According to Rudolf flesch readability tests are designed to indicate comprehension difficulty when reading a passage of contemporary academic English. There are two tests, the Flesch Reading Ease, and the Flesch–Kincaid Grade Level. Although they use the same core measures (word length and sentence length), they have different weighting factors, so the results of the two tests correlate approximately inversely: a text with a comparatively high score on the Reading Ease test should have a lower score on the Grade Level test. It can be conclude that there are two tests in readability test and with both of the test will get results that correlate approximately inversely:a text with a comparatively high score on the reading ease test should have a lower score on the grade level test. References: Flesch ,Rudolf.2012.Flesch-Kincaid Readibility Test.retried from:
J. Gilland (1972) states that readability test Readability tests are a way to measure the reading ease, comprehension, retention, reading speed, and reading persistence of a text.
From the definition, it can be assumed that readability test is a way to measure the text, that suitable for students based on the students gradde (level).
reference: Adopted From: Gilland, J. (1972). Readability. (University of London Press. Retrieved From:
attendance number : 61 According to John ( 1976 ) states that there are four grade level readability formula, that is : Step 1: Calculate the average number of words used per sentence. Step 2: Calculate the average number of syllables per word. Step 3: Multiply the average number of words by 0.39 and add it to the average number of syllables per word multiplied by 11.8. Step 4: Subtract 15.59 from the result. The specific mathematical formula is: FKRA = (0.39 x ASL) + (11.8 x ASW) - 15.59 Where, FKRA = Flesch-Kincaid Reading Age ASL = Average Sentence Length (i.e., the number of words divided by the number of sentences) ASW = Average number of Syllable per Word (i.e., the number of syllables divided by the number of words) From this explanation can be assumed that : Readability test is a way to measure the reading ease, comprehension, retention, reading speed, and reading persistence of a text and there are four step to calculate a test in order easier to do it.
Reference Kincaid, John P. 1976. The Flesch Grade Level Readability Formula. Available on :
Arina Lailatul Fitria (35) According to Cheryl Stephens (2000).” Readability test is describes the ease with which a document can be read. Readability tests, which are mathematical formulas, were designed to assess the suitability of books for students at particular grade levels or ages and “readable” can be defined as: fit to be read, interesting, agreeable and attractive in style; and enjoyable”. So from the definition, it can be concluded that Readability test is the way to measure kinds of text reading that suitable for particular readers need, such as we must consider when we want to give a text reading for students and must observe the level of student, then we give the appropriate text reading for them. Reference: Stephens, Cherly. 2000. All About Readability Test. Available on: Assessed on: Friday, 18th of May
according to rob ackerman (2010) Readability tests and readability metrics are a way to measure the reading case, comprehension, retention, reading speed, and reading persistence of a text.the reader do not write the same way for an audience of 14-year olds or marketing specialists, for a scientific meeting or in a consent form in a hospital. the term readability refers to all the factors that affect success in reading and understanding a text and it can be measured. These factors include: 1. The interest and motivation of the reader. 2. The legibility of the print (and of any illustrations). 3. The complexity of words and sentences in relation to the reading ability of the reader. Example : the teacher want to test the students who has different level, so the teacher can choose the text which appropriate with their level. it can be assumed that readability test is to determine understanding of reading for each level. There are some factor that affect that success in reading and understanding a text for student.
Adopted from : Ackerman, Rob. (2010). Readability Tests and Formulas. Retrieved From:
Name : Linda puspita (09250027) Number attendance : 56
Accroding Red hat (2005 -2011) The readability tests is to give teacher a quick assessment about the density of students writing. Readability tests cannot tell student how easily a reader can understand the information in the text. Teacher can perform readability tests manually by counting and doing a mathematical calculation, or by using word-processing software. From the definition it can be assumed Readability tests are one way to evaluate and asses how understandable students writing is.
