Saturday, 25 February 2012






    Nama : Loris Pardiansyah
    N I M : 2010.111.375.P

    The traditional or conventional procurement method has been a standard practice in the construction industry for 150 years, following the emergence of general contracting firms and independent client consultants. There are two main features of the traditional method:
    1. The design process is separate from the construction (although JCT contracts provide for design of specific parts of the works to be carried out by the contractor)
    2. Full documentation (i.e. drawings, work schedules, bills of quantities) must be supplied by the client before the contractor can be invited to tender for carrying out the work.

    Types of traditional/conventional contract

    Lump Sum Contracts

    With lump sum contracts, the contract sum is determined before construction work is started. Contracts ‘with quantities’ are priced on the basis of drawings and firm bills of quantities. ‘Without quantities’ means a contract priced on the basis of drawings and usually another document, such as a specification or work schedules.

    Measurement Contracts

    The contract sum for measurement contracts is not finalised until completion of the project, where it is assessed on remeasurement to a previously agreed basis. This type of contract can arise where the works to be carried out by the contractor cannot for good reason be accurately measured before tender. Normally the design will be reasonably complete and an accurate indication of quality will be available to the tenderer. Contracts with ‘approximate quantities’ that are based on drawings and approximate quantities present the least risk to the client. A ‘measured term’ contract can also be priced on the basis of rates applied to individual works that make up part of a larger programme.

    Cost reimbursement Contracts

    Sometimes referred to as ‘cost-plus’ or ‘prime cost’ contracts, these work on the basis that the sum is calculated from the actual costs of labour, plant and materials to which an amount is added to cover overheads and profit. The overhead and profit amount can be a fixed-sum, percentage, or some other reimbursement payment. This type of contract is only generally used where the circumstances of the project preclude other alternatives or where a partnering ethos is in place, as it can be quite high risk for the client.

  2. Mediana eka putri (59)
    According to novak (1998) Traditional teaching is concerned with the teacher being the controller of the learning environment. Power and responsibility are held by the teacher and they play the role of instructor (in the form of lectures) and decision maker (in regards to cirriculum content and specific outcomes). The teacher regard students as having 'knowledge holes' that need to be filled with information. the traditional view of reading, novice readers acquire a set of hierarchically ordered sub-skills that sequentially build toward comprehension ability. Having mastered these skills, readers are viewed as experts who comprehend what they read.
    From definition,it can be assumed that in traditional method teacher as a center to her students it means that the teacher intends to approach their students so that students can understand what will be discussed and make students more actively in the learning process. traditional/ conventioal teaching reading is a teaching reading strategy that students must have a good ability in understanding reading text, where students just listen what teacher delivers in teaching reading.
    Adopted from : novyak (1998). Traditional teaching. Retrieved from :

    1. anggun prismadarti29 May 2012 at 17:10

      According to zulfa evinda The research compared the use of Predictive Reading Technique and Conventional Technique (GTM) in teaching reading comprehension. Predictive Reading Technique was a reading technique in which the reader is asked to apply his/her background knowledge as well by using picture. Meanwhile, Conventional Technique (GTM) focused on translating grammatical forms, memorizing vocabulary, and learning rules in learning reading comprehension.

      It can be assumed that in conventional or traditional reading technique focus on translation,memorize vocabularies, and learning based on the rules of reading comprehension.

      Addopted from: Evinda Zulfa .Conventional technique in reading comprehension.
      Retrieved from :

  3. anggun prismadarti29 May 2012 at 17:12

    Name : Anggun prismadarti
    Nim : 09250004
    Attendance list : 33

    According to zulfa evinda The research compared the use of Predictive Reading Technique and Conventional Technique (GTM) in teaching reading comprehension. Predictive Reading Technique was a reading technique in which the reader is asked to apply his/her background knowledge as well by using picture. Meanwhile, Conventional Technique (GTM) focused on translating grammatical forms, memorizing vocabulary, and learning rules in learning reading comprehension.

    It can be assumed that in conventional or traditional reading technique focus on translation,memorize vocabularies, and learning based on the rules of reading comprehension.

    Addopted from: Evinda Zulfa .Conventional technique in reading comprehension.
    Retrieved from :

  4. Name : Saroni
    Nim : 0825052
    : 17

    Dorit Sasson (2007:01) states that definition of Traditional reading techinque there is a rule, these are the main reading strategies students should learn, scanning, skimming, reading for detail, predection and anticipation,dan the last step is inference. From the definition, it can be assumed that the Traditional reading techinque is a rule that has many step, it can be boring students.

