Grellet (1992:4) stated that there are two purposes for reading viewed from the reason as follows, 1st is reading for pleasure and the 2nd is reading for information (in order to find out something or in order to do something with the information the reader get). From the definition, it can be assumed that reading has different purposes, and it depends on the readers’ objectives. If they are in reading activities just for having a pleasure, it does not matter not to look-up the unfamiliar words on their dictionaries, they can use contextual meaning without any kinds of interruption by someone else, so they can read faster. For Examples: reading short stories, novels, legends, and magazines, But if the Readers’ objectives is for getting information, it is better for them not to skip some information which they need. Even they want to read through material quickly, but they have to read more carefully when they are reading to learn. For Examples: reading memos, letters, directions, signs, notices, bulletins, and regulations
Adapted from: Grellet (1992;4). Different Reading Purpose. Retried from :
Novi Kasari (0825043) Reading for Different Purposes Strategies for Reading Different Kinds of Materials
If students can get the general sense of a sentence or paragraph without knowing every word, there’s no need to interrupt their reading by using a dictionary to find the word’s meaning. Sometimes they will want to read through material quickly, but they will need to read more carefully when they are reading to learn. Some Purposes for Reading • for pleasure or for personal reasons • to find general information such as what a book is mostly about • to find a specific topic in a book or article • to learn subject matter that is required for a class Once students have mastered the basic decoding skills, they will begin to read for a variety of purposes.
If they are reading a book or article for fun or if they simply want to know about a particular subject such as frogs, they may want to read fast. It isn’t necessary for them to read every word or even know the meaning of every word in the text. They will probably get the sense of the unknown word from the context. Skimming for General Information Students who want to find general information about a subject such as frogs will want to skim through a book or several books to determine how the books are organized and what they cover. When they skim, they flip through the pages of the book or article quickly to find out whether it might cover the information they need. Scanning for Specific Information When a student wants to know how tadpoles become frogs, he will need to scan a book or article about amphibians or frogs to find out whether the material covers tadpoles. When he scans, he will look at the title, the table of contents, the headings, and the index to find out if the material gives information about tadpoles. Reading to Learn Another purpose for reading calls for reading carefully and slowly. When a student studies for a test, he will want to skim the book or chapter first to see what it covers. Then he will read the headings and subheadings to discover how the book is organized. He should try to make connections between the material and what he already knows. Once the student has a general idea about the material he wants to learn, he will read the sections carefully. It’s a time to read with a dictionary close by and to check the glossary for words he doesn’t know. After reading the chapter or section carefully, the student will go back and review the material to see if he can answer questions about the text. A reading strategy called SQ3R gives more information about a method for studying, asking and answering questions, and reviewing material. Efficient readers have learned to use different strategies for different kinds of reading. They know when it’s OK to read quickly – skipping over some of the words, how to skim for general information, scan for specific information, and how to study for tests.
Reference Soles, Delene. (Jan 27,2009). Reading for Different Purposes. Retrieved from :
Davies (March, 2012.133-134) states perposes for reading are reading for pleasure, reading for a general impression, reading for organizing reading and study, reading for learning content or procedures and reading for learning languages. From the definition, it can be assumed that it depends on the reader’s purpose in reading whether he/she wants to ge general information, for pleasure and etc. For example; Reading comics in spare time, so the purpose could be for pleasure.
Adopted from: Davies (March, 2012), The purpose of Reading, retrieved from:
Name : Yovfita NIM : 08 25 058 (24) Subject : Extensive Reading Lecturer : Holandyah, M.Pd
Brozo & Simpson (1997 :149) States “If you have not been provide a purpose for reading, figuring out what you are expected to recall as a result of your reading becomes a matter of guesswork." It means that meaningful reading cannot occur without a purpose. Even though proficient readers may not always consciously state their reasons for reading particular selections, they always have a purpose. A purpose influences the strategies that readers use and what they will remember from their reading. If no specific purpose exists, reading tends to be haphazard and may lack any real value. From the definition, it can be assumed that different purposes of reading is a reading approach which ask students to read text in specific purpose. For Example: reading for pleasure such as, magazine, comic, journal and etc. Adopted from : Brozo and Simpson ( March, 1997). Setting a Purpose for Reading. Retrieved from :
Name : Herliansyah Nim : 08 25 00 17 Subject : Extensive reading Number: 08 Source : Adobted by: Sholes Delene.(2009). Retrieved From: Reading for Different Purposes: Strategies for Reading Different Kinds of Materials |
V. Different purposes of reading
Teach your students to read for different purposes. Sometimes it's OK to skip over an unknown word, and sometimes they need to read with a dictionary at their fingertips. If students can get the general sense of a sentence or paragraph without knowing every word, there’s no need to interrupt their reading by using a dictionary to find the word’s meaning. Sometimes they will want to read through material quickly, but they will need to read more carefully when they are reading to learn. Some Purposes for Reading • for pleasure or for personal reasons • to find general information such as what a book is most • to find a specific topic in a book or article • to learn subject matter that is required for a class In my opinion: Every no native speaker is not easy to read, it is ok if we want to skip over an unknown word when we can not find the meaning, may be we can guess the meaning by using key word providing in the reading book.
Name : Herliansyah Nim : 08 25 00 17 Subject : Extensive reading Number: 08 Source : Adobted by: Sholes Delene.(2009). Retrieved From: Reading for Different Purposes: Strategies for Reading Different Kinds of Materials |
V. Different purposes of reading
Teach your students to read for different purposes. Sometimes it's OK to skip over an unknown word, and sometimes they need to read with a dictionary at their fingertips. If students can get the general sense of a sentence or paragraph without knowing every word, there’s no need to interrupt their reading by using a dictionary to find the word’s meaning. Sometimes they will want to read through material quickly, but they will need to read more carefully when they are reading to learn. Some Purposes for Reading • for pleasure or for personal reasons • to find general information such as what a book is most • to find a specific topic in a book or article • to learn subject matter that is required for a class In my opinion: Every no native speaker is not easy to read, it is ok if we want to skip over an unknown word when we can not find the meaning, may be we can guess the meaning by using key word providing in the reading book.
Name : Herliansyah Nim : 08 25 00 17 Subject : Extensive reading Number: 08 Source : Adobted by: Sholes Delene.(2009). Retrieved From: Reading for Different Purposes: Strategies for Reading Different Kinds of Materials |
V. Different purposes of reading
Teach your students to read for different purposes. Sometimes it's OK to skip over an unknown word, and sometimes they need to read with a dictionary at their fingertips. If students can get the general sense of a sentence or paragraph without knowing every word, there’s no need to interrupt their reading by using a dictionary to find the word’s meaning. Sometimes they will want to read through material quickly, but they will need to read more carefully when they are reading to learn. Some Purposes for Reading • for pleasure or for personal reasons • to find general information such as what a book is most • to find a specific topic in a book or article • to learn subject matter that is required for a class In my opinion: Every no native speaker is not easy to read, it is ok if we want to skip over an unknown word when we can not find the meaning, may be we can guess the meaning by using key word providing in the reading book.
Name : Herliansyah Nim : 08 25 00 17 Subject : Extensive reading Number: 08 Source : Adobted by: Sholes Delene.(2009). Retrieved From: Reading for Different Purposes: Strategies for Reading Different Kinds of Materials |
V. Different purposes of reading
Teach your students to read for different purposes. Sometimes it's OK to skip over an unknown word, and sometimes they need to read with a dictionary at their fingertips. If students can get the general sense of a sentence or paragraph without knowing every word, there’s no need to interrupt their reading by using a dictionary to find the word’s meaning. Sometimes they will want to read through material quickly, but they will need to read more carefully when they are reading to learn. Some Purposes for Reading • for pleasure or for personal reasons • to find general information such as what a book is most • to find a specific topic in a book or article • to learn subject matter that is required for a class In my opinion: Every no native speaker is not easy to read, it is ok if we want to skip over an unknown word when we can not find the meaning, may be we can guess the meaning by using key word providing in the reading book.
Name : Herliansyah Nim : 08 25 00 17 Subject : Extensive reading Number: 08 Source : Adobted by: Sholes Delene.(2009). Retrieved From: Reading for Different Purposes: Strategies for Reading Different Kinds of Materials |
V. Different purposes of reading
Teach your students to read for different purposes. Sometimes it's OK to skip over an unknown word, and sometimes they need to read with a dictionary at their fingertips. If students can get the general sense of a sentence or paragraph without knowing every word, there’s no need to interrupt their reading by using a dictionary to find the word’s meaning. Sometimes they will want to read through material quickly, but they will need to read more carefully when they are reading to learn. Some Purposes for Reading • for pleasure or for personal reasons • to find general information such as what a book is most • to find a specific topic in a book or article • to learn subject matter that is required for a class In my opinion: Every no native speaker is not easy to read, it is ok if we want to skip over an unknown word when we can not find the meaning, may be we can guess the meaning by using key word providing in the reading book.
