Thursday, 16 February 2012




  1.  The theory of efficient reading
    Efficient reading is about reading in a way that allows you to understand the writer's message without spending too much time in the process. It's also about reading with a clear purpose in mind so that you only read material that is relevant.
    Efficient reading starts with choosing a strategy to suit the kind of text you have to read because your purpose in reading and the nature of text to be read will determine your strategy. Your purpose in reading might be to:
    gather information for an essay
    learn about a particular topic or understand a particular theory
    prepare for an exam
    Efficient reading isn't the only skill you need at university; you also need to read critically. This means suspending judgment on a text until you
    have understood the message being put forward
    evaluated the evidence supporting that message
    evaluated the writer's perspective.

     The theory of effective reading
    Effective: We are able to comprehend, or understand, what we read while we read.
    We focus on being able to read quickly while still, consciously, comprehending the material being read. Some reading programs concentrate strictly on speed without testing comprehension. Other programs rely upon the unconscious mind to synthesize, remember and understand the information.
    These are valid methods of taking in information, but when a person needs to have conscious, didactic understanding and knowledge of the material being read (Ex. for a final exam, or for a key business meeting),
    Tips for Active Reading
     reading with a purposes
     be selective about what you read
     focus on the question
     establish what you already know
     break reading into manageable segments
    And In Summary:
    1.Efficiency means doing the things right but Effectiveness is about doing the right things.
    2.Efficiency focuses on the process or ‘means’ but Effectiveness focuses on the end.
    3.Efficiency is restricted to the present state but effectiveness involves thinking long term.

    Sources :

  2. WIRA LESTARI Nim : 2009 111 211 (6 G)15 March 2012 at 08:46

    The theory of Efficient Reading:
    Efficient reading is about reading in a way that allows you to understand the writer's message without spending too much time in the process. It's also about reading with a clear purpose in mind so that you only read material that is relevant.
    Efficient reading starts with choosing a strategy to suit the kind of text you have to read because your purpose in reading and the nature of text to be read will determine your strategy. purpose in reading might be to:
    gather information for an essay
    learn about a particular topic or understand a particular theory
    prepare for an exam
    Try this method for more efficient reading

    1.Read the title and the introduction.
    Highlight information that tells the reader what the article is about. Highlight the main points to be covered.
    2. Read the conclusion.
    Highlight the part where the main points are repeated.
    3. Read any headings, sub-headings and words in bold or italics.
    Highlight key words
    4. Read the topic sentence for each paragraph (usually the first or second sentence).
    Highlight key words in each topic sentence. Then put the article away.
    5. Brainstorm all the information you can remember from the article.
    Use paper horizontally/landscape style so more information can fit on the page.
    Write down all key words you can remember.
    Draw diagrams or illustrations.
    6. If relevant, read the article in depth.
    Efficient reading is active. It integrates pre-reading strategies (see below) with an active note making/mapping
    ematically over page

    The theory of Effective Reading :
    Reading is the process of constructing meaning from a written text. Effective early reading instruction enables all children to become fluent readers who comprehend what they are reading, can apply and communicate their knowledge and skills in new contexts, and have a strong motivation to read.
    The focus of this report is on reading instruction in primary classrooms, but reading does not happen in isolation. The three strands of the language curriculum – oral and visual communication, reading, and writing – are interwoven. Oral language is the basis for literacy development, particularly in the early primary years. Children need oral language and writing skills in order to be proficient in reading; conversely, they need to be proficient readers in order to further develop their oral language and writing skills. Although instructional strategies for oral language and writing are not discussed in detail here, they are essential for teaching children to read. They need to be integrated in all subject areas and encouraged at every opportunity.
    The framework in figure 1 identifies three main goals for reading instruction:
    • Fluency is the ability to identify words accurately and read text quickly with good expression. Fluency comes from practice in reading easy books about familiar subjects. These texts primarily contain familiar, high-frequency words so that the child will encounter few unfamiliar words. As children develop fluency, they improve in their ability to read more expressively, with proper phrasing, thus gaining more of the text's meaning.
    • Comprehension is the ability to understand, reflect on, and learn from text. To ensure that children develop comprehension skills, effective reading instruction builds on their prior knowledge and experience, language skills, and higher-level thinking.
    •Motivation to read is the essential element for actively engaging children in the reading process. It is the fuel that lights the fire and keeps it burning. Children need to be immersed in a literacy-rich environment, filled with books, poems, pictures, charts, and other resources that capture their interest and make them want to read for information and pleasure.

  3. WIRA LESTARI Nim : 2009 111 211 (6 G)15 March 2012 at 09:03

    The theory of Efficient Reading:
    Efficient reading is about reading in a way that allows you to understand the writer's message without spending too much time in the process. It's also about reading with a clear purpose in mind so that you only read material that is relevant.
    Efficient reading starts with choosing a strategy to suit the kind of text you have to read because your purpose in reading and the nature of text to be read will determine your strategy. purpose in reading might be to:
    gather information for an essay
    learn about a particular topic or understand a particular theory
    prepare for an exam
    Try this method for more efficient reading

    1.Read the title and the introduction.
    Highlight information that tells the reader what the article is about. Highlight the main points to be covered.
    2. Read the conclusion.
    Highlight the part where the main points are repeated.
    3. Read any headings, sub-headings and words in bold or italics.
    Highlight key words
    4. Read the topic sentence for each paragraph (usually the first or second sentence).
    Highlight key words in each topic sentence. Then put the article away.
    5. Brainstorm all the information you can remember from the article.
    Use paper horizontally/landscape style so more information can fit on the page.
    Write down all key words you can remember.
    Draw diagrams or illustrations.
    6. If relevant, read the article in depth.
    Efficient reading is active. It integrates pre-reading strategies (see below) with an active note making/mapping
    ematically over page

    The theory of Effective Reading :
    Reading is the process of constructing meaning from a written text. Effective early reading instruction enables all children to become fluent readers who comprehend what they are reading, can apply and communicate their knowledge and skills in new contexts, and have a strong motivation to read.