    Adopted from : Dorit Sasson ( 2007:01 ). Teaching Reading Strategy
    Retrieved from:

  5. Name : Mubarikah
    Nim : 09250036
    No : 64
    According to Laura Clark (19 June 2007) that Traditional reading technique is the heart of reading lessons that focus on the the synthetic phonics. Synthetic phonics fell out of favour in the 1960s and 1970s in favour of progressive 'child-centred' learning that was championed for decades by educationalists in the Labour movement. In a return to traditional/conventional methods, the students will be taught "from the ground up", first learning the 44 letter sounds of English and then how to blend or "synthesise" them to make words. All stedents can get the most out of learning to read using synthetic phonics.

    Adopted from:Laura Clark(19 June 2007). Schools are shown the way to return to traditional reading.retrieved from: Accessed on Tuesday 22 May 2012/

  6. nama: iskandar rudini
    no: 001

    According to Laura Clark (19 June 2007), Traditional reading technique is a technique in reading which this technique focuses on the synthetic phonics. Synthetic phonics fell out of favour in the 1960s and 1970s in favour of progressive 'child-centred' learning that was championed for decades by educationalists in the Labour movement. In a return to traditional/conventional methods, the students will be taught "from the ground up", first learning the 44 letter sounds of English and then how to blend or "synthesise" them to make words.

    Adopted from: Clark, Laura . June19 , 2007. Schools are shown the way to return to traditional reading. retrieved from: Accessed on; may 31, 2012

  7. Novak (1998) states that traditional teaching is concerned with the teacher being the controller of the learning environment, power and responsibility are held by the teacher. The lesson's content and delivery are considered to be most important and students master knowledge through drill and practice.

    From the definition it can be assumed that traditional teaching is the method of teaching. The teacher as a center in the learning process, and students just do the instruction from the teacher without make their own creation, teacher more active than students.

    Novak.(1998).Traditional teaching.vailableon:

    Attendance 60

  8. LAURA CLARK (19 June 2007)
    Traditional methods, pupils will be taught "from the ground up", first learning the 44 letter sounds of English and then how to blend or "synthesise" them to make words.
    The guide to all English primaries sets down six phases in a programme called Letters and Sounds. During phase one, children from the age of three are prepared for phonics through games and songs.
    Children then start learning basic consonants in phase two and by phase six - intended to be completed by the age of seven – children should be reading fluently and working on their spelling.

    LAURA CLARK (2007. Schools are shown the way to return to traditional reading. retrieved from: accessed on: june 6th 2012

  9. Name : Ferbawanti. S (47)

    According to Uwameiye (2008), conventional method is a traditional method of teaching where the teacher transmits information (subject matter content) verbally to his/her students, sometimes writing on the blackboard or using instructional materials. The students listen and take notes of facts and ideas that are considered important and also sometimes asking the teacher questions for clarification.

    From the passages above, it can be conclude that conventional reading teaching technique is a technique in which the teacher become the controller (or teacher-centred approach) and the students just respond what the teacher ask and they study in silent way.

    Reference : Uwameiye, R.(2008). Effect of Team Teaching on the Academic Achievement of Students in Introductory Technology. Retrieved from: (

  10. Name : Irma Damayanti
    Attendance : 52
    According to Novak, (1998)Traditional teaching is concerned with the teacher being the controller of the learning environment. Power and responsibility are held by the teacher and they play the role of instructor (in the form of lectures) and decision maker (in regards to cirriculum content and specific outcomes). They regard students as having 'knowledge holes' that need to be filled with information. In short, the traditional teacher views that it is the teacher that causes learning to occur

    From the definition it can be assumed that in this technique, the teacher be a center of the learning process which is the responsibility is in the teacher's hand.

    Adopted from :Novak.(1998).Traditional teaching
    available on :
    accessed on june 06 2012

  11. Name : Ferbawanti. S (47)

    According to Uwameiye (2008), conventional method is a traditional method of teaching where the teacher transmits information (subject matter content) verbally to his/her students, sometimes writing on the blackboard or using instructional materials. The students listen and take notes of facts and ideas that are considered important and also sometimes asking the teacher questions for clarification.

    From the passages above, it can be conclude that conventional reading teaching technique is a technique in which the teacher become the controller (or teacher-centred approach) and the students just respond what the teacher ask and they study in silent way.

    Reference : Uwameiye, R.(2008). Effect of Team Teaching on the Academic Achievement of Students in Introductory Technology. Retrieved from: (

  12. Name : Irma Damayanti
    Nim : 09250023 (52)
    According to Novak (1998) defined that traditional teaching reading is Traditional teaching is concerned with the teacher being the controller of the learning environment. Power and responsibility are held by the teacher and they play the role of instructor (in the form of lectures) and decision maker (in regards to cirriculum content and specific outcomes). They regard students as having 'knowledge holes' that need to be filled with information. In short, the traditional teacher views that it is the teacher that causes learning to occur

    so from the definition it can be assumed that traditional teaching is in the learning proccess teacher as the center, the responsibility is in the hand of the teacher.