Name : Herliansyah Nim : 08 25 00 17 Subject : Extensive reading Number: 08 Source : Adobted by: Sholes Delene.(2009). Retrieved From: Reading for Different Purposes: Strategies for Reading Different Kinds of Materials |
V. Different purposes of reading
Teach your students to read for different purposes. Sometimes it's OK to skip over an unknown word, and sometimes they need to read with a dictionary at their fingertips. If students can get the general sense of a sentence or paragraph without knowing every word, there’s no need to interrupt their reading by using a dictionary to find the word’s meaning. Sometimes they will want to read through material quickly, but they will need to read more carefully when they are reading to learn. Some Purposes for Reading • for pleasure or for personal reasons • to find general information such as what a book is most • to find a specific topic in a book or article • to learn subject matter that is required for a class In my opinion: Every no native speaker is not easy to read, it is ok if we want to skip over an unknown word when we can not find the meaning, may be we can guess the meaning by using key word providing in the reading book.
Name : Herliansyah Nim : 08 25 00 17 Subject : Extensive reading Number: 08 Source : Adobted by: Sholes Delene.(2009). Retrieved From: Reading for Different Purposes: Strategies for Reading Different Kinds of Materials |
V. Different purposes of reading
Teach your students to read for different purposes. Sometimes it's OK to skip over an unknown word, and sometimes they need to read with a dictionary at their fingertips. If students can get the general sense of a sentence or paragraph without knowing every word, there’s no need to interrupt their reading by using a dictionary to find the word’s meaning. Sometimes they will want to read through material quickly, but they will need to read more carefully when they are reading to learn. Some Purposes for Reading • for pleasure or for personal reasons • to find general information such as what a book is most • to find a specific topic in a book or article • to learn subject matter that is required for a class In my opinion: Every no native speaker is not easy to read, it is ok if we want to skip over an unknown word when we can not find the meaning, may be we can guess the meaning by using key word providing in the reading book.
Name : Herliansyah Nim : 08 25 00 17 Subject : Extensive reading Number: 08 Source : Adobted by: Sholes Delene.(2009). Retrieved From: Reading for Different Purposes: Strategies for Reading Different Kinds of Materials |
V. Different purposes of reading
Teach your students to read for different purposes. Sometimes it's OK to skip over an unknown word, and sometimes they need to read with a dictionary at their fingertips. If students can get the general sense of a sentence or paragraph without knowing every word, there’s no need to interrupt their reading by using a dictionary to find the word’s meaning. Sometimes they will want to read through material quickly, but they will need to read more carefully when they are reading to learn. Some Purposes for Reading • for pleasure or for personal reasons • to find general information such as what a book is most • to find a specific topic in a book or article • to learn subject matter that is required for a class In my opinion: Every no native speaker is not easy to read, it is ok if we want to skip over an unknown word when we can not find the meaning, may be we can guess the meaning by using key word providing in the reading book.
Name : Herliansyah Nim : 08 25 00 17 Subject : Extensive reading Number: 08 Source : Adobted by: Sholes Delene.(2009). Retrieved From: Reading for Different Purposes: Strategies for Reading Different Kinds of Materials |
V. Different purposes of reading
Teach your students to read for different purposes. Sometimes it's OK to skip over an unknown word, and sometimes they need to read with a dictionary at their fingertips. If students can get the general sense of a sentence or paragraph without knowing every word, there’s no need to interrupt their reading by using a dictionary to find the word’s meaning. Sometimes they will want to read through material quickly, but they will need to read more carefully when they are reading to learn. Some Purposes for Reading • for pleasure or for personal reasons • to find general information such as what a book is most • to find a specific topic in a book or article • to learn subject matter that is required for a class In my opinion: Every no native speaker is not easy to read, it is ok if we want to skip over an unknown word when we can not find the meaning, may be we can guess the meaning by using key word providing in the reading book.
Name : Herliansyah Nim : 08 25 00 17 Subject : Extensive reading Number: 08 Source : Adobted by: Sholes Delene.(2009). Retrieved From: Reading for Different Purposes: Strategies for Reading Different Kinds of Materials |
V. Different purposes of reading
Teach your students to read for different purposes. Sometimes it's OK to skip over an unknown word, and sometimes they need to read with a dictionary at their fingertips. If students can get the general sense of a sentence or paragraph without knowing every word, there’s no need to interrupt their reading by using a dictionary to find the word’s meaning. Sometimes they will want to read through material quickly, but they will need to read more carefully when they are reading to learn. Some Purposes for Reading • for pleasure or for personal reasons • to find general information such as what a book is most • to find a specific topic in a book or article • to learn subject matter that is required for a class In my opinion: Every no native speaker is not easy to read, it is ok if we want to skip over an unknown word when we can not find the meaning, may be we can guess the meaning by using key word providing in the reading book.
Name : SRI MAHDALENA (0825065) Student’s Number: 29 V. DIFFERENT PURPOSES OF READING Wallace (1996: 6-7) states that purposes of reading are reading for survival, reading for learning, and reading for pleasure. From the definition, it can be assumed that purposes of reading is the readers just read and understand about the text and enjoy the story without any restrictions. For example, reading for learning : a learner uses the information for examinations, or a user’s manual of a washing machine, the user will have a wider perspective on the specifications of a said washing machine and can even learn how to use the washing machine from the manual.Reading for pleasure : novels, comics, magazines, etc. Reading for survival : a ‘stop’ sign for a motorist. Adopted from : Wallace (1996: 6-7). The Purposes of Reading. Retrieved from :
Carnine, Silbert and Kameenui (1990: 45-46) state that different purposes of reading are 1) To be able to identify and remember specific facts or a main idea 2) To be able to follow instructions to reach a goal 3) To enjoy 4) To be able to explain the content of a passage to someone else 5) To be able to accommodate the content into the reader’s schema 6) To critique the logic or data presented in a passage 7) To edit a passage according to stylistic and organizational criteria 8) To study according to an assignment or test requirements. It can be assumed that there are 8 the different purposes of reading. the first, to be able to identify, it means that we can identify what we have read and get a main idea. The second, to be able to follow instruction. It means that, we can answer the question from instructions what have given from reading. The third, to be able to explain, it means that, after we have read the text . we can explain the content of reading. the fourth, we can to accommodate the content. Sixth, we critique about reading what we have read. Seventh, we can edit reading which is good for us or no. and the last, we read a book based on my requirements. For example : if we want to explain about the condition of Palembang, of course, we read newspaper or other references about Palembang.
Adopted from : Carnine, Silbert and Kameenui. (1990). The Purposes of Reading. retrieved from :
Wallace (1996: 6-7) there are three different purposes of reading. Those are: 1) Reading for survival 2) Reading for learning 3) Reading for pleasure. It can be assumed that there are 3 different purposes of reading. Reading for survival, it means that as long as we live, of course we need information. And we can get that information from what we read from newspaper, etc. and reading for learning, it means that, from the reading what we read, we can learn, we can get new information, we can know about something. For example : we read about cooking, of course, we can learn how to cook. And the last, reading for pleasure, it means that, we read a book based on our hobby. Because it will make us be pleasure. For example : we read a doraemon comic. because we are happy to read it.
