the general information about The prophet Muhammad” so a person (reader) takes some books about prophet Muhammad then read the books to know what the books cover about ,then skim the information that the readers need and find the general imformation. The third, finding a particular information or topic in book, for example the student(reader) want to know what is simple present tense, so the student(reader) take a grammar book, the reader scan the book , look at table of contents of book about tenses, then look the title, then find a particular information about simple present tense. the last purpose is reading for learning, for example there is a student will take test examination about making a composition in one class so the student(reader) read the books that have a material about making composition then the reader read it carefully comprehend the text , and relate what the reader reads with what the reader knows before. Reference : Sholes, Delene. 2009. Reading for different purposes. Retrieved from: Accessed on: may 03 2012.
40. Cici Murdiyani (0925001) Different purposes of reading According to Sholes (2009) define that some purposes for reading is divided into 4: • for pleasure or for personal reasons • to find general information such as what a book is mostly about • to find a specific topic in a book or article • to learn subject matter that is required for a class From the definition it can be assumed that 4 there are different purposes of reading. First, the purpose of reading is getting pleasure, the students read a book what they want to read, and what they interest, they read just for entertain them. Second, the purpose of reading is getting general information, for example students read a book or newspaper and when they have gotten general information what they look for, they stop to read. Third, is finding a specific point in a book or article, students read the important points. And fourth, student’s purposes to study about subject matter that is required for a class, they have to read many books about science to add their knowledge. References: Sholes, DeLene. (2009). Some Different Purposes for Reading. Retrieved from: Accessed on: 3 Mei 2012.
According to Aokuchoa, Buntun (2012) some different purpose of reading are : 1. To be entertained 2. To complete a task 3. To obtain information 4. To analyze
from the definition, it can assumed that there are some different purposes of reading, such as : 1. To be entertained, that means reading can be used as a means to fill spare time, to refresh the mind for a while after intensive activities or just hobby. for examples : reading novel, magazine, etc. 2. To complete a task, that means reading can be used to answer question from the book or students/ people are filling about the reading that has been available. for example : reading comprehension, reading textbook, etc. 3. To obtain information, that means reading can be used to get information to adding people's knowledge, etc. for examples : reading newspaper, reading religious book, reading book about the benefits of herbs, health tips, etc. 4. To analyze, that means reading can be used to analyze something. for example : reading about the crime cases, the origin of the crime happened and the punishment which equivalent to.
reference : adopted from : copyright 2012 answers corporation. retrieved from :
According to Aokuchoa, Buntun (2012) some different purpose of reading are : 1. To be entertained 2. To complete a task 3. To obtain information 4. To analyze
from the definition, it can assumed that there are some different purposes of reading, such as : 1. To be entertained, that means reading can be used as a means to fill spare time, to refresh the mind for a while after intensive activities or just hobby. for examples : reading novel, magazine, etc. 2. To complete a task, that means reading can be used to answer question from the book or students/ people are filling about the reading that has been available. for example : reading comprehension, reading textbook, etc. 3. To obtain information, that means reading can be used to get information to adding people's knowledge, etc. for examples : reading newspaper, reading religious book, reading book about the benefits of herbs, health tips, etc. 4. To analyze, that means reading can be used to analyze something. for example : reading about the crime cases, the origin of the crime happened and the punishment which equivalent to.
reference : adopted from : copyright 2012 answers corporation. retrieved from : Accessed on : May, 3th. 2012
Different purpose of reading According to Sholes (Jan 27, 2009), there are four different purposes of reading. First, reading for pleasure or for personal reason. It’s mean that the readers read a text to get pleasure, there is no need to understand and comprehend the text accurately, but the reader only need general understanding of the text. Second, reading to find general information. It can be said that the readers need to use skimming reading technique to get general information which is needed. When the readers skim, they flip the pages of the book or article quickly to find out whether it might be cover the information or no. Third, reading to find a specific topic in a book or article. In this term, it can be concluded that the readers need to scan a book or article to find out the material in order to fulfill their need. When the readers scan, they do not need to read line by line but they should read to the words/sentences which has different style, color, bold, italic, organization of number, steps, etc. Forth, reading to learn subject matter (reading carefully and slowly). It is usually used when the readers study for a test, they will skim the book or chapter to see what it is about. It can be implied that the readers will read the section of the book or chapter carefully and check for the words which they do not know by using dictionary. After that, the readers will go back and review the text. Furthermore, Sholes gives a strategy for reading to learn subject matter by using SQ3R (survey, question, read, recite, review). It is used to help the readers read efficiently.