Adopted from : Hat red (2005 – 2011), Readability Tests, retrieved from : , Accessed on : 23 May 2012
Cheryl Stephens (2000.1) states that readability describes the ease with which a document can be read. Readability tests, which are mathematical formulas, were designed to assess the suitability of books for students at particular grade levels or ages. From the definition it can be assumed that readability is used for knowing which material that are suitable for learner based on their grade or level, it can help teacher to decide material that suitable for student.
Adopted From : 2000 Cheryl Stephens. All About Readability. Retrieved From :
Readability is the measure of how easy it is to read and comprehend a document.
Flesch Reading Ease Formula
The Flesch Reading Ease Formula is a simple approach to assess the grade-level of the reader. It’s also one of the few accurate measures around that we can rely on without too much scrutiny. This formula is best used on school text.
The specific mathematical formula is:
RE = 206.835 – (1.015 x ASL) – (84.6 x ASW) RE = Readability Ease ASL = Average Sentence Length (i.e., the number of words divided by the number of sentences) ASW = Average number of syllables per word (i.e., the number of syllables divided by the number of words)
The output, i.e., RE is a number ranging from 0 to 100. The higher the number, the easier the text is to read.
Scores between 90.0 and 100.0 are considered easily understandable by an average 5th grader.
Scores between 60.0 and 70.0 are considered easily understood by 8th and 9th graders.
Scores between 0.0 and 30.0 are considered easily understood by college graduates.
Adopted from:
Kincaid, John P. 2012. The Flesch Grade Level Readability Formula. Available on-line at : Retrieved on May 31, 2012
Name : Mawaddah Hidayati NIM : 09250029 Attendance Number : 57
According to Flesch Rudolf (2012) Readibility test is formula for evaluating the readability of text, usually by counting syllables, words and sentences. There are two tests, the Flesch Reading Ease, and the Flesch–Kincaid Grade Level.
From the definition, it can assumed that readability test is the form or ways to the readers to measure their ability when the readers read by calculating syllables, term and phrase. And using two tests such as Flesch Reading Ease, or the Flesch–Kincaid Grade Level.
Adopted from : . Retrieved from :
Name: Mubarikah No: 64 Readability Tests. The Flesch or Flesch–Kincaid readability tests are designed to indicate comprehension difficulty when reading a passage of contemporary academic English. So my opinion readability test that can be helpful in determining how readable your content is and often used as an alternative to conducting an actual statistical survey of human readers of the subject text. Reference: Flesch or Flesch–Kincaid (2012). Flesch–Kincaid readability test. Retrieved from 8 May 2012 at 02:51. Accessed on Tuesday 15th may 2012.
According to Stephens, readability tests are mathematical formulas, were designed to assess the suitability of books for students at particular grade levels or ages. The tests were intended to help educators, librarians and publishers make decisions about purchase and sale of books. They were also meant to save time - because before the formulas were used those decisions were made on recommendations of educators and librarians who read the books. These people were taking books already written and figuring out who were the appropriate reading groups. According to the description, it can be assumed that the goal by doing readability is to check how easy a book for the target user or reader
Adopted from : Stephens, Cheryl. (2000). All about Readability. Retrieved From:, Accessed on May 31, 2012.
Based on (2012) Readability Tests are designed to give a statistical analysis of the difficulty of a text. While any attempt to reduce language use, which is inherently creative, to statistics can be criticised, readability tests can be used to give an approximate indication. So, by using this test, the teacher will know the level of the reading texts, then the teacher may give the appropriate reading for appropriate students.
Adopted from: (2012), Glossary Readability Test. Retrieved From: Accessed on : 21 may 2012.
According to hat red (2005) The main function of readability tests is to give you a quick assessment about the density of your writing. Readability tests cannot tell you how easily a reader can understand the information in the text. You can perform readability tests manually by counting and doing a mathematical calculation, or by using word-processing software. There are several popular readability indexes, for example: • Gunning Fog Index • Flesch Reading Ease Scale • Flesch-Kincaid Grade Index
Based on the explanation above Readability test is a way that give a quick assessment about the density of the writing, in readability test it cannot tell how easily understand the information that include in the writing for the reader.