Adopted from : Wallace. (1996).the purposes of reading. retrieved from :
Elizabeth M. Knutson states that having a purpose means having a reason to read and approaching a text with a particular goal in mind, whether that goal involves learning or entertainment. In both real-world and classroom situations, purpose affects the reader's motivation, interest, and manner of reading.( Reading with a Purpose: Communicative Reading Tasks for the Foreign Language Classroom Volume 30, Issue 1, pages 49–57, March 1997) It can be assumed that the different purposes of reading is meant a reader has a reason to read and doing approach with a text he reads with a special purpose or goal in mind, the goal may be a learning or entertainment for the reader. For example students read a book “Understanding and Using English Grammar by Betty Schrampfer Azar” which is has a goal in learning. When a student reads a comic or a novel, he just reads for a pleasure or entertainment. Adopted from : Knutson, E. M. (1997). Reading with a Purpose: Communicative Reading Tasks for the Foreign Language Classroom. Foreign Language Annals, 30: 49–57. United States: The American Council on the Teaching. doi: 10.1111/j.1944-9720.1997.tb01316.xeign Languages. Retrieved from:
Name : SRI MAHDALENA (0825065) Student’s Number: 29 V. DIFFERENT PURPOSES OF READING Wallace (1996: 6-7) states that purposes of reading are reading for survival, reading for learning, and reading for pleasure. From the definition, it can be assumed that purposes of reading is the readers just read and understand about the text and enjoy the story without any restrictions. For example, reading for learning : a learner uses the information for examinations, or a user’s manual of a washing machine, the user will have a wider perspective on the specifications of a said washing machine and can even learn how to use the washing machine. Reading for survival : a ‘stop’ sign for motorist. Adopted from : Wallace (1996: 6-7). The Purposes of Reading. Retrieved from :
Name : SRI MAHDALENA (0825065) Student’s Number: 29 V. DIFFERENT PURPOSES OF READING Wallace (1996: 6-7) states that purposes of reading are reading for survival, reading for learning, and reading for pleasure. From the definition, it can be assumed that purposes of reading is the readers just read and understand about the text and enjoy the story without any restrictions. For example, reading for learning : a learner uses the information for examinations, or a user’s manual of a washing machine, the user will have a wider perspective on the specifications of a said washing machine and can even learn how to use the washing machine. Reading for survival : a ‘stop’ sign for motorist. Adopted from : Wallace (1996: 6-7). The Purposes of Reading. Retrieved from :
Name : SRI MAHDALENA (0825065) Student’s Number: 29 V. DIFFERENT PURPOSES OF READING Wallace (1996: 6-7) states that purposes of reading are reading for survival, reading for learning, and reading for pleasure. From the definition, it can be assumed that purposes of reading is the readers just read and understand about the text and enjoy the story without any restrictions. For example, reading for learning : a learner uses the information for examinations, or a user’s manual of a washing machine, the user will have a wider perspective on the specifications of a said washing machine and can even learn how to use the washing machine. Reading for survival : a ‘stop’ sign for motorist. Adopted from : Wallace (1996: 6-7). The Purposes of Reading. Retrieved from :
Name : SRI MAHDALENA (0825065) Student’s Number: 29 V. DIFFERENT PURPOSES OF READING Wallace (1996: 6-7) states that purposes of reading are reading for survival, reading for learning, and reading for pleasure. From the definition, it can be assumed that purposes of reading is the readers just read and understand about the text and enjoy the story without any restrictions. For example, reading for learning : a learner uses the information for examinations, or a user’s manual of a washing machine, the user will have a wider perspective on the specifications of a said washing machine and can even learn how to use the washing machine. Reading for survival : a ‘stop’ sign for motorist. Adopted from : Wallace (1996: 6-7). The Purposes of Reading. Retrieved from :
Name : SRI MAHDALENA (0825065) Student’s Number: 29 V. DIFFERENT PURPOSES OF READING Wallace (1996: 6-7) states that purposes of reading are reading for survival, reading for learning, and reading for pleasure. From the definition, it can be assumed that purposes of reading is the readers just read and understand about the text and enjoy the story without any restrictions. For example, reading for learning : a learner uses the information for examinations, or a user’s manual of a washing machine, the user will have a wider perspective on the specifications of a said washing machine and can even learn how to use the washing machine. Reading for survival : a ‘stop’ sign for motorist. Reading for pleasure : novels, comics, and magazines. Adopted from : Wallace (1996: 6-7). The Purposes of Reading. Retrieved from :
Name : SRI MAHDALENA (0825065) Student’s Number: 29 V. DIFFERENT PURPOSES OF READING Wallace (1996: 6-7) states that purposes of reading are reading for survival, reading for learning, and reading for pleasure. From the definition, it can be assumed that purposes of reading is the readers just read and understand about the text and enjoy the story without any restrictions. For example, reading for learning : a learner uses the information for examinations, or a user’s manual of a washing machine, the user will have a wider perspective on the specifications of a said washing machine and can even learn how to use the washing machine. Reading for survival : a ‘stop’ sign for motorist. Reading for pleasure : novels, comics, and magazines. Adopted from : Wallace (1996: 6-7). The Purposes of Reading. Retrieved from :
Mullis, Kennedy, Martin, & Sainsbury(2006:19) and Mullis et al( 2006: 9) states that Two overarching purposes of reading are : 1. reading to acquire and use information is the reader engages not with imagined worlds but with aspects of the real universe, And 2. reading for literary experience is the reader engages with the text to become involved in imagined events, settings, actions, consequences, characters, atmosphere, feelings, and ideas, and to enjoy language itself. It can be assumed that the purpose of reading are to find some informations for example, reading information articles and instructional texts, and for pleasure such as reading fiction.
Adopted from: Mullis, Kennedy, Martin, & Sainsbury(2006) and Mullis et al(2006) Hierarchical factor item response theory models for PIRLS: capturing clustering effects at multiple levels. Retrieved from :
Enright et al (2000) states that different purposes of reading include search reading (reading to find information), reading for basic comprehension, reading to learn, and reading to integrate information across multiple texts. From the definition, It can be assumed that different purposes of reading not only to get main idea but also to locate specific information, to learn information, to synthesize information from multiple text.
For example : 1. Reading to find information, we usually search through a telephone directory to find key information, either an address or a phone number. 2. Reading for basic comprehension, in reading, a child has never been to the zoo, but the concept of a zoo can be an easy one for a child who has seen wild animals on television, even cartoons, or has heard stories about wild animals. 3. Reading to learn, students benefit from knowing how literary critics think about and discuss literature as a guide to their own interpretation and discussion of that text. 4. Reading to integrate information, My name is Jim Green. I live at 152 Jianguo Street, not far from the centre of the city. I have lived there since 1990. I go to Number 14 Middle School. I’ve been a student there for nearly two and a half years. Now write about yourself in the same way.
Adopted from: Devi Krishnan Sarajoni.(2011). CAREFUL VERSUS EXPEDITIOUS READING: THE CASE OF THE IELTS READING TEST. Retrieved from: Reading - Content Areas - Students, Texts, Knowledge, and Strategies -
Name : Lili Marlini Nim : 0825-029 Student’s : Number: 18
Barnett (1988.1) It is necessary to state that post-reading activities almost always depend on the purpose of reading and the type of information extracted from the text. has stated that post-reading exercises first check students' comprehension and then lead students to a deeper analysis of the text. In the real world the purpose of reading is not to memorize an author's point of view or to summarize text content, but rather to see into another mind, or to mesh new information into what one already knows.
Different Purpose of Reading It is also necessary for students to become aware of the purpose and goal for reading a certain piece of written material. At the beginning stages this can be done by the teacher, but as the reader becomes more mature this purpose, i.e. awareness-raising strategy, can be left to the readers. For instance, the students may be guided to ask themselves, "Why am I reading this text? What do I want to know or do after reading?" One of the most obvious, but unnoticed, points related to reading purpose is the consideration of the different types of reading skills. Skimming: Reading rapidly for the main points Scanning: Reading rapidly to find a specific piece of information Extensive reading: Reading a longer text, often for pleasure with emphasis on overall meaning Intensive reading: Reading a short text for detailed information. Beside that the purpose of reading are Reading purpose depend on types of reading skills as explain above. Beside that the purpose of reading are: for pleasure for personal reason, finding general information such as what a book mostly about, find specific topic in a book article, to learn subject matter is required for a class. In My Opinion Reading for different purposes
You will be reading for three different purposes To gather material that must be understood and recalled in detail. To understand and evaluate the author’s purpose in writing and the supportive arguments or evidence presented. Background reading The example: When you read novel, comic and magazine.