Adopted from : Sholes, Delene. (Jan 27, 2009). Reading for Different Purposes. Retrieved from :
Name : Meidiana Eka Putri Number : 59 Different purposes reading According to Heidi Byrnes (1998) The purpose for reading determines the appropriate approach to reading comprehension and the type of text determine the specific knowledge, skills, and strategies that readers need to apply to achieve comprehension. Basically the purpose of reading is to get information. Readers can entertain themselves, learn things, get directions, and even find out facts about anything the reader want to. It can be concluded that the purpose reading is determining or having a reason to read and approaching a teks with a particular goal in mind. And then The reader uses knowledge, skills, and strategies to determine what that meaning which include ability to recognize the element of writing, knowledge of how words are structured in sentences and last the ability to use scanning and skimming strategies. So, Reading results when the reader knows which skills and strategies are appropriate for the type of text, and understands how to apply them to accomplish the reading purpose. The reading will also help the reader to gain infomation from the content more easily and make reader to think widely, so reader not only able to get information from the book but also need to listen and writing in order to succsesfully gain information.
Adopted from : Byrnes,heidi. (1998). Reading for different purposes. Retrieved from:
Different purposes of reading according to Sholes, Delena (2009)defined that the different purposes of reading are: 1.for pleasure or for personal reasons find general information such as what a book is mostly about find a specific topic in a book or article learn subject matter that is required for a class. from the definition, it can be assumed that there are 4 purposes of reading first, reading for pleasure,or its mean that reading just for entertain the reader,second to find the information, or for getting the idea in the text,third to get the main idea, or the main topic from the book or a text,and the last is to study about the text,and it especially for learning teaching process in the class.
reference: adopted from: Sholes,Delena (2009)Reading for Different Purposes retriewed from : accessed on may 04th 2012
ARINA LAILATUL FITRIA (35) According to G.S. Grosser. (2006). “Students need to know that they can read for different purposes as this helps to create a "flexible reader." If students read for pleasure, they can skim the text or read slowly depending on how they feel or what assignments they receive. If students are reading content area subjects such as science or social studies, they will probably want to read slowly.” So it can be assumed that “ different purpose of reading is the student can be able to differenciate which one the reading must to read slowly and which one the reading must summarize the specific topic and goals and comprehend it. Refference: Grosser. G. S. 2006. Establishing a Purpose for Reading. Retrieved from: Assessed on Friday, 4th May 2012
According to Finlands Virtuelia Universitet (Finnish Virtual University), there are some reading purposes that are involved in the reading strategies:
1. Skimming i.e. reading for a general impression Skimming the text should give an idea of the usefulness of the text for people’s purposes and also a general idea of what it is about. This information helps people to decide how well people should read it.
2. Scanning i.e. reading for specific details Some people may need to find answers to certain questions (what, who, when).
3. Reading for main points in general The main points could include information like why the text was written, what the purpose of the writer was, how the text is organised and what the main arguments are. Eg. reading for an exam.
4. Reading for selected main points People may look for information about a specific area or answers to certain questions. The reading will probably aim at finding that information only. Eg. reading for a thesis.
5. Critical / evaluative reading (intensive) If people read a text with a critical or evaluative attitude, they probably compare the writer's views with their own or some other writers' views. Making a difference between facts and opinions of the writer is also important. Eg. reading for a thesis or an exam.
6. Reading for pleasure (Often without having to keep the content in mind)
From the passages above, we can conclude that reading have some purposes according to the strategies used, they are: 1.For general impression (by skimming). 2.To find specific information (by scanning). 3.For critical / evaluative reading (by intensive). 4.Reading for pleasure (by extensive).
Reference : Finnish Virtual University (2010). Reading and Writing in English for Academic and Professional Purposes. Retrieved from: (
Name : Anggun Prismadarti Nim : 09250004 Attendance number : 33 According to Grellet (1992: 4), there are two purposes for reading viewed from the reason as follows; Reading for pleasure and reading for information (in order to find out something or in order to do something with theinformation the reader get). Furthermore, According to Davies (1995: 133-134), There are some purposes of reading, they are;Reading for pleasure, The reader can to follow a narrative and enjoy the ‘sound’ and rhyme of a literary text.Reading for a general impression,The reader gain an idea of the writer’s viewpoint, an overall impression of the ‘tone’ of a text, then decide whether or not to read the text. Reading for organizing reading and study, The reader can to identify the important content of a text, answer a specific question(s), and decide which selection of a text to a start studying.Reading for learning content or procedures, The reader gain an understanding of a new concepts, learn certain facts from a text, and follow instruction.Reading for learning language,The reader can to translate the text, literally or metaphorically, learn new vocabulary, identify useful structures or collocation, use the text as a model for writing, and then practice pronunciation.
