If students can get the general sense of a sentence or paragraph without knowing every word, there’s no need to interrupt their reading by using a dictionary to find the word’s meaning. Sometimes they will want to read through material quickly, but they will need to read more carefully when they are reading to learn. Some Purposes for Reading • for pleasure or for personal reasons • to find general information such as what a book is mostly about • to find a specific topic in a book or article • to learn subject matter that is required for a class
Reading for Different Purposes: Strategies for Reading Different Kinds of Materials | Suite101.com http://delene-sholes.suite101.com/reading-for-different-purposes-a91899#ixzz1qqlVmMIr
SELF-SELECTED TEXTS AND PURPOSE FOR READING Whenever we read we read for a purpose. We often read novels and magazines to entertain ourselves. We might read the side of a cereal box to learn about the nutritional value of the product. Or, we might read the directions that came with the VCR so we can figure out how to set the timer. Consider how differently we read in each of these three situations, given the purpose for reading. When we read a novel for pleasure, we usually begin by reading the first word, and continue in a linear fashion until we are finished with the book. (However, if the author starts going into great detail about how the countryside looks, or what a character is wearing, we may skip over that if we're not interested.) The point is, we read texts differently for different purposes. And skipping over the details about the countryside, scanning the cereal box to find the information we need, and going directly to the section on "Setting the Timer" does not mean we didn't read well. On the contrary, not reading all of the words when our purpose for reading does not require us to do so is strategic reading.
TEACHER-SELECTED TEXTS AND PURPOSE FOR READING When the teacher assigns a reading to her students, she knows why she has done so (hopefully). She has chosen the text because there is some information in the text that the teacher wants her students to know. But until she shares that purpose for reading with her students, her students are left to guess why they're reading the text. Are they reading for details? Main ideas? To find out a specific piece of information? To find out how to do something? To identify the author's style? To look for split infinitives? To compare and contrast the ideas in this text with the one they read yesterday? Students won't know if the teacher doesn't tell them--explicitly. ESTABLISHING A SPECIFIC (AND EXPLICITLY STATED) FOCUS FOR READING FOR STUDENTS A specific focus or specific purpose for reading is one that helps guides students' efforts to focus on important information in the text (i.e., important in light of the general purpose for reading the text). This specific focus should be explicitly stated before students begin reading. Many instructional reading strategies have explicit focuses or purposes built into them. For example, when using the KWL strategy, the purpose for reading (i.e., the focus) is to answer the questions written in the W column. Answering those questions gives students something specific to think about while they're reading--something specific to focus on. Anticipation Guides also provide a specific, explicit purpose for reading. Students read to see if anything in the text will cause them to change their minds about how they responded to the statements on the guide before reading. That is their focus.
According to Elizabeth K Knutson. U.S. Naval Academy, (dec 1998), Every reader has different purposes of reading the text. having a purpose means having a reason to read and approaching a text with a particular goal in mind, whether that goal involves learning or entertainment. in both real worl and classroom situations. purpose affects the reader's motivation, interest and manner of reading. here are some purposes of reading : 1. Reading in the Real World ( out of classroom context)
2. Pleasure Reading in a Foreign Language (likes reading the newaspaper to get the information)
3.The Factor of Interest ( interest of the story in the novel)
4. Reading Purpose in the Classroom and the Concept of Task ( it is for educational purpose. student will read to find out the answer of the qoestion in the reading examination)
5. Textual Analysis: Working with Meaning and Form
6. Foreign Language Literacy and Academic Tasks
7. Pre-reading Activities for the Advanced Level
8. Uses of Text Across the Curriculum
addopted from : Schraw, G., & Dennison, R.S. (1994). The effect of reader purpose on interest and recall. Journal of Reading Behavior, 26, 1-17.
Elizabeth K Knutson. U.S. Naval Academy, (dec 1998),Reading with a Purpose: Communicative Reading Tasks for the Foreign Language Classroom, retrived from http://www.cal.org/resources/digest/reading_digest.html. december 1998.
According to Elizabeth K Knutson. U.S. Naval Academy, (dec 1998), Every reader has different purposes of reading the text. having a purpose means having a reason to read and approaching a text with a particular goal in mind, whether that goal involves learning or entertainment. in both real worl and classroom situations. purpose affects the reader's motivation, interest and manner of reading. here are some purposes of reading : 1. Reading in the Real World ( out of classroom context)
2. Pleasure Reading in a Foreign Language (likes reading the newaspaper to get the information)
3.The Factor of Interest ( interest of the story in the novel)
4. Reading Purpose in the Classroom and the Concept of Task ( it is for educational purpose. student will read to find out the answer of the qoestion in the reading examination)
5. Textual Analysis: Working with Meaning and Form
6. Foreign Language Literacy and Academic Tasks
7. Pre-reading Activities for the Advanced Level
8. Uses of Text Across the Curriculum
addopted from : Schraw, G., & Dennison, R.S. (1994). The effect of reader purpose on interest and recall. Journal of Reading Behavior, 26, 1-17.
Elizabeth K Knutson. U.S. Naval Academy, (dec 1998),Reading with a Purpose: Communicative Reading Tasks for the Foreign Language Classroom, retrived from http://www.cal.org/resources/digest/reading_digest.html. december 1998.
Delene Sholes (2009) defined Purposes of Reading divided into four. 1. Reading for Pleasure Reading for Pleasure is reading a book just for fun. For example when we read comic or novel.
2. Reading to Find General Information Reading to find General Information means Reading to find about Information from what we are reading about.
3. Reading to Find a Specific Topic Reading to find a specific Information, usually use scanning Technique. When we want to scan, look at the title, the table of contents, headings, and Index to find out the specific Information.
4. Reading to Learn Subject that is needed for a class Reading to learn Subject usually required for students. The students should read carefully and slowly, and make connection between the material to get the Idea from the text.
Adopted from : Delene-Sholes (2009). Reading for Different Purposes. Retrivied from : delene-sholes.suite101.com/reading-for-different-purposes-a91899
According to Wiki (2012) : Wiki (2012) given the different purposes of Reading. There are four purposes to examined briefly of reading,the first purpose is : Read for understanding. It’s means that studying involves reading to comprehend concepts and details. This purpose can help student to explain or support general concepts, and concepts provide a framework for remembering details. The second purpose is : Read to evaluate critically. This Critical evaluation involves understanding. It means that approaching material with an open mind, examining causes and effects, evaluating ideas, and asking questions that test the writer's argument and assumptions. The third purpose is : Read for practical application. It’s means that to gather usable information that we can apply toward a specific goal. When we read a textbook,we have know the goal is to learn how to do or use something. And the last purpose is : Read for pleasure. It’s means that some materials we read for entertainment, such as a nover or magazines. reading for pleasure gives us the opportunity to enlarge our life.
attendent list : 24 name : Putri Kusuma Waradni NIM : 2009 111 376
Rainer (2003) The appropriate focus or the aim for reading is one way to efforts our mind to focus on the important information in the text (it means, important to the general aim in reading text). The special focus must be implied clearly before reading start.
Adopted from : Wallace, Catherine. (2003). Reading For specific Purposes. retrivied from : http://books.google.co.id/books?id=haiwBOFuVm0C&pg=PA65&lpg=PA65&dq=reading+for+specific+purposes&source=bl&ots=juufp-cTak&sig=Zp8EihhhETd6r4zYDyyeZ8pYNhg&hl=id&sa=X&ei=3B2AT-nTB9GxrAf6n_yZBw&ved=0CEgQ6AEwBDgK#v=onepage&q=reading%20for%20specific%20purposes&f=true
une.edu.au (2012) give the information for specific purposes:1) to gain background information 2) to gather specific fact 3) to identify the structure of the author's argument 4) to understand a concept 5) to find the alternative view to challenge an argument.
Adopted from : une.edu.au.(2012). Reading for Specific Purposes. retrivied :www. une.edu.au/tlc/alo/active4.htm
Name : Rika Hartati PGRI Nim : 2009111316 No Absen : 27 Based on book pembacakilat.com. Reading Specific Purposes is to find the information which you have studied and mastered. Before you start reading, it is important to make purpose. Purpose of making clear our minds what we want to achieve from the process of reading. Without a purpose, we will lose direction and didn’t finish the book we read. If the review and collect all instances of the purpose of reading, we can classify into four major purposes. Where each group of this objective requires analysis, concentration, speed and a different understanding of each other. Each different purposes also requires a different strategy and approach. The four objectives of this reading is: 1. Reading for pleasure 2. Hobbies and personal interests 3. Reading to learn 4. Mastering a skill Adopted : google ( 2012 ) Reading Specific Purposes . Retrieved from . http// www.co.id/ reading specific purposes
Name : Dwi Wenny Wulandari NIM : 2009 111 049/ 6 G student number list : 13
According to DeLene Sholes, reading is the process to get the particular sense of a sentence or paragraph need to interrupt their reading by using a dictionary to find the word’s meaning. The goal for reading • for pleasure or for personal reasons • to find general information such as what a book is mostly about • to find a specific topic in a book or article • to learn subject matter that is required for a class
After the students have mastered the basic decoding skills, they will begin to read for a variety of purposes. When the students are reading a book or article for fun or if they simply want to know about a certain subject, they may want to read fastly. It isn’t necessary for them to read every word or even know the meaning of every word in the text. They will probably get the sense of the unknown word from the context.
Adopted from: Sholes, DeLene. 2012. Reading for Different Purposes.Retrieved from http://www.palgrave.com/skills4study/studyskills/learning/reading.asp
According to Brozo & Simpson (Last updated: 06/07/2006, by Jennifer Conner ), Whenever the readers read, they read for a purpose. For example : to entertain themselves, the readers read novels or magazines ; to learn about the nutritional value of the product, the readers might read the side of a cereal box; and the readers might read the directions that came with the VCR so they can figure out how to set the timer. From these three situations, we can conclude that each readers have different purposes depend on the readers’ purpose for reading. It means that, the readers read texts differently for different purposes. Skipping over the details about the countryside, scanning the cereal box to find the information the readers need, and going directly to the section on "Setting the Timer" do not meanthe readers didn't read well. On the contrary, not reading all of the words when our purpose for reading does not require us to do so is strategic reading.
addopted from : Brozo & Simpson (Last updated: 06/07/2006, by Jennifer Conner ). L517: Advanced Study of the Teaching of Secondary School Reading: PROVIDING STUDENTS WITH A PURPOSE FOR READING, retrived from http://www.indiana.edu/~l517/purpose.html.
According to Brozo & Simpson (Last updated: 06/07/2006, by Jennifer Conner ), Whenever the readers read, they read for a purpose. For example : to entertain themselves, the readers read novels or magazines ; to learn about the nutritional value of the product, the readers might read the side of a cereal box; and the readers might read the directions that came with the VCR so they can figure out how to set the timer. From these three situations, we can conclude that each readers have different purposes depend on the readers’ purpose for reading. It means that, the readers read texts differently for different purposes. Skipping over the details about the countryside, scanning the cereal box to find the information the readers need, and going directly to the section on "Setting the Timer" do not mean the readers didn't read well. On the contrary, not reading all of the words when our purpose for reading does not require us to do so is strategic reading.
adopted from : Brozo & Simpson (Last updated: 06/07/2006, by Jennifer Conner ). L517: Advanced Study of the Teaching of Secondary School Reading: PROVIDING STUDENTS WITH A PURPOSE FOR READING, retrieved from http://www.indiana.edu/~l517/purpose.html.
Name : Septa Wilza Oriandra Nim : 2009 111 251 No urut absen : 36 Reading is a useful skill used to convey information through text. As we know that, we have Purpose of Reading. Sometimes we will want to read through material quickly, but they will need to read more carefully when they are reading to learn. We read to get a improve general knowledge and get some information after we read the text, articles paragraph, book and other. But we have some different purposes of reading could be: • To be entertained • To complete a task • To obtain information • To analyze • for pleasure or for personal reasons • to find general information such as what a book is mostly about • to find a specific topic in a book or article • to learn subject matter that is required for a class Adopted : google ( 2012 ) Reading Specific Purposes, http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Describe the different purposes you could have for reading#ixzz1rFP55k4
Name : Septa Wilza Oriandra Nim : 2009 111 251 No urut absen : 36 Reading is a useful skill used to convey information through text. As we know that, we have Purpose of Reading. Sometimes we will want to read through material quickly, but they will need to read more carefully when they are reading to learn. We read to get a improve general knowledge and get some information after we read the text, articles paragraph, book and other. But we have some different purposes of reading could be: • To be entertained • To complete a task • To obtain information • To analyze • for pleasure or for personal reasons • to find general information such as what a book is mostly about • to find a specific topic in a book or article • to learn subject matter that is required for a class Adopted : google ( 2012 ) Reading Specific Purposes, http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Describe the different purposes you could have for reading#ixzz1rFP55k4
Name : Nyiayu Nelly Windarti Class : 6.G Nim : 2009 111 327 Att List: 40
Based on Pembaca Kilat (2012), to start reading, the first important one is to make a purpose in reading. Here, there are four different purposes of reading ; 1. Reading for pleasure. Where imagine can be involved in reading, for example reading a novel . The inspiration from the writer will transfer to the reader’s mind . So , that inspiration can change to be an imagine in the reader’s mind. This can make the reader pleasure reading everytime.
2. Reading as hobby The reader has a hobby in reading can read a book repeatly. It is not enough to read once.
3. Reading for learning When learning something, the book is one of the best teacher. The knowledge is always found on the book. It is impossible to learn without a book. To look for something that’s unknown , reading a book is one of solution to solve the problem when don’t get the idea.
4. Reading to master a skill To master a skill, reading is the smallest solution. it is necessary to start with a right purpose and specific goals. The more specific a goal, the better the results get. Do speed reading twice to process the information and let it in the mind, which it is a place where to get information.
