Saturday, 25 February 2012




  1. Name :Septa WIlza Oriandra pgri
    Nim :2009 111 251


    In reading comprehension have concept, here are the definitions of the 21 Concepts. Most are taught across all grades. A few such as Pronoun Reference are pedagogically necessary only in early grades. Others such as Point of View are appropriate only for later grades.
    Explicit Information is information that can be clearly found "right there" in the text.
    Drawing Conclusions is when you figure out what a text means by using what you already know and information from the text.
    Vocabulary in Context means figuring out the meaning of a word by looking at the words and sentences around it.
    Figurative Language refers to words that mean something other than what they say.
    Genre is a type of text, such as fiction or nonfiction.
    Sequence is the order of events or steps in a text.
    Character refers to the looks, traits, thoughts, actions, and relationships of a person or animal in a text.
    Setting tells you where and when a story takes place.
    Plot is the events that make up the main story of a text.
    Cause & Effect: Cause is the reason why something happens. Effect is what happens as a result.
    Predicting is deciding what will most likely happen next in what you are reading.
    Main Idea is the big idea in a text. It tells you what the text is mostly about.
    Text Features are words and pictures that help organize and highlight information. Examples include headlines, photographs, and captions.
    Classify & Categorize: Categorize is when you gather together information that is the same or almost the same. Classify is when you give that information a name.
    Fact & Opinion: Fact is information that someone can prove true or false. Opinion is what someone believes about a subject.
    Compare & Contrast: Comparing is noticing how two or more things are alike. Contrasting is noticing how they are different.
    Pronoun Reference means connecting the pronouns in a sentence to the nouns to which they refer.
    Point of View is the viewpoint from which a story is told to the reader.
    Voice is how an author expresses his or her personality or attitude through language.
    Author's Purpose is the reason why an author has written a text for readers.
    Theme is the message that an author is trying to share with the reader.

    NIM : 2009 111 349
    reg b

    Reading comprehension concept
    Reading comprehension is defined as the level of understanding of a text. This understanding comes from the interaction between the words that are written and how they trigger knowledge outside the text. .[1]
    Proficient reading depends on the ability to recognize words quickly and effortlessly.[2][3] If word recognition is difficult, students use too much of their processing capacity to read individual words, which interferes with their ability to comprehend what is read.
    Many educators in the USA believe that students need to learn to analyze text (comprehend it) even before they can read it on their own, and comprehension instruction generally begins in pre-Kindergarten or Kindergarten. But other US educators consider this reading approach to be completely backward for very young children, arguing that the children must learn how to decode the words in a story through phonics before they can analyze the story itself.
    During the last century comprehension lessons usually comprised students answering teachers' questions, writing responses to questions on their own, or both.[citation needed] The whole group version of this practice also often included "Round-robin reading", wherein teachers called on individual students to read a portion of the text (and sometimes following a set order). In the last quarter of the 20th century, evidence accumulated that the read-test methods assessed comprehension more than they taught it. The associated practice of "round robin" reading has also been questioned and eliminated by many educators.
    Instead of using the prior read-test method, research studies have concluded that there are much more effective ways to teach comprehension. Much work has been done in the area of teaching novice readers a bank of "reading strategies," or tools to interpret and analyze text.[4][5] There is not a definitive set of strategies, but common ones include summarizing what you have read, monitoring your reading to make sure it is still making sense, and analyzing the structure of the text (e.g., the use of headings in science text). Some programs teach students how to self monitor whether they are understanding and provide students with tools for fixing comprehension problems.}
    Instruction in comprehension strategy use often involves the gradual release of responsibility, wherein teachers initially explain and model strategies. Over time, they give students more and more responsibility for using the strategies until they can use them independently. This technique is generally associated with the idea of self-regulation and reflects social cognitive theory, originally conceptualized by Albert Bandura.

    1. sources by :

  3. NAME : Yulianti
    NIM : 2009 111 046


    The definition of Reading
    Goodman (1971:135 in Pimsleur et at) states that reading is a psycholinguistic process by which the reader, a language user reconstructs, as best he can a message which has been encoded by a writer as a graphic display”.
    Pang et all (2003, p.6) have defined reading as a “complex activity that involves both perception and thought.”

    The definition of Comprehension
    According to Durkin (1993), this may be so because comprehension is often viewed as ‘the essence of reading’. Durkin (1993) defines reading comprehension as:
    …intentional thinking during which meaning is constructed through interactions between text and reader. (Durkin, 1993)
    Durkin (1993), for example, defines comprehension as “intentional thinking during which meaning is constructed through interactions between text and reader.”
    Harris and Hodges (1995, p. 39) define it as “the construction of the meaning
    of a written text through a reciprocal interchange of ideas between
    the reader and the message in a particular text.”

    The definition of Reading Comprehension
    Harris and Hodges (1995) define reading comprehension as follows:
    Reading comprehension is the construction of the meaning of a written text through a reciprocal interchange of ideas between the reader and the message in a particular text.
    Clara Wong Kee (1997: 9) states that reading comprehension is a process of making sense of a written text. However, it is not a passive one-way decoding process.
    Eksay in Amir (2004: 6) states, “Reading comprehension in general is viewed in this research as the resulting from the four way interaction between readers, text, task, structured activity.
    Simanjuntak (1998: 4) states that reading comprehension is not just reading with aloud voice but reading is established to understand the meaning of words, sentences, and paragraph as well as sense relationship among the ideas.
    Kee Wong Clara (1997:9). Definition Reading Comprehension. Retrieved from:
    Amir in Eksay (2004:6). Definition Reading Comprehension. Retrieved from:
    Simanjuntakl (1998:4). Definition Reading Comprehension. Retrieved from:
    All et Pang (2003, p.6).Definition of Reading. Retrieved from:
    Durkin(1993). Comprehension - The Essence of Reading. Retrieved from
    Good Goodman (1971:135).READING COMPREHENSION AND CIRC. Retrieved from:
    Hodges and Haris(1995). Comprehension - The Essence of Reading. Retrieved from

  4. NAME : Yulianti
    NIM : 2009 111 046


    The definition of Reading
    Goodman (1971:135 in Pimsleur et at) states that reading is a psycholinguistic process by which the reader, a language user reconstructs, as best he can a message which has been encoded by a writer as a graphic display”.
    Pang et all (2003, p.6) have defined reading as a “complex activity that involves both perception and thought.”