Based on the explanation above, it can be assumed that there are many purposes of reading, but the most important ones are for pleasure and for information. in pleasure, The reader can to follow a narrative and enjoy the ‘sound’ and rhyme of a literary text, the reader enjoys the book that the reader reads. and reading for information in order to find out something or in order to do something with the information the reader get. In conclusion reading for pleasure to enjoy of literary text the reader read and reading for information to get some information or to do something from the information that already found.
References : Grellet.1992.(March 25, 2012).The purposes of reading.Retrieved from : Davies.1995. (March 25, 2012).The purposes of reading. .Retrieved from :
NIM : 0925 0033 number : 61 DIFFERENT PURPOSE OF READING
According to Grabe and Stoller (2001) in academic settings, we read a variety of purposes such as, read to search for information, read for general comprehension, read to learn a new information, and read to synthesize and evaluate information. so it can be assumed that there are many different purposes of reading reader read to look for the information about something for example reader wants to know about internet, so reader do read about it, reader read to general understanding, reader read to know new information about something and reader read to upgrade his/her knowledge about something.
Adopted from : Grabe, William and Stoller, Fredricka L. 2001. Reading for Academic Purposes. Retrieved from :
According to chamberlain (2008) states that there are two purposes for reading: reading for literary purposes and reading for informational purposes. • For literary purposes : The reader becomes involved in imagined events, settings, actions, consequences, characters, atmosphere, feelings, and ideas. • For informational purposes : The reader engages with types of texts and can understand how the world is and has been, and why things work as they do.
So that, from the definition it can be interviewed that the purposes of reading divided into two term: first, the readers can imagine, feel the story. Second, the reader try to find and understand the information based on text.
Adopted from: Chamberlain, Megan (October 2008). PIRLS 2005/2006 in New Zealand: An overview of national findings from the second cycle of the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS). Retrieved from: Accessed on: 4 May 2012
According to chamberlain (2008) states that there are two purposes for reading: reading for literary purposes and reading for informational purposes. • For literary purposes : The reader becomes involved in imagined events, settings, actions, consequences, characters, atmosphere, feelings, and ideas. • For informational purposes : The reader engages with types of texts and can understand how the world is and has been, and why things work as they do.
So that, from the definition it can be interviewed that the purposes of reading divided into two term: first, the readers can imagine, feel the story. Second, the reader try to find and understand the information based on text.
Adopted from: Chamberlain, Megan (October 2008). PIRLS 2005/2006 in New Zealand: An overview of national findings from the second cycle of the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS). Retrieved from: Accessed on: 4 May 2012
Purpose 1: Read for understanding. Studying involves reading to comprehend concepts and details. These components depend on each other. Details help explain or support general concepts, and concepts provide a framework for remembering details. Purpose 2: Read to evaluate critically. Critical evaluation involves understanding. It means approaching material with an open mind, examining causes and effects, evaluating ideas, and asking questions that test the writer's argument and assumptions. Critical reading brings a level of understanding that goes beyond basic information recall. Purpose 3: Read for practical application. A third purpose for reading is to gather usable information that you can apply toward a specific goal. When you read a textbook preface or an instruction booklet for a new software package, your goal is to learn how to do or use something. Reading and action usually go hand in hand. Purpose 4: Read for pleasure. Some materials you read for entertainment, such as Sports Illustrated magazine, the latest page-turner by DaVinci Code author Dan Brown, or even novels by Charles Dickens and Jane Austen. As Yale professor Harold Bloom points out, reading for pleasure gives you the opportunity to enlarge your life and to enter into "alternate realities." "Why read?" Bloom asks. "Because you can know, intimately, only a very few people, and perhaps you never know them at all. After reading [the Thomas Mann masterpiece] The Magic Mountain you know Hans Castorp thoroughly, and he is greatly worth knowing."5
According to Sholes (2009) who described Some Purposes for Reading: • for pleasure or for personal reasons • to find general information such as what a book is mostly about • to find a specific topic in a book or article • to learn subject matter that is required for a class From that definition, there are four kinds of purposes of reading: • for pleasure or for personal reasons • to find general information such as what a book is mostly about • to find a specific topic in a book or article • to learn subject matter that is required for a class
Read more at Suite101: Reading for Different Purposes: Strategies for Reading Different Kinds of Materials |
Sholes, DeLene. 2009. Some Different Purposes for Reading. Available on: Accessed on: May 15, 2012.