Name : Nyiayu Nelly Windarti Class : 6.G Nim : 2009 111 327 Att List: 40
Based on Pembaca Kilat (2012), to start reading, the first important one is to make a purpose in reading. Here, there are four different purposes of reading ; 1. Reading for pleasure. Where imagine can be involved in reading, for example reading a novel . The inspiration from the writer will transfer to the reader’s mind . So , that inspiration can change to be an imagine in the reader’s mind. This can make the reader pleasure reading everytime.
2. Reading as hobby The reader has a hobby in reading can read a book repeatly. It is not enough to read once.
3. Reading for learning When learning something, the book is one of the best teacher. The knowledge is always found on the book. It is impossible to learn without a book. To look for something that’s unknown , reading a book is one of solution to solve the problem when don’t get the idea.
4. Reading to master a skill To master a skill, reading is the smallest solution. it is necessary to start with a right purpose and specific goals. The more specific a goal, the better the results get. Do speed reading twice to process the information and let it in the mind, which it is a place where to get information.
Name : Nyiayu Nelly Windarti Class : 6.G Nim : 2009 111 327 Att List : 40
Based on Pembaca Kilat (2012), to start reading, the first important one is to make a purpose in reading. Here, there are four different purposes of reading . 1. Reading for pleasure. Where imagine can be involved in reading, for example reading a novel . The inspiration from the writer will transfer to the reader’s mind . So , that inspiration can change to be an imagine in the reader’s mind. This can make the reader pleasure reading everytime.
2. Reading as hobby The reader has a hobby in reading can read a book repeatly. It is not enough to read once.
3. Reading to learn When learning something, the book is one of the best teacher. The knowledge is always found on the book. It is impossible to learn without a book. To look for something that’s unknown , reading a book is one of solution to solve the problem when don’t get the idea.
4. Reading to master a skill To master a skill, reading is the smallest solution. it is necessary to start with a right purpose and specific goals. The more specific a goal, the better the results get. Do speed reading twice to process the information and let it in the mind, which it is a place where to get information.
Name : Fitria Lufiana Nim : 2009.111.112 ATT Lists : 05
DIFFERENT PURPOSES OF READING Tina Heafner,Ph.D (2006) explain the purposes of reading are : 1. To discussion in this purpose the readers should focus on “why” and relationship between ideas. 2. To multiple-choice test, in this purpose the readers should focus on “who”, “what” and “when” as well as on keys terms, chapter timelines and outlines. They also need to remember to review any graphs and charts in a chapter. 3. To essay test in this purpose the readers should focus on broad concepts to discover “why” and “how” . 4. To presentation in this purpose the readers should focus only on the “main ideas and most important facts. They should not spend too much time on small details. 5. To “be familiar with” in this case the readers may use skimming or a quick read will do. They should then be able to summarize the main points of the reading in two or three sentences. So that the purposes of reading is different each other. The purpose of reading is base on the needed. For example when we have a essay test we have the purpose to look for the answer of the test and in this case we as a reader should focus on the answer. The purpose also can be for entertainment, to get information, or to learn how to perform a task. Sources : Tina Heafner, Ph.D (2006), “Social Studied School Service”. Retrivied from : http://books.google.co.id/books?id=FopNN5KmwI0C&pg=PA1&dq=the+purpose+of+reading&hl=en&sa=X&ei=qbKBT5TGF8HWrQeu5KSBBg&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=the%20purpose%20of%20reading&f=false
According to Helsingin Yliopisto (2008), there are some purposes of reading base on the strategies : 1. Skimming In the skimming reading, the text which we read must give s an idea for our purpose. 2. Scanning In the scanning reading, our purpose is to find answer to certain question which have our set before ( who, when, what ) 3. Reading for main points in general. The mean by reading for main points in general is our purposes is to find the main point which can include information like what the purposes of the writer, what the main argument of the text. Example : reading for exam. 4. Reading for selected main points Reading for selected main points is looking for information about a specific area or answer to certain question. Example : Reading for thesis. 5. Critical/ evaluative reading The purpose is for compare the writer’s views with our own or other writer’s view and making differences between facts and opinion. 6. Reading for pleasure The purposes id just for fun or hobby.
Adopted from : Yliopisto, Helsingin. Reading Purposes and Strategies. Retrieved from : http://h27.it.helsinki.fi/erc/reading_theory.html.
According to Helsingin Yliopisto (2008), there are some purposes of reading base on the strategies : 1. Skimming In the skimming reading, the text which we read must give s an idea for our purpose. 2. Scanning In the scanning reading, our purpose is to find answer to certain question which have our set before ( who, when, what ) 3. Reading for main points in general. The mean by reading for main points in general is our purposes is to find the main point which can include information like what the purposes of the writer, what the main argument of the text. Example : reading for exam. 4. Reading for selected main points Reading for selected main points is looking for information about a specific area or answer to certain question. Example : Reading for thesis. 5. Critical/ evaluative reading The purpose is for compare the writer’s views with our own or other writer’s view and making differences between facts and opinion. 6. Reading for pleasure The purposes id just for fun or hobby.
Adopted from : Yliopisto, Helsingin. Reading Purposes and Strategies. Retrieved from : http://h27.it.helsinki.fi/erc/reading_theory.html.
According to Helsingin Yliopisto (2008), there are some purposes of reading base on the strategies : 1. Skimming In the skimming reading, the text which we read must give s an idea for our purpose. 2. Scanning In the scanning reading, our purpose is to find answer to certain question which have our set before ( who, when, what ) 3. Reading for main points in general. The mean by reading for main points in general is our purposes is to find the main point which can include information like what the purposes of the writer, what the main argument of the text. Example : reading for exam. 4. Reading for selected main points Reading for selected main points is looking for information about a specific area or answer to certain question. Example : Reading for thesis. 5. Critical/ evaluative reading The purpose is for compare the writer’s views with our own or other writer’s view and making differences between facts and opinion. 6. Reading for pleasure The purposes id just for fun or hobby.
Adopted from : Yliopisto, Helsingin. Reading Purposes and Strategies. Retrieved from : http://h27.it.helsinki.fi/erc/reading_theory.html.
According to Helsingin Yliopisto (2008), there are some purposes of reading base on the strategies : 1. Skimming In the skimming reading, the text which we read must give s an idea for our purpose. 2. Scanning In the scanning reading, our purpose is to find answer to certain question which have our set before ( who, when, what ) 3. Reading for main points in general. The mean by reading for main points in general is our purposes is to find the main point which can include information like what the purposes of the writer, what the main argument of the text. Example : reading for exam. 4. Reading for selected main points Reading for selected main points is looking for information about a specific area or answer to certain question. Example : Reading for thesis. 5. Critical/ evaluative reading The purpose is for compare the writer’s views with our own or other writer’s view and making differences between facts and opinion. 6. Reading for pleasure The purposes id just for fun or hobby.
Adopted from : Yliopisto, Helsingin. Reading Purposes and Strategies. Retrieved from : http://h27.it.helsinki.fi/erc/reading_theory.html.
According to Heidi Byrnes and Grace Stovall Burkart , Reading is an activity with a purpose. A person may read in order to gain information or verify existing knowledge, or in order to critique a writer's ideas or writing style. A person may also read for enjoyment, or to enhance knowledge of the language being read. The purpose(s) for reading guide the reader's selection of texts. The purpose for reading also determines the appropriate approach to reading comprehension. A person who needs to know whether she can afford to eat at a particular restaurant needs to comprehend the pricing information provided on the menu, but does not need to recognize the name of every appetizer listed. A person reading poetry for enjoyment needs to recognize the words the poet uses and the ways they are put together, but does not need to identify main idea and supporting details. However, a person using a scientific article to support an opinion needs to know the vocabulary that is used, understand the facts and cause-effect sequences that are presented, and recognize ideas that are presented as hypotheses and givens. We read to get a good Job improve general knowledge and to teach our children. Some different purposes of reading could be: • To be entertained • To complete a task • To obtain information • To analyze
Retrieved from : http://www.answers.com/search?q=different+purpose+of+reading Adopted from : Material for this section was drawn from “Reading in the beginning and intermediate college foreign language class” by Heidi Byrnes, in Modules for the professional preparation of teaching assistants in foreign languages (Grace Stovall Burkart, ed.; Washington, DC: Center for Applied Linguistics, 1998)
Name : LINDA PGRI NIM : 2009 111 291 Class: 6 G Att Lists : 23
Different Purposes of Reading
According to Wiki (2012) : Wiki (2012) defines the different purposes of Reading. There are four purposes to examined briefly of reading,the first purpose is : Read for understanding. It’s means that studying involves reading to comprehend concepts and details. This purpose can help student to explain or support general concepts, and concepts provide a framework for remembering details. The second purpose is : Read to evaluate critically. This Critical evaluation involves understanding. It means that approaching material with an open mind, examining causes and effects, evaluating ideas, and asking questions that test the writer's argument and assumptions. The third purpose is : Read for practical application. It’s means that to gather usable information that we can apply toward a specific goal. When we read a textbook,we have know the goal is to learn how to do or use something. And the last purpose is : Read for pleasure. It’s means that some materials we read for entertainment, such as a nover or magazines. reading for pleasure gives us the opportunity to enlarge our life.
Adopted from : wikianswers (2012) Retrieved :http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Which_of_the_four_reading_purposes_did_you_employ#ixzz1rLHxD3Do
Name : ERLINAWATI NIM : 2009.111.335 ATT list : 35
Different Purpose of Reading
Reading is a complex cognitive process of decoding symbols in order to construct or derive meaning (reading comprehension). It is a means of language acquisition, of communication, and of sharing information and ideas. If students can get the general sense of a sentence or paragraph without knowing every word, there’s no need to interrupt their reading by using a dictionary to find the word’s meaning. Sometimes they will want to read through material quickly, but they will need to read more carefully when they are reading to learn. Some Purposes for Reading
for pleasure or for personal reasons to find general information such as what a book is mostly about to find a specific topic in a book or article to learn subject matter that is required for a class
Once students have mastered the basic decoding skills, they will begin to read for a variety of purposes.
Adopted by : http://delene-sholes.suite101.com/reading-for-different-purposes-a91899 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reading_%28process%29
Nama : ELIA SAPITRI NIM : 2009 111 161 NO ABSEN : 7
arisandi.com (2012) The ultimate goal in reading is to seek and obtain information, including the content, understand the meaning of reading. Meaning, the sense (meaning) closely related to the purpose, or our intensive reading.
Henry Guntur Tarigan explain purpose of reading are:
1. Reading for details or facts 2. Reading for main ideas 3. Reading for sequence or organization 4. Reading for inference 5. Reading to classify 6. Reading to evaluate 7. Reading to compare or contrast
Read to obtain the details or facts for example, to find out the discoveries made by the someone; anything that has been made by the someone; what had happened on a special character, or to solve problems created by the figure.
Reading for main ideas for example, to find out why it is a good and interesting topics, issues contained in the story, nothing is learned or experienced by the someone, and summarize the things done by the someone to achieve his goal.
Reading to find out the order or arrangement, organization, or a story like finding out what is happening in every part of the story, what happened at the first, second, and third / onward. Each stage is made to solve a problem, the scenes and events for dramatization.
Read to conclude, read the inference as to find and figure out why the characters feel like they way it is, what is about to be disclosed by the figures change, the qualities that have the characters that make them succeed or fail.
Read to group or classify for example, to find and know nothing unusual, unnatural about a person's character, what was funny in the story, or whether the story was true or not true.
Reading rate, reading evaluation as to discover whether the hero succeed or live with certain sizes, whether we want to do like the way the characters work in the story.
To compare or contrast of reading to do to find out how the character changed, how life is different from life as we know, how the two stories have in common, like the reader how the hero.
Adapted From : arisandi.com (2012) tujuan-membaca Retrisual from : http://arisandi.com/tujuan-membaca
RIVERS AND TEMPERLY(1978)purposed seven main objectives in reading,namely:
a. Obtain information for a purpose or be curious topic. b. Getting a variety of instructions on how to perform a task for a job or everyday life. c. Acting in a drama, playing games, solving puzzles. d. In touch with friends by correspondence or to understand the letters business. e. Knowing when and where something will happen or what is available. f. Knowing what is happening or has happened g. Gain pleasure or entertainment.
Furthermore, NURHADI (1989:11) states that the purpose of reading in particular is: A. obtain factual information, 2. obtain information about something specific and problematic, 3. paper gives an assessment of a person, 4. the pleasure of emotion, and 5. leisure.
Conversely, in general, the purpose of reading is: 1. obtain information, 2. gain an understanding of, and 3. Gain pleasure. So, the purpose of reading the relationship between reading ability is very significant.Readers who have similar goals, can achieve the goal with the achievement of different ways. Purpose of reading has a very important position in read because it will affect the process of reading and reading comprehension.
Name : Nur Fitriana Student Number : 2009 111 244 Atendant List : 11
Google (2012) defines that the readers also have purposes like the writer. There are four different purposes of reading, they are: 1. For pleasure or personal reasons. 2. To find general information. 3. To find a specific topic in a book or article. 4. To learn subject matter that is required for a class. Every person reads with different purposes. As we know, many people like reading the newspaper or magazine (reading for pleasure). The strategies that are used skimming and scanning. They will most probably just ignore the pages that does not contain the information of their interest and will turn directly to the page which contains some column of their interest. for example, some sports-lovers will only look at the sports column of a newspaper or buy some newpapers specialized in the reporting of sport events. Some females may be interested in sections on cosmetics and fashionable clothes. So we can conclude that what that is read by the readers depend on their purpose and each of them have different purpose.