    The definition of Comprehension
    According to Durkin (1993), this may be so because comprehension is often viewed as ‘the essence of reading’. Durkin (1993) defines reading comprehension as:
    …intentional thinking during which meaning is constructed through interactions between text and reader. (Durkin, 1993)
    Durkin (1993), for example, defines comprehension as “intentional thinking during which meaning is constructed through interactions between text and reader.”
    Harris and Hodges (1995, p. 39) define it as “the construction of the meaning
    of a written text through a reciprocal interchange of ideas between
    the reader and the message in a particular text.”

    The definition of Reading Comprehension
    Harris and Hodges (1995) define reading comprehension as follows:
    Reading comprehension is the construction of the meaning of a written text through a reciprocal interchange of ideas between the reader and the message in a particular text.
    Clara Wong Kee (1997: 9) states that reading comprehension is a process of making sense of a written text. However, it is not a passive one-way decoding process.
    Eksay in Amir (2004: 6) states, “Reading comprehension in general is viewed in this research as the resulting from the four way interaction between readers, text, task, structured activity.
    Simanjuntak (1998: 4) states that reading comprehension is not just reading with aloud voice but reading is established to understand the meaning of words, sentences, and paragraph as well as sense relationship among the ideas.

    Kee Wong Clara (1997:9). Definition Reading Comprehension. Retrieved from:
    Amir in Eksay (2004:6). Definition Reading Comprehension. Retrieved from:
    Simanjuntakl (1998:4). Definition Reading Comprehension. Retrieved from:
    All et Pang (2003, p.6).Definition of Reading. Retrieved from:
    Durkin(1993). Comprehension - The Essence of Reading. Retrieved from
    Good Goodman (1971:135).READING COMPREHENSION AND CIRC. Retrieved from:
    Hodges and Haris(1995). Comprehension - The Essence of Reading. Retrieved from

  5. Name : Lusi Hartiyas
    NIM : 2009 111 240


    Reading comprehension is techniques for improving students success in extracting useful knowledge from text. (Mayer, p 34)
    As defined by Partnership for Reading (2005), Reading comprehension is understanding a text that is read, or the process of "constructing meaning" from a text. Comprehension is a "construction process" because it involves all of the elements of the reading process working together as a text is read to create a representation of the text in the reader's mind.

    Strategies for teaching comprehension

    First, a teacher must realize that there is a difference between strategies, skills, and activities. For instance, a skill is soemthing you can do; A strategy is something that helps you do that skill. Also, an activity is an action of the stratgey/idea where someone use phsyical/mental materials to act out the strategy. Essentially: Strategy - Activity - Skill (K. Mattis )

    There are three strategies for teaching comprehension:
    1. Making Connections
    2. Questioning
    3. Visualizing and Inferring

    Strategic Reading

    The term strategic reading refers to thinking about reading in ways that enhance learning and understanding (Harvey, p 16).
    (Perkins and Swartz ) Students do no only need to understand a strategy, they need to know when, how, and why to use them. In order to do this the reader needs to use metacognitive knowledge. Teachers need to teach several different strategies to help students use and apply them.
    (Perkins, 1992) have defined four levels of metacognitive knowledge that are helpful for gaining understanding. These levels show the progress of the reader's thinking.

    1. Tacit readers - readers who lack awareness of how they think when they read
    2. Aware readers - readers who realize when meaning has broken down or confusion has set in but who may not have sufficient strategies for fixing the problem
    3. Strategic learners - readers who use the thinking and comprehension strategies to enhance understanding and acquire knowledge
    4. Reflective readers - readers who are strategic about their thinking and are able to apply strategies flexibly depending on their goals or purposes for reading (Harvey, p 17)

    Teachers need to monitor the students' progress in reading. When they do this, the students should succeed with the proper guidance from the teacher.
    A good book to read on teaching reading comprehension strategies in the primary grades is Reading with Meaning by Debbie Miller.
    I agree that Reading with Meaning is a great source for comprehension. My first graders do so much with reading comprehension that so many people can not beleive what a first grader is capable of doing. It is so important that young children understand that when they read they should not only be able to read the words fluently, but to also comprehend the story. -R.U.

    Project CRISS Reading Comprehension Stories and Worksheets
    Into the Book This is a GREAT resource for teachers (and students)! There are lessons, videos, teaching tips, bookmarks, music, and so much more to help teachers make reading comprehension fun for students!
    And for a wealth of outstanding researched-based links, see Reading Comprehension

    Harvey, Stephanie, Anne Goudvis. (2000). Strategies That Work. Markham, Ontario: Pembroke Publishers Limited.
    Keene, Ellin, Susan Zimmerman. (1997). Mosaic of Thought. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.
    Mayer, Richard. (2003). Learning and Instruction. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc.
    "Partnership for Reading." Retrieved December 11, 2005.

    NIM : 2009 111 194


    The Definition of Reading :

    - Reading is the process of constructing meaning from written texts. It is a complex skill requiring the coordination of a number of interrelated sources of information (Anderson et al., 1985).
    - Reading is the process of constructing meaning through the dynamic interaction among: (1) the reader's existing knowledge; (2) the information suggested by the text being read; and (3) the context of the reading situation (Wixson, Peters, Weber, & Roeber, 1987, citing the new definition of reading for Michigan).
    - Reading is a multifaceted process involving word recognition, comprehension, fluency, and motivation. (Leipzig, D. H. , January, 2001).

    Reading is making meaning from print. It requires that we:
    1. Identify the words in print – a process called word recognition
    2. Construct an understanding from them – a process called comprehension
    3. Coordinate identifying words and making meaning so that reading is automatic and accurate – an achievement called fluency

    The Definition of Comprehension :

    Comprehension is the understanding and interpretation of what is read. To be able to accurately understand written material, children need to be able to (1) decode what they read; (2) make connections between what they read and what they already know; and (3) think deeply about what they have read. One big part of comprehension is having a sufficient vocabulary, or knowing the meanings of enough words. (Leipzig, D. H. , January, 2001).

    The Definition of Reading Comprehension :

    Reading comprehension is defined as the level of understanding of a text. This understanding comes from the interaction between the words that are written and how they trigger knowledge outside the text. (Rayner, Keith; Barbara Foorman, Charles Perfetti, David Pesetsky, and Mark Seidenberg, November 2001)

    Reading comprehension is reading with complete understanding of the text. It involves knowledge of vocabulary, understanding of sentence structure and syntax, and ability to interpret the intentions of the writer. (Debbie Flowers, 2011)

    Anderson et al. (1985). Terms and Conditions of Use. Retrieved from:

    Wixson, Peters, Weber, & Roeber. (1987). Citing the New Definition of Reading for Michigan. Retrieved from:

    Leipzig, D. H. , (January, 2001). Reading Rockets: Teaching kids to read and helping those who struggle. Retrieved from:

    Rayner, Keith; Barbara Foorman, Charles Perfetti, David Pesetsky, and Mark Seidenberg. (November 2001). "How Psychological Science Informs the Teaching of Reading". Psychological Science in the Public Interest 2 (2): 31–74. Retrieved from:

    Flowers, Debbie. (November 11th, 2011). What Is Comprehension Reading?. Retrieved from: reading_.html#ixzz1r7Vxfd00

    2009 111 371


    Reading is process reader gets information or knowledge involving word recognition, comprehension, fluency, and motivation. Recognition is identify the words, comprehension is construct an understanding and fluency is identifying words and making meaning.