Name : Hanni Paramita Sari (50) Nim : 09250021 According to Sholes, Delena (2009), states that there are many different purpose of reading such as for pleasure or for personal reasons to find general information such as what a book is mostly about to find a specific topic in a book or article to learn subject matter that is required for a class. From the definition, it can be assumed that different purpose of reading influences the strategies that readers use and what they will remember from the reading. If no specific purpose exists, reading tends to be haphazard and may lack any real value. Adapted from : Sholes Delena,(2009),Reading For Different Purposes. Retrieved from:
According to wiki answer (2012)different purposes of reading could be: • To be entertained • To complete a task • To obtain information • To analyze So, it can be assumed that Reading purposes means approaching texts with a specific goal! Having a clear purpose before reading can be much effective on reading a books. Adopted from : wiki answer (2012) different purpose of reading. Retrieved from :
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteReading for different purposes
DeleteAccording to stella Cottrell,2011
For all subjects, you will need to know how to change quickly from one kind of reading to another.
1. Browsing : looking over a text to see how it ‘feels’, whether it appears to be the right kind of book, what it contains that might be of use, getting a general feel of the contents. You often take in more information when browsing than you may think at the time.
2. Checking: looking in the contents or index to see whether the book contains specific information that you know you want - or which looks useful.
3. Focusing in: allowing yourself to read more closely when you spot something that looks more useful. It is also important to notice when the text is less useful, and to return to browsing.
4. Fact-finding: looking for specific facts and data.
5. Background: This is additional reading, which gives you a sense of the bigger picture. Select texts that are general and which you find inviting or easy to read. Read these selectively and at your own pace. This is best undertaken in vacations if possible.
It can be conclude that the purpose of reading is to looking for important information,specific information,and select text that are general and than getting general feels of the contents.
Cotrell,stella.2011.Reading Strategies.retried from: different purposes of reading are:To be entertained,To complete a task,To obtain information,and To analyze.
ReplyDeletebased on the explain above, it can be assumed that the different purposes of reading are to be entertained, like read a comic or novel or humor book/comic, second is to complete a task, like read a book and then looking for the answers of the book, third is to obtain information , like read a newspaper article, and the last is to analyze, like read a article maybe :)
adopted from: the different purposes you could have for reading?. retrieved from: Accessed on 19 April 2012
Deletemorly maryant (09250035)
Some Purposes for Reading
ReplyDeleteIn reading a text, it will use different style for different purpose. If students can get the general sense of a sentence or paragraph without knowing every word, there’s no need to interrupt their reading by using a dictionary to find the word’s meaning. They will probably get the sense of the unknown word from the context. Sometimes they will want to read through material quickly, but they will need to read more carefully when they are reading to learn. So, there are some different style for different purposes in reading.
Based on Sholes (2009): he gives some assumptions of Some Purposes for Reading which are devided into:
• for pleasure or for personal reasons
Here, student don’t need to know the meaning of every word in the text. They may want to read fast.
• to find general information such as what a book is mostly about
To find the general information, student will want to skim trough a book or several books to determine how the books are organized and what they cover.
• to find a specific topic in a book or article
Students will need to scan a book or article to find out the specific information that they look for. When he scans, he will look at the title, the table of contents, the headings, and the index to find out if the material gives information about the topic.
• to learn subject matter that is required for a class
In this purpose, student have to read carefully and slowly. When a student studies for a test, he will want to skim the book or chapter first to see what it covers. Then he will read the headings and subheadings to discover how the book is organized. He should try to make connections between the material and what he already knows.
Efficient readers have learned to use different strategies for different kinds of reading. They know when it’s OK to read quickly – skipping over some of the words, how to skim for general information, scan for specific information, and how to study for tests.
Sholes, DeLene. 2009. Some Different Purposes for Reading. Available on: Accessed on: March 16 2012.
Name :Mubarikah
ReplyDeleteNo :64
Elizabeth K. Knutson, U.S. Naval Academy (1998) having a purpose means having a reason to read and approaching a text with a particular goal in mind, whether that goal involves learning or entertainment. In both real-world and classroom situations, purpose affects the reader's motivation, interest, and manner of reading. And based on Delene Sholes(2009) Some Purposes for reading
• for pleasure or for personal reasons
• to find general information such as what a book is mostly about
• to find a specific topic in a book or article
• to learn subject matter that is required for a class
So, it can be assumed that Reading with a purpose means approaching texts with a specific goal.