    The focus of this report is on reading instruction in primary classrooms, but reading does not happen in isolation. The three strands of the language curriculum – oral and visual communication, reading, and writing – are interwoven. Oral language is the basis for literacy development, particularly in the early primary years. Children need oral language and writing skills in order to be proficient in reading; conversely, they need to be proficient readers in order to further develop their oral language and writing skills. Although instructional strategies for oral language and writing are not discussed in detail here, they are essential for teaching children to read. They need to be integrated in all subject areas and encouraged at every opportunity.
    The framework in figure 1 identifies three main goals for reading instruction:
    • Fluency is the ability to identify words accurately and read text quickly with good expression. Fluency comes from practice in reading easy books about familiar subjects. These texts primarily contain familiar, high-frequency words so that the child will encounter few unfamiliar words. As children develop fluency, they improve in their ability to read more expressively, with proper phrasing, thus gaining more of the text's meaning.
    • Comprehension is the ability to understand, reflect on, and learn from text. To ensure that children develop comprehension skills, effective reading instruction builds on their prior knowledge and experience, language skills, and higher-level thinking.
    • Motivation to read is the essential element for actively engaging children in the reading process. It is the fuel that lights the fire and keeps it burning. Children need to be immersed in a literacy-rich environment, filled with books, poems, pictures, charts, and other resources that capture their interest and make them want to read for information and pleasure.
    Source :

    NIM : 2009 111 263

    The theory of Efficient reading is about reading in a way that we understand the writer's message without spending too much time in the process.

    The theory of effective reading is how to prepare myself in advance and find ways to make read going easier. For example, When we are new to university study, the amount of reading we are expected to do can be daunting. However, we can learn how to prepare myself in advance and find ways to make the going easier. What appears to be an impossible task (tackling all that text) becomes possible when we start becoming an active reader; that is, asking questions about what you need to find out, taking a strategic and critical approach, and then selecting readings that relate to your questions and tasks.

  5. Name : Nyiayu Nelly Windarti
    NIM : 2009 111 327

    Effective Reading is how to read the text by using the good strategy for example vocabulary.And we must know how to read in order we can read well.

    Effecient reading is to understand how to read a message from the writing or essay without spending too much time in the reading process. it uses the mind, so we only read the interesting material. When we want to read an article such as essay, we should take good notes so that we can understand the text.

  6. Name : Septa Wilza Oriandra PGRI
    Nim : 2009 111 251

    Efficient reading is about reading in a way that allows you to understand the writer's message without spending too much time in the process. It's also about reading with a clear purpose in mind so that you only read material that is relevant. When you're reading in preparation for an essay or for understanding generally, remember that good reading strategies go hand-in-hand with good note-taking skills. Efficient reading starts with choosing a strategy to suit the kind of text you have to read because your purpose in reading and the nature of text to be read will determine your strategy.

    Effective Reading is an active process, not a passive one. There is no proper reading of a text which reveals the text's true meaning. The meanings you get from a text may not be the same as those your professor or your fellow students would get from it. We always read within a specific context, and this affects what we notice and what seems to matter. We always have a purpose in reading a text, and this will shape how we approach it. Our purpose and background knowledge will also determine the strategies we use to read the text.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    NIM : 2009 111 049/ 6 G

    The theory of effective reading is how to prepare myself in advance and find ways to make read going easier. Effective Reading is an active process, not a passive one. There is no proper reading of a text which reveals the text's true meaning. The meanings you get from a text may not be the same as those your professor or your fellow students would get from it. We always read within a specific context, and this affects what we notice and what seems to matter. We always have a purpose in reading a text, and this will shape how we approach it. Our purpose and background knowledge will also determine the strategies we use to read the text.

    Efficient reading is about reading in a way that allows you to understand the writer's message without spending too much time in the process. It's also about reading with a clear purpose in mind so that you only read material that is relevant. When you're reading in preparation for an essay or for understanding generally, remember that good reading strategies go hand-in-hand with good note-taking skills.
    Efficient reading starts with choosing a strategy to suit the kind of text you have to read because your purpose in reading and the nature of text to be read will determine your strategy. Your purpose in reading might be to:
    1. gather information for an essay
    2. learn about a particular topic or understand a particular theory
    3. prepare for an exam

    SOURCE :

    NIM : 2009 111 049/ 6 G

    The theory of effective reading is how to prepare myself in advance and find ways to make read going easier. Effective Reading is an active process, not a passive one. There is no proper reading of a text which reveals the text's true meaning. The meanings you get from a text may not be the same as those your professor or your fellow students would get from it. We always read within a specific context, and this affects what we notice and what seems to matter. We always have a purpose in reading a text, and this will shape how we approach it. Our purpose and background knowledge will also determine the strategies we use to read the text.
    Efficient reading is about reading in a way that allows you to understand the writer's message without spending too much time in the process. It's also about reading with a clear purpose in mind so that you only read material that is relevant. When you're reading in preparation for an essay or for understanding generally, remember that good reading strategies go hand-in-hand with good note-taking skills.
    Efficient reading starts with choosing a strategy to suit the kind of text you have to read because your purpose in reading and the nature of text to be read will determine your strategy. Your purpose in reading might be to:
    1. Gather information for an essay
    2. Learn about a particular topic or understand a particular theory
    3. Prepare for an exam


  10. Name : Linda PGRI
    NIM : 2009 111 291

    Theory of Efficient and effective Reading

    Efficient reading is about reading in a way that allows you to understand the writer's message without spending too much time in the process. In order to read more effectively, it is vital to become a more self-conscious reader. You need to understand what you are doing when you use different reading techniques for different purposes and texts, and to practise these particular reading skills. You must always read for a clearly defined purpose and adapt your reading strategies to that purpose.

    It is important to break down the reading process into the following stages: before reading, during reading and after reading.

    Before reading you need to survey the text so that you can get an overview of the book, article or section.

    understand the title
    examine the organisation of the information in the table of contents
    read headings and subheadings
    look at graphs, diagrams, tables
    read any questions or summaries at the end of the chapter
    read the introduction and conclusion
    read the first sentence in each paragraph

    Effective Reading

    Effective reading as in speed reading, means controlling your eye movements. Speed varies according to your familiarity with the material. Some people can take in only a word at a time [they use a finger to run along the page sometimes], whereas others can take in a group of words, or a whole line. In the latter case, eye movement is vertical - fast readers move down the centre of the page and use peripheral vision to see words on the edges.