    Resource: Leipzig, D. H. (January, 2001). Reading,

    Comprehension is the understanding and interpretation of what is read. The best comprehension is having enough vocabulary, or knowing the meanings. Readers who have strong comprehension are able to draw conclusions about what reader is read – what is important, what is a fact, what caused an event to happen. So, comprehension involves combining thinking and reasoning.

    Reading comprehension is an active thinking process with the act of understand what you are reading that happen before, during and after reader is read. In order to understand a text the reader must be able to comprehend the vocabulary used in the piece of writing. Reader is read for many reasons but understand is always a part of their purpose. Reading comprehension is very important because without it will not get information.

    NIM : 2009.111.126


    -The Definition of Reading-

    Wixson, Peters, Weber, & Roeber (1987) said that the constructing process of meaning through the reader's knowledge that interacted with the information in the text being read, and the context of the reading situation is called “reading”.

    Diane Henry Leipzig (2001) defines reading as a multifaceted process involving word recognition, comprehension, fluency, and motivation.
    To produce meaning of the text by reading, it requires to:
    - Identify the words in text (word recognition)
    - Construct an understanding from the text (comprehension)
    - Coordinate identifying words and making meaning (fluency)

    -The Definition of Comprehension-

    Comprehension is “intentional thinking during which meaning is constructed through interactions between text and reader” (Harris and Hodges, 1995).

    According to Pardo (2004), in comprehension, the meaning of text will be constructed by the interaction between the reader and the text through the prior knowledge and previous experience that colaborated with information in the text, and the reader's stance in relationship to the text.

    -The Definition of Reading Comprehension-

    Snow (2002, p. 11) defines reading comprehension as the process extracting and constructing meaning simultaneously through interaction and involvement with written language to emphasize the importance and insufficiency of the text as a determinant.

    According to Basri (2011), reading comprehension is the ability of processing the written or passages from what has been read, and develop and construct the ideas in main department on the experience or prior knowledge of the reader, to understand and to find out the information in text.


    Wixson, Peters, Weber, & Roeber. (1987). Reading for Michigan. Retrieved from :

    Leipzig, D. H. (January, 2001). What is reading?. Retrieved from :

    Snowball, Diane. (2005). Teaching Comprehension. Retrieved from :

    Moore, Dr. Paula. (October 11-12, 2005). COMPREHENSION: Effective Teaching to Foster Comprehending Processes. Retrieved from:

    Basri. (2011). Definition of Reading Comprehension. Retrieved from:

    1. >> Reading Comprehension Concept

      By Jennifer Zimmerman, eHow Contributor

      People with good reading comprehension use several strategies that help them understand the text.

      Reading comprehension is essentially the ability to understand what has been read. There is little point in being able to pronounce the words on a page if the words mean nothing to you. You can probably read "Sniptops are finbuggle" because you can decode the sounds in the words, but you can't comprehend it because two of the words are nonsense. People with good reading comprehension use several strategies that help them understand the text.

      (Mayer, p.34) Reading comprehension is techniques for improving students' success in extracting useful knowledge from text.
      As defined by Partnership for Reading (2005), Reading comprehension is understanding a text that is read, or the process of "constructing meaning" from a text. Comprehension is a "construction process" because it involves all of the elements of the reading process working together as a text is read to create a representation of the text in the reader's mind.

      Mattis. K, There are several strategies for teaching comprehension. I am going to focus on three strategies :

      1. Making Connections between books they read to their own lives.
      2. Questioning, to take into understanding.
      3. Visualizing and Inferring to create the reader’s imagination of
      the picture in the reading comprehension.
      4. Fluency and Decoding - Essentially,
      • Phonics - knowing that sounds and writing have a relationship
      • Phonemic Awareness - knowing that sounds and symbols have a
      • Speech - Pre-requisite to further abilities
      • Spelling/Writing - Isolation/Manipulation of letters/words
      • Phonological - sounds; hearing
      • Decoding - saying word; pronunciation


    Name : Verawaty
    NIM : 2009 111 186
    Class : Regular B
    Smester : 6

    Reading comprehension refers to as the level of understanding of the text, where this comprehension comes from the interaction between the worlds that are written and how the trigger knowledge outside the text.

    Reading Strategies:
    There are of reading strategies suggested by Palinscar and Brown about reading comprehension. They developed a technique called reciprocal teaching students taught that to predict, summarize, clarify, and ask questions for sections of a text. The technique had positive outcomes. Since then, the use of strategies like summarizing after each paragraph have come to be seen as effective strategies for building students' comprehension. The idea is that students will develop stronger reading comprehension skills on their own if the teacher gives them explicit mental tools for unpacking text (Pressley, 2006).

    National Reading Panel, 2000
    Retrived From: http//

    NIM : 2009 111 366
    REG. B


    Comprehension is...
    1.the essence of reading
    active and intentional thinking in which the meaning is constructed through interactions between the test and the reader (Durkin, 1973, see References).

    Comprehension: the complex cognitive process involving the intentional interaction between reader and text to extract meaning.

    Factors that Impact Reading Comprehension

    Reader Based Factors Text Based Factors
    • Phonemic Awareness
    • Alphabetic Understanding
    • Fluency with the Code
    • Vocabulary knowledge
    • Prior knowledge
    • Engagement and interest
    • Narrative v. Expository
    • Genre considerations
    • Quality of text
    • Density and difficulty of concepts

    Reading comprehension is defined as the level of understanding of a text. This understanding comes from the interaction between the words that are written and how they trigger knowledge outside the text. (Rayner, Keith; Barbara Foorman, Charles Perfetti, David Pesetsky, and Mark Seidenberg, November 2001)

    Reading comprehension is reading with complete understanding of the text. It involves knowledge of vocabulary, understanding of sentence structure and syntax, and ability to interpret the intentions of the writer. (Debbie Flowers, 2011)

    Kee Wong Clara (1997:9). Definition Reading Comprehension. Retrieved from:
    Amir in Eksay (2004:6). Definition Reading Comprehension. Retrieved from:
    Simanjuntakl (1998:4). Definition Reading Comprehension. Retrieved from:
    All et Pang (2003, p.6).Definition of Reading. Retrieved from:
    Durkin(1993). Comprehension - The Essence of Reading. Retrieved from
    Good Goodman (1971:135).READING COMPREHENSION AND CIRC. Retrieved from:
    Hodges and Haris(1995). Comprehension - The Essence of Reading. Retrieved from

    NIM : 2009 111 366
    REG. B


    Comprehension is...
    1.the essence of reading
    active and intentional thinking in which the meaning is constructed through interactions between the test and the reader (Durkin, 1973, see References).