Adopted from : Google (2012). Different Purposes of Reading. Retrieved from. http://writing.colostate.edu/guides/processes/writingsituations/purpose_readers.cfm
Name : Nur Fitriana Student Number : 2009 111 244 Atendant List : 11
Google (2012) defines that the readers also have purposes like the writer. There are four different purposes of reading, they are: 1. For pleasure or personal reasons. 2. To find general information. 3. To find a specific topic in a book or article. 4. To learn subject matter that is required for a class. Every person reads with different purposes. As we know, many people like reading the newspaper or magazine (reading for pleasure). The strategies that are used skimming and scanning. They will most probably just ignore the pages that does not contain the information of their interest and will turn directly to the page which contains some column of their interest. for example, some sports-lovers will only look at the sports column of a newspaper or buy some newpapers specialized in the reporting of sport events. Some females may be interested in sections on cosmetics and fashionable clothes. So we can conclude that what that is read by the readers depend on their purpose and each of them have different purpose.
Adopted from : Google (2012). Different Purposes of Reading. Retrieved from. http://writing.colostate.edu/guides/processes/writingsituations/purpose_readers.cfm
Name : Nur Fitriana Student Number : 2009 111 244 Atendant List : 11
Google (2012) defines that the readers also have purposes like the writer. There are four different purposes of reading, they are: 1. For pleasure or personal reasons. 2. To find general information. 3. To find a specific topic in a book or article. 4. To learn subject matter that is required for a class. Every person reads with different purposes. As we know, many people like reading the newspaper or magazine (reading for pleasure). The strategies that are used skimming and scanning. They will most probably just ignore the pages that does not contain the information of their interest and will turn directly to the page which contains some column of their interest. for example, some sports-lovers will only look at the sports column of a newspaper or buy some newpapers specialized in the reporting of sport events. Some females may be interested in sections on cosmetics and fashionable clothes. So we can conclude that what that is read by the readers depend on their purpose and each of them have different purpose.
Adopted from : Google (2012). Different Purposes of Reading. Retrieved from. http://writing.colostate.edu/guides/processes/writingsituations/purpose_readers.cfm
Name : Nur Fitriana Student Number : 2009 111 244 Atendant List : 11
Google (2012) defines that the readers also have purposes like the writer. There are four different purposes of reading, they are: 1. For pleasure or personal reasons. 2. To find general information. 3. To find a specific topic in a book or article. 4. To learn subject matter that is required for a class. Every person reads with different purposes. As we know, many people like reading the newspaper or magazine (reading for pleasure). The strategies that are used skimming and scanning. They will most probably just ignore the pages that does not contain the information of their interest and will turn directly to the page which contains some column of their interest. for example, some sports-lovers will only look at the sports column of a newspaper or buy some newpapers specialized in the reporting of sport events. Some females may be interested in sections on cosmetics and fashionable clothes. So we can conclude that what that is read by the readers depend on their purpose and each of them have different purpose.
Adopted from : Google (2012). Different Purposes of Reading. Retrieved from. http://writing.colostate.edu/guides/processes/writingsituations/purpose_readers.cfm
Google (2012) define Reading is an activity with a purpose. A person may read in order to gain information or verify existing knowledge, or in order to critique a writer's ideas or writing style. A person may also read for enjoyment, or to enhance knowledge of the language being read. The purposes for reading guide the reader's selection of texts.
One of reading purposes example is to search for simple information, which is finding the main point from a text in order to know a specific kind of information such as when reading the contents written at the side of a soft drink. This is also applied to skimming which is to read at a faster pace and finding specific information but also to make a quick assumptions and making a summary of the text. Example of this is like informing someone of an article from a newspaper.
Adopted from : Google (2012) Reading Purposes.Retrivied from.http://www.nclrc.org/essentials/reading/reindex.htm http://orangpasir.blogspot.com/2010/04/purposes-of-reading.html
Google (2012) define Reading is an activity with a purpose. A person may read in order to gain information or verify existing knowledge, or in order to critique a writer's ideas or writing style. A person may also read for enjoyment, or to enhance knowledge of the language being read. The purposes for reading guide the reader's selection of texts.
One of reading purposes example is to search for simple information, which is finding the main point from a text in order to know a specific kind of information such as when reading the contents written at the side of a soft drink. This is also applied to skimming which is to read at a faster pace and finding specific information but also to make a quick assumptions and making a summary of the text. Example of this is like informing someone of an article from a newspaper.
Adopted from : Google (2012) Reading Purposes.Retrivied from.http://www.nclrc.org/essentials/reading/reindex.htm http://orangpasir.blogspot.com/2010/04/purposes-of-reading.html
NAME : NURLI AMILIA NIM : 2009111052 ATT LIST : 20
According Delene Sholes(jan 27,2009,for different purposes. Sometimes it's OK to skip over an unknown word, and sometimes they need to read with a dictionary at their fingertips. Purposes of reading can get the general sense of a sentence or paragraph without knowing every word, there’s no need to interrupt their reading by using a dictionary to find the word’s meaning. Sometimes they will want to read through material quickly, but they will need to read more carefully when they are reading to learn. Some Purposes for Reading • for pleasure or for personal reasons • to find general information such as what a book is mostly about • to find a specific topic in a book or article • to learn subject matter that is required for a class Once students have mastered the basic decoding skills, they will begin to read for a variety of purposes.
Adapted from : http://delene-sholes.suite101.com/reading-for-different-purposes-a91899
NAME : EKA KAROLINA PGRI CLASS : 6.G ATT List Number : 6 DIFFERENT PURPOSES OF READING According to Nurhadi (1989:11), there are two purposes of reading the first is specific purposes of reading and the second is general purposes of reading. 1. Specific purposes: there are five types of specific purposes of reading • To get the factual information : it is mean that read to get the truly information about something. • To get the special clarification about something : it is mean that read to get the detail and the specific information • To give the judge to a thesis : it is mean that read to give the value to someone’s statement or someone’s theory • To get the emotional needed : it is mean that read to get something interesting base on the reader’s feeling especially in reading a story such novel and a poem. • To spend pleasure time : it s mean that read as activity to spend the time, for example when the reader in the waiting room 2. General purposes : there are three types of general purposes of reading • To get information : it is mean that read to get the general information only. • To comprehend about something : it is mean that read to understand fully about something. • To get something interesting : it is mean that read for having fun. Adopted from: Nurhadi.1989.membaca cepat dan efektif. Bandung: Sinar Baru & Y3A.Malang Retrieved from: http//www.scribd.com/sentra71/d/57525928/8-tujuan-membaca
NAME : EKA KAROLINA PGRI CLASS : 6.G ATT List Number : 6 DIFFERENT PURPOSES OF READING According to Nurhadi (1989:11), there are two purposes of reading the first is specific purposes of reading and the second is general purposes of reading. 1. Specific purposes: there are five types of specific purposes of reading • To get the factual information : it is mean that read to get the truly information about something. • To get the special clarification about something : it is mean that read to get the detail and the specific information • To give the judge to a thesis : it is mean that read to give the value to someone’s statement or someone’s theory • To get the emotional needed : it is mean that read to get something interesting base on the reader’s feeling especially in reading a story such novel and a poem. • To spend pleasure time : it s mean that read as activity to spend the time, for example when the reader in the waiting room 2. General purposes : there are three types of general purposes of reading • To get information : it is mean that read to get the general information only. • To comprehend about something : it is mean that read to understand fully about something. • To get something interesting : it is mean that read for having fun. Adopted from: Nurhadi.1989.membaca cepat dan efektif. Bandung: Sinar Baru & Y3A.Malang Retrieved from: http//www.scribd.com/sentra71/d/57525928/8-tujuan-membaca
Name : Debby Hamzah Nim : 2009 111 220 Student Number List : 15
Google (2012) The purpose of reading is to connect the ideas on the page to what you already know. If you don't know anything about a subject, then pouring words of text into your mind is like pouring water into your hand. You don't retain much. For example, try reading these numbers:
7516324 This is hard to read and remember. 751-6324 This is easier because of chunking. 123-4567 This is easy to read because of prior knowledge and structure.
Similarly, if you like sports, then reading the sports page is easy. You have a framework in your mind for reading, understanding and storing information.
Adopted from: Google (2012) Copyright 1991 Donald Martin, How to be a Successful Student Retrieved from: www.iwu.edu/advising/students/reading_comprehension.pdf
Name : Debby Hamzah Nim : 2009 111 220 Student Number List : 15
Google (2012) The purpose of reading is to connect the ideas on the page to what you already know. If you don't know anything about a subject, then pouring words of text into your mind is like pouring water into your hand. You don't retain much. For example, try reading these numbers:
7516324 This is hard to read and remember. 751-6324 This is easier because of chunking. 123-4567 This is easy to read because of prior knowledge and structure.
Similarly, if you like sports, then reading the sports page is easy. You have a framework in your mind for reading, understanding and storing information.
Adopted from: Google (2012) Copyright 1991 Donald Martin, How to be a Successful Student Retrieved from: www.iwu.edu/advising/students/reading_comprehension.pdf
name : LISTIANI NIM : 2009111068 Students number list : 14
According to Heidi Byrnes and Grace Stovall Burkart , Reading is an activity with a purpose. A person may read in order to gain information or verify existing knowledge, or in order to critique a writer's ideas or writing style. A person may also read for enjoyment, or to enhance knowledge of the language being read. The purpose(s) for reading guide the reader's selection of texts. The purpose for reading also determines the appropriate approach to reading comprehension. A person who needs to know whether she can afford to eat at a particular restaurant needs to comprehend the pricing information provided on the menu, but does not need to recognize the name of every appetizer listed. A person reading poetry for enjoyment needs to recognize the words the poet uses and the ways they are put together, but does not need to identify main idea and supporting details. However, a person using a scientific article to support an opinion needs to know the vocabulary that is used, understand the facts and cause-effect sequences that are presented, and recognize ideas that are presented as hypotheses and givens. We read to get a good Job improve general knowledge and to teach our children. Some different purposes of reading could be: • To be entertained • To complete a task • To obtain information • To analyze
Retrieved from : http://www.answers.com/search?q=different+purpose+of+reading Adopted from : Material for this section was drawn from “Reading in the beginning and intermediate college foreign language class” by Heidi Byrnes, in Modules for the professional preparation of teaching assistants in foreign languages (Grace Stovall Burkart, ed.; Washington, DC: Center for Applied Linguistics, 1998)
name : LISTIANI NIM : 2009111068 Students number list : 14
According to Heidi Byrnes and Grace Stovall Burkart , Reading is an activity with a purpose. A person may read in order to gain information or verify existing knowledge, or in order to critique a writer's ideas or writing style. A person may also read for enjoyment, or to enhance knowledge of the language being read. The purpose(s) for reading guide the reader's selection of texts. The purpose for reading also determines the appropriate approach to reading comprehension. A person who needs to know whether she can afford to eat at a particular restaurant needs to comprehend the pricing information provided on the menu, but does not need to recognize the name of every appetizer listed. A person reading poetry for enjoyment needs to recognize the words the poet uses and the ways they are put together, but does not need to identify main idea and supporting details. However, a person using a scientific article to support an opinion needs to know the vocabulary that is used, understand the facts and cause-effect sequences that are presented, and recognize ideas that are presented as hypotheses and givens. We read to get a good Job improve general knowledge and to teach our children. Some different purposes of reading could be: • To be entertained • To complete a task • To obtain information • To analyze
Retrieved from : http://www.answers.com/search?q=different+purpose+of+reading Adopted from : Material for this section was drawn from “Reading in the beginning and intermediate college foreign language class” by Heidi Byrnes, in Modules for the professional preparation of teaching assistants in foreign languages (Grace Stovall Burkart, ed.; Washington, DC: Center for Applied Linguistics, 1998)
name : LISTIANI NIM : 2009111068 Students number list : 14
According to Heidi Byrnes and Grace Stovall Burkart , Reading is an activity with a purpose. A person may read in order to gain information or verify existing knowledge, or in order to critique a writer's ideas or writing style. A person may also read for enjoyment, or to enhance knowledge of the language being read. The purpose(s) for reading guide the reader's selection of texts. The purpose for reading also determines the appropriate approach to reading comprehension. A person who needs to know whether she can afford to eat at a particular restaurant needs to comprehend the pricing information provided on the menu, but does not need to recognize the name of every appetizer listed. A person reading poetry for enjoyment needs to recognize the words the poet uses and the ways they are put together, but does not need to identify main idea and supporting details. However, a person using a scientific article to support an opinion needs to know the vocabulary that is used, understand the facts and cause-effect sequences that are presented, and recognize ideas that are presented as hypotheses and givens. We read to get a good Job improve general knowledge and to teach our children. Some different purposes of reading could be: • To be entertained • To complete a task • To obtain information • To analyze
Retrieved from : http://www.answers.com/search?q=different+purpose+of+reading Adopted from : Material for this section was drawn from “Reading in the beginning and intermediate college foreign language class” by Heidi Byrnes, in Modules for the professional preparation of teaching assistants in foreign languages (Grace Stovall Burkart, ed.; Washington, DC: Center for Applied Linguistics, 1998)
name : LISTIANI NIM : 2009111068 Students number list : 14
According to Heidi Byrnes and Grace Stovall Burkart , Reading is an activity with a purpose. A person may read in order to gain information or verify existing knowledge, or in order to critique a writer's ideas or writing style. A person may also read for enjoyment, or to enhance knowledge of the language being read. The purpose(s) for reading guide the reader's selection of texts. The purpose for reading also determines the appropriate approach to reading comprehension. A person who needs to know whether she can afford to eat at a particular restaurant needs to comprehend the pricing information provided on the menu, but does not need to recognize the name of every appetizer listed. A person reading poetry for enjoyment needs to recognize the words the poet uses and the ways they are put together, but does not need to identify main idea and supporting details. However, a person using a scientific article to support an opinion needs to know the vocabulary that is used, understand the facts and cause-effect sequences that are presented, and recognize ideas that are presented as hypotheses and givens. We read to get a good Job improve general knowledge and to teach our children. Some different purposes of reading could be: • To be entertained • To complete a task • To obtain information • To analyze
Retrieved from : http://www.answers.com/search?q=different+purpose+of+reading Adopted from : Material for this section was drawn from “Reading in the beginning and intermediate college foreign language class” by Heidi Byrnes, in Modules for the professional preparation of teaching assistants in foreign languages (Grace Stovall Burkart, ed.; Washington, DC: Center for Applied Linguistics, 1998)
Name : IKA AYUDIANTI NIM : 2009 111 263 Class : 6 G Att Lists : 38
Different Purposes of Reading
According to Wiki (2012) : Wiki (2012).There are four purposes to examined briefly of reading: 1. the first purpose is : Read for understanding. knowledge can be gained from reading, because reading something will be easier to understand and accept. 2. The second purpose is : Read to evaluate critically. something to read to evaluate what has been understood from reading the book or the other. understanding of how large a read of the find. 3. And the third purpose is : Read for pleasure reading can also be used as a pleasure, to eliminate boredom in leisure time, such as: reading a novel, newspaper, magazine, and others.