Adopted from: Barnett (1988.1) Theories of reading 2. Retrieved from :
• DeLene Sholes (Jan 27, 2009) states that purposes of reading are , reading for pleasure, for general information, reading for find a specific topic , and for learn subject matter that is require for a class. from the definition it can be assumed that different purposes of reading is depend on the purposes of readers, what they want to received after they have already read. And they will begin to read for a variety of purposes • for pleasure it means that is the reader don’t have to know all of word in the text, the readers just read and understand about the text and enjoy it. for example reading for studying, reading for general information it means that the reader just want to know the general organization of passage .example reading an article, new paper .reading for find a specific topic it means that the reader just scan the article to find out the specific information .for example when you read a book when you want to find number of telephone. Reading for subject matter it means that the reader have to read carefully and slowly. For example read for a test, Adopted from Sholes, Delene (Jan 27,2009).The Purposes of Reading. Retrieved from:
• DeLene Sholes (Jan 27, 2009) states that purposes of reading are , reading for pleasure, for general information, reading for find a specific topic , and for learn subject matter that is require for a class. from the definition it can be assumed that different purposes of reading is depend on the purposes of readers, what they want to received after they have already read. And they will begin to read for a variety of purposes • for pleasure it means that is the reader don’t have to know all of word in the text, the readers just read and understand about the text and enjoy it. for example reading for studying, reading for general information it means that the reader just want to know the general organization of passage .example reading an article, new paper .reading for find a specific topic it means that the reader just scan the article to find out the specific information .for example when you read a book when you want to find number of telephone. Reading for subject matter it means that the reader have to read carefully and slowly. For example read for a test, Adopted from Sholes, Delene (Jan 27,2009).The Purposes of Reading. Retrieved from:
Name : AKHIROTUL FAIZATIN NISA' NIM : 0825004 NO : 4 According to Shvoong (1990 : 3 ) said that the main purpose for comprehensive reading,there are five the purposes for comprehensive reading: 1. Reading for specific information. 2. Reading for application 3. Reading for pleasure and entertainment 4. Reading for ideas From the definition it can be assumed that there are five purposes for comprehensive reading.First reading for specific information is used to look for specific information,Second reading for application,it means to describe a special task. Includes for this type is reading a cake recipe or following instructions to make or fix something. Read a book written by author procedurally. For example, read the instructions how to switch on the computer.Third Reading for pleasure and entertainment,it means that Usually,type purpose of reading is liked by most of the human who want to get pleasure or entertain in their reading,Fourth reading for ideas it means that how to get ideas in the text. Adopted from : Shvoong.( 1990: 3),Purpose comprehesive reading. Retrieved from Http://
Enright et al (2000:27) states that different purposes of reading include search reading (reading to find information), reading for basic comprehension, reading to learn, and reading to integrate information across multiple texts. From the definition, It can be assumed that different purposes of reading not only to get main idea but also to locate specific information, to learn information, to synthesize information from multiple text.
For example : 1. Reading to find information, we usually search through a telephone directory to find key information, either an address or a phone number. 2. Reading for basic comprehension, in reading, a child has never been to the zoo, but the concept of a zoo can be an easy one for a child who has seen wild animals on television, even cartoons, or has heard stories about wild animals. 3. Reading to learn, students benefit from knowing how literary critics think about and discuss literature as a guide to their own interpretation and discussion of that text. 4. Reading to integrate information, My name is Jim Green. I live at 152 Jianguo Street, not far from the centre of the city. I have lived there since 1990. I go to Number 14 Middle School. I’ve been a student there for nearly two and a half years. Now write about yourself in the same way.
Adopted from: Devi Krishnan Sarajoni.(2011). CAREFUL VERSUS EXPEDITIOUS READING: THE CASE OF THE IELTS READING TEST. Retrieved from: Reading - Content Areas - Students, Texts, Knowledge, and Strategies -
Name : Lili Marlini Nim : 0825-029 Student’s : Number: 18
Barnett (1988.1) It is necessary to state that post-reading activities almost always depend on the purpose of reading and the type of information extracted from the text. has stated that post-reading exercises first check students' comprehension and then lead students to a deeper analysis of the text. In the real world the purpose of reading is not to memorize an author's point of view or to summarize text content, but rather to see into another mind, or to mesh new information into what one already knows.
Different Purpose of Reading It is also necessary for students to become aware of the purpose and goal for reading a certain piece of written material. At the beginning stages this can be done by the teacher, but as the reader becomes more mature this purpose, i.e. awareness-raising strategy, can be left to the readers. For instance, the students may be guided to ask themselves, "Why am I reading this text? What do I want to know or do after reading?" One of the most obvious, but unnoticed, points related to reading purpose is the consideration of the different types of reading skills. Skimming: Reading rapidly for the main points Scanning: Reading rapidly to find a specific piece of information Extensive reading: Reading a longer text, often for pleasure with emphasis on overall meaning Intensive reading: Reading a short text for detailed information. Beside that the purpose of reading are Reading purpose depend on types of reading skills as explain above. Beside that the purpose of reading are: for pleasure for personal reason, finding general information such as what a book mostly about, find specific topic in a book article, to learn subject matter is required for a class. In My Opinion Reading for different purposes
You will be reading for three different purposes To gather material that must be understood and recalled in detail. To understand and evaluate the author’s purpose in writing and the supportive arguments or evidence presented. Background reading The example: When you read novel, comic and magazine.
Adopted from: Barnett (1988.1) Theories of reading 2. Retrieved from :
• DeLene Sholes (Jan 27, 2009) states that purposes of reading are , reading for pleasure, for general information, reading for find a specific topic , and for learn subject matter that is require for a class. from the definition it can be assumed that different purposes of reading is depend on the purposes of readers, what they want to received after they have already read. And they will begin to read for a variety of purposes • for pleasure it means that is the reader don’t have to know all of word in the text, the readers just read and understand about the text and enjoy it. for example reading for studying, reading for general information it means that the reader just want to know the general organization of passage .example reading an article, new paper .reading for find a specific topic it means that the reader just scan the article to find out the specific information .for example when you read a book when you want to find number of telephone. Reading for subject matter it means that the reader have to read carefully and slowly. For example read for a test, Adopted from Sholes, Delene (Jan 27,2009).The Purposes of Reading. Retrieved from:
Name : Maghfiroh (11) NIM : 08 25 0031 Extensive Reading Different Purposes Of Reading Jennifer Conner ( 2006 : 517 ) states that establishing the purposes of reading are : 1. SELF-SELECTED TEXTS AND PURPOSE FOR READING The learners focus on the gist of the text, it would also be worthwhile to choose authentic or unfamiliar texts and employ with easy tasks, like skimming, which do not require detailed understanding. Don’t read every word, just scan the text to find the important information. And choose texts according to the reading skills that the learners aim to practice in class. The purpose of reading is depend on the text that the learners read. Read text differently for different purposes. 2. TEACHER-SELECTED TEXTS AND PURPOSE FOR READING The teachers ask the student to reading with the good result. And the teachers chosen the good text, because there are some information in the text that the teacher wants the students to know. 3. ESTABLISHING A SPECIFIC (AND EXPLICITLY STATED) FOCUS FOR READING FOR STUDENTS In real life, we read texts differently for different purposes. For example, we may skim an article to get the author’s overall message, or we may scan a TV guide for a good film to watch. The clearly stated purpose(s) for reading should be aligned with your lesson objectives. • Examples of other GOOD specific focuses/ purposes for reading include the following: 1. "While you are reading this text, think about how you would feel if you were a soldier during Civil War times." 2. Before students read, have them make predictions about what they think the text will be about based on the text's chapter, headings, and subheadings. "Read this text to find out whether your predictions were correct." 3. "While reading this chapter, answer these questions..." 4. "While you are reading, decide which animal described by the text you think is the most dangerous and why. Also decide which animal is the least dangerous and why." 5. "While you are reading keep a list of arguments that support giving monetary reparations to descendents of slaves. Also make a list of arguments that could be used to explain why monetary reparations are not a good idea." • Following are POOR examples of specific focuses/purposes for reading: 1. "While you are reading, focus on the important information." 2. "Really think about what you are reading while you read." 3. "For homework read pages 12 to 34 in your textbooks. Be prepared to discuss the reading in class tomorrow." 4. "Read for general understanding." Adopted From : Jennifer Conner (06/07/2006), Providing Students With A Purpose For Reading. Retrieved From : ~l517/purpose.html
Name : Maghfiroh (11) NIM : 08 25 0031 Extensive Reading Different Purposes Of Reading Jennifer Conner ( 2006 : 517 ) states that establishing the purposes of reading are : 1. SELF-SELECTED TEXTS AND PURPOSE FOR READING The learners focus on the gist of the text, it would also be worthwhile to choose authentic or unfamiliar texts and employ with easy tasks, like skimming, which do not require detailed understanding. Don’t read every word, just scan the text to find the important information. And choose texts according to the reading skills that the learners aim to practice in class. The purpose of reading is depend on the text that the learners read. Read text differently for different purposes. 2. TEACHER-SELECTED TEXTS AND PURPOSE FOR READING The teachers ask the student to reading with the good result. And the teachers chosen the good text, because there are some information in the text that the teacher wants the students to know. 3. ESTABLISHING A SPECIFIC (AND EXPLICITLY STATED) FOCUS FOR READING FOR STUDENTS In real life, we read texts differently for different purposes. For example, we may skim an article to get the author’s overall message, or we may scan a TV guide for a good film to watch. The clearly stated purpose(s) for reading should be aligned with your lesson objectives. • Examples of other GOOD specific focuses/ purposes for reading include the following: 1. "While you are reading this text, think about how you would feel if you were a soldier during Civil War times." 2. Before students read, have them make predictions about what they think the text will be about based on the text's chapter, headings, and subheadings. "Read this text to find out whether your predictions were correct." 3. "While reading this chapter, answer these questions..." 4. "While you are reading, decide which animal described by the text you think is the most dangerous and why. Also decide which animal is the least dangerous and why." 5. "While you are reading keep a list of arguments that support giving monetary reparations to descendents of slaves. Also make a list of arguments that could be used to explain why monetary reparations are not a good idea." • Following are POOR examples of specific focuses/purposes for reading: 1. "While you are reading, focus on the important information." 2. "Really think about what you are reading while you read." 3. "For homework read pages 12 to 34 in your textbooks. Be prepared to discuss the reading in class tomorrow." 4. "Read for general understanding." Adopted From : Jennifer Conner (06/07/2006), Providing Students With A Purpose For Reading. Retrieved From : ~l517/purpose.html
Elizabeth M. Knutson states that having a purpose means having a reason to read and approaching a text with a particular goal in mind, whether that goal involves learning or entertainment. In both real-world and classroom situations, purpose affects the reader's motivation, interest, and manner of reading.( Reading with a Purpose: Communicative Reading Tasks for the Foreign Language Classroom Volume 30, Issue 1, pages 49–57, March 1997)
It can be assumed that the different purposes of reading is meant a reader has a reason to read and doing approach with a text he reads with a special purpose or goal in mind, the goal may be a learning or entertainment for the reader.