ElizabethK.Knutson(1998) Reading with a Purpose: Communicative Reading Tasks for the Foreign Language Classroom.Retrieved from: Accessed on Thursday 3th Mei 2012
Name : Linda Puspita
ReplyDeleteAttendance Number : 56
Different purposes of Reading
Acccording Pritchard (2007), There are three different purposes of reading:
1. To gather material that must be understood and recalled in detail.
2. To understand and evaluate the author’s purpose in writing and the supportive arguments or evidence presented.
3. Background reading.
From the definition it can be assumed different purposes of reading is before reading, should know the background to read with collecting the material that must be understood in detail and must understand the author's purpose in writing with supporting arguments or evidence as a text
Adopted from : Pritchard (2007), Reading for Academic Purposes, retrieved from :, accessed on : 3 March 2012
Name : Saroni
ReplyDeleteNim : 0825 052
Number : 17
Sholes Delena,(2009), states that there are many different purpose of reading such as for pleasure or for personal reasons to find general information such as what a book is mostly about to find a specific topic in a book or article to learn subject matter that is required for a class.
so it can be assumed that different purposes of reading reader read just for pleasure for example the reader read novel that make reader be spirit, to find out the information what book, magazine or other wants to delivery to reader, to find specific topic in passage and the last different purpose of reading to learn subject is required for a class for example, students want to know about tense, so students or reader do need to learn subject about tense.
Adopted from : Sholes Delena,(2009),Reading For DifferentPurposes.Retrieved from: http://
Different purpose of reading
ReplyDeleteAttendance number 48
To get the most from what you are reading you should start by setting a purpose. A reader can read text for different purpose. For example, According to Pat Dalia (2001), By setting a purpose readers know HOW to read, if the readers read for entertainment, the readers read more quickly, as remembering details is less important. And if the readers read for information, the readers need to read more slowly, in order to remember the details. It can be concluded that different purpose of reading depend on the purpose of the readers when they read. For example the readers just read for pleasure or to get some information.
Adopted from:
Dalia, Pat. (2001). Read for different purpose. Retrieved from:
Different purposes of reading
According to Sholes (2009) said that Some Purposes for Reading are “ for pleasure or for personal reasons, to find general information such as what a book is mostly about, to find a specific topic in a book or article, and the last to learn subject matter that is required for a class. It can be assumed that reading is used, First, for taking a fun like reading an article on magazine, although may be there are some words that is not understood by the readers, they don’t care about it, they skip it, and guess the meaning from the content ,mainly they only need to catch what the article about. Second reading for taking not specific information , for example there is a person who want to know the general information about The prophet Muhammad” so a person (reader) takes some books about prophet Muhammad then read the books to know what the books cover about ,then skim the information that the readers need and find the general imformation. The third, finding a particular information or topic in book, for example the student(reader) want to know what is simple present tense, so the student(reader) take a grammar book, the reader scan the book , look at table of contents of book about tenses, then look the title, then find a particular information about simple present tense. the last purpose is reading for learning, for example there is a student will take test examination about making a composition in one class so the student(reader) read the books that have a material about making composition then the reader read it carefully comprehend the text , and relate what the reader reads with what the reader knows before.
Reference :
Sholes, Delene. 2009. Reading for different purposes. Retrieved from: Accessed on: may 03 2012.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDelete40. Cici Murdiyani (0925001)
ReplyDeleteDifferent purposes of reading
According to Sholes (2009) define that some purposes for reading is divided into 4:
• for pleasure or for personal reasons
• to find general information such as what a book is mostly about
• to find a specific topic in a book or article
• to learn subject matter that is required for a class
From the definition it can be assumed that 4 there are different purposes of reading. First, the purpose of reading is getting pleasure, the students read a book what they want to read, and what they interest, they read just for entertain them. Second, the purpose of reading is getting general information, for example students read a book or newspaper and when they have gotten general information what they look for, they stop to read. Third, is finding a specific point in a book or article, students read the important points. And fourth, student’s purposes to study about subject matter that is required for a class, they have to read many books about science to add their knowledge.
Sholes, DeLene. (2009). Some Different Purposes for Reading. Retrieved from: Accessed on: 3 Mei 2012.