    When you're reading a document or book in detail, it helps if you practice "active reading" by highlighting and underlining key information, and taking notes (member-only article) as you progress. (Mind Maps are great for this). This emphasizes information in your mind, and helps you to review important points later.
    Doing this also helps you keep your mind focused on the material, and stops you thinking about other things.

    SOURCE :

  11. Name : Linda PGRI
    NIM : 2009 111 291

    Theory of Efficient and effective Reading

    Efficient reading is about reading in a way that allows you to understand the writer's message without spending too much time in the process. In order to read more effectively, it is vital to become a more self-conscious reader. You need to understand what you are doing when you use different reading techniques for different purposes and texts, and to practise these particular reading skills. You must always read for a clearly defined purpose and adapt your reading strategies to that purpose.

    It is important to break down the reading process into the following stages: before reading, during reading and after reading.

    Before reading you need to survey the text so that you can get an overview of the book, article or section.

    understand the title
    examine the organisation of the information in the table of contents
    read headings and subheadings
    look at graphs, diagrams, tables
    read any questions or summaries at the end of the chapter
    read the introduction and conclusion
    read the first sentence in each paragraph

    Effective Reading

    Effective reading as in speed reading, means controlling your eye movements. Speed varies according to your familiarity with the material. Some people can take in only a word at a time [they use a finger to run along the page sometimes], whereas others can take in a group of words, or a whole line. In the latter case, eye movement is vertical - fast readers move down the centre of the page and use peripheral vision to see words on the edges.

    When you're reading a document or book in detail, it helps if you practice "active reading" by highlighting and underlining key information, and taking notes (member-only article) as you progress. (Mind Maps are great for this). This emphasizes information in your mind, and helps you to review important points later.
    Doing this also helps you keep your mind focused on the material, and stops you thinking about other things.

    Source :

  12. Nama : Putri Kusuama Wardani
    NIM : 2009 111 376

    The theory of efficient and effective in reading:
    The effective is the appropriate or not the material or tools are used to reach out for the purpose that we want. For example : when we face the grammatical exam, therefore we study the grammar book or we read more about the grammar one.

    The efficient is related to appropriate or not the time are needed to reach out for the purpose with the material or tools be there. For example : when we face the grammar exam, we specify the discussion to be include in the exam later. For example when the exams are going to start from chapter 4 to chapter 6, so we focus on chapter 4 to chapter 6 only. Thereby saving our time in reading and understanding the lesson.


  13. Name : Rika Hartati. PGRI
    Nim : 2009 111 316

    The Theory Efficient Reading is how to read with understanding the message and intent of the author in a text. It's also about reading with a clear objective in mind so that you only read the relevant material. Efficient reading begins by choosing a strategy appropriate to the type of text to be read because your purpose in reading will determine your strategy. Efficient reading is to understand what we read. Get used to reading silently. You just need to move the eyes to follow the words and sentences in the books you read.
    Example : we sit comfortably and have a reading light is bright enough. Was a matter of calm atmosphere, not the essential problem. Even so, you must be sure that the atmosphere and even then you will be able to concentrate

    The Theory Effective reading is how to read by repeating back the parts that you already know in a teks. And reading aloud also might help in the effectiveness of reading. Effective reading is not need to know the exact meaning of each word to understand a text. And we can guess and understand the meaning of the word of the text before looking at the meaning in the dictionary. And repeating back what we have read.
    Example : when we have some collection or some books, and we know what titles we have read it is that part of effective reading, and vice versa, if we forget the title of what we have read, it was not effective. When understanding the meaning of the text, not to be taken one by one to find the word in the dictionary.

    References :

    1. NURLI AMILIA PGRI 200911105218 March 2012 at 06:21

      The amount of reading you are expected to do can be daunting. However, you can learn how to prepare yourself in advance and find ways to make the going easier. What appears to be an impossible task (tackling all that text) becomes possible when you start bcoming an active reader; that is, asking questions about what you need to find out, taking a strategic and critical approach, and then selecting readings that relate to your questions and tasks.

      Efficient reading is about reading in a way that allows you to understand the writer's message without spending too much time in the process. It's also about reading with a clear purpose in mind so that you only read material that is relevant. When you're reading in preparation for an essay or for understanding generally, remember that good reading strategies go hand-in-hand with good note-taking skills.

      Efficient reading starts with choosing a strategy to suit the kind of text you have to read because your purpose in reading and the nature of text to be read will determine your strategy. Your purpose in reading might be to:
      gather information for an essay
      learn about a particular topic or understand a particular theory
      prepare for an exam

      NIM : 2009111068

      Reading involves gaining meaning from the printed word, understanding the meaning it carries. "Efficiency" involves both getting a particular task done, and doing it with maximum out put for the minimum in put of resources.

      Efficient reading then is gaining and understanding of meaning carried by the printed material with the minimum of energy expended, with usually means in the shortest possible time. This is obviously more than fast reading or speed reading. for the emphasis is on gaining meaning as well as on speed, and the pace at which we reads will depend on both what we are reading and why we are reading.
      Effective reading is learning how to prepare yourself in advance and find ways to make the going easier. What appears to be an impossible task (tackling all that text) becomes possible when you start becoming an active reader; that is, asking questions about what you need to find out, taking a strategic and critical approach, and then selecting readings that relate to your questions and tasks.

  14. • The Theory of Efficient Reading
    Efficient Reading is reading faster without spending much time to get the Idea from the text and reading with better comprehension. Efficient reading starts with choosing a strategy to suit the kind of text you have to read because your purpose in reading and the nature of text to be read will determine your strategy.
    When an efficient reader comes across the word "blue", they don't repeat the word "blue" to themselves, then think about the meaning. Instead, an efficient reader will understand and visualize the color much in the same way most people do when they look up at a blue sky. When you look up at a blue sky, you are typically not saying "blue sky", then thinking about the meaning, but instead you simply absorb the meaning immediately and effortlessly.

    • The Theory of Effective Reading

    Effective Reading is how to prepare our selves, to find a good strategy in reading. Every people have a different strategy base on their background knowledge. We are able to comprehend, or understand, what we read while we read. We focus on being able to read quickly while still consciously, comprehending the material being read.

  15. Name : Erlinawati
    NIM : 2009.111.335
    The theory of efficient and effective in reading:
    The effective is the appropriate or tools are used to reach out for the purpose that we want. For example : when we face the grammatical exam, therefore we study the grammar book or we read more about the grammar one.