Name : IKA AYUDIANTI NIM : 2009 111 263 Class : 6 G Att Lists : 38
Different Purposes of Reading
According to Wiki (2012) : Wiki (2012).There are four purposes to examined briefly of reading: 1. the first purpose is : Read for understanding. knowledge can be gained from reading, because reading something will be easier to understand and accept. 2. The second purpose is : Read to evaluate critically. something to read to evaluate what has been understood from reading the book or the other. understanding of how large a read of the find. 3. And the third purpose is : Read for pleasure reading can also be used as a pleasure, to eliminate boredom in leisure time, such as: reading a novel, newspaper, magazine, and others.
Name : IKA AYUDIANTI NIM : 2009 111 263 Class : 6 G Att Lists : 38
Different Purposes of Reading
According to Wiki (2012) : Wiki (2012).There are four purposes to examined briefly of reading: 1. the first purpose is : Read for understanding. knowledge can be gained from reading, because reading something will be easier to understand and accept. 2. The second purpose is : Read to evaluate critically. something to read to evaluate what has been understood from reading the book or the other. understanding of how large a read of the find. 3. And the third purpose is : Read for pleasure reading can also be used as a pleasure, to eliminate boredom in leisure time, such as: reading a novel, newspaper, magazine, and others.
Name :Risda Student Number : 2009 111 284 Atendant List : 42
Different Purposes of Reading
According to Delene Sholes ( Jan 27, 2009 ). When students want to get the information of sentence or paragraph, the student there’s no need to open dictionary to find the difficult word in their reading, and when students read the lesson’s book, so student must carefully to read it, because if students do not read carefully, so that students never get the information or knowledge, there are some purposes for reading : For pleasure or for personal reasons To find the general information To find a specific topic in a book or article To learn subject matter that is required for a class
addopted from :Delene Sholes( Jan 27,2009 )Reading for Different Purposes Strategies for Reading Different Kinds of Materials. Retrieved from:http://delene-sholes.suite101.com/reading-for-different-purposes-a91899
Name: Ayu Rahayu Nim : 2009 111 276 Class: 6G ATT Lists : 22
Different Purposes of Reading Posted by Admin. Reading has four goals namely :: 1. Reading for pleasure: it means to read what has been imagined in reading, enjoy the images that the author described in his words. 2. Hobbies and personal interests: it means reading that does not require learning anything just to enjoy 3. Reading to learn: it means to read with the learning process that requires an understanding of information that readers may not need after a process is completed. Learning could be because there is an objective to reach readers for the job or as requested by the person at the top of a reader. Information is not of concern to the reader pleasure. 4. . Mastering a skill: it means to read with the learning process requires a reader to dig up layer by layer to explore and understand what he needs.
Name: Ayu Rahayu Nim : 2009 111 276 Class: 6G ATT Lists : 22 Different Purposes of Reading Posted by Admin. Reading has four goals namely :: 1. Reading for pleasure: it means to read what has been imagined in reading, enjoy the images that the author described in his words. 2. Hobbies and personal interests: it means reading that does not require learning anything just to enjoy 3. Reading to learn: it means to read with the learning process that requires an understanding of information that readers may not need after a process is completed. Learning could be because there is an objective to reach readers for the job or as requested by the person at the top of a reader. Information is not of concern to the reader pleasure. 4. . Mastering a skill: it means to read with the learning process requires a reader to dig up layer by layer to explore and understand what he needs.
Adopted from : 4 Kelompok Tujuan Membaca: pembacakilat.com http://pembacakilat.com/4-kelompok-tujuan-membaca/
Name : Butet Anggrawati Nim : 2009 111 374 Class : 6 G Att Lists : 16
Mullis, et al., 2006.The PIRLS assessment framework focused on two overarching purposes that account for most of the reading undertaken by students, both in and out of school: reading for literary experience and reading to acquire and use information. In addition, it describes four major processes of reading comprehension.
PURPOSE OF READING the two purposes for reading: reading for literary purposes and reading for informational purposes. -Reading for literary experience : The reader becomes involved in imagined events, settings, actions, consequences, characters, atmosphere, feelings, and ideas; he or she brings an appreciation of language and knowledge of literary forms to the text. This is often accomplished through reading fiction. -Reading to acquire and use information :The reader engages with types of texts where she or he can understand how the world is and has been, and why things work as they do. Texts take many forms, but one major distinction is between those organised chronologically and those organised non-chronologically. This area is often associated with information articles and instructional texts.
Name : HAYATUN NIM : 2009 111 111 ATT LISTS : 12 Different Purpose of Reading
Google (2012) defines the Purpose of reading is if You want to get important information or key words and be able to recall them when needed, with a little help. It works better than not reading the book.
. For faster reading where you have to learn most of what's going on, you tend to read a paragraph or group of sentences, and process them as a whole. You don't think about the meaning of every sentence or phrase, you think about the meaning of every larger point. Depending on the situation or purpose, you can process a couple hundred pages in an hour or two.
On the purpose of speed reading is the actual reading time is significant compared to the time needed to understand the reading. Either the author is babbling unnecessarily, or reading something useless, reading for pleasure, but then that time is enjoyable, hence not wasted.
Look up words whose meanings are important to your understanding of the material, but whose meaning you cannot discern from the context. Another purpose for reading calls for reading carefully and slowly. When a student studies for a test, he will want to skim the book or chapter first to see what it covers. Then he will read the headings and subheadings to discover how the book is organized. He should try to make connections between the material and what he already knows.
Efficient readers have learned to use different strategies for different kinds of reading. They know when it’s OK to read quickly – skipping over some of the words, how to skim for general information, scan for specific information, and how to study for tests. Some Purposes for Reading • for pleasure or for personal reasons • to find general information such as what a book is mostly about • to find a specific topic in a book or article • to learn subject matter that is required for a class Once students have mastered the basic decoding skills, they will begin to read for a variety of purposes.
Name : Kiki Marlyn NIM : 2009 111 385 Attendent list o: 25
Eren (2012) defined purpose in reading as an assigns texts and it's has the purpose for reading in mind. When planning a reading lesson, one suggestion is to explicitly state the purpose of the reading.
Assumed from : Eren, Nesrin. 2012. Purpose in Reading. Retrived : nesrineren.edublogs.org/tag/purpose-in-reading/
Name : Winda Nurjayanti NiM : 2009 111 150 Class : 6 G Att List : 8
Jack Farrel (Last Updated : 01/11/2011)There are some academic kinds of reading aims, but reading for pleasure and reading for academic that evidence in the modern classroom. Reading for pleasure, especially for the upper elementary and middle school. the students have chance to increase their skills to read, especially for the comprehension and fluency. the close-reading of texts is the other general reading in classroom. By using this kind of text, besides the content area, the students should be able to remember most of the context of the text accurately. Besides ad the text the students also should sturdy about it, take notes, and remember the contents for summative and formative assessments. Its suppose has function as preparation for college and career.
Adopted from: Farrel.Jack.(01/11/2011). Purposes of Reading. Retrieved = http://commoncore.weebly.com/1/post/2011/01/purposes-for-reading.html
Name : Winda Nurjayanti NiM : 2009 111 150 Class : 6 G Att List : 8
Jack Farrel (Last Updated : 01/11/2011)There are some academic kinds of reading aims, but reading for pleasure and reading for academic that evidence in the modern classroom. Reading for pleasure, especially for the upper elementary and middle school. the students have chance to increase their skills to read, especially for the comprehension and fluency. the close-reading of texts is the other general reading in classroom. By using this kind of text, besides the content area, the students should be able to remember most of the context of the text accurately. Besides ad the text the students also should sturdy about it, take notes, and remember the contents for summative and formative assessments. Its suppose has function as preparation for college and career.
Adopted from: Farrel.Jack.(01/11/2011). Purposes of Reading. Retrieved = http://commoncore.weebly.com/1/post/2011/01/purposes-for-reading.html
Name : Winda Nurjayanti NiM : 2009 111 150 Class : 6 G Att List : 8
Jack Farrel (Last Updated : 01/11/2011)There are some academic kinds of reading aims, but reading for pleasure and reading for academic that evidence in the modern classroom. Reading for pleasure, especially for the upper elementary and middle school. the students have chance to increase their skills to read, especially for the comprehension and fluency. the close-reading of texts is the other general reading in classroom. By using this kind of text, besides the content area, the students should be able to remember most of the context of the text accurately. Besides ad the text the students also should sturdy about it, take notes, and remember the contents for summative and formative assessments. Its suppose has function as preparation for college and career.
Adopted from: Farrel.Jack.(01/11/2011). Purposes of Reading. Retrieved = http://commoncore.weebly.com/1/post/2011/01/purposes-for-reading.html
Pichert and Anderson (1977) explain different purpose of reading is happened because someone can read a reading material with many purposes so that they can get more than one comprehensive understanding about the reading. It depends on what purposes we read the materials.
Adopted from : Pichert and Anderson (1977) . Purposes for Reading. Retrieved from: http://ahsqilt.wikispaces.com/file/view/Purposes+for+Reading.pdf
Name : ARUM DWI LESTARI NIM : 2009 111 269 Class : 6 G Att Lists : 37
According to Delene Sholes, there are 4 some purposes for reading. Some purposes for reading : • for pleasure or for personal reasons It means reading for pleasure. Especially for the upper elementary and middle school. the students have chance to increase their skills to read, especially for the comprehension and fluency. The close-reading of texts is the other general reading in classroom. By using this kind of text, besides the content area, the students should be able to remember most of the context of the text accurately. Besides ad the text the students also should sturdy about it, take notes, and remember the contents for summative and formative assessments. Its suppose has function as preparation for college and career. • to find general information such as what a book is mostly about We can get more information by reading. Usually, the information is important for us. • to find a specific topic in a book or article Something to read to evaluate what has been understood from reading the book or the other. understanding of how large a read of the find. • to learn subject matter that is required for a class It means we can learn something or the subject matter by reading. Especially we can get knowledge that before we never knew.
Reading for Different Purposes: Strategies for Reading Different Kinds of Materials | Suite101.com http://delene-sholes.suite101.com/reading-for-different-purposes-a91899#ixzz1qqlVmMIr
Nama : Purnama Agustina_PGRI NIM : 2009 111 162 Att no : 17
Jan 27, 2009 DeLene Sholes
Different Purpose of Reading
Different Purpose of Reading teaching students to get the meaning and the purpose of the text. Sometimes students are difficult to understand the purpose of reading is and when they do not understand the purpose of their reading and they have to open a dictionary or read again to understand the reading, but they should read more carefully when they will repeat to be understood.
Some Purposes for Reading
1. for pleasure or for personal reasons 2. to find general information such as what a book is mostly about 3. to find a specific topic in a book or article 4. to learn subject matter that is required for a class
Once students have mastered the basic decoding skills, they will begin to read for a variety of purposes.
Name :RISKI AMELIA NIM :2009 111 179 CLASS :6.G At List :033
Different Purposes of Reading According to Wiki (2012) : Wiki (2012) given the different purposes of Reading. There are four purposes to examined briefly of reading, 1.the first purpose is : Read for understanding. It’s means that studying involves reading to comprehend concepts and details. This purpose can help student to explain or support general concepts, and concepts provide a framework for remembering details. 2.The second purpose is : Read to evaluate critically. This Critical evaluation involves understanding. It means that approaching material with an open mind, examining causes and effects, evaluating ideas, and asking questions that test the writer's argument and assumptions. 3.The third purpose is : Read for practical application. It’s means that to gather usable information that we can apply toward a specific goal. When we read a textbook,we have know the goal is to learn how to do or use something. 4. And the last purpose is : Read for pleasure. It’s means that some materials we read for entertainment, such as a nover or magazines. reading for pleasure gives us the opportunity to enlarge our life.
If students can get the general sense of a sentence or paragraph without knowing every word, there’s no need to interrupt their reading by using a dictionary to find the word’s meaning. Sometimes they will want to read through material quickly, but they will need to read more carefully when they are reading to learn.