Readability Tests According to Harmly (2004) said that Readability tests are formulae for evaluating the readability of text, usually by counting syllables, words, and sentences. Readability tests are often used as an alternative to conducting an actual statistical survey of human readers of the subject text (a readability survey). Word processing applications often have readability tests built-in, which can be deployed on documents in-editing. It means that readability tests is evaluate the readability of text and count syllables, words, and sentences. References:
John, Harmly (2004). Readability Tests. Retrieved from: accessed on 23 May 2012.
According to Stephens (2000) said that Readability describes the ease with which a document can be read. Readability tests, which are mathematical formulas, were designed to assess the suitability of books for students at particular grade levels or ages. it can be assumed that readability test is one of the tools or ways to measure one text or document to know the level of text , whether is it appropriate to elementary levels or intermediate level or can be appropriate for what ages of the reader.
Reference: Stephens, Cheryl. 2000.all about readability. Retrieved from: accessed on 23 may 2012
Cheryl Stephens All about Readability The use of readability tests in the plain language process is a controversial topic. Now that readability scores are easy to obtain by using computerized grammar and style checking software programs, there is new pressure to adopt them. Readability describes the ease with which a document can be read. Readability tests, which are mathematical formulas, were designed to assess the suitability of books for students at particular grade levels or ages.
reference: Cheryl Stephens (2012). all about readibility . retrieved from: . accessed on june, 6th 2012
According to Dictionary Definition (2009), readability is defined as reading ease, especially as it results from a writing style. Extensive research has shown that easy-reading text improves comprehension, retention, reading speed, and reading persistence.
From the definition, it can be concluded that readability test is a test which measuring the level of a text. It can be from the context, the style of writing and the structure.
Reference : Dictionary Definition.(2009). Definition of Readability. Retrieved from: (
Name : irma Damayanti attendance : 52 According to Stephens Cherly (2000) defined that Readability describes the ease with which a document can be read. Readability tests, which are mathematical formulas, were designed to assess the suitability of books for students at particular grade levels or ages.
From the definition it can be assumed that readability test is a mathematic formulas to measuring the appropriate text for appropriate levels
Adopted from:Cheryl Stephens (2000) all about readability Retriewed from: Accessed on june 06 2012
According to Chris Durcan (2012 )Readability Tests are designed to give a statistical analysis of the difficulty of a text. While any attempt to reduce language use, which is inherently creative, to statistics can be criticised, readability tests can be used to give an approximate indication. So, it can be assumed that Readability is a measure of an instrument's ability to display incremental changes in its output value. For example, a balance with a readability of 1 mg will not display any difference between objects with masses from 0.6 mg to 1.4 mg, because possible display values are 0 mg, 1 mg, 2 mg etc. Likewise, a balance with a readability of 0.1 mg will not display any difference between objects with masses from 0.06 mg to 0.14 mg.
Adopted from : Chris Durcan (2012 )Readability Test.
According to Chris Durcan (2012 )Readability Tests are designed to give a statistical analysis of the difficulty of a text. While any attempt to reduce language use, which is inherently creative, to statistics can be criticised, readability tests can be used to give an approximate indication. So, it can be assumed that Readability is a measure of an instrument's ability to display incremental changes in its output value. For example, a balance with a readability of 1 mg will not display any difference between objects with masses from 0.6 mg to 1.4 mg, because possible display values are 0 mg, 1 mg, 2 mg etc. Likewise, a balance with a readability of 0.1 mg will not display any difference between objects with masses from 0.06 mg to 0.14 mg.
Adopted from : Chris Durcan (2012 )Readability Test.
Name : Irma Damayanti Nim : 09250023 attendance : 52
According to Stephens Cheryl (2000) Readability test is Readability describes the ease with which a document can be read. Readability tests, which are mathematical formulas, were designed to assess the suitability of books for students at particular grade levels or ages. From the definition it can be assumed that reaability is the test with mathematic formula to measuring the appropriate text for appropriate levels.
adopted from Cheryl Stephen (2000) all about readability. Retriewed from :
Readability test J. Gilland (1972) states that readability test Readability tests are a way to measure the reading ease, comprehension, retention, reading speed, and reading persistence of a text. It can be implied that readabilityt test is the test to measure reading text about the structure, word choices, ease, comprehension, the content, and the difficulties of the text. It could be one of the way to choose appropiate reading text to the appropiate level.