    Before reading you need to survey the text so that you can get an overview of the book, article or section:
    1. Understand the title
    2. Examine the organisation of the information in the table of contents
    3. Read headings and subheadings
    4. Look at graphs, diagrams, tables
    5. Read any questions or summaries at the end of the chapter
    6. Read the introduction and conclusion
    7. Read the first sentence in each paragraph

    Efficient reading is about reading in a way that allows you to understand the writer's message without spending too much time in the process. It's also about reading with a clear purpose in mind so that you only read material that is relevant.
    Efficient reading starts with choosing a strategy to suit the kind of text you have to read because your purpose in reading and the nature of text to be read will determine your strategy. Your purpose in reading might be to:
    1. gather information for an essay
    2. learn about a particular topic or understand a particular theory
    3. prepare for an exam

    reference :

  16. Nama : Putra Pratama
    NIM : 2009.111.146
    Class : 6G

    I have opinion about the theory of efficient and effective reading,,
    Efficient reading is a reading that focused just to the teks which we want to get information, the process of the reading efficient not spend much time. Because we just read a particular or interesting topic/material.

    Effective reading is a reading which use the right method,for specific and particular purposes which can help us for understand,comprehend, or gather information from the teks quickly,,
    That's all my opinion sir,thank you sir.

    Resources : http//


    2009 111 161

    Efficient reading is about reading in way that allow you to understand the writers message without spending too much time in the process.
    It also about reading with a clear purpose in mind so that you only read material that is relevant. When you are reading perception for an essay of or understanding generally remember that good reading strategies go-hand-in-hand with good note taking skills.

    Efficient reading start with choosing strategy to suit the kind of text you have to read because your purpose in reading and the nature of text to be will determine your strategy. Your purpose in reading migth be
    - Gather information for an essay
    - Learn about particular topic or understand a particular theory
    - Prepare for an exam

    Effective reading is the way we are able to comprehend or understand what we read while we read.
    We focus on being to read quickly while still consciously, comprehending, the material being read

    Active reading involves
    - reading the first and last sentence of each paragraph
    - Second guessing
    - Summaries
    - Noting questions as you read
    - The structural approach
    - Working with academic paragraph-structure
    - Topic Sentence
    - Explanation / Analysis
    - Evidence
    - Transitional statements
    - Main Ideas = Topic sentence
    - Use this structure to break down information within paragraph

    Effective reading is defined by habits and behaviors of students while they read
    Example : Teaching students how to make prediction based of a text, or how to generate summary of what was read or teaching students how to develop a critical eye toward an author's bias becomes critical

    1. Name : Yeni Ekawati (UNIV PGRI)
      Nim : 2009 111 105

      Efficient reading :

      Reading involves gaining meaning from the printed word, understanding the meaning it carries. "Efficiency" involves both getting a particular task done, and doing it with maximum out put for the minimum in put of resources.
      Efficient reading, then is gaining and understanding of meaning carried by the printed material with the minimum of energy expended, with usually means in the shortest possible time. this is obviously more than fast reading or speed reading. for the emphasis is on gaining meaning as well as on speed,and the pace at which we reads will depend on both what we are reading and why we are reading.

      Effective reading :

      Effective Reading provides a wide variety of interesting, up-to-date reading material with challenging and motivating exercises which develop the relevant skills. All the texts are authentic and come from many different sources including contemporary British and American novels, newspapers, magazines and advertising.

      NIM : 2009 111 105

      Efficient reading :

      Reading involves gaining meaning from the printed word, understanding the meaning it carries. "Efficiency" involves both getting a particular task done, and doing it with maximum out put for the minimum in put of resources.
      Efficient reading, then is gaining and understanding of meaning carried by the printed material with the minimum of energy expended, with usually means in the shortest possible time. this is obviously more than fast reading or speed reading. for the emphasis is on gaining meaning as well as on speed,and the pace at which we reads will depend on both what we are reading and why we are reading.

      Effective reading :

      Effective Reading provides a wide variety of interesting, up-to-date reading material with challenging and motivating exercises which develop the relevant skills. All the texts are authentic and come from many different sources including contemporary British and American novels, newspapers, magazines and advertising.

  18. Name : Ayu Amelia
    Nim : 2009 111 131
    Class : 6 G


    The Theory of efficient reading is a theory which is not just for a quick read with a purpose of reading to understand what is read and learn without having to waste time in vain.

    The Theory of Effective reading is a theory of reading actively and changing passive to active reading is by always asking questions about things related to reading and motivate someone to encourage curiosity, which then begs the question after question.

    refference :

  19. • The Theory of Efficient Reading
    Efficient Reading is reading faster or without spending much time and with better comprehension. Efficient reading starts with choosing a strategy to suit the kind of text you have to read because your purpose in reading and the nature of text to be read will determine your strategy.
    When an efficient reader comes across the word "blue", they don't repeat the word "blue" to themselves, then think about the meaning. Instead, an efficient reader will understand and visualize the color much in the same way most people do when they look up at a blue sky.
    • The Theory of Effective Reading
    Effective Reading is reading by using the active process, not a passive one. There is no proper reading of a text which reveals the text's true meaning. The meanings you get from a text may not be the same as those your professor or your fellow students would get from it. Our purpose and background knowledge will also determine the strategies we use to read the text.

  20. Ria Oktarina PGRI19 March 2012 at 06:20

    Name : Ria Oktarina
    NIM : 2009 111 243
    Class : 6 G

    • The Theory of Efficient Reading
    Efficient Reading is reading faster or without spending much time and with better comprehension. Efficient reading starts with choosing a strategy to suit the kind of text you have to read because your purpose in reading and the nature of text to be read will determine your strategy.
    When an efficient reader comes across the word "blue", they don't repeat the word "blue" to themselves, then think about the meaning. Instead, an efficient reader will understand and visualize the color much in the same way most people do when they look up at a blue sky.

    • The Theory of Effective Reading
    Effective Reading is active process, not a passive one. There is no proper reading of a text which reveals the text's true meaning. The meanings you get from a text may not be the same as those your professor or your fellow students would get from it. Our purpose and background knowledge will also determine the strategies we use to read the text.

    NIM : 2009111250

    Effecient reading : reading in a way that allows you to understand the writer's message without spending too much time in the process. So, it's also about reading with a clear purpose in mind so that you only read material that is relevant.