ReplyDeleteSome Purposes for Reading
• for pleasure or for personal reasons
• to find general information such as what a book is mostly about
• to find a specific topic in a book or article
• to learn subject matter that is required for a class
Reading for Different Purposes: Strategies for Reading Different Kinds of Materials | Suite101.com http://delene-sholes.suite101.com/reading-for-different-purposes-a91899#ixzz1qqlVmMIr
Whenever we read we read for a purpose. We often read novels and magazines to entertain ourselves. We might read the side of a cereal box to learn about the nutritional value of the product. Or, we might read the directions that came with the VCR so we can figure out how to set the timer. Consider how differently we read in each of these three situations, given the purpose for reading. When we read a novel for pleasure, we usually begin by reading the first word, and continue in a linear fashion until we are finished with the book. (However, if the author starts going into great detail about how the countryside looks, or what a character is wearing, we may skip over that if we're not interested.) The point is, we read texts differently for different purposes. And skipping over the details about the countryside, scanning the cereal box to find the information we need, and going directly to the section on "Setting the Timer" does not mean we didn't read well. On the contrary, not reading all of the words when our purpose for reading does not require us to do so is strategic reading.
When the teacher assigns a reading to her students, she knows why she has done so (hopefully). She has chosen the text because there is some information in the text that the teacher wants her students to know. But until she shares that purpose for reading with her students, her students are left to guess why they're reading the text. Are they reading for details? Main ideas? To find out a specific piece of information? To find out how to do something? To identify the author's style? To look for split infinitives? To compare and contrast the ideas in this text with the one they read yesterday? Students won't know if the teacher doesn't tell them--explicitly.
A specific focus or specific purpose for reading is one that helps guides students' efforts to focus on important information in the text (i.e., important in light of the general purpose for reading the text). This specific focus should be explicitly stated before students begin reading.
Many instructional reading strategies have explicit focuses or purposes built into them. For example, when using the KWL strategy, the purpose for reading (i.e., the focus) is to answer the questions written in the W column. Answering those questions gives students something specific to think about while they're reading--something specific to focus on. Anticipation Guides also provide a specific, explicit purpose for reading. Students read to see if anything in the text will cause them to change their minds about how they responded to the statements on the guide before reading. That is their focus.
ReplyDeleteNIM : 2009,111.165
According to Elizabeth K Knutson. U.S. Naval Academy, (dec 1998), Every reader has different purposes of reading the text. having a purpose means having a reason to read and approaching a text with a particular goal in mind, whether that goal involves learning or entertainment. in both real worl and classroom situations. purpose affects the reader's motivation, interest and manner of reading. here are some purposes of reading :
1. Reading in the Real World ( out of classroom context)
2. Pleasure Reading in a Foreign Language (likes reading the newaspaper to get the information)
3.The Factor of Interest ( interest of the story in the novel)
4. Reading Purpose in the Classroom and the Concept of Task ( it is for educational purpose. student will read to find out the answer of the qoestion in the reading examination)
5. Textual Analysis: Working with Meaning and Form
6. Foreign Language Literacy and Academic Tasks
7. Pre-reading Activities for the Advanced Level
8. Uses of Text Across the Curriculum
addopted from :
Schraw, G., & Dennison, R.S. (1994). The effect of reader purpose on interest and recall. Journal of Reading Behavior, 26, 1-17.
Elizabeth K Knutson. U.S. Naval Academy, (dec 1998),Reading with a Purpose: Communicative Reading Tasks for the Foreign Language Classroom, retrived from http://www.cal.org/resources/digest/reading_digest.html. december 1998.
ReplyDeleteNIM : 2009,111.165
According to Elizabeth K Knutson. U.S. Naval Academy, (dec 1998), Every reader has different purposes of reading the text. having a purpose means having a reason to read and approaching a text with a particular goal in mind, whether that goal involves learning or entertainment. in both real worl and classroom situations. purpose affects the reader's motivation, interest and manner of reading. here are some purposes of reading :
1. Reading in the Real World ( out of classroom context)
2. Pleasure Reading in a Foreign Language (likes reading the newaspaper to get the information)
3.The Factor of Interest ( interest of the story in the novel)
4. Reading Purpose in the Classroom and the Concept of Task ( it is for educational purpose. student will read to find out the answer of the qoestion in the reading examination)
5. Textual Analysis: Working with Meaning and Form
6. Foreign Language Literacy and Academic Tasks
7. Pre-reading Activities for the Advanced Level
8. Uses of Text Across the Curriculum
addopted from :
Schraw, G., & Dennison, R.S. (1994). The effect of reader purpose on interest and recall. Journal of Reading Behavior, 26, 1-17.
Elizabeth K Knutson. U.S. Naval Academy, (dec 1998),Reading with a Purpose: Communicative Reading Tasks for the Foreign Language Classroom, retrived from http://www.cal.org/resources/digest/reading_digest.html. december 1998.
ReplyDeleteName : Ria Oktarina
NIM : 2009 111 243
Delene Sholes (2009) defined Purposes of Reading divided into four.
1. Reading for Pleasure
Reading for Pleasure is reading a book just for fun. For example when we read comic or novel.
2. Reading to Find General Information
Reading to find General Information means Reading to find about Information from what we are reading about.
3. Reading to Find a Specific Topic
Reading to find a specific Information, usually use scanning Technique. When we want to scan, look at the title, the table of contents, headings, and Index to find out the specific Information.
4. Reading to Learn Subject that is needed for a class
Reading to learn Subject usually required for students. The students should read carefully and slowly, and make connection between the material to get the Idea from the text.
Adopted from : Delene-Sholes (2009). Reading for Different Purposes. Retrivied from : delene-sholes.suite101.com/reading-for-different-purposes-a91899
ReplyDeleteNIM : 2009 111 291
Class: 6 G
Different Purposes of Reading
According to Wiki (2012) : Wiki (2012) given the different purposes of Reading. There are four purposes to examined briefly of reading,the first purpose is : Read for understanding. It’s means that studying involves reading to comprehend concepts and details. This purpose can help student to explain or support general concepts, and concepts provide a framework for remembering details. The second purpose is : Read to evaluate critically. This Critical evaluation involves understanding. It means that approaching material with an open mind, examining causes and effects, evaluating ideas, and asking questions that test the writer's argument and assumptions. The third purpose is : Read for practical application. It’s means that to gather usable information that we can apply toward a specific goal. When we read a textbook,we have know the goal is to learn how to do or use something. And the last purpose is : Read for pleasure. It’s means that some materials we read for entertainment, such as a nover or magazines. reading for pleasure gives us the opportunity to enlarge our life.
attendent list : 24
ReplyDeletename : Putri Kusuma Waradni
NIM : 2009 111 376
Rainer (2003) The appropriate focus or the aim for reading is one way to efforts our mind to focus on the important information in the text (it means, important to the general aim in reading text). The special focus must be implied clearly before reading start.
Adopted from : Wallace, Catherine. (2003). Reading For specific Purposes. retrivied from : http://books.google.co.id/books?id=haiwBOFuVm0C&pg=PA65&lpg=PA65&dq=reading+for+specific+purposes&source=bl&ots=juufp-cTak&sig=Zp8EihhhETd6r4zYDyyeZ8pYNhg&hl=id&sa=X&ei=3B2AT-nTB9GxrAf6n_yZBw&ved=0CEgQ6AEwBDgK#v=onepage&q=reading%20for%20specific%20purposes&f=true
une.edu.au (2012) give the information for specific purposes:1) to gain background information 2) to gather specific fact 3) to identify the structure of the author's argument 4) to understand a concept 5) to find the alternative view to challenge an argument.
Adopted from : une.edu.au.(2012). Reading for Specific Purposes. retrivied :www. une.edu.au/tlc/alo/active4.htm
Name : Rika Hartati PGRI
ReplyDeleteNim : 2009111316
No Absen : 27 Based on book pembacakilat.com. Reading Specific
Purposes is to find the information which you have
studied and mastered.
Before you start reading, it is important to make
purpose. Purpose of making clear our minds what we
want to achieve from the process of reading. Without a purpose, we will lose direction and didn’t finish the
book we read. If the review and collect all instances of
the purpose of reading, we can classify into four major
purposes. Where each group of this objective requires
analysis, concentration, speed and a different
understanding of each other. Each different purposes also requires a different strategy and approach. The four objectives of this reading is: 1. Reading for pleasure
2. Hobbies and personal interests
3. Reading to learn
4. Mastering a skill
Adopted : google ( 2012 ) Reading Specific Purposes .
Retrieved from . http// www.co.id/ reading specific purposes
Name : Dwi Wenny Wulandari
ReplyDeleteNIM : 2009 111 049/ 6 G
student number list : 13
According to DeLene Sholes, reading is the process to get the particular sense of a sentence or paragraph need to interrupt their reading by using a dictionary to find the word’s meaning.
The goal for reading
• for pleasure or for personal reasons
• to find general information such as what a book is mostly about
• to find a specific topic in a book or article
• to learn subject matter that is required for a class
After the students have mastered the basic decoding skills, they will begin to read for a variety of purposes.
When the students are reading a book or article for fun or if they simply want to know about a certain subject, they may want to read fastly. It isn’t necessary for them to read every word or even know the meaning of every word in the text. They will probably get the sense of the unknown word from the context.
Adopted from: Sholes, DeLene. 2012. Reading for Different Purposes.Retrieved
from http://www.palgrave.com/skills4study/studyskills/learning/reading.asp
DeleteNIM : 2009111250
According to Brozo & Simpson (Last updated: 06/07/2006, by Jennifer Conner ), Whenever the readers read, they read for a purpose. For example : to entertain themselves, the readers read novels or magazines ; to learn about the nutritional value of the product, the readers might read the side of a cereal box; and the readers might read the directions that came with the VCR so they can figure out how to set the timer. From these three situations, we can conclude that each readers have different purposes depend on the readers’ purpose for reading. It means that, the readers read texts differently for different purposes. Skipping over the details about the countryside, scanning the cereal box to find the information the readers need, and going directly to the section on "Setting the Timer" do not meanthe readers didn't read well. On the contrary, not reading all of the words when our purpose for reading does not require us to do so is strategic reading.
addopted from :
Brozo & Simpson (Last updated: 06/07/2006, by Jennifer Conner ). L517: Advanced Study of the Teaching of Secondary School Reading: PROVIDING STUDENTS WITH A PURPOSE FOR READING, retrived from http://www.indiana.edu/~l517/purpose.html.
NIM : 2009111250
According to Brozo & Simpson (Last updated: 06/07/2006, by Jennifer Conner ), Whenever the readers read, they read for a purpose. For example : to entertain themselves, the readers read novels or magazines ; to learn about the nutritional value of the product, the readers might read the side of a cereal box; and the readers might read the directions that came with the VCR so they can figure out how to set the timer. From these three situations, we can conclude that each readers have different purposes depend on the readers’ purpose for reading. It means that, the readers read texts differently for different purposes. Skipping over the details about the countryside, scanning the cereal box to find the information the readers need, and going directly to the section on "Setting the Timer" do not mean the readers didn't read well. On the contrary, not reading all of the words when our purpose for reading does not require us to do so is strategic reading.
adopted from :
Brozo & Simpson (Last updated: 06/07/2006, by Jennifer Conner ). L517: Advanced Study of the Teaching of Secondary School Reading: PROVIDING STUDENTS WITH A PURPOSE FOR READING, retrieved from http://www.indiana.edu/~l517/purpose.html.
Name : Septa Wilza Oriandra
ReplyDeleteNim : 2009 111 251
No urut absen : 36
Reading is a useful skill used to convey information through text. As we know that, we have Purpose of Reading. Sometimes we will want to read through material quickly, but they will need to read more carefully when they are reading to learn.
We read to get a improve general knowledge and get some information after we read the text, articles paragraph, book and other. But we have some different purposes of reading could be:
• To be entertained
• To complete a task
• To obtain information
• To analyze
• for pleasure or for personal reasons
• to find general information such as what a book is mostly about
• to find a specific topic in a book or article
• to learn subject matter that is required for a class
Adopted : google ( 2012 ) Reading Specific Purposes, http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Describe the different purposes you could have for reading#ixzz1rFP55k4
Name : Septa Wilza Oriandra
ReplyDeleteNim : 2009 111 251
No urut absen : 36
Reading is a useful skill used to convey information through text. As we know that, we have Purpose of Reading. Sometimes we will want to read through material quickly, but they will need to read more carefully when they are reading to learn.
We read to get a improve general knowledge and get some information after we read the text, articles paragraph, book and other. But we have some different purposes of reading could be:
• To be entertained
• To complete a task
• To obtain information
• To analyze
• for pleasure or for personal reasons
• to find general information such as what a book is mostly about
• to find a specific topic in a book or article
• to learn subject matter that is required for a class
Adopted : google ( 2012 ) Reading Specific Purposes, http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Describe the different purposes you could have for reading#ixzz1rFP55k4
Name : Nyiayu Nelly Windarti
ReplyDeleteClass : 6.G
Nim : 2009 111 327
Att List: 40
Based on Pembaca Kilat (2012), to start reading, the first important one is to make a purpose in reading. Here, there are four different purposes of reading ;
1. Reading for pleasure.
Where imagine can be involved in reading, for example reading a novel . The inspiration from the writer will transfer to the reader’s mind . So , that inspiration can change to be an imagine in the reader’s mind. This can make the reader pleasure reading everytime.
2. Reading as hobby
The reader has a hobby in reading can read a book repeatly. It is not enough to read once.
3. Reading for learning
When learning something, the book is one of the best teacher. The knowledge is always found on the book. It is impossible to learn without a book. To look for something that’s unknown , reading a book is one of solution to solve the problem when don’t get the idea.
4. Reading to master a skill
To master a skill, reading is the smallest solution. it is necessary to start with a right purpose and specific goals. The more specific a goal, the better the results get. Do speed reading twice to process the information and let it in the mind, which it is a place where to get information.
Adopted from: Pembacakilat.com (2012)
Name : Nyiayu Nelly Windarti
ReplyDeleteClass : 6.G
Nim : 2009 111 327
Att List: 40
Based on Pembaca Kilat (2012), to start reading, the first important one is to make a purpose in reading. Here, there are four different purposes of reading ;
1. Reading for pleasure.
Where imagine can be involved in reading, for example reading a novel . The inspiration from the writer will transfer to the reader’s mind . So , that inspiration can change to be an imagine in the reader’s mind. This can make the reader pleasure reading everytime.