For example students read a book “Understanding and Using English Grammar by Betty Schrampfer Azar” which is has a goal in learning. When a student reads a comic or a novel, he just reads for a pleasure or entertainment.
Adopted from :
Knutson, E. M. (1997). Reading with a Purpose: Communicative Reading Tasks for the Foreign Language Classroom. Foreign Language Annals, 30: 49–57. United States: The American Council on the Teaching. doi: 10.1111/j.1944-9720.1997.tb01316.xeign Languages.
Elizabeth M. Knutson states that having a purpose means having a reason to read and approaching a text with a particular goal in mind, whether that goal involves learning or entertainment. In both real-world and classroom situations, purpose affects the reader's motivation, interest, and manner of reading.( Reading with a Purpose: Communicative Reading Tasks for the Foreign Language Classroom Volume 30, Issue 1, pages 49–57, March 1997)
It can be assumed that the different purposes of reading is meant a reader has a reason to read and doing approach with a text he reads with a special purpose or goal in mind, the goal may be a learning or entertainment for the reader.
For example students read a book “Understanding and Using English Grammar by Betty Schrampfer Azar” which is has a goal in learning. When a student reads a comic or a novel, he just reads for a pleasure or entertainment.
Adopted from :
Knutson, E. M. (1997). Reading with a Purpose: Communicative Reading Tasks for the Foreign Language Classroom. Foreign Language Annals, 30: 49–57. United States: The American Council on the Teaching.
Grellet (1992: 4) states that there are two purposes for reading. They are reading for pleasure and reading for information (in order to find out something or in order to do something with the information the reader get). From that definition, it can be assumed that the purposes of reading depend on what the readers need. They can look for some kind of books, article, etc that is suitable for their purposes in reading. For example, they read sincan comic with some unique pictures and funny utterances in that comic. In this case, the purpose of the reader in reading that comic is for pleasure. In other hand, it can be also for getting information. Example, a student wants to know how tadpoles become frogs. He or she will read a book or an article about amphibians or frogs to find out whether the material covers tadpoles.
Adopted from : Grellet. (1992: 4). Purposes for Reading. Retrived from :
Name : Rian Puspita Sarie NIM : 0825048 NO : 15 Different Purposes of Reading Carol A. and george S. States that Students need to know that they can read for different purposes as this helps to create a "flexible reader." If students read for pleasure, they can skim the text or read slowly depending on how they feel or what assignments they receive. If students are reading content area subjects such as science or social studies, they will probably want to read slowly. With library books and literature offerings, reading rate can be accelerated. More difficult reading materials require a focused attention and concentrated cognitive efforts on the task at hand. The classroom atmosphere must provide an environment that will allow and encourage students to exert sustained attention on difficult reading tasks. For the student with dyslexia, sustained attention is a must. More cognitive attention and resources must be expended by students with dyslexia than by proficient readers to achieve and sustain satisfactory reading behaviors. It can be assumed that the different purposes of reading is the goal when we want to read. For example we want to read a book actually we have purpose why we want to read that book. If we want to read a book actually have a different purpose when we read a book. Adapted from : Excerpt from Dyslexia and Reading Difficulties: Research and Resource Guide for Working with All Struggling Readers, by C.A. Spafford, G.S. Grosser, 2005 edition, p. 130-131. Retrieved from :
Name : Rian Puspita Sarie NIM : 0825048 NO : 15 Different Purposes of Reading Carol A. and george S. States that Students need to know that they can read for different purposes as this helps to create a "flexible reader." If students read for pleasure, they can skim the text or read slowly depending on how they feel or what assignments they receive. If students are reading content area subjects such as science or social studies, they will probably want to read slowly. With library books and literature offerings, reading rate can be accelerated. More difficult reading materials require a focused attention and concentrated cognitive efforts on the task at hand. The classroom atmosphere must provide an environment that will allow and encourage students to exert sustained attention on difficult reading tasks. For the student with dyslexia, sustained attention is a must. More cognitive attention and resources must be expended by students with dyslexia than by proficient readers to achieve and sustain satisfactory reading behaviors. It can be assumed that the different purposes of reading is the goal when we want to read. For example we want to read a book actually we have purpose why we want to read that book. If we want to read a book actually have a different purpose when we read a book. Adapted from : Excerpt from Dyslexia and Reading Difficulties: Research and Resource Guide for Working with All Struggling Readers, by C.A. Spafford, G.S. Grosser, 2005 edition, p. 130-131. Retrieved from :
Revise 12. Novi Kasari (0825043) different purposes of reading
[ 2007-11-29 15:38:00 | By: hopewilliam ]
According to Hopewilliam: People read for different purposes in their daily lives. some people have the habit of reading newspapers or magazines. In their perusal of the newspapers, the most often used strategies, consciously or subconsciously, are skimming and scanning. They usually are very familiar with what type of information is availible on which page of a peice of newspaper.(some nespapers contain many sheets of papers in each issue.), and in their reading, they will most probably just ignore the pages that does not contain the information of their interest and will turn directly to the page which contains some column of their interest. for example, some sports-lovers will only look at the sports coulmn of a newspaper or buy some newpapers specialized in the reporting of sport events. Some females may be interested in sections on cosmetics and fashionable clothes, while some investment or speculation fenetics will check what valuable information there are on the financial part of a newspaper.
Some professionals and specialists have to frequently refer to some academic articles in their special fields of study. In their reading of these academic articles, they cherish some different purposes in their mind from that of those people who read newspapers just for fun, entertainment or pasttime. Information gleaned from multiple sources of academic research have to be synthesised, significant points have to be found out for comparision and contrast, and a framework, if possible, have to be developed by the professional or specialist in which different points and parts of information can be fiitted. So here the target of reading is more demanding than that in reading newpaper or magazines. A general grasp of the main ideas of an academic article in many cases is not enough, and the reader must go deeper and furthur in some specific parts of the article.
From the definition, it can be assumed that what for the reader read the text, they probably have different purpose, such as to get information, to find the something new, to find out your fun, or entertainment . but the other do it to get important thing relate his research in the future.