    Effective reading : practice active reading. It’s means that reading is by definition a passive activity, but active reading requires you to pay attention by highlighting key words, underlining sentences and making small notations for later reference.

      N I M : 2009 111 179


      Efficient reading is about reading in a way that allows you to understand the writer's message without spending too much time in the process. It's also about reading with a clear purpose in mind so that you only read material that is relevant. When you're reading in preparation for an essay or for understanding generally, remember that good reading strategies go hand-in-hand with good note-taking skills.

      Effective reading is about read quickly while still, consciously, comprehending the material being read. Some reading programs concentrate strictly on speed without testing comprehension. Other programs rely upon the unconscious mind to synthesize, remember and understand the information.

      References :

    2. Name : Debby Hamzah
      NIM : 2009 111 220
      Efficient Reading
      Reading involves gaining meaning from the printed word, understanding the meaning it carries. "Efficiency" involves both getting a particular task done, and doing it with maximum out put for the minimum in put of resources. Efficient reading, then is gaining and understanding of meaning carried by the printed material with the minimum of energy expended, with usually means in the shortest possible time.
      Effective Reading
      Reading is an active process, not a passive one. There is no proper reading of a text which reveals the text's true meaning. The meanings you get from a text may not be the same as those your professor or your fellow students would get from it. Effective reading is active and purposeful, it needs to be focused, selective and follow objectives. The three stages of effectively reading a text are: previewing, reading for details and reviewing.

  22. • Effective means able to accomplish a purpose and capable of producing an intended result, while
    • Efficient means that being effective without wasting time.
    So, we can conclude that efficient and effective reading is reading fast.
    This means that it is not wasting time and using your eyes and brain together. But in this case, the readers do not just read fast, they also comprehend and understand the general information in the text. To do this, the readers need read purposefully and interactively. Purposeful means that whenever the readers read something will depend on their purpose, while interactive means that the readers have to work at constructing the meaning from the marks on the paper, which the readers use as necessary. The readers construct the meaning using their knowledge of the language, their subject and the world, continually predicting and assessing.
    Sources : efektif-dan-efisien/#ixzz1pZWh0Mq3

    N I M : 2009 111 179

    The Theory Efficient Reading is about reading in a way that allows you to understand the writer's message without spending too much time in the process. It's also about reading with a clear purpose in mind so that you only read material that is relevant. When you're reading in preparation for an essay or for understanding generally, remember that good reading strategies go hand-in-hand with good note-taking skills.

    The Theory Effective reading quickly while still, consciously, comprehending the material being read. Some reading programs concentrate strictly on speed without testing comprehension. Other programs rely upon the unconscious mind to synthesize, remember and understand the information.

    References :

    N I M : 2009 111 179

    The Theory Efficient Reading is about reading in a way that allows you to understand the writer's message without spending too much time in the process. It's also about reading with a clear purpose in mind so that you only read material that is relevant. When you're reading in preparation for an essay or for understanding generally, remember that good reading strategies go hand-in-hand with good note-taking skills.

    The Theory Effective reading quickly while still, consciously, comprehending the material being read. Some reading programs concentrate strictly on speed without testing comprehension. Other programs rely upon the unconscious mind to synthesize, remember and understand the information.

    References :

    NIM : 2009 111 159
    CLASS : 6.G
     Theory of Effective Reading
    • The meaning of the word Effective is producing the intended result
    • Effecting reading is the process of reading to get the main idea or to get the certain information that we needed or base on our purpose before.

     Theory of Efficient Reading
    • The meaning of the word efficient is able to work well and without wasting time.
    • Efficient reading is the process of reading to understand the writer’s message or to get the point of the text of reading without spending too much time in reading process.

     Tips to effective and efficient reading
    1. Feeling right about reading
    2. Develop 3 Rs of reading ( reading to reveal, reading to review, reading to remind)
    3. Become a more selective reader
    4. Become a smarter reader
    5. Become a more focused and faster reader
    6. Become a more active reader
     The purpose of effective and efficient reading
    1. Get information for an essay
    2. Learn about particular topic or understand a particular theory
    3. Prepare for an exam
    oxford advanced learner’s dictionarys

  26. Nama : Arum Dwi Lestari
    NIM : 2009 111 269

    Effective reading is we are able to comprehend or understand what we read while we read. We focus on being able to read quickly while still, consciously, comprehending the material being read. Some reading programs concentrate strictly on speed without comprehension
    Efficient reading is about reading in a way that allows you to understand the writer's message without spending too much time in the process. It's also about reading with a clear purpose in mind so that you only read material that is relevant. When you're reading in preparation for an essay or for understanding generally, remember that good reading strategies go hand-in-hand with good note-taking skills.

    NIM : 2009.111.165
    CLASS : 6 G
    LIST NO.: 1


    In our daily life, absolutely, we get many informations about everythings. to be an educated people we need information to improve our knowledge. there are many ways to get an information such as, reading a book, listen to the radio etc. before we read a book, article or information, try to find out the information that's needed. after that we can know the guideline of the text. the next step, we have to read the information sources start from the beginning. during reading activity, we can make a summary or resume about the important information. in writing a summary, our mind will work hardly and unconsiusly you can catch the information quickly. an effective an efficient reading is very usefull for us to get all of the informations quickly and accurately. so it won't wasting time and energy. for example : when a student is going to face the examination, if the student knows the reading strategies well, he doesn't need to read a subject for much time to get the main point of the subject. he just makes the summary about what is he read. it can help him to get the information quickly and easily.

    that is my opinion about the theory of efficient and effecttive reading sir. thank you

    references :

    NIM : 2009.111.162
    CLASS : 6 G


    The theory of Efficient reading is about reading in a way that allows you to understand the writer's message without spending too much time in the process. It's also about reading with a clear purpose in mind so that you only read material that is relevant

    The teory of effective reading is abouta reading system to read the timing and level of understanding of the reading material. If the less time reading and understanding the higher level, it is said that the read speed is increasing.

  29. • The Theory of Efficient Reading
    Efficient Reading is reading faster or without spending much time and with better comprehension. Efficient reading starts with choosing a strategy to suit the kind of text you have to read because your purpose in reading and the nature of text to be read will determine your strategy.
    When an efficient reader comes across the word "blue", they don't repeat the word "blue" to themselves, then think about the meaning. Instead, an efficient reader will understand and visualize the color much in the same way most people do when they look up at a blue sky.