2. Reading as hobby
The reader has a hobby in reading can read a book repeatly. It is not enough to read once.
3. Reading for learning
When learning something, the book is one of the best teacher. The knowledge is always found on the book. It is impossible to learn without a book. To look for something that’s unknown , reading a book is one of solution to solve the problem when don’t get the idea.
4. Reading to master a skill
To master a skill, reading is the smallest solution. it is necessary to start with a right purpose and specific goals. The more specific a goal, the better the results get. Do speed reading twice to process the information and let it in the mind, which it is a place where to get information.
Adopted from: Pembacakilat.com (2012)
Name : Nyiayu Nelly Windarti
ReplyDeleteClass : 6.G
Nim : 2009 111 327
Att List : 40
Based on Pembaca Kilat (2012), to start reading, the first important one is to make a purpose in reading. Here, there are four different purposes of reading .
1. Reading for pleasure.
Where imagine can be involved in reading, for example reading a novel . The inspiration from the writer will transfer to the reader’s mind . So , that inspiration can change to be an imagine in the reader’s mind. This can make the reader pleasure reading everytime.
2. Reading as hobby
The reader has a hobby in reading can read a book repeatly. It is not enough to read once.
3. Reading to learn
When learning something, the book is one of the best teacher. The knowledge is always found on the book. It is impossible to learn without a book. To look for something that’s unknown , reading a book is one of solution to solve the problem when don’t get the idea.
4. Reading to master a skill
To master a skill, reading is the smallest solution. it is necessary to start with a right purpose and specific goals. The more specific a goal, the better the results get. Do speed reading twice to process the information and let it in the mind, which it is a place where to get information.
Adopted from: Pembacakilat.com (2012)
Name : Fitria Lufiana
ReplyDeleteNim : 2009.111.112
ATT Lists : 05
Tina Heafner,Ph.D (2006) explain the purposes of reading are :
1. To discussion in this purpose the readers should focus on “why” and relationship between ideas.
2. To multiple-choice test, in this purpose the readers should focus on “who”, “what” and “when” as well as on keys terms, chapter timelines and outlines. They also need to remember to review any graphs and charts in a chapter.
3. To essay test in this purpose the readers should focus on broad concepts to discover “why” and “how” .
4. To presentation in this purpose the readers should focus only on the “main ideas and most important facts. They should not spend too much time on small details.
5. To “be familiar with” in this case the readers may use skimming or a quick read will do. They should then be able to summarize the main points of the reading in two or three sentences.
So that the purposes of reading is different each other. The purpose of reading is base on the needed. For example when we have a essay test we have the purpose to look for the answer of the test and in this case we as a reader should focus on the answer.
The purpose also can be for entertainment, to get information, or to learn how to perform a task.
Sources : Tina Heafner, Ph.D (2006), “Social Studied School Service”. Retrivied from :
Name : Putra Pratama PGRI
ReplyDeleteClass : 6G
Att List : 4
According to Helsingin Yliopisto (2008), there are some purposes of reading base on the strategies :
1. Skimming
In the skimming reading, the text which we read must give s an idea for our purpose.
2. Scanning
In the scanning reading, our purpose is to find answer to certain question which have our set before ( who, when, what )
3. Reading for main points in general.
The mean by reading for main points in general is our purposes is to find the main point which can include information like what the purposes of the writer, what the main argument of the text. Example : reading for exam.
4. Reading for selected main points
Reading for selected main points is looking for information about a specific area or answer to certain question. Example : Reading for thesis.
5. Critical/ evaluative reading
The purpose is for compare the writer’s views with our own or other writer’s view and making differences between facts and opinion.
6. Reading for pleasure
The purposes id just for fun or hobby.
Adopted from : Yliopisto, Helsingin. Reading Purposes and Strategies. Retrieved from : http://h27.it.helsinki.fi/erc/reading_theory.html.
Name : Putra Pratama PGRI
ReplyDeleteClass : 6G
Att List : 4
According to Helsingin Yliopisto (2008), there are some purposes of reading base on the strategies :
1. Skimming
In the skimming reading, the text which we read must give s an idea for our purpose.
2. Scanning
In the scanning reading, our purpose is to find answer to certain question which have our set before ( who, when, what )
3. Reading for main points in general.
The mean by reading for main points in general is our purposes is to find the main point which can include information like what the purposes of the writer, what the main argument of the text. Example : reading for exam.
4. Reading for selected main points
Reading for selected main points is looking for information about a specific area or answer to certain question. Example : Reading for thesis.
5. Critical/ evaluative reading
The purpose is for compare the writer’s views with our own or other writer’s view and making differences between facts and opinion.
6. Reading for pleasure
The purposes id just for fun or hobby.
Adopted from : Yliopisto, Helsingin. Reading Purposes and Strategies. Retrieved from : http://h27.it.helsinki.fi/erc/reading_theory.html.
Name : Putra Pratama PGRI
ReplyDeleteClass : 6G
Att List : 4
According to Helsingin Yliopisto (2008), there are some purposes of reading base on the strategies :
1. Skimming
In the skimming reading, the text which we read must give s an idea for our purpose.
2. Scanning
In the scanning reading, our purpose is to find answer to certain question which have our set before ( who, when, what )
3. Reading for main points in general.
The mean by reading for main points in general is our purposes is to find the main point which can include information like what the purposes of the writer, what the main argument of the text. Example : reading for exam.
4. Reading for selected main points
Reading for selected main points is looking for information about a specific area or answer to certain question. Example : Reading for thesis.
5. Critical/ evaluative reading
The purpose is for compare the writer’s views with our own or other writer’s view and making differences between facts and opinion.
6. Reading for pleasure
The purposes id just for fun or hobby.
Adopted from : Yliopisto, Helsingin. Reading Purposes and Strategies. Retrieved from : http://h27.it.helsinki.fi/erc/reading_theory.html.
Name : Putra Pratama PGRI
ReplyDeleteClass : 6G
Att List : 4
According to Helsingin Yliopisto (2008), there are some purposes of reading base on the strategies :
1. Skimming
In the skimming reading, the text which we read must give s an idea for our purpose.
2. Scanning
In the scanning reading, our purpose is to find answer to certain question which have our set before ( who, when, what )
3. Reading for main points in general.
The mean by reading for main points in general is our purposes is to find the main point which can include information like what the purposes of the writer, what the main argument of the text. Example : reading for exam.
4. Reading for selected main points
Reading for selected main points is looking for information about a specific area or answer to certain question. Example : Reading for thesis.
5. Critical/ evaluative reading
The purpose is for compare the writer’s views with our own or other writer’s view and making differences between facts and opinion.
6. Reading for pleasure
The purposes id just for fun or hobby.
Adopted from : Yliopisto, Helsingin. Reading Purposes and Strategies. Retrieved from : http://h27.it.helsinki.fi/erc/reading_theory.html.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletename :LISTIANI
ReplyDeleteNIM : 2009111068
According to Heidi Byrnes and Grace Stovall Burkart , Reading is an activity with a purpose. A person may read in order to gain information or verify existing knowledge, or in order to critique a writer's ideas or writing style. A person may also read for enjoyment, or to enhance knowledge of the language being read. The purpose(s) for reading guide the reader's selection of texts.
The purpose for reading also determines the appropriate approach to reading comprehension. A person who needs to know whether she can afford to eat at a particular restaurant needs to comprehend the pricing information provided on the menu, but does not need to recognize the name of every appetizer listed. A person reading poetry for enjoyment needs to recognize the words the poet uses and the ways they are put together, but does not need to identify main idea and supporting details. However, a person using a scientific article to support an opinion needs to know the vocabulary that is used, understand the facts and cause-effect sequences that are presented, and recognize ideas that are presented as hypotheses and givens.
We read to get a good Job improve general knowledge and to teach our children.
Some different purposes of reading could be:
• To be entertained
• To complete a task
• To obtain information
• To analyze
Retrieved from : http://www.answers.com/search?q=different+purpose+of+reading
Adopted from : Material for this section was drawn from “Reading in the beginning and intermediate college foreign language class” by Heidi Byrnes, in Modules for the professional preparation of teaching assistants in foreign languages (Grace Stovall Burkart, ed.; Washington, DC: Center for Applied Linguistics, 1998)
ReplyDeleteNIM : 2009 111 291
Class: 6 G
Att Lists : 23
Different Purposes of Reading
According to Wiki (2012) : Wiki (2012) defines the different purposes of Reading. There are four purposes to examined briefly of reading,the first purpose is : Read for understanding. It’s means that studying involves reading to comprehend concepts and details. This purpose can help student to explain or support general concepts, and concepts provide a framework for remembering details. The second purpose is : Read to evaluate critically. This Critical evaluation involves understanding. It means that approaching material with an open mind, examining causes and effects, evaluating ideas, and asking questions that test the writer's argument and assumptions. The third purpose is : Read for practical application. It’s means that to gather usable information that we can apply toward a specific goal. When we read a textbook,we have know the goal is to learn how to do or use something. And the last purpose is : Read for pleasure. It’s means that some materials we read for entertainment, such as a nover or magazines. reading for pleasure gives us the opportunity to enlarge our life.
Adopted from : wikianswers (2012)
Retrieved :http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Which_of_the_four_reading_purposes_did_you_employ#ixzz1rLHxD3Do
ReplyDeleteNIM : 2009.111.335
ATT list : 35
Different Purpose of Reading
Reading is a complex cognitive process of decoding symbols in order to construct or derive meaning (reading comprehension). It is a means of language acquisition, of communication, and of sharing information and ideas.
If students can get the general sense of a sentence or paragraph without knowing every word, there’s no need to interrupt their reading by using a dictionary to find the word’s meaning. Sometimes they will want to read through material quickly, but they will need to read more carefully when they are reading to learn.
Some Purposes for Reading
for pleasure or for personal reasons
to find general information such as what a book is mostly about
to find a specific topic in a book or article
to learn subject matter that is required for a class
Once students have mastered the basic decoding skills, they will begin to read for a variety of purposes.
Adopted by : http://delene-sholes.suite101.com/reading-for-different-purposes-a91899
ReplyDeleteNIM : 2009 111 161
arisandi.com (2012) The ultimate goal in reading is to seek and obtain information, including the content, understand the meaning of reading. Meaning, the sense (meaning) closely related to the purpose, or our intensive reading.
Henry Guntur Tarigan explain purpose of reading are:
1. Reading for details or facts
2. Reading for main ideas
3. Reading for sequence or organization
4. Reading for inference
5. Reading to classify
6. Reading to evaluate
7. Reading to compare or contrast
Read to obtain the details or facts for example, to find out the discoveries made by the someone; anything that has been made by the someone; what had happened on a special character, or to solve problems created by the figure.
Reading for main ideas for example, to find out why it is a good and interesting topics, issues contained in the story, nothing is learned or experienced by the someone, and summarize the things done by the someone to achieve his goal.
Reading to find out the order or arrangement, organization, or a story like finding out what is happening in every part of the story, what happened at the first, second, and third / onward. Each stage is made to solve a problem, the scenes and events for dramatization.
Read to conclude, read the inference as to find and figure out why the characters feel like they way it is, what is about to be disclosed by the figures change, the qualities that have the characters that make them succeed or fail.
Read to group or classify for example, to find and know nothing unusual, unnatural about a person's character, what was funny in the story, or whether the story was true or not true.
Reading rate, reading evaluation as to discover whether the hero succeed or live with certain sizes, whether we want to do like the way the characters work in the story.
To compare or contrast of reading to do to find out how the character changed, how life is different from life as we know, how the two stories have in common, like the reader how the hero.
Adapted From : arisandi.com (2012) tujuan-membaca
Retrisual from : http://arisandi.com/tujuan-membaca
Name : Ayu Amelia
ReplyDeleteNim : 2009.111.131
Class : 6.G
RIVERS AND TEMPERLY(1978)purposed seven main objectives in reading,namely:
a. Obtain information for a purpose or be curious topic.
b. Getting a variety of instructions on how to perform a task for a job or
everyday life.
c. Acting in a drama, playing games, solving puzzles.
d. In touch with friends by correspondence or to understand the letters
e. Knowing when and where something will happen or what is available.
f. Knowing what is happening or has happened
g. Gain pleasure or entertainment.
Furthermore, NURHADI (1989:11) states that the purpose of reading in particular is:
A. obtain factual information,
2. obtain information about something specific and problematic,
3. paper gives an assessment of a person,
4. the pleasure of emotion, and
5. leisure.
Conversely, in general, the purpose of reading is:
1. obtain information,
2. gain an understanding of, and
3. Gain pleasure.
So, the purpose of reading the relationship between reading ability is
very significant.Readers who have similar goals, can achieve the goal
with the achievement of different ways. Purpose of reading has a very
important position in read because it will affect the process of
reading and reading comprehension.
Adapted :
Name : Nur Fitriana
ReplyDeleteStudent Number : 2009 111 244
Atendant List : 11
Google (2012) defines that the readers also have purposes like the writer. There are four different purposes of reading, they are:
1. For pleasure or personal reasons.
2. To find general information.
3. To find a specific topic in a book or article.
4. To learn subject matter that is required for a class.
Every person reads with different purposes. As we know, many people like reading the newspaper or magazine (reading for pleasure). The strategies that are used skimming and scanning. They will most probably just ignore the pages that does not contain the information of their interest and will turn directly to the page which contains some column of their interest. for example, some sports-lovers will only look at the sports column of a newspaper or buy some newpapers specialized in the reporting of sport events. Some females may be interested in sections on cosmetics and fashionable clothes. So we can conclude that what that is read by the readers depend on their purpose and each of them have different purpose.