Reference :
Hopewilliam. (November 29, 2007). Different Purposes of Reading. Retrieved from:
Name : NOVALYA LAYUNG SARI NO : 36 Hasnazen (2012:3) states that One purpose of reading is developing knowledge. Usually, people who have this purpose just consider it as hobby. They like to read everything, like magazine,, newspaper, and various books. They do not pass their days without reading. Reading becomes their pleasure. Another purpose of reading is just killing the bored and restless. While waiting something or someone, people must feel bored. This time usually is used to read light books, The last, the other people say that reading is very useful to do their assignment from school or work. People who have this purpose are students and teenagers. Reading is necessarily from them because they must accomplish their assignments. In this way, they only read what they need. If they have accomplished their assignments, sometimes they stop to read. From the definition, it can be assumed that Reading is one kind of hobbies, but other people say that reading is one of our necessaries. Whatever reason, that they mention, has same meaning that reading is very essential. It gives people many advantages, although each person has different purpose to do it. From these, it can be concluded that reading is very important for everyone, whereas they have different purpose. In this, there are advantages which are had people who like reading. So, it is true that reading is one of the pleasure hobbies. for example: read the magazine, newspaper, novel, etc. This activity is more useful than just sitting or day dreaming. Adopted from : hasnazen (maret:2012) different purposes of reading. Retrieved from :
Name : NOVALYA LAYUNG SARI NO : 36 Hasnazen (2012:3) states that One purpose of reading is developing knowledge. Usually, people who have this purpose just consider it as hobby. They like to read everything, like magazine,, newspaper, and various books. They do not pass their days without reading. Reading becomes their pleasure. Another purpose of reading is just killing the bored and restless. While waiting something or someone, people must feel bored. This time usually is used to read light books, The last, the other people say that reading is very useful to do their assignment from school or work. People who have this purpose are students and teenagers. Reading is necessarily from them because they must accomplish their assignments. In this way, they only read what they need. If they have accomplished their assignments, sometimes they stop to read. From the definition, it can be assumed that Reading is one kind of hobbies, but other people say that reading is one of our necessaries. Whatever reason, that they mention, has same meaning that reading is very essential. It gives people many advantages, although each person has different purpose to do it. From these, it can be concluded that reading is very important for everyone, whereas they have different purpose. In this, there are advantages which are had people who like reading. So, it is true that reading is one of the pleasure hobbies. for example: read the magazine, newspaper, novel, etc. This activity is more useful than just sitting or day dreaming. Adopted from : hasnazen (maret:2012) different purposes of reading. Retrieved from :
Name : Veby (0825057) Number : 23 1V. DIFFERENT PURPOSES OF READING Based on Delene Sholes (2009:1) states that a reading strategy called SQ3R gives more information about a method for studying, asking and answering questions, and reviewing material. It can be assumed that efficient readers have learn to use different strategies for different kinds of reading. They know when it’s ok to read quickly-skipping over some of the words, how to skim for general information, scan for specific information, and how to study for the test. Some purposes for reading which are devided into: For pleasure or for personal reason Here, student don’t need to know the meaning of every word in the text. They are only want to read fast. To find general information such as what a book is mostly about To find the general information, student will want to skim through a book or several books to determine how the books are organized and what they cover. To find a specific topic in a book or article Student will need to scan a book or article to find out the specific information that they look for , when they scan, they will look at the tottle, the table of contents, the headings, and the index to find out if the material gives information about the topic. To learn subject matter that is required for a class In this purpose, student have to read carefully and slowly when a student studies for a test, they will skim the book or chapter first to see what is the covers. Then they read the headings and subheadings to discover how the book is organized. They should try to make connection between the material and what they already knows.
Adopted from: (2009:1)Different Purposes of Reading: Strategies For Reading Different. Retrieved from:
Delene Sholes (2009) states that some purposes for Reading especially for students are: for pleasure or for personal reasons, to find general information such as what a book is mostly about, to find a specific topic in a book or article, and to learn subject matter that is required for a class.
From the definition, it can be assumed that there are so many purposes of reading and the point of reading is to understand the text what we read. For example: we read a history book about wars in the world and the purpose is to get a knowledge or information about the history or some history of wars in the world. Soles, Delene.(Jan 27,2009). Reading for Different Purposes. Retrieved from: purposes-a91899.
DIFFERENT PURPOSES OF READING NAME : RISNA JUMARIA NO : 16 According to Nurhadi (1989:11), there are two purposes of reading, the first is specific purposes of reading and the second is general purposes of reading. 1. Specific purposes: there are five types of specific purposes of reading • To get the factual information : it is mean that read to get the truly information about something. • To get the special clarification about something : it is mean that read to get the detail and the specific information • To give the judge to a thesis : it is mean that read to give the value to someone’s statement or someone’s theory • To get the emotional needed : it is mean that read to get something interesting base on the reader’s feeling especially in reading a story such novel and a poem. • To spend pleasure time : it is mean that read as activity to spend the time, for example when the reader in the waiting room 2. General purposes : there are three types of general purposes of reading • To get information : it is mean that read to get the general information only. • To comprehend about something : it is mean that read to understand fully about something. • To get something interesting : it is mean that read for having fun. From the definition it can be assumed that different purposes of reading a person may read in order to gain information or verify existing knowledge differently for different purposes.
Adopted from: Nurhadi.1989. Membaca Cepat dan Efektif. Bandung: Sinar Baru & Y3A.Malang Retrieved from: http//
Name : Herliansyah Nim : 08 25 00 17 Subject : Extensive reading Number: 08 Source : Adobted by: Sholes Delene.(2009). Retrieved From: Reading for Different Purposes: Strategies for Reading Different Kinds of Materials |
V. Different purposes of reading
Teach your students to read for different purposes. Sometimes it's OK to skip over an unknown word, and sometimes they need to read with a dictionary at their fingertips. If students can get the general sense of a sentence or paragraph without knowing every word, there’s no need to interrupt their reading by using a dictionary to find the word’s meaning. Sometimes they will want to read through material quickly, but they will need to read more carefully when they are reading to learn. Some Purposes for Reading • for pleasure or for personal reasons • to find general information such as what a book is most • to find a specific topic in a book or article • to learn subject matter that is required for a class In my opinion: Every no native speaker is not easy to read, it is ok if we want to skip over an unknown word when we can not find the meaning, may be we can guess the meaning by using key word providing in the reading book.
Name : Herliansyah Nim : 08 25 00 17 Subject : Extensive reading Number: 08 Source : Adobted by: Sholes Delene.(2009). Retrieved From: Reading for Different Purposes: Strategies for Reading Different Kinds of Materials |
V. Different purposes of reading
Teach your students to read for different purposes. Sometimes it's OK to skip over an unknown word, and sometimes they need to read with a dictionary at their fingertips. If students can get the general sense of a sentence or paragraph without knowing every word, there’s no need to interrupt their reading by using a dictionary to find the word’s meaning. Sometimes they will want to read through material quickly, but they will need to read more carefully when they are reading to learn. Some Purposes for Reading • for pleasure or for personal reasons • to find general information such as what a book is most • to find a specific topic in a book or article • to learn subject matter that is required for a class In my opinion: Every no native speaker is not easy to read, it is ok if we want to skip over an unknown word when we can not find the meaning, may be we can guess the meaning by using key word providing in the reading book.
Name : Herliansyah Nim : 08 25 00 17 Subject : Extensive reading Number: 08 Source : Adobted by: Sholes Delene.(2009). Retrieved From: Reading for Different Purposes: Strategies for Reading Different Kinds of Materials |
V. Different purposes of reading
Teach your students to read for different purposes. Sometimes it's OK to skip over an unknown word, and sometimes they need to read with a dictionary at their fingertips. If students can get the general sense of a sentence or paragraph without knowing every word, there’s no need to interrupt their reading by using a dictionary to find the word’s meaning. Sometimes they will want to read through material quickly, but they will need to read more carefully when they are reading to learn. Some Purposes for Reading • for pleasure or for personal reasons • to find general information such as what a book is most • to find a specific topic in a book or article • to learn subject matter that is required for a class In my opinion: Every no native speaker is not easy to read, it is ok if we want to skip over an unknown word when we can not find the meaning, may be we can guess the meaning by using key word providing in the reading book.
V. Different purpose of reading Elizabeth M. Knutson states that having a purpose means having a reason to read and approaching a text with a particular goal in mind, whether that goal involves learning or entertainment. In real-world and classroom situations, purpose affects the reader's motivation, interest, and manner of reading. From the definition, it can be assumed that the different purpose of reading is divided into two kinds, the first reading in order to gain information, knowledge, or we commonly refer to academic reading. The second is reading for the purpose of entertainment or pleasure. Like reading comics, magazines, and others. So. Read with a variety of purposes is strongly influenced by the goals and interests of the reader itself.