    • The Theory of Effective Reading
    Effective Reading is reading active, not a passive one. There is no proper reading of a text which reveals the text's true meaning. The meanings you get from a text may not be the same as those your professor or your fellow students would get from it. Our purpose and background knowledge will also determine the strategies we use to read the text.


  30. Name : Ayu Rahayu
    Nim : 2009 111 276
    class : 6G


    The theory of efficient reading is about reading to understand the message or meaning which the author is contained in a passage in the shortest possible time.
    Purpose of efficient reading is to understand what is read and learn from reading material, without having to waste time in vain.

    efficient reading techniques

    1. get used to reading without a vote

    2. try to avoid as much as possible to repeat a sentence or read a word line that has been read before.

    3. do not miss to first read the introduction to the book.


    The theory of effective reading is the ability to read quickly but still can understand the content of the material in the reading.

    Effective reading techniques:

    1. Preview / Preview

    2. phrase questions

    3. record

    4. summarizes the

    5. Review and reflection

      NIM : 2009.111.111


      Efficient reading is about reading in a way that allows you to understand the writer's message without spending too much time in the process. It's also about reading with a clear purpose in mind so that you only read material that is relevant. When you're reading in preparation for an essay or for understanding generally, remember that good reading strategies go hand-in-hand with good notetalking skills. involves gaining meaning from the printed word, understanding the meaning it carries. "Efficiency" involves both getting a particular task done, and doing it with maximum out put for the minimum in put of resources.

      efficient reading, then is gaining and understanding of meaning carried by the printed material with the minimum of energy expended, with usually means in the shortest possible time. this is obviously more than fast reading or speed reading. for the emphasis is on gaining meaning as well as on speed,and the pace at which we reads will depend on both what we are reading and why we are reading.

      Effective reading : We are able to comprehend, or understand, what we read while we read. We focus on being able to read quickly while still, consciously, comprehending the material being read. Some reading programs concentrate strictly on speed without testing comprehension. Other programs rely upon the unconscious mind to synthesize, remember and understand the information.
      These are valid methods of taking in information, but when a person needs to have conscious, didactic understanding and knowledge of the material being read (Ex. for a final exam, or for a key business meeting), Effective Rapid Reading provides a way to achieve that.
      References :

  31. Name : Ricca Maitha
    NIM : 2009.111.293

    According to Kenneth Goodman, Proficient readers are both efficient and effective. They are effective in constructing meaning that they can assimilate or accommodate and which bears some level of agreement with the original meaning of the author. The readers are efficient in using the least amount of effort to achieve effectiveness. Efficient reading is active. It means that the readers use pre-reading strategies to build up background knowledge and to select what to read. Pre-reading involves, first, survey/overview,in this step, the readers Look quickly and superficially at the whole text, What is it? What is it about? What is likely to be covered? Second is skim, the readers read quickly and superficially in general idea and knowledge of context. And the third is scan. The readers read fast for specific information. Any reader's proficiency is variable depending on the semantic background brought by the reader to any given reading task.

  32. Ricca Maitha PGRI20 March 2012 at 06:28

    Name : Ricca Maitha
    NIM : 2009.111.293
    Class : 6G

    According to Kenneth Goodman, Proficient readers are both efficient and effective. They are effective in constructing meaning that they can assimilate or accommodate and which bears some level of agreement with the original meaning of the author. The readers are efficient in using the least amount of effort to achieve effectiveness. Efficient reading is active. It means that the readers use pre-reading strategies to build up background knowledge and to select what to read. Pre-reading involves, first, survey/overview,in this step, the readers Look quickly and superficially at the whole text, What is it? What is it about? What is likely to be covered? Second is skimming, the readers read quickly and superficially in general idea and knowledge of context. And the third is scanning. The readers read fast for specific information. Any reader's proficiency is variable depending on the semantic background brought by the reader to any given reading task.

  33. Nama : kiki marlyn
    NIM : 2009 111 385

    effective reading that can be able to accomplish a purpose and capable of producing an intended result.

    efficient reading is being effective without wasting time or effort or expense and proper or appropriate to do (produce)something ( with no wasted time, effort cost)

    source : http//

  34. Nama : Ria oktarina
    NIM : 2009 111 243

    • The Theory of Efficient Reading
    Efficient Reading is reading faster or without spending much time and with better comprehension. Efficient reading starts with choosing a strategy to suit the kind of text you have to read because your purpose in reading and the nature of text to be read will determine your strategy.
    When an efficient reader comes across the word "blue", they don't repeat the word "blue" to themselves, then think about the meaning. Instead, an efficient reader will understand and visualize the color much in the same way most people do when they look up at a blue sky.
    • The Theory of Effective Reading
    Effective Reading is reading by using an active process, not a passive one. There is no proper reading of a text which reveals the text's true meaning. The meanings you get from a text may not be the same as those your professor or your fellow students would get from it. Our purpose and background knowledge will also determine the strategies we use to read the text.


  35. Nama : Winda Nurjayanti
    NIM : 2009 111 150

    Effective (adj.): Adequate to accomplish a purpose; producing the intended or expected result.
    Efficient (adj.) Performing or functioning in the best possible manner with the least waste of time and effort.
    If you want an easier way to memorize the difference, remember this sentence: “Being effective is about doing the right things, while being efficient is about doing the things in the right manner.”

    source :

    NIM : 2009.111.111


    Efficient reading is about reading in a way that allows you to understand the writer's message without spending too much time in the process. It's also about reading with a clear purpose in mind so that you only read material that is relevant. When you're reading in preparation for an essay or for understanding generally, remember that good reading strategies go hand-in-hand with good notetalking skills. involves gaining meaning from the printed word, understanding the meaning it carries. "Efficiency" involves both getting a particular task done, and doing it with maximum out put for the minimum in put of resources.

    efficient reading, then is gaining and understanding of meaning carried by the printed material with the minimum of energy expended, with usually means in the shortest possible time. this is obviously more than fast reading or speed reading. for the emphasis is on gaining meaning as well as on speed,and the pace at which we reads will depend on both what we are reading and why we are reading.