    Adopted from ; Novak (1998) taditional teaching
    Retriewed from :

  13. Name : Mawaddah Hidayati
    NIM : 09-25-0029
    AN : 57


    According to Laura Clark (2007), Traditional reading technique is a technique in reading which this technique focuses on the synthetic phonics.

    From the definition, it can assumed that Traditional reading technique is the way or method in reading that focuses on synthetic phonics or focuses on imitative sound (e.x. in pronunciation). For example : Teacher read a text, then students listen to their teacher’s sound (pronunciation) and after that they imitate the teacher’s sound (pronunciation), style in reading exactly the same as their teacher.

    Adopted from: Clark, Laura . June 19 , 2007. Schools are shown the way to return to traditional reading. retrieved from:

  14. Name : Mawaddah Hidayati
    NIM : 09-25-0029
    AN : 57


    According to Laura Clark (2007), Traditional reading technique is a technique in reading which this technique focuses on the synthetic phonics.

    From the definition, it can assumed that Traditional reading technique is the way or method in reading that focuses on synthetic phonics or focuses on imitative sound (e.x. in pronunciation). For example : Teacher read a text, then students listen to their teacher’s sound (pronunciation) and after that they imitate the teacher’s sound (pronunciation), style in reading exactly the same as their teacher.

    Adopted from: Clark, Laura . June 19 , 2007. Schools are shown the way to return to traditional reading. retrieved from:

  15. Name : maya yana
    Nim : 09250030

    Conventional / traditional reading technique

    According to Thompson (2011) said that There are three stages identified on the path to becoming conventional readers and writers: early readers and writers are able to read simple texts, including stories written by others, using mostly high frequency words. They also use phonics to ‘sound out’ words. So it can be assumed that conventional or traditional reading is one of reading technique that is usually used in teaching third grade, where the students read by pronouncing the word with a loud sounds.

    Reference : Thompson, lynne (2011). Can Every Child be a Conventional Reader by 3rd Grade. Retrieved from : accessed on 23 may 2012

  16. Name : Miftahuljanah
    Nim : 09250033
    AN : 61

    Paul Kuehn (2012: 1) states that traditional strategy in teaching reading is where the teachers insist that students must know the meanings of all words in an article or story before they tackle it. Before students even begin to read, teachers are making sure that everyone understands the new words and grammar. Oddly, there isn't much discussion about the background of the subject matter which the students will read.

    From the definition definition, it can be assumed that in teaching reading by using the traditional method and the strategy which the teacher make sure the students to understand the meaning by the text. The teacher requires the students to know every words and grammar from the text .

    Adopted from: Kuehn, Paul. 2012. Strategies for Teaching Reading Comprehension to EFL Students. Retrieved from:

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Conventional/traditional/standard reading strategy
    According to Novak.(1998). Traditional teaching is concerned with the teacher being the controller of the learning environment. Power and responsibility are held by the teacher and they play the role of instructor (in the form of lectures) and decision maker (in regards to cirriculum content and specific outcomes). They regard students as having 'knowledge holes' that need to be filled with information. It can be assumed that traditional teaching focuses on the teacher as the instructor or the contributor of knowledge whereas the learner as receiver the knowledge from the teachers.
    Reference: :
    adopted from Novak. (1998). Traditional Teaching. Retrieved on : Accessed on : 2 June 2012

  19. According to novak its can be conclude:
    Traditional teaching is concerned with the teacher being the controller of the learning environment. Power and responsibility are held by the teacher and they play the role of instructor (in the form of lectures) and decision maker (in regards to cirriculum content and specific outcomes). They regard students as having 'knowledge holes' that need to be filled with information. In short, the traditional teacher views that it is the teacher that causes learning to occur.
    Novak.1998.Traditional Teaching.retried from:

  20. 40. Cici Murdiyani (09250011)
    Traditional reading technique.
    According to Aleksandra (2002), Traditional theories approach reading as a process of comprehending words, then comprehending the relations between the words in a sentence, and finally uttering them or realizing them in silent speech. It can be assumed that traditional theories approach is a process for comprehending words, and then comprehending the relation of words and sentence, and the last, uttering the words and sentence or realizing them in silent speech.

    Aleksandra (2001), Application of Computer Assisted Language Learning in the Development of Reading Comprehension Skills. Retrieved from:
    Accessed on: 14 June 2012.

  21. Name : Dona Febriyanti (42)
    Nim : 09250013
    According to Aleksandra (2002), Traditional theories approach reading as a process of comprehending words, then comprehending the relations between the words in a sentence, and finally uttering them or realizing them in silent speech.

    From the definition, it can be assumed that Traditional theories of teaching reading is a process in which students begin to understand and examine the meaning of all words in a text. So that they finally know the purpose of the content they read.

    Aleksandra (2001), Application of Computer Assisted Language Learning in the Development of
    Reading Comprehension Skills. Retrieved from:
    Accessed on: 2nd June 2012.