    Comprehension: the complex cognitive process involving the intentional interaction between reader and text to extract meaning.

    Factors that Impact Reading Comprehension

    Reader Based Factors Text Based Factors
    • Phonemic Awareness
    • Alphabetic Understanding
    • Fluency with the Code
    • Vocabulary knowledge
    • Prior knowledge
    • Engagement and interest
    • Narrative v. Expository
    • Genre considerations
    • Quality of text
    • Density and difficulty of concepts

    Reading comprehension is defined as the level of understanding of a text. This understanding comes from the interaction between the words that are written and how they trigger knowledge outside the text. (Rayner, Keith; Barbara Foorman, Charles Perfetti, David Pesetsky, and Mark Seidenberg, November 2001)

    Reading comprehension is reading with complete understanding of the text. It involves knowledge of vocabulary, understanding of sentence structure and syntax, and ability to interpret the intentions of the writer. (Debbie Flowers, 2011)

    Kee Wong Clara (1997:9). Definition Reading Comprehension. Retrieved from:
    Amir in Eksay (2004:6). Definition Reading Comprehension. Retrieved from:
    Simanjuntakl (1998:4). Definition Reading Comprehension. Retrieved from:
    All et Pang (2003, p.6).Definition of Reading. Retrieved from:
    Durkin(1993). Comprehension - The Essence of Reading. Retrieved from
    Good Goodman (1971:135).READING COMPREHENSION AND CIRC. Retrieved from:
    Hodges and Haris(1995). Comprehension - The Essence of Reading. Retrieved from

    NIM : 2009.111.381.


    Reading is the process of constructing meaning from written texts. It is a complex skill requiring the coordination of a number of interrelated sources of information (Anderson et al., 1985).

    Reading comprehension is techniques for improving students success in extracting useful knowledge from text. (Mayer, p 34)
    As defined by Partnership for Reading (2005), Reading comprehension is understanding a text that is read, or the process of "constructing meaning" from a text. Comprehension is a "construction process" because it involves all of the elements of the reading process working together as a text is read to create a representation of the text in the reader's mind.

    NIM : 2010.111.359.P


    There are of reading strategies suggested by Palinscar and Brown about reading comprehension. They developed a technique called reciprocal teaching students taught that to predict, summarize, clarify, and ask questions for sections of a text. The technique had positive outcomes. Since then, the use of strategies like summarizing after each paragraph have come to be seen as effective strategies for building students' comprehension. The idea is that students will develop stronger reading comprehension skills on their own if the teacher gives them explicit mental tools for unpacking text (Pressley, 2006).

    Reading comprehension is an active thinking process with the act of understand what you are reading that happen before, during and after reader is read. In order to understand a text the reader must be able to comprehend the vocabulary used in the piece of writing. Reader is read for many reasons but understand is always a part of their purpose. Reading comprehension is very important because without it will not get information.

  14. Name : Ananda Tri Cahya Putri
    NIM : 2009111332

    The Reading Comprehension Concepts

    ** Reading

    Hornby (2000:1097), "reading is the activity of somebody who reads or the particular way in which understand a book, situation, etc."

    Reading is understanding the main idea and supporting idea of written language, reading skills usually come before writing skill (Saleh, 1987;27)

    According to Rubin (1997:3), reading is a process in which information from the text and the knowledge possessed by the readers act together to produce meaning.

    ** Comprehension

    Vaughn ( 2004:98-99 )” Comprehension is the active process of constructing meaning from text, it involves accessing previous knowledge understanding vocabulary and concepts, making inferences and linking key ideas”.

    Sharon and Thomson (2004) emphasized that comprehension involve Accessing previous knowledge, understanding vocabulary and concepts, making inferences, and linking ideas process.

    ** Reading Comprehension

    Cochran (1993) states that reading comprehension is defined as getting meaning from the printed word. As Farr (cited in Cochran, 1993:120) describes that meaning can be both public and private. The public meaning occurs when the readers obtain the same information that the author intended to convey. The private meaning is the personal understanding that the written materials have for the reader

    According to Jhon (2005:1), "Reading comprehension is thy process of simultaneously extracting and constructing meaning through interaction and involvement with written language.

    Murphy (1996:15) said that reading comprehension means the understanding, evaluating, utilizing of information and giving idea through an interaction.

    -- Cochran, Judith A. (1993). Reading in the Content Areas for Junior High and High School. Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon, Inc.,+Judith+A.+%281993%29.+Reading+in+the+Content+Areas+for+Junior+High+and+High+School&dq=Cochran,+Judith+A.+%281993%29.+Reading+in+the+Content+Areas+for+Junior+High+and+High+School&hl=id&sa=X&ei=A8d_T_r5Gc2IrAeD-oGDBg&ved=0CC0Q6AEwAA
    -- Vaughn, S. (2004). Research Based Methods of Reading Instruction. Danvers: ASCD.,+S.+%282004%29.+Research+Based+Methods+of+Reading+Instruction.+Danvers:+ASCD.&hl=id&sa=X&ei=QMh_T_jbLoHXrQf_6anvBQ&ved=0CDcQ6AEwAQ#v=onepage&q=Vaughn%2C%20S.%20%282004%29.%20Research%20Based%20Methods%20of%20Reading%20Instruction.%20Danvers%3A%20ASCD.&f=false
    -- Hornby, AS. 2000. Oxford advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English. Oxford:University Oxford Press.
    -- Jhon, T, Guthrie and Ana Taboada. 2005. Intermediate Reading Standard: Reading Comprehension in Science,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=5e39eac7a6e234

  15. Name : Risnayanti
    NIM : 2009111323

    The Reading Comprehension Concept

    Definition of Reading

    Reading is a perceiving a written text in order to understand its contents or understanding that results (Richards, 1992:307).

    Reading means to look at and understand the meaning of written or printed words or symbols (Hornby, 1996:967)

    Definition of Comprehension

    Comprehension is the active process of constructing meaning from text; it involves accessing previous knowledge, understanding vocabulary and concepts, making inferences, and linking key ideas ( linan- Thompson; Sylvia, 1959:98)

    Kennedy (1991:12) said that comprehension is facilitated reading appropriate materials, intellectual curiously, and desire to learn.