Adopted from : Google (2012). Different Purposes of Reading. Retrieved from. http://writing.colostate.edu/guides/processes/writingsituations/purpose_readers.cfm
Name : Nur Fitriana
ReplyDeleteStudent Number : 2009 111 244
Atendant List : 11
Google (2012) defines that the readers also have purposes like the writer. There are four different purposes of reading, they are:
1. For pleasure or personal reasons.
2. To find general information.
3. To find a specific topic in a book or article.
4. To learn subject matter that is required for a class.
Every person reads with different purposes. As we know, many people like reading the newspaper or magazine (reading for pleasure). The strategies that are used skimming and scanning. They will most probably just ignore the pages that does not contain the information of their interest and will turn directly to the page which contains some column of their interest. for example, some sports-lovers will only look at the sports column of a newspaper or buy some newpapers specialized in the reporting of sport events. Some females may be interested in sections on cosmetics and fashionable clothes. So we can conclude that what that is read by the readers depend on their purpose and each of them have different purpose.
Adopted from : Google (2012). Different Purposes of Reading. Retrieved from. http://writing.colostate.edu/guides/processes/writingsituations/purpose_readers.cfm
Name : Nur Fitriana
ReplyDeleteStudent Number : 2009 111 244
Atendant List : 11
Google (2012) defines that the readers also have purposes like the writer. There are four different purposes of reading, they are:
1. For pleasure or personal reasons.
2. To find general information.
3. To find a specific topic in a book or article.
4. To learn subject matter that is required for a class.
Every person reads with different purposes. As we know, many people like reading the newspaper or magazine (reading for pleasure). The strategies that are used skimming and scanning. They will most probably just ignore the pages that does not contain the information of their interest and will turn directly to the page which contains some column of their interest. for example, some sports-lovers will only look at the sports column of a newspaper or buy some newpapers specialized in the reporting of sport events. Some females may be interested in sections on cosmetics and fashionable clothes. So we can conclude that what that is read by the readers depend on their purpose and each of them have different purpose.
Adopted from : Google (2012). Different Purposes of Reading. Retrieved from. http://writing.colostate.edu/guides/processes/writingsituations/purpose_readers.cfm
Name : Nur Fitriana
ReplyDeleteStudent Number : 2009 111 244
Atendant List : 11
Google (2012) defines that the readers also have purposes like the writer. There are four different purposes of reading, they are:
1. For pleasure or personal reasons.
2. To find general information.
3. To find a specific topic in a book or article.
4. To learn subject matter that is required for a class.
Every person reads with different purposes. As we know, many people like reading the newspaper or magazine (reading for pleasure). The strategies that are used skimming and scanning. They will most probably just ignore the pages that does not contain the information of their interest and will turn directly to the page which contains some column of their interest. for example, some sports-lovers will only look at the sports column of a newspaper or buy some newpapers specialized in the reporting of sport events. Some females may be interested in sections on cosmetics and fashionable clothes. So we can conclude that what that is read by the readers depend on their purpose and each of them have different purpose.
Adopted from : Google (2012). Different Purposes of Reading. Retrieved from. http://writing.colostate.edu/guides/processes/writingsituations/purpose_readers.cfm
ReplyDeleteNIM : 2009 111 105
Google (2012) define Reading is an activity with a purpose. A person may read in order to gain information or verify existing knowledge, or in order to critique a writer's ideas or writing style. A person may also read for enjoyment, or to enhance knowledge of the language being read. The purposes for reading guide the reader's selection of texts.
One of reading purposes example is to search for simple information, which is finding the main point from a text in order to know a specific kind of information such as when reading the contents written at the side of a soft drink. This is also applied to skimming which is to read at a faster pace and finding specific information but also to make a quick assumptions and making a summary of the text. Example of this is like informing someone of an article from a newspaper.
Adopted from : Google (2012) Reading Purposes.Retrivied from.http://www.nclrc.org/essentials/reading/reindex.htm
ReplyDeleteNIM : 2009 111 105
Google (2012) define Reading is an activity with a purpose. A person may read in order to gain information or verify existing knowledge, or in order to critique a writer's ideas or writing style. A person may also read for enjoyment, or to enhance knowledge of the language being read. The purposes for reading guide the reader's selection of texts.
One of reading purposes example is to search for simple information, which is finding the main point from a text in order to know a specific kind of information such as when reading the contents written at the side of a soft drink. This is also applied to skimming which is to read at a faster pace and finding specific information but also to make a quick assumptions and making a summary of the text. Example of this is like informing someone of an article from a newspaper.
Adopted from : Google (2012) Reading Purposes.Retrivied from.http://www.nclrc.org/essentials/reading/reindex.htm
ReplyDeleteNIM : 2009111052
According Delene Sholes(jan 27,2009,for different purposes. Sometimes it's OK to skip over an unknown word, and sometimes they need to read with a dictionary at their fingertips.
Purposes of reading can get the general sense of a sentence or paragraph without knowing every word, there’s no need to interrupt their reading by using a dictionary to find the word’s meaning. Sometimes they will want to read through material quickly, but they will need to read more carefully when they are reading to learn.
Some Purposes for Reading
• for pleasure or for personal reasons
• to find general information such as what a book is mostly about
• to find a specific topic in a book or article
• to learn subject matter that is required for a class
Once students have mastered the basic decoding skills, they will begin to read for a variety of purposes.
Adapted from : http://delene-sholes.suite101.com/reading-for-different-purposes-a91899
ReplyDeleteCLASS : 6.G
ATT List Number : 6
According to Nurhadi (1989:11), there are two purposes of reading the first is specific purposes of reading and the second is general purposes of reading.
1. Specific purposes: there are five types of specific purposes of reading
• To get the factual information : it is mean that read to get the truly information about something.
• To get the special clarification about something : it is mean that read to get the detail and the specific information
• To give the judge to a thesis : it is mean that read to give the value to someone’s statement or someone’s theory
• To get the emotional needed : it is mean that read to get something interesting base on the reader’s feeling especially in reading a story such novel and a poem.
• To spend pleasure time : it s mean that read as activity to spend the time, for example when the reader in the waiting room
2. General purposes : there are three types of general purposes of reading
• To get information : it is mean that read to get the general information only.
• To comprehend about something : it is mean that read to understand fully about something.
• To get something interesting : it is mean that read for having fun.
Adopted from: Nurhadi.1989.membaca cepat dan efektif. Bandung: Sinar Baru & Y3A.Malang
Retrieved from: http//www.scribd.com/sentra71/d/57525928/8-tujuan-membaca
ReplyDeleteCLASS : 6.G
ATT List Number : 6
According to Nurhadi (1989:11), there are two purposes of reading the first is specific purposes of reading and the second is general purposes of reading.
1. Specific purposes: there are five types of specific purposes of reading
• To get the factual information : it is mean that read to get the truly information about something.
• To get the special clarification about something : it is mean that read to get the detail and the specific information
• To give the judge to a thesis : it is mean that read to give the value to someone’s statement or someone’s theory
• To get the emotional needed : it is mean that read to get something interesting base on the reader’s feeling especially in reading a story such novel and a poem.
• To spend pleasure time : it s mean that read as activity to spend the time, for example when the reader in the waiting room
2. General purposes : there are three types of general purposes of reading
• To get information : it is mean that read to get the general information only.
• To comprehend about something : it is mean that read to understand fully about something.
• To get something interesting : it is mean that read for having fun.
Adopted from: Nurhadi.1989.membaca cepat dan efektif. Bandung: Sinar Baru & Y3A.Malang
Retrieved from: http//www.scribd.com/sentra71/d/57525928/8-tujuan-membaca
Name : Debby Hamzah
ReplyDeleteNim : 2009 111 220
Student Number List : 15
Google (2012) The purpose of reading is to connect the ideas on the page to what you already know. If you don't know anything about a subject, then pouring words of text into your mind is like pouring water into your hand. You don't retain much. For example, try reading these numbers:
7516324 This is hard to read and remember.
751-6324 This is easier because of chunking.
123-4567 This is easy to read because of prior knowledge and structure.
Similarly, if you like sports, then reading the sports page is easy. You have a framework in your mind for reading, understanding and storing information.
Adopted from: Google (2012) Copyright 1991 Donald Martin, How to be a Successful Student
Retrieved from: www.iwu.edu/advising/students/reading_comprehension.pdf
Name : Debby Hamzah
ReplyDeleteNim : 2009 111 220
Student Number List : 15
Google (2012) The purpose of reading is to connect the ideas on the page to what you already know. If you don't know anything about a subject, then pouring words of text into your mind is like pouring water into your hand. You don't retain much. For example, try reading these numbers:
7516324 This is hard to read and remember.
751-6324 This is easier because of chunking.
123-4567 This is easy to read because of prior knowledge and structure.
Similarly, if you like sports, then reading the sports page is easy. You have a framework in your mind for reading, understanding and storing information.
Adopted from: Google (2012) Copyright 1991 Donald Martin, How to be a Successful Student
Retrieved from: www.iwu.edu/advising/students/reading_comprehension.pdf
DeleteNIM : 2009111068
Students number list : 14
According to Heidi Byrnes and Grace Stovall Burkart , Reading is an activity with a purpose. A person may read in order to gain information or verify existing knowledge, or in order to critique a writer's ideas or writing style. A person may also read for enjoyment, or to enhance knowledge of the language being read. The purpose(s) for reading guide the reader's selection of texts.
The purpose for reading also determines the appropriate approach to reading comprehension. A person who needs to know whether she can afford to eat at a particular restaurant needs to comprehend the pricing information provided on the menu, but does not need to recognize the name of every appetizer listed. A person reading poetry for enjoyment needs to recognize the words the poet uses and the ways they are put together, but does not need to identify main idea and supporting details. However, a person using a scientific article to support an opinion needs to know the vocabulary that is used, understand the facts and cause-effect sequences that are presented, and recognize ideas that are presented as hypotheses and givens.
We read to get a good Job improve general knowledge and to teach our children.
Some different purposes of reading could be:
• To be entertained
• To complete a task
• To obtain information
• To analyze
Retrieved from : http://www.answers.com/search?q=different+purpose+of+reading
Adopted from : Material for this section was drawn from “Reading in the beginning and intermediate college foreign language class” by Heidi Byrnes, in Modules for the professional preparation of teaching assistants in foreign languages (Grace Stovall Burkart, ed.; Washington, DC: Center for Applied Linguistics, 1998)
ReplyDeleteNIM : 2009111068
Students number list : 14
According to Heidi Byrnes and Grace Stovall Burkart , Reading is an activity with a purpose. A person may read in order to gain information or verify existing knowledge, or in order to critique a writer's ideas or writing style. A person may also read for enjoyment, or to enhance knowledge of the language being read. The purpose(s) for reading guide the reader's selection of texts.
The purpose for reading also determines the appropriate approach to reading comprehension. A person who needs to know whether she can afford to eat at a particular restaurant needs to comprehend the pricing information provided on the menu, but does not need to recognize the name of every appetizer listed. A person reading poetry for enjoyment needs to recognize the words the poet uses and the ways they are put together, but does not need to identify main idea and supporting details. However, a person using a scientific article to support an opinion needs to know the vocabulary that is used, understand the facts and cause-effect sequences that are presented, and recognize ideas that are presented as hypotheses and givens.
We read to get a good Job improve general knowledge and to teach our children.
Some different purposes of reading could be:
• To be entertained
• To complete a task
• To obtain information
• To analyze
Retrieved from : http://www.answers.com/search?q=different+purpose+of+reading
Adopted from : Material for this section was drawn from “Reading in the beginning and intermediate college foreign language class” by Heidi Byrnes, in Modules for the professional preparation of teaching assistants in foreign languages (Grace Stovall Burkart, ed.; Washington, DC: Center for Applied Linguistics, 1998)
ReplyDeleteNIM : 2009111068
Students number list : 14
According to Heidi Byrnes and Grace Stovall Burkart , Reading is an activity with a purpose. A person may read in order to gain information or verify existing knowledge, or in order to critique a writer's ideas or writing style. A person may also read for enjoyment, or to enhance knowledge of the language being read. The purpose(s) for reading guide the reader's selection of texts.
The purpose for reading also determines the appropriate approach to reading comprehension. A person who needs to know whether she can afford to eat at a particular restaurant needs to comprehend the pricing information provided on the menu, but does not need to recognize the name of every appetizer listed. A person reading poetry for enjoyment needs to recognize the words the poet uses and the ways they are put together, but does not need to identify main idea and supporting details. However, a person using a scientific article to support an opinion needs to know the vocabulary that is used, understand the facts and cause-effect sequences that are presented, and recognize ideas that are presented as hypotheses and givens.
We read to get a good Job improve general knowledge and to teach our children.
Some different purposes of reading could be:
• To be entertained
• To complete a task
• To obtain information
• To analyze
Retrieved from : http://www.answers.com/search?q=different+purpose+of+reading
Adopted from : Material for this section was drawn from “Reading in the beginning and intermediate college foreign language class” by Heidi Byrnes, in Modules for the professional preparation of teaching assistants in foreign languages (Grace Stovall Burkart, ed.; Washington, DC: Center for Applied Linguistics, 1998)
ReplyDeleteNIM : 2009111068
Students number list : 14
According to Heidi Byrnes and Grace Stovall Burkart , Reading is an activity with a purpose. A person may read in order to gain information or verify existing knowledge, or in order to critique a writer's ideas or writing style. A person may also read for enjoyment, or to enhance knowledge of the language being read. The purpose(s) for reading guide the reader's selection of texts.