Adopted From: Gilland, J. (1972). Readability. (University of London Press. Retrieved From:
George Klare (1963) defines readability as "the ease of understanding or comprehension due to the style of writing." This definition focuses on writing style as separate from issues such as content, coherence, and organization. In a similar manner, Gretchen Hargis and her colleagues at IBM (1998) state that readability, the "ease of reading words and sentences," is an attribute of clarity. From the explanation above it can be assumed that readability is a test that used to measure a text for how easy it is to read. Readability tests give a prediction as to how difficult readers will find a particular text. Furthermore according to Edgar Dale and Jeanne Chall's (1949) definition may be the most comprehensive: "The sum total (including all the interactions) of all those elements within a given piece of printed material that affect the success a group of readers have with it. The success is the extent to which they understand it, read it at an optimal speed, and find it interesting." So it can be assumed that readability test is the way to know how to read a text an optimal speed and comfortable about the text and interesting. References: Adopted from. Klare, George.(1963). Readability Test. Retrieved on: Accessed on: 2 June 2012. Adopted from. Dale, Edgar and Jeanne Chall's (1949). Readability Test. Retrieved on: Accessed on: 2 June 2012.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteAccording to Rudolf flesch
ReplyDeletereadability tests are designed to indicate comprehension difficulty when reading a passage of contemporary academic English. There are two tests, the Flesch Reading Ease, and the Flesch–Kincaid Grade Level. Although they use the same core measures (word length and sentence length), they have different weighting factors, so the results of the two tests correlate approximately inversely: a text with a comparatively high score on the Reading Ease test should have a lower score on the Grade Level test.
It can be conclude that there are two tests in readability test and with both of the test will get results that correlate approximately inversely:a text with a comparatively high score on the reading ease test should have a lower score on the grade level test.
Flesch ,Rudolf.2012.Flesch-Kincaid Readibility Test.retried from:
attedance number: 60
ReplyDeleteJ. Gilland (1972) states that readability test Readability tests are a way to measure the reading ease, comprehension, retention, reading speed, and reading persistence of a text.
From the definition, it can be assumed that readability test is a way to measure the text, that suitable for students based on the students gradde (level).
Adopted From: Gilland, J. (1972). Readability. (University of London Press. Retrieved From:
attendance number : 61
ReplyDeleteAccording to John ( 1976 ) states that there are four grade level readability formula, that is :
Step 1: Calculate the average number of words used per sentence.
Step 2: Calculate the average number of syllables per word.
Step 3: Multiply the average number of words by 0.39 and add it to the average number of syllables per word multiplied by 11.8.
Step 4: Subtract 15.59 from the result.
The specific mathematical formula is:
FKRA = (0.39 x ASL) + (11.8 x ASW) - 15.59
FKRA = Flesch-Kincaid Reading Age
ASL = Average Sentence Length (i.e., the number of words divided by the number of sentences)
ASW = Average number of Syllable per Word (i.e., the number of syllables divided by the number of words)
From this explanation can be assumed that :
Readability test is a way to measure the reading ease, comprehension, retention, reading speed, and reading persistence of a text and there are four step to calculate a test in order easier to do it.
Kincaid, John P. 1976. The Flesch Grade Level Readability Formula. Available on :
Arina Lailatul Fitria (35)
ReplyDeleteAccording to Cheryl Stephens (2000).” Readability test is describes the ease with which a document can be read. Readability tests, which are mathematical formulas, were designed to assess the suitability of books for students at particular grade levels or ages and “readable” can be defined as: fit to be read, interesting, agreeable and attractive in style; and enjoyable”. So from the definition, it can be concluded that Readability test is the way to measure kinds of text reading that suitable for particular readers need, such as we must consider when we want to give a text reading for students and must observe the level of student, then we give the appropriate text reading for them.