Adopted from: Knutson, E. M. (1998). Reading with a Purpose: Communicative Reading Tasks for the Foreign Language Classroom. Retrieved from:
V. Different purpose of reading Elizabeth M. Knutson states that having a purpose means having a reason to read and approaching a text with a particular goal in mind, whether that goal involves learning or entertainment. In real-world and classroom situations, purpose affects the reader's motivation, interest, and manner of reading. From the definition, it can be assumed that the different purpose of reading is divided into two kinds, the first reading in order to gain information, knowledge, or we commonly refer to academic reading. The second is reading for the purpose of entertainment or pleasure. Like reading comics, magazines, and others. So. Read with a variety of purposes is strongly influenced by the goals and interests of the reader itself. Adopted from: Knutson, E. M. (1998). Reading with a Purpose: Communicative Reading Tasks for the Foreign Language Classroom. Retrieved from:
Name : Veby (0825057) Number : 23 1V. DIFFERENT PURPOSES OF READING Based on Delene Sholes (2009:1) states that a reading strategy called SQ3R gives more information about a method for studying, asking and answering questions, and reviewing material. It can be assumed that efficient readers have learn to use different strategies for different kinds of reading. They know when it’s ok to read quickly-skipping over some of the words, how to skim for general information, scan for specific information, and how to study for the test. Some purposes for reading which are devided into: For pleasure or for personal reason Here, student don’t need to know the meaning of every word in the text. They are only want to read fast. To find general information such as what a book is mostly about To find the general information, student will want to skim through a book or several books to determine how the books are organized and what they cover. To find a specific topic in a book or article Student will need to scan a book or article to find out the specific information that they look for , when they scan, they will look at the tottle, the table of contents, the headings, and the index to find out if the material gives information about the topic. To learn subject matter that is required for a class In this purpose, student have to read carefully and slowly when a student studies for a test, they will skim the book or chapter first to see what is the covers. Then they read the headings and subheadings to discover how the book is organized. They should try to make connection between the material and what they already knows.
Adopted from: (2009:1)Different Purposes of Reading: Strategies For Reading Different. Retrieved from:
Name : Herliansyah Nim : 08 25 00 17 Subject : Extensive reading Number: 08 Source : Adobted by: Sholes Delene.(2009). Retrieved From: Reading for Different Purposes: Strategies for Reading Different Kinds of Materials |
V. Different purposes of reading
Teach your students to read for different purposes. Sometimes it's OK to skip over an unknown word, and sometimes they need to read with a dictionary at their fingertips. If students can get the general sense of a sentence or paragraph without knowing every word, there’s no need to interrupt their reading by using a dictionary to find the word’s meaning. Sometimes they will want to read through material quickly, but they will need to read more carefully when they are reading to learn. Some Purposes for Reading • for pleasure or for personal reasons • to find general information such as what a book is most • to find a specific topic in a book or article • to learn subject matter that is required for a class In my opinion: Every no native speaker is not easy to read, it is ok if we want to skip over an unknown word when we can not find the meaning, may be we can guess the meaning by using key word providing in the reading book.
Name : Herliansyah Nim : 08 25 00 17 Subject : Extensive reading Number: 08 Source : Adobted by: Sholes Delene.(2009). Retrieved From: Reading for Different Purposes: Strategies for Reading Different Kinds of Materials |
V. Different purposes of reading
Teach your students to read for different purposes. Sometimes it's OK to skip over an unknown word, and sometimes they need to read with a dictionary at their fingertips. If students can get the general sense of a sentence or paragraph without knowing every word, there’s no need to interrupt their reading by using a dictionary to find the word’s meaning. Sometimes they will want to read through material quickly, but they will need to read more carefully when they are reading to learn. Some Purposes for Reading • for pleasure or for personal reasons • to find general information such as what a book is most • to find a specific topic in a book or article • to learn subject matter that is required for a class In my opinion: Every no native speaker is not easy to read, it is ok if we want to skip over an unknown word when we can not find the meaning, may be we can guess the meaning by using key word providing in the reading book.
Name : Herliansyah Nim : 08 25 00 17 Subject : Extensive reading Number: 08 Source : Adobted by: Sholes Delene.(2009). Retrieved From: Reading for Different Purposes: Strategies for Reading Different Kinds of Materials |
V. Different purposes of reading
Teach your students to read for different purposes. Sometimes it's OK to skip over an unknown word, and sometimes they need to read with a dictionary at their fingertips. If students can get the general sense of a sentence or paragraph without knowing every word, there’s no need to interrupt their reading by using a dictionary to find the word’s meaning. Sometimes they will want to read through material quickly, but they will need to read more carefully when they are reading to learn. Some Purposes for Reading • for pleasure or for personal reasons • to find general information such as what a book is most • to find a specific topic in a book or article • to learn subject matter that is required for a class In my opinion: Every no native speaker is not easy to read, it is ok if we want to skip over an unknown word when we can not find the meaning, may be we can guess the meaning by using key word providing in the reading book.
Name :Reza Heriyantosa (14) From the expert quotation Grabe and Stoller (2002) categorize seven purposes of reading such as:
1. Reading to search for simple information It means that the reader reads text to get specific information that he/she needs. Usually, the reader has question in mind, so he/she read text which has correlation with his/her question to get the answer.
2. Reading to skim quickly In this case, the reader reads text to find out the general idea of text without spends much time.
3. Reading to learn from texts Reading to learn from texts means that reading to get knowledge and understanding of the information of texts.
4. Reading to integrate information It means that the reader reads text to integrate the information of text with the information of another text to conclude a complex information.
5. Reading to write Reading to write means that reading to find out information that the reader needs for his/her writing.
6. Reading to critique texts It means that the reader read text because he/she wants to observe the text. He/She reads the text to find out the error of text or to compare his/her opinion with the information in text.
7. Reading for general comprehension Reading for general comprehension means that reading to get general information of text by connect the reader’s previous knowledge with the information of text.
Resource: Grabe, & Stoller. (2002). Reading and Purposes of Reading. Retrieved from:
Name :Reza Heriyantosa (14) From the expert quotation Grabe and Stoller (2002) categorize seven purposes of reading such as:
1. Reading to search for simple information It means that the reader reads text to get specific information that he/she needs. Usually, the reader has question in mind, so he/she read text which has correlation with his/her question to get the answer.
2. Reading to skim quickly In this case, the reader reads text to find out the general idea of text without spends much time.
3. Reading to learn from texts Reading to learn from texts means that reading to get knowledge and understanding of the information of texts.
4. Reading to integrate information It means that the reader reads text to integrate the information of text with the information of another text to conclude a complex information.
5. Reading to write Reading to write means that reading to find out information that the reader needs for his/her writing.
6. Reading to critique texts It means that the reader read text because he/she wants to observe the text. He/She reads the text to find out the error of text or to compare his/her opinion with the information in text.
7. Reading for general comprehension Reading for general comprehension means that reading to get general information of text by connect the reader’s previous knowledge with the information of text.
Resource: Grabe, & Stoller. (2002). Reading and Purposes of Reading. Retrieved from:
1. Pichert and Anderson (1977) state that readers determine what is important based on their purpose for reading. 2. Long & Crookes (1992) state the benefits of working with texts for the purpose of drawing students' attention to formal features of written language as well. 3. Schraw and Dennison (1994) state that focusing readers' attention on selected text information increases what the researchers’ term purpose-driven interest and that text segments that are relevant to a readers' purpose are recalled better than those that are not. From the definition, it can be assumed that reading has a various purposes, a single text is not written for any one purpose, but could meet any purpose, depending on individual needs. For example: the purposes of reading are for pleasure, such as reading novel or comic, for getting information such as reading news paper, and for general understanding, such as reading articles. Retrieved from: Retrieved from:
Davies (1995: 133-134) states that there are five purposes of reading, they are namely: 1) Reading for pleasure 2) Reading for a general impression 3) Reading for organizing reading and study 4) Reading for learning content or procedures 5) Reading for learning language It can be assumed that reading has so many different purposes some of them are reading for pleasure it means that a reader reads a text just to enjoy the text such as reading a novel. Reading for first impression it means to know whether the text is important or not to be read, reading for organizing reading and study it means it means that the reader reads to identify the important things from the text or to answer the question from the text, reading for learning content or procedures it means Reading for understanding the text it is also to comprehend the relation between information and knowledge of the subject and understand the relation of topics to sentences, paragraphs and the main idea. For example, students reading an economic textbook must carefully compare and contrast similarities and differences of the facts and data presented in order to understand the subject, and the last is reading for learning language it means that the reader read the text to learn some new vocabularies or to practice pronunciation from the text. In short, the purposes of reading actually depend on the readers need. So you can decide what your reading purpose is.