    Definition of Reading Comprehension

    According to Pang (2009:142), reading comprehension is the degree to which understand what we read.
    According to Heilman (1981:242) says that reading comprehension is a process of thinking sense of written ideas through meaningful interpretation and interaction as a multifaceted process affected by several thinking and language abilities.

    - Alderson, J.C. 1998. Reading in a Foreign Language. London: Longman q=alderson%20jc%20reading%20in%20a%20foreign%20language&f=false
    - Hornby. 1995. Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. New York: Oxford University Press.
    - Ken, James. 2004. Questions about reading instruction, "The partnership for Reading,


    -The Definition of Reading
    According to Goodman (1982), he has described reading as a ‘psycholinguistic guessing game’ in which readers guess or predict the text’s meaning on the basis of minimal textual information, and maximum use of existing , activated, knowledge.[4]Reading also can be thought of as a way to draw information from a text and to form an interpretation of that information.[5]
    Many definition of reading can be influenced by the purpose of reading itself. L2 readers in academic settings most often need to develop “reading for understanding” and “reading to learn”. Reading for understanding is a process requiring visual and semantic processing and the construction of the summary version of what the text means. It is usually carried out by fluent readers. Reading to learn is a process that requires an array of elaborated relations created among the sets of information being processed. Based on both reading purposes, reading is stated as the process of receiving and interpreting information encoded in language form via the medium of print (Urquhart and Weir, 1998: 22).[7] In other word, the reading purpose is one of important aspects in reading that not rarely be ignored.

    -The Definition of Comprehension
    Comprehension is active and intentional thinking in which the meaning is constructed through interactions between the test and the reader (Durkin,1973).

    According to the expert's opinions, I can conclude that reading comprehension is the process of receiving and interpreting information by active and intentional thinking.

    Name : Sri Ningsih
    NIM : 2009111359

  17. Name : Yuyun Murniasih
    Nim : 2009 111 367


    In reading comprehension have concept, here are the definitions of the 21 Concepts. Most are taught across all grades. A few such as Pronoun Reference are pedagogically necessary only in early grades. Others such as Point of View are appropriate only for later grades.
    Explicit Information is information that can be clearly found "right there" in the text.
    Drawing Conclusions is when you figure out what a text means by using what you already know and information from the text.
    Vocabulary in Context means figuring out the meaning of a word by looking at the words and sentences around it.
    Figurative Language refers to words that mean something other than what they say.
    Genre is a type of text, such as fiction or nonfiction.
    Sequence is the order of events or steps in a text.
    Character refers to the looks, traits, thoughts, actions, and relationships of a person or animal in a text.
    Setting tells you where and when a story takes place.
    Plot is the events that make up the main story of a text.
    Cause & Effect: Cause is the reason why something happens. Effect is what happens as a result.
    Predicting is deciding what will most likely happen next in what you are reading.
    Main Idea is the big idea in a text. It tells you what the text is mostly about.
    Text Features are words and pictures that help organize and highlight information. Examples include headlines, photographs, and captions.
    Classify & Categorize: Categorize is when you gather together information that is the same or almost the same. Classify is when you give that information a name.
    Fact & Opinion: Fact is information that someone can prove true or false. Opinion is what someone believes about a subject.
    Compare & Contrast: Comparing is noticing how two or more things are alike. Contrasting is noticing how they are different.
    Pronoun Reference means connecting the pronouns in a sentence to the nouns to which they refer.
    Point of View is the viewpoint from which a story is told to the reader.
    Voice is how an author expresses his or her personality or attitude through language.
    Author's Purpose is the reason why an author has written a text for readers.
    Theme is the message that an author is trying to share with the reader.

    Reading comprehension is an active thinking process with the act of understand what you are reading that happen before, during and after reader is read. In order to understand a text the reader must be able to comprehend the vocabulary used in the piece of writing. Reader is read for many reasons but understand is always a part of their purpose. Reading comprehension is very important because without it will not get information.

    NIM : 2009111081


    Reading comprehension is one of the main goals teachers of all grade levels work toward. Concept webs are a simple tool, requiring no print-outs or preparations, which may be used at any time in a classroom setting to help students grasp difficult or broad concepts based on content reading. Teaching the concept web as a tool also enables students to use them later on reading comprehension tests to cement ideas. Concept webs combine visual learning with the kinesthetic writing process for better material retention

    NIM : 2009 111 202

    Reading Comprehension Concept

    Reading comprehension is defined as the level of understanding of a text. This understanding comes from the interaction between the words that are written and how they trigger knowledge outside the text.
    Proficient reading depends on the ability to recognize words quickly and effortlessly. If word recognition is difficult, students use too much of their processing capacity to read individual words, which interferes with their ability to comprehend what is read.
    As we know many educators in the USA believe that students need to learn to analyze text (comprehend it) even before they can read it on their own, and comprehension instruction generally begins in pre-Kindergarten or Kindergarten. But other US educators consider this reading approach to be completely backward for very young children, arguing that the children must learn how to decode the words in a story through phonics before they can analyze the story itself.
    Resource :

    NIM : 2009 111 106
    Reading Comprehension Concept

    Developing positive reading comprehension skills at an early age can greatly impact a student’s ability to approach new and complex concepts in many different subject areas. English/Language Arts teachers can use a variety of different methods to approach and explain new vocabulary and reading comprehension concepts to their students. Instilling in children a love of reading and developing constructive reading skills is the cornerstone to a complete education

    Resource :

  21. NAME : nazmira azzahra
    NIM : 2009 111 031


    The Concepts of Comprehension is a framework of 21 Concepts developed by the not-for-profit educational organization Urban Education Exchange (UEE). The Concepts were developed to help educators teach reading comprehension skills explicitly, simply, and clearly. Research shows that doing so will improve reading comprehension. Without comprehension, reading is a frustrating, pointless exercise in word calling. It is no exaggeration to say that how well students develop the ability to comprehend what they read has a profound effect on their entire lives. A major goal of teaching reading comprehension, therefore, is to help students develop the knowledge, skills, and experiences they must have if they are to become competent and enthusiastic readers.

    Resource :

  22. NAME : Amaria
    NIM : 2009 111 328

    Comprehension is...
    • the essence of reading
    • active and intentional thinking in which the meaning is constructed through interactions between the test and the reader (Durkin, 1973, see References).
    Comprehension: the complex cognitive process involving the intentional interaction between reader and text to extract meaning.

    Reading Comprehension
    Reading comprehension is the ability to understand a written passage of text. It’s answering “yes” to the question, “Did you ‘get’ what you read?”