ReplyDeleteAccording to Aokuchoa, Buntun (2012) some different purpose of reading are :
1. To be entertained
2. To complete a task
3. To obtain information
4. To analyze
from the definition, it can assumed that there are some different purposes of reading, such as :
1. To be entertained, that means reading can be used as a means to fill spare time, to refresh the mind for a while after intensive activities or just hobby. for examples : reading novel, magazine, etc.
2. To complete a task, that means reading can be used to answer question from the book or students/ people are filling about the reading that has been available. for example : reading comprehension, reading textbook, etc.
3. To obtain information, that means reading can be used to get information to adding people's knowledge, etc. for examples : reading newspaper, reading religious book, reading book about the benefits of herbs, health tips, etc.
4. To analyze, that means reading can be used to analyze something. for example : reading about the crime cases, the origin of the crime happened and the punishment which equivalent to.
reference :
adopted from : copyright 2012 answers corporation. retrieved from :
ReplyDeleteAccording to Aokuchoa, Buntun (2012) some different purpose of reading are :
1. To be entertained
2. To complete a task
3. To obtain information
4. To analyze
from the definition, it can assumed that there are some different purposes of reading, such as :
1. To be entertained, that means reading can be used as a means to fill spare time, to refresh the mind for a while after intensive activities or just hobby. for examples : reading novel, magazine, etc.
2. To complete a task, that means reading can be used to answer question from the book or students/ people are filling about the reading that has been available. for example : reading comprehension, reading textbook, etc.
3. To obtain information, that means reading can be used to get information to adding people's knowledge, etc. for examples : reading newspaper, reading religious book, reading book about the benefits of herbs, health tips, etc.
4. To analyze, that means reading can be used to analyze something. for example : reading about the crime cases, the origin of the crime happened and the punishment which equivalent to.
reference :
adopted from : copyright 2012 answers corporation. retrieved from : Accessed on : May, 3th. 2012
Attendance list number (62)
ReplyDeleteDifferent purpose of reading
According to Sholes (Jan 27, 2009), there are four different purposes of reading. First, reading for pleasure or for personal reason. It’s mean that the readers read a text to get pleasure, there is no need to understand and comprehend the text accurately, but the reader only need general understanding of the text. Second, reading to find general information. It can be said that the readers need to use skimming reading technique to get general information which is needed. When the readers skim, they flip the pages of the book or article quickly to find out whether it might be cover the information or no. Third, reading to find a specific topic in a book or article. In this term, it can be concluded that the readers need to scan a book or article to find out the material in order to fulfill their need. When the readers scan, they do not need to read line by line but they should read to the words/sentences which has different style, color, bold, italic, organization of number, steps, etc. Forth, reading to learn subject matter (reading carefully and slowly). It is usually used when the readers study for a test, they will skim the book or chapter to see what it is about. It can be implied that the readers will read the section of the book or chapter carefully and check for the words which they do not know by using dictionary. After that, the readers will go back and review the text. Furthermore, Sholes gives a strategy for reading to learn subject matter by using SQ3R (survey, question, read, recite, review). It is used to help the readers read efficiently.
Adopted from :
Sholes, Delene. (Jan 27, 2009). Reading for Different Purposes. Retrieved from :
Name : Meidiana Eka Putri
ReplyDeleteNumber : 59
Different purposes reading
According to Heidi Byrnes (1998) The purpose for reading determines the appropriate approach to reading comprehension and the type of text determine the specific knowledge, skills, and strategies that readers need to apply to achieve comprehension. Basically the purpose of reading is to get information. Readers can entertain themselves, learn things, get directions, and even find out facts about anything the reader want to. It can be concluded that the purpose reading is determining or having a reason to read and approaching a teks with a particular goal in mind. And then The reader uses knowledge, skills, and strategies to determine what that meaning which include ability to recognize the element of writing, knowledge of how words are structured in sentences and last the ability to use scanning and skimming strategies. So, Reading results when the reader knows which skills and strategies are appropriate for the type of text, and understands how to apply them to accomplish the reading purpose. The reading will also help the reader to gain infomation from the content more easily and make reader to think widely, so reader not only able to get information from the book but also need to listen and writing in order to succsesfully gain information.