    Effective reading : We are able to comprehend, or understand, what we read while we read. We focus on being able to read quickly while still, consciously, comprehending the material being read. Some reading programs concentrate strictly on speed without testing comprehension. Other programs rely upon the unconscious mind to synthesize, remember and understand the information.
    These are valid methods of taking in information, but when a person needs to have conscious, didactic understanding and knowledge of the material being read (Ex. for a final exam, or for a key business meeting), Effective Rapid Reading provides a way to achieve that.
    References :

    NIM : 2009.111.111


    Efficient reading is about reading in a way that allows you to understand the writer's message without spending too much time in the process. It's also about reading with a clear purpose in mind so that you only read material that is relevant. When you're reading in preparation for an essay or for understanding generally, remember that good reading strategies go hand-in-hand with good notetalking skills. involves gaining meaning from the printed word, understanding the meaning it carries. "Efficiency" involves both getting a particular task done, and doing it with maximum out put for the minimum in put of resources.

    efficient reading, then is gaining and understanding of meaning carried by the printed material with the minimum of energy expended, with usually means in the shortest possible time. this is obviously more than fast reading or speed reading. for the emphasis is on gaining meaning as well as on speed,and the pace at which we reads will depend on both what we are reading and why we are reading.

    Effective reading : We are able to comprehend, or understand, what we read while we read. We focus on being able to read quickly while still, consciously, comprehending the material being read. Some reading programs concentrate strictly on speed without testing comprehension. Other programs rely upon the unconscious mind to synthesize, remember and understand the information.
    These are valid methods of taking in information, but when a person needs to have conscious, didactic understanding and knowledge of the material being read (Ex. for a final exam, or for a key business meeting), Effective Rapid Reading provides a way to achieve that.
    References :

    NIM : 2009.111.111


    Efficient reading is about reading in a way that allows you to understand the writer's message without spending too much time in the process. It's also about reading with a clear purpose in mind so that you only read material that is relevant. When you're reading in preparation for an essay or for understanding generally, remember that good reading strategies go hand-in-hand with good notetalking skills. involves gaining meaning from the printed word, understanding the meaning it carries. "Efficiency" involves both getting a particular task done, and doing it with maximum out put for the minimum in put of resources.

    efficient reading, then is gaining and understanding of meaning carried by the printed material with the minimum of energy expended, with usually means in the shortest possible time. this is obviously more than fast reading or speed reading. for the emphasis is on gaining meaning as well as on speed,and the pace at which we reads will depend on both what we are reading and why we are reading.

    Effective reading : We are able to comprehend, or understand, what we read while we read. We focus on being able to read quickly while still, consciously, comprehending the material being read. Some reading programs concentrate strictly on speed without testing comprehension. Other programs rely upon the unconscious mind to synthesize, remember and understand the information.
    These are valid methods of taking in information, but when a person needs to have conscious, didactic understanding and knowledge of the material being read (Ex. for a final exam, or for a key business meeting), Effective Rapid Reading provides a way to achieve that.
    References :

  39. • The Theory of Efficient Reading
    Efficient Reading is reading faster or without spending much time and with better comprehension. Efficient reading starts with choosing a strategy to suit the kind of text you have to read because your purpose in reading and the nature of text to be read will determine your strategy.
    When an efficient reader comes across the word "blue", they don't repeat the word "blue" to themselves, then think about the meaning. Instead, an efficient reader will understand and visualize the color much in the same way most people do when they look up at a blue sky.

    • The Theory of Effective Reading
    Effective Reading is reading by using an active process`, not a passive one. There is no proper reading of a text which reveals the text's true meaning. The meanings you get from a text may not be the same as those your professor or your fellow students would get from it. Our purpose and background knowledge will also determine the strategies we use to read the text.


  40. Nama : Butet Anggrawati
    Nim : 2009111374

    The theory of effective reading is how to prepare myself in advance and find ways to make read going easier. Effective Reading is an active process, not a passive one. There is no proper reading of a text which reveals the text's true meaning. The meanings you get from a text may not be the same as those your professor or your fellow students would get from it. We always read within a specific context, and this affects what we notice and what seems to matter. We always have a purpose in reading a text, and this will shape how we approach it. Our purpose and background knowledge will also determine the strategies we use to read the text.

    Effective Reading is an active process, not a passive one. There is no proper reading of a text which reveals the text's true meaning. The meanings you get from a text may not be the same as those your professor or your fellow students would get from it. We always read within a specific context, and this affects what we notice and what seems to matter. We always have a purpose in reading a text, and this will shape how we approach it. Our purpose and background knowledge will also determine the strategies we use to read the text.

  41. Nama: Ria Oktarina
    NIM : 2009 111 243

    • The Theory of Efficient Reading
    Efficient Reading is reading faster or without spending much time and with better comprehension. Efficient reading starts with choosing a strategy to suit the kind of text you have to read because your purpose in reading and the nature of text to be read will determine your strategy.
    When an efficient reader comes across the word "blue", they don't repeat the word "blue" to themselves, then think about the meaning. Instead, an efficient reader will understand and visualize the color much in the same way most people do when they look up at a blue sky.

    • The Theory of Effective Reading
    Effective Reading is reading active`, not a passive one. There is no proper reading of a text which reveals the text's true meaning. The meanings you get from a text may not be the same as those your professor or your fellow students would get from it. Our purpose and background knowledge will also determine the strategies we use to read the text.


    N I M : 2009 111 179

    The Theory Efficient Reading is about reading in a way that allows you to understand the writer's message without spending too much time in the process. It's also about reading with a clear purpose in mind so that you only read material that is relevant. When you're reading in preparation for an essay or for understanding generally, remember that good reading strategies go hand-in-hand with good note-taking skills.

    The Theory Effective reading quickly while still, consciously, comprehending the material being read. Some reading programs concentrate strictly on speed without testing comprehension. Other programs rely upon the unconscious mind to synthesize, remember and understand the information.