    Reading comprehension is what allows the reader to interact with the text in a meaningful way. It’s the bridge from passive reading to active reading -- from letters and words to characters and contexts. Reading comprehension is the crucial link to effective reading -- a strong factor in our educational and professional lives. For many, reading comprehension also unlocks the door to a lifetime of reading recreation and enjoyment.

    NIM : 2009 111 267

    Reading is a complex cognitive process of decoding symbols in order to construct or derive meaning (reading comprehension). It is a means of language acquisition, of communication, and of sharing information and ideas. Like all language, it is a complex interaction between the text and the reader which is shaped by the reader’s prior knowledge, experiences, attitude, and language community which is culturally and socially situated. The reading process requires continuous practice, development, and refinement.
    Reading Comprehension
    Reading Comprehension (also known as Critical Reading) questions test your ability to understand a passage and answer question on the basis of what is stated and implied in the passage. You need to read the passage first so that you can identify the main idea of the passage and appreciate features such as the author's tone and attitude as well as the organization of the passage. Scroll back to the relevant point in the text as you do each question.

    Comprehension is the understanding and interpretation of what is read. To be able to accurately understand written material, children need to be able to (1) decode what they read; (2) make connections between what they read and what they already know; and (3) think deeply about what they have read. One big part of comprehension is having a sufficient vocabulary, or knowing the meanings of enough words.

    NIM : 2009.111.062.P


    Reading comprehension is defined as the level of understanding of a text. This understanding comes from the interaction between the words that are written and how they trigger knowledge outside the text. .[1]

    Comprehension through discussion involves lessons that are "instructional conversations" that create higher-level thinking opportunities for students. The purpose of the discussions are to promote critical and aesthetic thinking about text and encourage full classroom involvement. According to Vivian Thayer, class discussions help students to generate ideas and new questions. (Goldenberg, p. 317)

    Components of Concept-Oriented Reading Instruction:
    1.Reading & comprehension:
    Oral reading fluency; vocabulary; self-monitoring; inferencing; fix-up strategies (reread, chunk, discuss, question, visualize, connect, look-up, read ahead, read aloud, use knowledge)
    2.Science knowledge & processes:
    Plant-animal interactions: mutualism, commensalism, predation, amensalism
    3.Survival processes:
    locomotion, feeding, defense, communication, reproduction, niche, respiration, predation, competition, adjustment to habitat.
    4.Reading motivation:
    Intrinsic motivation, perceived autonomy, self-efficacy, social interaction, mastery goals

    BY : Wikipedia and Overview of Concept-Oriented Reading Instruction (CORI)
    By: John T. Guthrie, Angela McRae, and Susan Lutz Klauda

    NIM : 2009 111 104
    Class/Semester : Regular B / 6

    Reading Comprehension Concept

    - Clara Wong Kee (1997: 9) states that reading comprehension is a process of making sense of a written text.

    Kee Wong Clara (1997:9). Definition Reading Comprehension. Retrieved from:

    -Essay in Amir (2004: 6) states, “Reading comprehension in general is viewed in this research as the resulting from the four way interaction between readers, text, task, structured activity. The success of this interaction depends of the availability of quality of content and strategist schemata to new problem solving situations.

    Source :
    Amir in Essay (2004 : 6). Definition Reading Comprehension. Retrieved from:

    - Simanjuntak (1998: 4) states that reading comprehension is not just reading with aloud voice but reading is established to understand the meaning of words,
    sentences, and paragraph as well as sense relationship among the ideas.

    Source :
    Simanjuntak (1998: 4). Definition Reading Comprehension. Retrieved from:

    NIM : 2009 111 104
    Class/Semester : Regular B / 6

    Reading Comprehension Concept

    - Clara Wong Kee (1997: 9) states that reading comprehension is a process of making sense of a written text.

    Kee Wong Clara (1997:9). Definition Reading Comprehension. Retrieved from:

    -Essay in Amir (2004: 6) states, “Reading comprehension in general is viewed in this research as the resulting from the four way interaction between readers, text, task, structured activity. The success of this interaction depends of the availability of quality of content and strategist schemata to new problem solving situations.

    Source :
    Amir in Essay (2004 : 6). Definition Reading Comprehension. Retrieved from:

    - Simanjuntak (1998: 4) states that reading comprehension is not just reading with aloud voice but reading is established to understand the meaning of words,
    sentences, and paragraph as well as sense relationship among the ideas.

    Source :
    Simanjuntak (1998: 4). Definition Reading Comprehension. Retrieved from:

  27. Nama : Susanto
    Nim : 2009.111.378
    Reading Comprehension Concept

    Reading is the process of constructing meaning from written texts. It is a complex skill requiring the coordination of a number of interrelated sources of information (Anderson et al., 1985).

    Reading comprehension is techniques for improving students success in extracting useful knowledge from text. (Mayer, p 34)
    As defined by Partnership for Reading (2005), Reading comprehension is understanding a text that is read, or the process of "constructing meaning" from a text. Comprehension is a "construction process" because it involves all of the elements of the reading process working together as a text is read to create a representation of the text in the reader's mind.

    Reading comprehension - techniques for improving students' success in extracting useful knowledge from text (Mayer, p 34)

    As defined by Partnership for Reading (2005), Reading comprehension is understanding a text that is read, or the process of "constructing meaning" from a text. Comprehension is a "construction process" because it involves all of the elements of the reading process working together as a text is read to create a representation of the text in the reader's mind.

    References :
    Mayer, Richard. (2003). Learning and Instruction. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc.
    "Partnership for Reading." Retrieved December 11, 2005.

  28. Reading Comprehension is a context to understand how we read, so what the writers want to direct the reader to understand the message the author can understand the reader.

    1. Nama : Susanto
      Nim : 2009.111.378
      Reading Comprehension Concept

      Reading is the process of constructing meaning from written texts. It is a complex skill requiring the coordination of a number of interrelated sources of information (Anderson et al., 1985).

      Reading comprehension is techniques for improving students success in extracting useful knowledge from text. (Mayer, p 34)
      As defined by Partnership for Reading (2005), Reading comprehension is understanding a text that is read, or the process of "constructing meaning" from a text. Comprehension is a "construction process" because it involves all of the elements of the reading process working together as a text is read to create a representation of the text in the reader's mind.

      Reading comprehension - techniques for improving students' success in extracting useful knowledge from text (Mayer, p 34)

      As defined by Partnership for Reading (2005), Reading comprehension is understanding a text that is read, or the process of "constructing meaning" from a text. Comprehension is a "construction process" because it involves all of the elements of the reading process working together as a text is read to create a representation of the text in the reader's mind.