Stephens, Cherly. 2000. All About Readability Test. Available on: Assessed on: Friday, 18th of May
according to rob ackerman (2010) Readability tests and readability metrics are a way to measure the reading case, comprehension, retention, reading speed, and reading persistence of a text.the reader do not write the same way for an audience of 14-year olds or marketing specialists, for a scientific meeting or in a consent form in a hospital. the term readability refers to all the factors that affect success in reading and understanding a text and it can be measured.
ReplyDeleteThese factors include:
1. The interest and motivation of the reader.
2. The legibility of the print (and of any illustrations).
3. The complexity of words and sentences in relation to the reading ability of the reader.
Example : the teacher want to test the students who has different level, so the teacher can choose the text which appropriate with their level. it can be assumed that readability test is to determine understanding of reading for each level. There are some factor that affect that success in reading and understanding a text for student.
Adopted from : Ackerman, Rob. (2010). Readability Tests and Formulas. Retrieved From:
Name : Linda puspita (09250027)
ReplyDeleteNumber attendance : 56
Accroding Red hat (2005 -2011) The readability tests is to give teacher a quick assessment about the density of students writing. Readability tests cannot tell student how easily a reader can understand the information in the text. Teacher can perform readability tests manually by counting and doing a mathematical calculation, or by using word-processing software. From the definition it can be assumed Readability tests are one way to evaluate and asses how understandable students writing is.
Adopted from : Hat red (2005 – 2011), Readability Tests, retrieved from : , Accessed on : 23 May 2012
Name : Saroni
ReplyDeleteNim : 0825 052
: 17
Cheryl Stephens (2000.1) states that readability describes the ease with which a document can be read. Readability tests, which are mathematical formulas, were designed to assess the suitability of books for students at particular grade levels or ages. From the definition it can be assumed that readability is used for knowing which material that are suitable for learner based on their grade or level, it can help teacher to decide material that suitable for student.
Adopted From : 2000 Cheryl Stephens. All About Readability.
Retrieved From :
Readibibity Tests
ReplyDeleteReadability is the measure of how easy it is to read and comprehend a document.
Flesch Reading Ease Formula
The Flesch Reading Ease Formula is a simple approach to assess the grade-level of the reader. It’s also one of the few accurate measures around that we can rely on without too much scrutiny. This formula is best used on school text.
The specific mathematical formula is:
RE = 206.835 – (1.015 x ASL) – (84.6 x ASW)
RE = Readability Ease
ASL = Average Sentence Length (i.e., the number of words divided by the number of sentences)
ASW = Average number of syllables per word (i.e., the number of syllables divided by the number of words)
The output, i.e., RE is a number ranging from 0 to 100. The higher the number, the easier the text is to read.
Scores between 90.0 and 100.0 are considered easily understandable by an average 5th grader.
Scores between 60.0 and 70.0 are considered easily understood by 8th and 9th graders.
Scores between 0.0 and 30.0 are considered easily understood by college graduates.
Adopted from:
Kincaid, John P. 2012. The Flesch Grade Level Readability Formula. Available on-line at :
Retrieved on May 31, 2012
Name : Mawaddah Hidayati
ReplyDeleteNIM : 09250029
Attendance Number : 57
According to Flesch Rudolf (2012) Readibility test is formula for evaluating the readability of text, usually by counting syllables, words and sentences. There are two tests, the Flesch Reading Ease, and the Flesch–Kincaid Grade Level.
From the definition, it can assumed that readability test is the form or ways to the readers to measure their ability when the readers read by calculating syllables, term and phrase. And using two tests such as Flesch Reading Ease, or the Flesch–Kincaid Grade Level.
Adopted from : . Retrieved from :
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteName: Mubarikah
ReplyDeleteNo: 64
Readability Tests.
The Flesch or Flesch–Kincaid readability tests are designed to indicate comprehension difficulty when reading a passage of contemporary academic English. So my opinion readability test that can be helpful in determining how readable your content is and often used as an alternative to conducting an actual statistical survey of human readers of the subject text.