    References :

  43. Name : Erlinawati
    NIM : 2009.111.335
    Class : 6.G

    The theory of efficient and effective in reading:

    The effective is the appropriate or tools are used to reach out for the purpose that we want. For example : when we face the grammatical exam, therefore we study the grammar book or we read more about the grammar one.
    Before reading you need to survey the text so that you can get an overview of the book, article or section:
    1. Understand the title
    2. Examine the organisation of the information in the table of contents
    3. Read headings and subheadings
    4. Look at graphs, diagrams, tables
    5. Read any questions or summaries at the end of the chapter
    6. Read the introduction and conclusion
    7. Read the first sentence in each paragraph

    Efficient reading is about reading in a way that allows you to understand the writer's message without spending too much time in the process. It's also about reading with a clear purpose in mind so that you only read material that is relevant.
    Efficient reading starts with choosing a strategy to suit the kind of text you have to read because your purpose in reading and the nature of text to be read will determine your strategy. Your purpose in reading might be to:
    1. gather information for an essay
    2. learn about a particular topic or understand a particular theory
    3. prepare for an exam

    reference :

  44. ricca maitha PGRI21 March 2012 at 03:11

    Name : Ricca Maitha
    NIM : 2009.111.293

    According to Kenneth Goodman, proficient readers are both efficient and effective. they are effective inconstructing meaning that they can assimilate and accommodate and which bears some level of agreement with the original meaning of the author. the readers are efficient in using the least amount of effort to achieve effectiveness. efficient reading is active. it means the readers use pre-readings strategies to build up background knowledge and to select what to read. pre-reading involves survey/overview,skimming and scanning. any reader's proficiency is variable depending on the semantic background brought by the readers to any given reading task.

  45. Name : Debby Hamzah
    NIM : 2009 111 220

    Efficient Reading
    Reading involves gaining meaning from the printed word, understanding the meaning it carries. "Efficiency" involves both getting a particular task done, and doing it with maximum out put for the minimum in put of resources. Efficient reading, then is gaining and understanding of meaning carried by the printed material with the minimum of energy expended, with usually means in the shortest possible time.

    Effective Reading
    Reading is an active process, not a passive one. There is no proper reading of a text which reveals the text's true meaning. The meanings you get from a text may not be the same as those your professor or your fellow students would get from it. Effective reading is active and purposeful, it needs to be focused, selective and follow objectives. The three stages of effectively reading a text are: previewing, reading for details and reviewing.

  46. Debby Hamzah PGRI

    Name : Debby Hamzah
    NIM : 2009 111 220

    Efficient Reading
    Reading involves gaining meaning from the printed word, understanding the meaning it carries. "Efficiency" involves both getting a particular task done, and doing it with maximum out put for the minimum in put of resources. Efficient reading, then is gaining and understanding of meaning carried by the printed material with the minimum of energy expended, with usually means in the shortest possible time.

    Effective Reading
    Reading is an active process, not a passive one. There is no proper reading of a text which reveals the text's true meaning. The meanings you get from a text may not be the same as those your professor or your fellow students would get from it. Effective reading is active and purposeful, it needs to be focused, selective and follow objectives. The three stages of effectively reading a text are: previewing, reading for details and reviewing.

    1. Name : Debby Hamzah
      NIM : 2009 111 220

      Efficient Reading
      Reading involves gaining meaning from the printed word, understanding the meaning it carries. "Efficiency" involves both getting a particular task done, and doing it with maximum out put for the minimum in put of resources. Efficient reading, then is gaining and understanding of meaning carried by the printed material with the minimum of energy expended, with usually means in the shortest possible time.

      Effective Reading
      Reading is an active process, not a passive one. There is no proper reading of a text which reveals the text's true meaning. The meanings you get from a text may not be the same as those your professor or your fellow students would get from it. Effective reading is active and purposeful, it needs to be focused, selective and follow objectives. The three stages of effectively reading a text are: previewing, reading for details and reviewing.

  47. Nama : Ria Oktarina
    NIM : 2009 111 243

    • The Theory of Efficient Reading
    Efficient Reading is reading faster or without spending much time and with better comprehension. Efficient reading starts with choosing a strategy to suit the kind of text you have to read because your purpose in reading and the nature of text to be read will determine your strategy.
    When an efficient reader comes across the word "blue", they don't repeat the word "blue" to themselves, then think about the meaning. Instead, an efficient reader will understand and visualize the color much in the same way most people do when they look up at a blue sky.

    • The Theory of Effective Reading
    Effective Reading is reading by using an active process, not a passive one. There is no proper reading of a text which reveals the text's true meaning. The meanings you get from a text may not be the same as those your professor or your fellow students would get from it. Our purpose and background knowledge will also determine the strategies we use to read the text.


  48. Nama : Putra Pratama
    NIM : 2009.111.146
    Class : 6G

    Efficient reading is a reading that focused just to the teks which we want to get information, the process of the reading efficient not spend much time. Because we just read a particular or interesting topic/material.

    Effective reading is a reading which use the right method,for specific and particular purposes which can help us for understand,comprehend, or gather information from the teks quickly,,

    Sir, actually I have posting my assigment here, but My post not appear in your blog, so I post again sir,thank you sir..

    Resources : http//


    NIM : 2009 111 105


    Efficient reading :

    Reading involves gaining meaning from the printed word, understanding the meaning it carries. "Efficiency" involves both getting a particular task done, and doing it with maximum out put for the minimum in put of resources.
    Efficient reading, then is gaining and understanding of meaning carried by the printed material with the minimum of energy expended, with usually means in the shortest possible time. this is obviously more than fast reading or speed reading. for the emphasis is on gaining meaning as well as on speed,and the pace at which we reads will depend on both what we are reading and why we are reading.

    Effective reading :

    Effective Reading provides a wide variety of interesting, up-to-date reading material with challenging and motivating exercises which develop the relevant skills. All the texts are authentic and come from many different sources including contemporary British and American novels, newspapers, magazines and advertising.

    NIM : 2009 111 105


    Efficient reading :

    Reading involves gaining meaning from the printed word, understanding the meaning it carries. "Efficiency" involves both getting a particular task done, and doing it with maximum out put for the minimum in put of resources.
    Efficient reading, then is gaining and understanding of meaning carried by the printed material with the minimum of energy expended, with usually means in the shortest possible time. this is obviously more than fast reading or speed reading. for the emphasis is on gaining meaning as well as on speed,and the pace at which we reads will depend on both what we are reading and why we are reading.

    Effective reading :

    Effective Reading provides a wide variety of interesting, up-to-date reading material with challenging and motivating exercises which develop the relevant skills. All the texts are authentic and come from many different sources including contemporary British and American novels, newspapers, magazines and advertising.