      References :
      Mayer, Richard. (2003). Learning and Instruction. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc.
      "Partnership for Reading." Retrieved December 11, 2005.

      Reading Comprehension is a context to understand how we read, so what the writers want to direct the reader to understand the message the author can understand the reader.

  29. Name : Susanto
    Nim : 2009.111.378
    Reading Comprehension concept

    Reading is the process of constructing meaning from written texts. It is a complex skill requiring the coordination of a number of interrelated sources of information (Anderson et al., 1985).

    Reading comprehension is techniques for improving students success in extracting useful knowledge from text. (Mayer, p 34)
    As defined by Partnership for Reading (2005), Reading comprehension is understanding a text that is read, or the process of "constructing meaning" from a text. Comprehension is a "construction process" because it involves all of the elements of the reading process working together as a text is read to create a representation of the text in the reader's mind.

    Reading comprehension - techniques for improving students' success in extracting useful knowledge from text (Mayer, p 34)

    As defined by Partnership for Reading (2005), Reading comprehension is understanding a text that is read, or the process of "constructing meaning" from a text. Comprehension is a "construction process" because it involves all of the elements of the reading process working together as a text is read to create a representation of the text in the reader's mind.

    References :
    Mayer, Richard. (2003). Learning and Instruction. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc.
    "Partnership for Reading." Retrieved December 11, 2005.

  30. Reading is the process of constructing meaning from written texts. It is a complex skill requiring the coordination of a number of interrelated sources of information (Anderson et al., 1985).

    Reading comprehension is techniques for improving students success in extracting useful knowledge from text. (Mayer, p 34)
    As defined by Partnership for Reading (2005), Reading comprehension is understanding a text that is read, or the process of "constructing meaning" from a text. Comprehension is a "construction process" because it involves all of the elements of the reading process working together as a text is read to create a representation of the text in the reader's mind.

    Reading comprehension - techniques for improving students' success in extracting useful knowledge from text (Mayer, p 34)

    As defined by Partnership for Reading (2005), Reading comprehension is understanding a text that is read, or the process of "constructing meaning" from a text. Comprehension is a "construction process" because it involves all of the elements of the reading process working together as a text is read to create a representation of the text in the reader's mind.

    References :
    Mayer, Richard. (2003). Learning and Instruction. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc.
    "Partnership for Reading." Retrieved December 11, 2005.

    Reading Comprehension is a context to understand how we read, so what the writers want to direct the reader to understand the message the author can understand the reader.

  31. Nama : Susanto
    Nim : 2009.111.378
    Reading Comprehension Concept

    Reading is the process of constructing meaning from written texts. It is a complex skill requiring the coordination of a number of interrelated sources of information (Anderson et al., 1985).

    Reading comprehension is techniques for improving students success in extracting useful knowledge from text. (Mayer, p 34)
    As defined by Partnership for Reading (2005), Reading comprehension is understanding a text that is read, or the process of "constructing meaning" from a text. Comprehension is a "construction process" because it involves all of the elements of the reading process working together as a text is read to create a representation of the text in the reader's mind.

    Reading comprehension - techniques for improving students' success in extracting useful knowledge from text (Mayer, p 34)

    As defined by Partnership for Reading (2005), Reading comprehension is understanding a text that is read, or the process of "constructing meaning" from a text. Comprehension is a "construction process" because it involves all of the elements of the reading process working together as a text is read to create a representation of the text in the reader's mind.

    References :
    Mayer, Richard. (2003). Learning and Instruction. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc.
    "Partnership for Reading." Retrieved December 11, 2005.

    Reading Comprehension is a context to understand how we read, so what the writers want to direct the reader to understand the message the author can understand the reader.

  32. Nama : Susanto
    Nim : 2009.111.378
    Reading Comprehension Concept

    Reading is the process of constructing meaning from written texts. It is a complex skill requiring the coordination of a number of interrelated sources of information (Anderson et al., 1985).

    Reading comprehension is techniques for improving students success in extracting useful knowledge from text. (Mayer, p 34)
    As defined by Partnership for Reading (2005), Reading comprehension is understanding a text that is read, or the process of "constructing meaning" from a text. Comprehension is a "construction process" because it involves all of the elements of the reading process working together as a text is read to create a representation of the text in the reader's mind.

    Reading comprehension - techniques for improving students' success in extracting useful knowledge from text (Mayer, p 34)

    As defined by Partnership for Reading (2005), Reading comprehension is understanding a text that is read, or the process of "constructing meaning" from a text. Comprehension is a "construction process" because it involves all of the elements of the reading process working together as a text is read to create a representation of the text in the reader's mind.

    References :
    Mayer, Richard. (2003). Learning and Instruction. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc.
    "Partnership for Reading." Retrieved December 11, 2005.

    Reading Comprehension is a context to understand how we read, so what the writers want to direct the reader to understand the message the author can understand the reader.

  33. Nama : Susanto
    Nim : 2009.111.378
    Reading Comprehension Concept

    Reading is the process of constructing meaning from written texts. It is a complex skill requiring the coordination of a number of interrelated sources of information (Anderson et al., 1985).

    Reading comprehension is techniques for improving students success in extracting useful knowledge from text. (Mayer, p 34)
    As defined by Partnership for Reading (2005), Reading comprehension is understanding a text that is read, or the process of "constructing meaning" from a text. Comprehension is a "construction process" because it involves all of the elements of the reading process working together as a text is read to create a representation of the text in the reader's mind.

    Reading comprehension - techniques for improving students' success in extracting useful knowledge from text (Mayer, p 34)

    As defined by Partnership for Reading (2005), Reading comprehension is understanding a text that is read, or the process of "constructing meaning" from a text. Comprehension is a "construction process" because it involves all of the elements of the reading process working together as a text is read to create a representation of the text in the reader's mind.

    References :
    Mayer, Richard. (2003). Learning and Instruction. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc.
    "Partnership for Reading." Retrieved December 11, 2005.

    Reading Comprehension is a context to understand how we read, so what the writers want to direct the reader to understand the message the author can understand the reader.

  34. Nama : Susanto
    Nim : 2009.111.378
    Reading Comprehension Concept

    Reading is the process of constructing meaning from written texts. It is a complex skill requiring the coordination of a number of interrelated sources of information (Anderson et al., 1985).

    Reading comprehension is techniques for improving students success in extracting useful knowledge from text. (Mayer, p 34)
    As defined by Partnership for Reading (2005), Reading comprehension is understanding a text that is read, or the process of "constructing meaning" from a text. Comprehension is a "construction process" because it involves all of the elements of the reading process working together as a text is read to create a representation of the text in the reader's mind.