The purpose for reading also determines the appropriate approach to reading comprehension. A person who needs to know whether she can afford to eat at a particular restaurant needs to comprehend the pricing information provided on the menu, but does not need to recognize the name of every appetizer listed. A person reading poetry for enjoyment needs to recognize the words the poet uses and the ways they are put together, but does not need to identify main idea and supporting details. However, a person using a scientific article to support an opinion needs to know the vocabulary that is used, understand the facts and cause-effect sequences that are presented, and recognize ideas that are presented as hypotheses and givens.
We read to get a good Job improve general knowledge and to teach our children.
Some different purposes of reading could be:
• To be entertained
• To complete a task
• To obtain information
• To analyze
Retrieved from : http://www.answers.com/search?q=different+purpose+of+reading
Adopted from : Material for this section was drawn from “Reading in the beginning and intermediate college foreign language class” by Heidi Byrnes, in Modules for the professional preparation of teaching assistants in foreign languages (Grace Stovall Burkart, ed.; Washington, DC: Center for Applied Linguistics, 1998)
ReplyDeleteNIM : 2009 111 263
Class : 6 G
Att Lists : 38
Different Purposes of Reading
According to Wiki (2012) : Wiki (2012).There are four purposes to examined briefly of reading:
1. the first purpose is : Read for understanding.
knowledge can be gained from reading, because reading something will be easier to understand and accept.
2. The second purpose is : Read to evaluate critically.
something to read to evaluate what has been understood from reading the book or the other. understanding of how large a read of the find.
3. And the third purpose is : Read for pleasure
reading can also be used as a pleasure, to eliminate boredom in leisure time, such as: reading a novel, newspaper, magazine, and others.
ReplyDeleteNIM : 2009 111 263
Class : 6 G
Att Lists : 38
Different Purposes of Reading
According to Wiki (2012) : Wiki (2012).There are four purposes to examined briefly of reading:
1. the first purpose is : Read for understanding.
knowledge can be gained from reading, because reading something will be easier to understand and accept.
2. The second purpose is : Read to evaluate critically.
something to read to evaluate what has been understood from reading the book or the other. understanding of how large a read of the find.
3. And the third purpose is : Read for pleasure
reading can also be used as a pleasure, to eliminate boredom in leisure time, such as: reading a novel, newspaper, magazine, and others.
ReplyDeleteNIM : 2009 111 263
Class : 6 G
Att Lists : 38
Different Purposes of Reading
According to Wiki (2012) : Wiki (2012).There are four purposes to examined briefly of reading:
1. the first purpose is : Read for understanding.
knowledge can be gained from reading, because reading something will be easier to understand and accept.
2. The second purpose is : Read to evaluate critically.
something to read to evaluate what has been understood from reading the book or the other. understanding of how large a read of the find.
3. And the third purpose is : Read for pleasure
reading can also be used as a pleasure, to eliminate boredom in leisure time, such as: reading a novel, newspaper, magazine, and others.
Name :Risda
ReplyDeleteStudent Number : 2009 111 284
Atendant List : 42
Different Purposes of Reading
According to Delene Sholes ( Jan 27, 2009 ). When students want to get the information of sentence or paragraph, the student there’s no need to open dictionary to find the difficult word in their reading, and when students read the lesson’s book, so student must carefully to read it, because if students do not read carefully, so that students never get the information or knowledge, there are some purposes for reading :
For pleasure or for personal reasons
To find the general information
To find a specific topic in a book or article
To learn subject matter that is required for a class
addopted from :Delene Sholes( Jan 27,2009 )Reading for Different Purposes
Strategies for Reading Different Kinds of Materials.
Retrieved from:http://delene-sholes.suite101.com/reading-for-different-purposes-a91899
Name: Ayu Rahayu
ReplyDeleteNim : 2009 111 276
Class: 6G
ATT Lists : 22
Different Purposes of Reading
Posted by Admin. Reading has four goals
namely ::
1. Reading for pleasure: it means to read what has been imagined in reading, enjoy the images that the author described in his words.
2. Hobbies and personal interests: it means reading that does not require learning anything just to enjoy
3. Reading to learn: it means to read with the learning process that requires an understanding of information that readers may not need after a process is completed. Learning could be because there is an objective to reach readers for the job or as requested by the person at the top of a reader. Information is not of concern to the reader pleasure.
4. . Mastering a skill: it means to read with the learning process requires a reader to dig up layer by layer to explore and understand what he needs.
Name: Ayu Rahayu
ReplyDeleteNim : 2009 111 276
Class: 6G
ATT Lists : 22
Different Purposes of Reading
Posted by Admin. Reading has four goals
namely ::
1. Reading for pleasure: it means to read what has been imagined in reading, enjoy the images that the author described in his words.
2. Hobbies and personal interests: it means reading that does not require learning anything just to enjoy
3. Reading to learn: it means to read with the learning process that requires an understanding of information that readers may not need after a process is completed. Learning could be because there is an objective to reach readers for the job or as requested by the person at the top of a reader. Information is not of concern to the reader pleasure.
4. . Mastering a skill: it means to read with the learning process requires a reader to dig up layer by layer to explore and understand what he needs.
Adopted from : 4 Kelompok Tujuan Membaca: pembacakilat.com
Name : Butet Anggrawati
ReplyDeleteNim : 2009 111 374
Class : 6 G
Att Lists : 16
Mullis, et al., 2006.The PIRLS assessment framework focused on two overarching purposes that account for most of the reading undertaken by students, both in and out of school: reading for literary experience and reading to acquire and use information. In addition, it describes four major processes of reading comprehension.
the two purposes for reading: reading for literary purposes and reading for informational purposes.
-Reading for literary experience : The reader becomes involved in imagined events, settings, actions, consequences, characters, atmosphere, feelings, and ideas; he or she brings an appreciation of language and knowledge of literary forms to the text. This is often accomplished through reading fiction.
-Reading to acquire and use information :The reader engages with types of texts where she or he can understand how the world is and has been, and why things work as they do. Texts take many forms, but one major distinction is between those organised chronologically and those organised non-chronologically. This area is often associated with information articles and instructional texts.
Source : http://www.educationcounts.govt.nz
ReplyDeleteNIM : 2009 111 111
Different Purpose of Reading
Google (2012) defines the Purpose of reading is if You want to get important information or key words and be able to recall them when needed, with a little help. It works better than not reading the book.
. For faster reading where you have to learn most of what's going on, you tend to read a paragraph or group of sentences, and process them as a whole. You don't think about the meaning of every sentence or phrase, you think about the meaning of every larger point. Depending on the situation or purpose, you can process a couple hundred pages in an hour or two.
On the purpose of speed reading is the actual reading time is significant compared to the time needed to understand the reading. Either the author is babbling unnecessarily, or reading something useless, reading for pleasure, but then that time is enjoyable, hence not wasted.
Look up words whose meanings are important to your understanding of the material, but whose meaning you cannot discern from the context.
Another purpose for reading calls for reading carefully and slowly. When a student studies for a test, he will want to skim the book or chapter first to see what it covers. Then he will read the headings and subheadings to discover how the book is organized. He should try to make connections between the material and what he already knows.
Efficient readers have learned to use different strategies for different kinds of reading. They know when it’s OK to read quickly – skipping over some of the words, how to skim for general information, scan for specific information, and how to study for tests.
Some Purposes for Reading
• for pleasure or for personal reasons
• to find general information such as what a book is mostly about
• to find a specific topic in a book or article
• to learn subject matter that is required for a class
Once students have mastered the basic decoding skills, they will begin to read for a variety of purposes.
Adopted from : Google (2012) Speed reading articles http://www.magicspeedreading.com Copyright © 1998 - 2012 Serge Mikhailov.Speed reading articles and online games. Retrieved from.
Name : Kiki Marlyn
ReplyDeleteNIM : 2009 111 385
Attendent list o: 25
Eren (2012) defined purpose in reading as an assigns texts and it's has the purpose for reading in mind. When planning a reading lesson, one suggestion is to explicitly state the purpose of the reading.
Assumed from : Eren, Nesrin. 2012. Purpose in Reading. Retrived : nesrineren.edublogs.org/tag/purpose-in-reading/
Name : Winda Nurjayanti
ReplyDeleteNiM : 2009 111 150
Class : 6 G
Att List : 8
Jack Farrel (Last Updated : 01/11/2011)There are some academic kinds of reading aims, but reading for pleasure and reading for academic that evidence in the modern classroom. Reading for pleasure, especially for the upper elementary and middle school. the students have chance to increase their skills to read, especially for the comprehension and fluency.
the close-reading of texts is the other general reading in classroom. By using this kind of text, besides the content area, the students should be able to remember most of the context of the text accurately. Besides ad the text the students also should sturdy about it, take notes, and remember the contents for summative and formative assessments. Its suppose has function as preparation for college and career.
Adopted from: Farrel.Jack.(01/11/2011). Purposes of Reading. Retrieved = http://commoncore.weebly.com/1/post/2011/01/purposes-for-reading.html
Name : Winda Nurjayanti
ReplyDeleteNiM : 2009 111 150
Class : 6 G
Att List : 8
Jack Farrel (Last Updated : 01/11/2011)There are some academic kinds of reading aims, but reading for pleasure and reading for academic that evidence in the modern classroom. Reading for pleasure, especially for the upper elementary and middle school. the students have chance to increase their skills to read, especially for the comprehension and fluency.
the close-reading of texts is the other general reading in classroom. By using this kind of text, besides the content area, the students should be able to remember most of the context of the text accurately. Besides ad the text the students also should sturdy about it, take notes, and remember the contents for summative and formative assessments. Its suppose has function as preparation for college and career.
Adopted from: Farrel.Jack.(01/11/2011). Purposes of Reading. Retrieved = http://commoncore.weebly.com/1/post/2011/01/purposes-for-reading.html
Name : Winda Nurjayanti
ReplyDeleteNiM : 2009 111 150
Class : 6 G
Att List : 8
Jack Farrel (Last Updated : 01/11/2011)There are some academic kinds of reading aims, but reading for pleasure and reading for academic that evidence in the modern classroom. Reading for pleasure, especially for the upper elementary and middle school. the students have chance to increase their skills to read, especially for the comprehension and fluency.
the close-reading of texts is the other general reading in classroom. By using this kind of text, besides the content area, the students should be able to remember most of the context of the text accurately. Besides ad the text the students also should sturdy about it, take notes, and remember the contents for summative and formative assessments. Its suppose has function as preparation for college and career.
Adopted from: Farrel.Jack.(01/11/2011). Purposes of Reading. Retrieved = http://commoncore.weebly.com/1/post/2011/01/purposes-for-reading.html
Name : Ricca Maitha
ReplyDeleteNIM : 2009.111.293
Att no : 2
Pichert and Anderson (1977) explain different purpose of reading is happened because someone can read a reading material with many purposes so that they can get more than one comprehensive understanding about the reading. It depends on what purposes we read the materials.
Adopted from : Pichert and Anderson (1977) . Purposes for Reading. Retrieved from: http://ahsqilt.wikispaces.com/file/view/Purposes+for+Reading.pdf
ReplyDeleteNIM : 2009 111 269
Class : 6 G
Att Lists : 37
According to Delene Sholes, there are 4 some purposes for reading.
Some purposes for reading :
• for pleasure or for personal reasons
It means reading for pleasure. Especially for the upper elementary and middle school. the students have chance to increase their skills to read, especially for the comprehension and fluency. The close-reading of texts is the other general reading in classroom. By using this kind of text, besides the content area, the students should be able to remember most of the context of the text accurately. Besides ad the text the students also should sturdy about it, take notes, and remember the contents for summative and formative assessments. Its suppose has function as preparation for college and career.
• to find general information such as what a book is mostly about
We can get more information by reading. Usually, the information is important for us.
• to find a specific topic in a book or article
Something to read to evaluate what has been understood from reading the book or the other. understanding of how large a read of the find.
• to learn subject matter that is required for a class
It means we can learn something or the subject matter by reading. Especially we can get knowledge that before we never knew.
Reading for Different Purposes: Strategies for Reading Different Kinds of Materials | Suite101.com http://delene-sholes.suite101.com/reading-for-different-purposes-a91899#ixzz1qqlVmMIr
Nama : Purnama Agustina_PGRI
ReplyDeleteNIM : 2009 111 162
Att no : 17
Jan 27, 2009 DeLene Sholes
Different Purpose of Reading
Different Purpose of Reading teaching students to get the meaning and the purpose of the text. Sometimes students are difficult to understand the purpose of reading is and when they do not understand the purpose of their reading and they have to open a dictionary or read again to understand the reading, but they should read more carefully when they will repeat to be understood.
Some Purposes for Reading
1. for pleasure or for personal reasons
2. to find general information such as what a book is mostly about
3. to find a specific topic in a book or article
4. to learn subject matter that is required for a class
Once students have mastered the basic decoding skills, they will begin to read for a variety of purposes.
ReplyDeleteNIM :2009 111 179
At List :033
Different Purposes of Reading
According to Wiki (2012) : Wiki (2012) given the different purposes of Reading. There are four purposes to examined briefly of reading,
1.the first purpose is :
Read for understanding. It’s means that studying involves reading to comprehend concepts and details. This purpose can help student to explain or support general concepts, and concepts provide a framework for remembering details.
2.The second purpose is :
Read to evaluate critically. This Critical evaluation involves understanding. It means that approaching material with an open mind, examining causes and effects, evaluating ideas, and asking questions that test the writer's argument and assumptions.
3.The third purpose is :
Read for practical application. It’s means that to gather usable information that we can apply toward a specific goal. When we read a textbook,we have know the goal is to learn how to do or use something.
4. And the last purpose is :
Read for pleasure. It’s means that some materials we read for entertainment, such as a nover or magazines. reading for pleasure gives us the opportunity to enlarge our life.
Reference :