Adopted from : Byrnes,heidi. (1998). Reading for different purposes. Retrieved from:
Different purposes of reading
ReplyDeleteaccording to Sholes, Delena (2009)defined that the different purposes of reading are:
1.for pleasure or for personal reasons find general information such as what a book is mostly about find a specific topic in a book or article learn subject matter that is required for a class.
from the definition, it can be assumed that there are 4 purposes of reading first, reading for pleasure,or its mean that reading just for
entertain the reader,second to find the information, or for getting the idea in the text,third to get the main idea, or the main topic from the book or a text,and the last is to study about the text,and it especially for learning teaching process in the class.
adopted from: Sholes,Delena (2009)Reading for Different Purposes retriewed from :
accessed on may 04th 2012
ReplyDeleteAccording to G.S. Grosser. (2006). “Students need to know that they can read for different purposes as this helps to create a "flexible reader." If students read for pleasure, they can skim the text or read slowly depending on how they feel or what assignments they receive. If students are reading content area subjects such as science or social studies, they will probably want to read slowly.” So it can be assumed that “ different purpose of reading is the student can be able to differenciate which one the reading must to read slowly and which one the reading must summarize the specific topic and goals and comprehend it.
Grosser. G. S. 2006. Establishing a Purpose for Reading. Retrieved from: Assessed on Friday, 4th May 2012
Nama : Ferbawanti. S (47)
ReplyDeleteSN : 09250018
According to Finlands Virtuelia Universitet (Finnish Virtual University), there are some reading purposes that are involved in the reading strategies:
1. Skimming i.e. reading for a general impression
Skimming the text should give an idea of the usefulness of the text for people’s purposes and also a general idea of what it is about. This information helps people to decide how well people should read it.
2. Scanning i.e. reading for specific details
Some people may need to find answers to certain questions (what, who, when).
3. Reading for main points in general
The main points could include information like why the text was written, what the purpose of the writer was, how the text is organised and what the main arguments are. Eg. reading for an exam.
4. Reading for selected main points
People may look for information about a specific area or answers to certain questions. The reading will probably aim at finding that information only. Eg. reading for a thesis.
5. Critical / evaluative reading (intensive)
If people read a text with a critical or evaluative attitude, they probably compare the writer's views with their own or some other writers' views. Making a difference between facts and opinions of the writer is also important. Eg. reading for a thesis or an exam.
6. Reading for pleasure
(Often without having to keep the content in mind)
From the passages above, we can conclude that reading have some purposes according to the strategies used, they are:
1.For general impression (by skimming).
2.To find specific information (by scanning).
3.For critical / evaluative reading (by intensive).
4.Reading for pleasure (by extensive).
Reference : Finnish Virtual University (2010). Reading and Writing in English for Academic and Professional Purposes. Retrieved from: (
Name : Anggun Prismadarti
ReplyDeleteNim : 09250004
Attendance number : 33
According to Grellet (1992: 4), there are two purposes for reading viewed from the reason as follows; Reading for pleasure and reading for information (in order to find out something or in order to do something with theinformation the reader get). Furthermore, According to Davies (1995: 133-134), There are some purposes of reading, they are;Reading for pleasure,
The reader can to follow a narrative and enjoy the ‘sound’ and rhyme of a literary text.Reading for a general impression,The reader gain an idea of the writer’s viewpoint, an overall impression of the ‘tone’ of a text, then decide whether or not to read the text. Reading for organizing reading and study,
The reader can to identify the important content of a text, answer a specific question(s), and decide which selection of a text to a start studying.Reading for learning content or procedures, The reader gain an understanding of a new concepts, learn certain facts from a text, and follow instruction.Reading for learning language,The reader can to translate the text, literally or metaphorically, learn new vocabulary, identify useful structures or collocation, use the text as a model for writing, and then practice pronunciation.
Based on the explanation above, it can be assumed that there are many purposes of reading, but the most important ones are for pleasure and for information. in pleasure, The reader can to follow a narrative and enjoy the ‘sound’ and rhyme of a literary text, the reader enjoys the book that the reader reads. and reading for information in order to find out something or in order to do something with the information the reader get. In conclusion reading for pleasure to enjoy of literary text the reader read and reading for information to get some information or to do something from the information that already found.
References :
Grellet.1992.(March 25, 2012).The purposes of reading.Retrieved from :
Davies.1995. (March 25, 2012).The purposes of reading. .Retrieved from :
NIM : 0925 0033
ReplyDeletenumber : 61
According to Grabe and Stoller (2001) in academic settings, we read a variety of purposes such as, read to search for information, read for general comprehension, read to learn a new information, and read to synthesize and evaluate information.
so it can be assumed that there are many different purposes of reading reader read to look for the information about something for example reader wants to know about internet, so reader do read about it, reader read to general understanding, reader read to know new information about something and reader read to upgrade his/her knowledge about something.