    Reading comprehension - techniques for improving students' success in extracting useful knowledge from text (Mayer, p 34)

    As defined by Partnership for Reading (2005), Reading comprehension is understanding a text that is read, or the process of "constructing meaning" from a text. Comprehension is a "construction process" because it involves all of the elements of the reading process working together as a text is read to create a representation of the text in the reader's mind.

    References :
    Mayer, Richard. (2003). Learning and Instruction. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc.
    "Partnership for Reading." Retrieved December 11, 2005.

    Reading Comprehension is a context to understand how we read, so what the writers want to direct the reader to understand the message the author can understand the reader.

  35. Nama : Susanto
    Nim : 2009.111.378
    Reading Comprehension Concept

    Reading is the process of constructing meaning from written texts. It is a complex skill requiring the coordination of a number of interrelated sources of information (Anderson et al., 1985).

    Reading comprehension is techniques for improving students success in extracting useful knowledge from text. (Mayer, p 34)
    As defined by Partnership for Reading (2005), Reading comprehension is understanding a text that is read, or the process of "constructing meaning" from a text. Comprehension is a "construction process" because it involves all of the elements of the reading process working together as a text is read to create a representation of the text in the reader's mind.

    Reading comprehension - techniques for improving students' success in extracting useful knowledge from text (Mayer, p 34)

    As defined by Partnership for Reading (2005), Reading comprehension is understanding a text that is read, or the process of "constructing meaning" from a text. Comprehension is a "construction process" because it involves all of the elements of the reading process working together as a text is read to create a representation of the text in the reader's mind.

    References :
    Mayer, Richard. (2003). Learning and Instruction. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc.
    "Partnership for Reading." Retrieved December 11, 2005.

    Reading Comprehension is a context to understand how we read, so what the writers want to direct the reader to understand the message the author can understand the reader.

  36. Nama : Susanto
    Nim : 2009.111.378
    Reading Comprehension Concept

    Reading is the process of constructing meaning from written texts. It is a complex skill requiring the coordination of a number of interrelated sources of information (Anderson et al., 1985).

    Reading comprehension is techniques for improving students success in extracting useful knowledge from text. (Mayer, p 34)
    As defined by Partnership for Reading (2005), Reading comprehension is understanding a text that is read, or the process of "constructing meaning" from a text. Comprehension is a "construction process" because it involves all of the elements of the reading process working together as a text is read to create a representation of the text in the reader's mind.

    Reading comprehension - techniques for improving students' success in extracting useful knowledge from text (Mayer, p 34)

    As defined by Partnership for Reading (2005), Reading comprehension is understanding a text that is read, or the process of "constructing meaning" from a text. Comprehension is a "construction process" because it involves all of the elements of the reading process working together as a text is read to create a representation of the text in the reader's mind.

    References :
    Mayer, Richard. (2003). Learning and Instruction. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc.
    "Partnership for Reading." Retrieved December 11, 2005.

    Reading Comprehension is a context to understand how we read, so what the writers want to direct the reader to understand the message the author can understand the reader.

  37. Nama : Susanto
    Nim : 2009.111.378
    Reading Comprehension Concept

    Reading is the process of constructing meaning from written texts. It is a complex skill requiring the coordination of a number of interrelated sources of information (Anderson et al., 1985).

    Reading comprehension is techniques for improving students success in extracting useful knowledge from text. (Mayer, p 34)
    As defined by Partnership for Reading (2005), Reading comprehension is understanding a text that is read, or the process of "constructing meaning" from a text. Comprehension is a "construction process" because it involves all of the elements of the reading process working together as a text is read to create a representation of the text in the reader's mind.

    Reading comprehension - techniques for improving students' success in extracting useful knowledge from text (Mayer, p 34)

    As defined by Partnership for Reading (2005), Reading comprehension is understanding a text that is read, or the process of "constructing meaning" from a text. Comprehension is a "construction process" because it involves all of the elements of the reading process working together as a text is read to create a representation of the text in the reader's mind.

    References :
    Mayer, Richard. (2003). Learning and Instruction. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc.
    "Partnership for Reading." Retrieved December 11, 2005.

    Reading Comprehension is a context to understand how we read, so what the writers want to direct the reader to understand the message the author can understand the reader.

  38. Nama : Susanto
    Nim : 2009.111.378
    Reading Comprehension Concept

    Reading is the process of constructing meaning from written texts. It is a complex skill requiring the coordination of a number of interrelated sources of information (Anderson et al., 1985).

    Reading comprehension is techniques for improving students success in extracting useful knowledge from text. (Mayer, p 34)
    As defined by Partnership for Reading (2005), Reading comprehension is understanding a text that is read, or the process of "constructing meaning" from a text. Comprehension is a "construction process" because it involves all of the elements of the reading process working together as a text is read to create a representation of the text in the reader's mind.

    Reading comprehension - techniques for improving students' success in extracting useful knowledge from text (Mayer, p 34)

    As defined by Partnership for Reading (2005), Reading comprehension is understanding a text that is read, or the process of "constructing meaning" from a text. Comprehension is a "construction process" because it involves all of the elements of the reading process working together as a text is read to create a representation of the text in the reader's mind.

    References :
    Mayer, Richard. (2003). Learning and Instruction. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc.
    "Partnership for Reading." Retrieved December 11, 2005.

    Reading Comprehension is a context to understand how we read, so what the writers want to direct the reader to understand the message the author can understand the reader.

  39. Nama : Susanto
    Nim : 2009.111.378
    Reading Comprehension Concept

    Reading is the process of constructing meaning from written texts. It is a complex skill requiring the coordination of a number of interrelated sources of information (Anderson et al., 1985).

    Reading comprehension is techniques for improving students success in extracting useful knowledge from text. (Mayer, p 34)
    As defined by Partnership for Reading (2005), Reading comprehension is understanding a text that is read, or the process of "constructing meaning" from a text. Comprehension is a "construction process" because it involves all of the elements of the reading process working together as a text is read to create a representation of the text in the reader's mind.

    Reading comprehension - techniques for improving students' success in extracting useful knowledge from text (Mayer, p 34)

    As defined by Partnership for Reading (2005), Reading comprehension is understanding a text that is read, or the process of "constructing meaning" from a text. Comprehension is a "construction process" because it involves all of the elements of the reading process working together as a text is read to create a representation of the text in the reader's mind.

    References :
    Mayer, Richard. (2003). Learning and Instruction. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc.
    "Partnership for Reading." Retrieved December 11, 2005.

    Reading Comprehension is a context to understand how we read, so what the writers want to direct the reader to understand the message the author can understand the reader.