Flesch or Flesch–Kincaid (2012). Flesch–Kincaid readability test. Retrieved from 8 May 2012 at 02:51. Accessed on Tuesday 15th may 2012.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletenama: iskandar rudini
ReplyDeleteno: 001
According to Stephens, readability tests are mathematical formulas, were designed to assess the suitability of books for students at particular grade levels or ages. The tests were intended to help educators, librarians and publishers make decisions about purchase and sale of books. They were also meant to save time - because before the formulas were used those decisions were made on recommendations of educators and librarians who read the books. These people were taking books already written and figuring out who were the appropriate reading groups.
According to the description, it can be assumed that the goal by doing readability is to check how easy a book for the target user or reader
Adopted from : Stephens, Cheryl. (2000). All about Readability. Retrieved From:, Accessed on May 31, 2012.
Based on (2012) Readability Tests are designed to give a statistical analysis of the difficulty of a text. While any attempt to reduce language use, which is inherently creative, to statistics can be criticised, readability tests can be used to give an approximate indication.
ReplyDeleteSo, by using this test, the teacher will know the level of the reading texts, then the teacher may give the appropriate reading for appropriate students.
Adopted from: (2012), Glossary Readability Test. Retrieved From: Accessed on : 21 may 2012.
Name : Anggun prismadarti
ReplyDeleteNim : 0925004
According to hat red (2005) The main function of readability tests is to give you a quick assessment about the density of your writing. Readability tests cannot tell you how easily a reader can understand the information in the text.
You can perform readability tests manually by counting and doing a mathematical calculation, or by using word-processing software. There are several popular readability indexes, for example:
• Gunning Fog Index
• Flesch Reading Ease Scale
• Flesch-Kincaid Grade Index
Based on the explanation above Readability test is a way that give a quick assessment about the density of the writing, in readability test it cannot tell how easily understand the information that include in the writing for the reader.
Adopted from : Copyright © 2005‒2011 The GNOME Project. Readability test. Hosted by Red Hat. Retrieved from :
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDelete40. Cici Murdiyani (09250011)
ReplyDeleteReadability Tests
According to Harmly (2004) said that Readability tests are formulae for evaluating the readability of text, usually by counting syllables, words, and sentences. Readability tests are often used as an alternative to conducting an actual statistical survey of human readers of the subject text (a readability survey). Word processing applications often have readability tests built-in, which can be deployed on documents in-editing. It means that readability tests is evaluate the readability of text and count syllables, words, and sentences.
John, Harmly (2004). Readability Tests. Retrieved from: accessed on 23 May 2012.
name : maya yana
ReplyDeleteatteadance list: 58
Readability test
According to Stephens (2000) said that Readability describes the ease with which a document can be read. Readability tests, which are mathematical formulas, were designed to assess the suitability of books for students at particular grade levels or ages. it can be assumed that readability test is one of the tools or ways to measure one text or document to know the level of text , whether is it appropriate to elementary levels or intermediate level or can be appropriate for what ages of the reader.
Reference: Stephens, Cheryl. 2000.all about readability. Retrieved from: accessed on 23 may 2012
Cheryl Stephens
ReplyDeleteAll about Readability
The use of readability tests in the plain language process is a controversial topic. Now that readability scores are easy to obtain by using computerized grammar and style checking software programs, there is new pressure to adopt them. Readability describes the ease with which a document can be read. Readability tests, which are mathematical formulas, were designed to assess the suitability of books for students at particular grade levels or ages.
Cheryl Stephens (2012). all about readibility . retrieved from: . accessed on june, 6th 2012
Name : Ferbawanti . S (47)
ReplyDeleteAccording to Dictionary Definition (2009), readability is defined as reading ease, especially as it results from a writing style. Extensive research has shown that easy-reading text improves comprehension, retention, reading speed, and reading persistence.
From the definition, it can be concluded that readability test is a test which measuring the level of a text. It can be from the context, the style of writing and the structure.