Adopted from :
Grabe, William and Stoller, Fredricka L. 2001. Reading for Academic Purposes. Retrieved from :
Attendance number: 60
ReplyDeleteAccording to chamberlain (2008) states that there are two purposes for reading: reading for literary purposes and reading for informational purposes.
• For literary purposes : The reader becomes involved in imagined events, settings, actions, consequences, characters, atmosphere, feelings, and ideas.
• For informational purposes : The reader engages with types of texts and can understand how the world is and has been, and why things work as they do.
So that, from the definition it can be interviewed that the purposes of reading divided into two term: first, the readers can imagine, feel the story. Second, the reader try to find and understand the information based on text.
Adopted from: Chamberlain, Megan (October 2008). PIRLS 2005/2006 in New Zealand: An overview of national findings from the second cycle of the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS). Retrieved from: Accessed on: 4 May 2012
Attendance number: 60
ReplyDeleteAccording to chamberlain (2008) states that there are two purposes for reading: reading for literary purposes and reading for informational purposes.
• For literary purposes : The reader becomes involved in imagined events, settings, actions, consequences, characters, atmosphere, feelings, and ideas.
• For informational purposes : The reader engages with types of texts and can understand how the world is and has been, and why things work as they do.
So that, from the definition it can be interviewed that the purposes of reading divided into two term: first, the readers can imagine, feel the story. Second, the reader try to find and understand the information based on text.
Adopted from: Chamberlain, Megan (October 2008). PIRLS 2005/2006 in New Zealand: An overview of national findings from the second cycle of the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS). Retrieved from: Accessed on: 4 May 2012
Name: Fatimah Y Sari
ReplyDeleteSN : 09 250016
4 Different Purpose of Reading:
Purpose 1: Read for understanding. Studying involves reading to comprehend concepts and details. These components depend on each other. Details help explain or support general concepts, and concepts provide a framework for remembering details.
Purpose 2: Read to evaluate critically. Critical evaluation involves understanding. It means approaching material with an open mind, examining causes and effects, evaluating ideas, and asking questions that test the writer's argument and assumptions. Critical reading brings a level of understanding that goes beyond basic information recall.
Purpose 3: Read for practical application. A third purpose for reading is to gather usable information that you can apply toward a specific goal. When you read a textbook preface or an instruction booklet for a new software package, your goal is to learn how to do or use something. Reading and action usually go hand in hand.
Purpose 4: Read for pleasure. Some materials you read for entertainment, such as Sports Illustrated magazine, the latest page-turner by DaVinci Code author Dan Brown, or even novels by Charles Dickens and Jane Austen. As Yale professor Harold Bloom points out, reading for pleasure gives you the opportunity to enlarge your life and to enter into "alternate realities." "Why read?" Bloom asks. "Because you can know, intimately, only a very few people, and perhaps you never know them at all. After reading [the Thomas Mann masterpiece] The Magic Mountain you know Hans Castorp thoroughly, and he is greatly worth knowing."5
Name: iskandar rudini
DeleteNo: 001
According to Sholes (2009) who described Some Purposes for Reading:
• for pleasure or for personal reasons
• to find general information such as what a book is mostly about
• to find a specific topic in a book or article
• to learn subject matter that is required for a class
From that definition, there are four kinds of purposes of reading:
• for pleasure or for personal reasons
• to find general information such as what a book is mostly about
• to find a specific topic in a book or article
• to learn subject matter that is required for a class
Read more at Suite101: Reading for Different Purposes: Strategies for Reading Different Kinds of Materials |
Sholes, DeLene. 2009. Some Different Purposes for Reading. Available on: Accessed on: May 15, 2012.
Name : Hanni Paramita Sari (50)
ReplyDeleteNim : 09250021
According to Sholes, Delena (2009), states that there are many different purpose of reading such as for pleasure or for personal reasons to find general information such as what a book is mostly about to find a specific topic in a book or article to learn subject matter that is required for a class. From the definition, it can be assumed that different purpose of reading influences the strategies that readers use and what they will remember from the reading. If no specific purpose exists, reading tends to be haphazard and may lack any real value.
Adapted from : Sholes Delena,(2009),Reading For Different Purposes. Retrieved from:
Name : Dona Febriyanti
ReplyDeleteNim : 09250013 (42)
According to wiki answer (2012)different purposes of reading could be:
• To be entertained
• To complete a task
• To obtain information
• To analyze
So, it can be assumed that Reading purposes means approaching texts with a specific goal! Having a clear purpose before reading can be much effective on reading a books.
Adopted from : wiki answer (2012) different purpose of reading. Retrieved from :