Reference : Dictionary Definition.(2009). Definition of Readability. Retrieved from: (
Name : irma Damayanti
ReplyDeleteattendance : 52
According to Stephens Cherly (2000) defined that Readability describes the ease with which a document can be read. Readability tests, which are mathematical formulas, were designed to assess the suitability of books for students at particular grade levels or ages.
From the definition it can be assumed that readability test is a mathematic formulas to measuring the appropriate text for appropriate levels
Adopted from:Cheryl Stephens (2000) all about readability
Retriewed from:
Accessed on june 06 2012
Name : Dona Febriyanti
ReplyDeleteNim : 09250013 (42)
According to Chris Durcan (2012 )Readability Tests are designed to give a statistical analysis of the difficulty of a text. While any attempt to reduce language use, which is inherently creative, to statistics can be criticised, readability tests can be used to give an approximate indication.
So, it can be assumed that Readability is a measure of an instrument's ability to display incremental changes in its output value. For example, a balance with a readability of 1 mg will not display any difference between objects with masses from 0.6 mg to 1.4 mg, because possible display values are 0 mg, 1 mg, 2 mg etc. Likewise, a balance with a readability of 0.1 mg will not display any difference between objects with masses from 0.06 mg to 0.14 mg.
Adopted from : Chris Durcan (2012 )Readability Test.
Name : Dona Febriyanti
ReplyDeleteNim : 09250013 (42)
According to Chris Durcan (2012 )Readability Tests are designed to give a statistical analysis of the difficulty of a text. While any attempt to reduce language use, which is inherently creative, to statistics can be criticised, readability tests can be used to give an approximate indication.
So, it can be assumed that Readability is a measure of an instrument's ability to display incremental changes in its output value. For example, a balance with a readability of 1 mg will not display any difference between objects with masses from 0.6 mg to 1.4 mg, because possible display values are 0 mg, 1 mg, 2 mg etc. Likewise, a balance with a readability of 0.1 mg will not display any difference between objects with masses from 0.06 mg to 0.14 mg.
Adopted from : Chris Durcan (2012 )Readability Test.
Name : Irma Damayanti
ReplyDeleteNim : 09250023
attendance : 52
According to Stephens Cheryl (2000) Readability test is Readability describes the ease with which a document can be read. Readability tests, which are mathematical formulas, were designed to assess the suitability of books for students at particular grade levels or ages.
From the definition it can be assumed that reaability is the test with mathematic formula to measuring the appropriate text for appropriate levels.
adopted from Cheryl Stephen (2000) all about readability.
Retriewed from :
Readability test
ReplyDeleteJ. Gilland (1972) states that readability test Readability tests are a way to measure the reading ease, comprehension, retention, reading speed, and reading persistence of a text. It can be implied that readabilityt test is the test to measure reading text about the structure, word choices, ease, comprehension, the content, and the difficulties of the text. It could be one of the way to choose appropiate reading text to the appropiate level.
Adopted From:
Gilland, J. (1972). Readability. (University of London Press. Retrieved From:
George Klare (1963) defines readability as "the ease of understanding or comprehension due to the style of writing." This definition focuses on writing style as separate from issues such as content, coherence, and organization. In a similar manner, Gretchen Hargis and her colleagues at IBM (1998) state that readability, the "ease of reading words and sentences," is an attribute of clarity. From the explanation above it can be assumed that readability is a test that used to measure a text for how easy it is to read. Readability tests give a prediction as to how difficult readers will find a particular text. Furthermore according to Edgar Dale and Jeanne Chall's (1949) definition may be the most comprehensive: "The sum total (including all the interactions) of all those elements within a given piece of printed material that affect the success a group of readers have with it. The success is the extent to which they understand it, read it at an optimal speed, and find it interesting." So it can be assumed that readability test is the way to know how to read a text an optimal speed and comfortable about the text and interesting.
Adopted from. Klare, George.(1963). Readability Test. Retrieved on: Accessed on: 2 June 2012.
Adopted from. Dale, Edgar and Jeanne Chall's (1949). Readability Test. Retrieved on: Accessed on: 2 June 2012.