Davies (1995: 133-134) states that there are five purposes of reading, they are namely: 1) Reading for pleasure 2) Reading for a general impression 3) Reading for organizing reading and study 4) Reading for learning content or procedures 5) Reading for learning language It can be assumed that reading has so many different purposes some of them are reading for pleasure it means that a reader reads a text just to enjoy the text such as reading a novel. Reading for first impression it means to know whether the text is important or not to be read, reading for organizing reading and study it means it means that the reader reads to identify the important things from the text or to answer the question from the text, reading for learning content or procedures it means Reading for understanding the text it is also to comprehend the relation between information and knowledge of the subject and understand the relation of topics to sentences, paragraphs and the main idea. For example, students reading an economic textbook must carefully compare and contrast similarities and differences of the facts and data presented in order to understand the subject, and the last is reading for learning language it means that the reader read the text to learn some new vocabularies or to practice pronunciation from the text. In short, the purposes of reading actually depend on the readers need. So you can decide what your reading purpose is.
V. DIFFERENT PURPOSES OF READING Jennifer Conner (2006) states that reading different text is for different purposes so a specific purpose for reading is one that helps guides students' efforts to focus on important information in the text (i.e., important in light of the general purpose for reading the text). This specific focus should be explicitly stated before students begin reading. The purposes of reading are : 1. Reading for pleasure that the material reads for entertainment, such as reading novel or comic, 2. Reading for getting information that gather usable information that you can apply toward a specific goal, such as reading news paper, or when we read the side of the cereal box to learn about how much of a certain vitamin or mineral is in the cereal, we don't read every word on the side of the box, but instead we scan the side of the box until we find the information we want 3. Reading for general understanding that is studying involves reading to comprehend concepts and details. such as reading articles. According to Grace Stovall Burkart (1998), the purpose(s) for reading guide the reader's selection of texts.
From the expert’s explanation above can be assumed that purposes are decided by the nature of the material and the interests of the student. The purpose(s) for reading guide the reader's selection of texts. The purposes of reading are usually related to pleasure (reading novel or comic), get information (reading news paper) and general understanding (reading articles).
references Adopted from: Jennifer Conner (2006). Providing Students With A Purpose For Reading. Retrived from : Adopted from: Heidi Byrnes (2004). “Reading in the beginning and intermediate college foreign language class”. Retrieved from Adopted from : Grace Stovall Burkart, ed. (1998); Washington, DC: Center for Applied Linguistics. Retrieved from:
Davies (1995: 133-134) states that there are five purposes of reading, they are namely: 1) Reading for pleasure 2) Reading for a general impression 3) Reading for organizing reading and study 4) Reading for learning content or procedures 5) Reading for learning language It can be assumed that reading has so many different purposes some of them are reading for pleasure it means that a reader reads a text just to enjoy the text such as reading a novel. Reading for first impression it means to know whether the text is important or not to be read, reading for organizing reading and study it means it means that the reader reads to identify the important things from the text or to answer the question from the text, reading for learning content or procedures it means Reading for understanding the text it is also to comprehend the relation between information and knowledge of the subject and understand the relation of topics to sentences, paragraphs and the main idea. For example, students reading an economic textbook must carefully compare and contrast similarities and differences of the facts and data presented in order to understand the subject, and the last is reading for learning language it means that the reader read the text to learn some new vocabularies or to practice pronunciation from the text. In short, the purposes of reading actually depend on the readers need. So you can decide what your reading purpose is.
Jennifer Conner (2006) states that reading different text is for different purposes so a specific purpose for reading is one that helps guides students' efforts to focus on important information in the text (i.e., important in light of the general purpose for reading the text). This specific focus should be explicitly stated before students begin reading. The purposes of reading are : 1. Reading for pleasure that the material reads for entertainment, such as reading novel or comic, 2. Reading for getting information that gather usable information that you can apply toward a specific goal, such as reading news paper, or when we read the side of the cereal box to learn about how much of a certain vitamin or mineral is in the cereal, we don't read every word on the side of the box, but instead we scan the side of the box until we find the information we want 3. Reading for general understanding that is studying involves reading to comprehend concepts and details. such as reading articles. According to Grace Stovall Burkart (1998), the purpose(s) for reading guide the reader's selection of texts.
From the expert’s explanation above can be assumed that purposes are decided by the nature of the material and the interests of the student. The purpose(s) for reading guide the reader's selection of texts. The purposes of reading are usually related to pleasure (reading novel or comic), get information (reading news paper) and general understanding (reading articles).
references • Adopted from: Jennifer Conner (2006). Providing Students With A Purpose For Reading. Retrived from : • Adopted from: Heidi Byrnes (2004). “Reading in the beginning and intermediate college foreign language class”. Retrieved from • Adopted from : Grace Stovall Burkart, ed. (1998); Washington, DC: Center for Applied Linguistics. Retrieved from:
Davies (1995: 133-134) states that there are five purposes of reading, they are namely: 1) Reading for pleasure 2) Reading for a general impression 3) Reading for organizing reading and study 4) Reading for learning content or procedures 5) Reading for learning language It can be assumed that reading has so many different purposes some of them are reading for pleasure it means that a reader reads a text just to enjoy the text such as reading a novel. Reading for first impression it means to know whether the text is important or not to be read, reading for organizing reading and study it means it means that the reader reads to identify the important things from the text or to answer the question from the text, reading for learning content or procedures it means Reading for understanding the text it is also to comprehend the relation between information and knowledge of the subject and understand the relation of topics to sentences, paragraphs and the main idea. For example, students reading an economic textbook must carefully compare and contrast similarities and differences of the facts and data presented in order to understand the subject, and the last is reading for learning language it means that the reader read the text to learn some new vocabularies or to practice pronunciation from the text. In short, the purposes of reading actually depend on the readers need. So you can decide what your reading purpose is.
• Adopted from: Jennifer Conner (2006). Providing Students With A Purpose For Reading. Retrived from : • Adopted from: Heidi Byrnes (2004). “Reading in the beginning and intermediate college foreign language class”. Retrieved from • Adopted from : Grace Stovall Burkart, ed. (1998); Washington, DC: Center for Applied Linguistics. Retrieved from:
David Karandish (2012,1) states that there are 4 different purposes in reading. They are reading for understanding, reading for evaluating critically, reading for practical application and reading for pleasure. From his statement, it can be assumed that in reading, everyone must have different purposes, it can be for understanding, for evaluating, or the others. It depends on the reader's need. The simplest example is reading for practical application. When we buy a new washing machine, the first thing that we'll do is reading the guidance book to know how to operate it. Then, we'll practice what we've read.
Adopted from: Karandish, David (2012). Which of the four reading purposes did you employ?. Retrieved from:
V. DIFFERENT PURPOSES OF READING Jennifer Conner (2006) states that reading different text is for different purposes so a specific purpose for reading is one that helps guides students' efforts to focus on important information in the text (i.e., important in light of the general purpose for reading the text). This specific focus should be explicitly stated before students begin reading. The purposes of reading are : 1. Reading for pleasure that the material reads for entertainment, such as reading novel or comic, 2. Reading for getting information that gather usable information that you can apply toward a specific goal, such as reading news paper, or when we read the side of the cereal box to learn about how much of a certain vitamin or mineral is in the cereal, we don't read every word on the side of the box, but instead we scan the side of the box until we find the information we want 3. Reading for general understanding that is studying involves reading to comprehend concepts and details. such as reading articles. According to Grace Stovall Burkart (1998), the purpose(s) for reading guide the reader's selection of texts.
From the expert’s explanation above can be assumed that purposes are decided by the nature of the material and the interests of the student. The purpose(s) for reading guide the reader's selection of texts. The purposes of reading are usually related to pleasure (reading novel or comic), get information (reading news paper) and general understanding (reading articles).
references • Adopted from: Jennifer Conner (2006). Providing Students With A Purpose For Reading. Retrived from : • Adopted from: Heidi Byrnes (2004). “Reading in the beginning and intermediate college foreign language class”. Retrieved from • Adopted from : Grace Stovall Burkart, ed. (1998); Washington, DC: Center for Applied Linguistics. Retrieved from:
V. DIFFERENT PURPOSES OF READING Jennifer Conner (2006) states that reading different text is for different purposes so a specific purpose for reading is one that helps guides students' efforts to focus on important information in the text (i.e., important in light of the general purpose for reading the text). This specific focus should be explicitly stated before students begin reading. The purposes of reading are : 1. Reading for pleasure that the material reads for entertainment, such as reading novel or comic, 2. Reading for getting information that gather usable information that you can apply toward a specific goal, such as reading news paper, or when we read the side of the cereal box to learn about how much of a certain vitamin or mineral is in the cereal, we don't read every word on the side of the box, but instead we scan the side of the box until we find the information we want 3. Reading for general understanding that is studying involves reading to comprehend concepts and details. such as reading articles. According to Grace Stovall Burkart (1998), the purpose(s) for reading guide the reader's selection of texts.
From the expert’s explanation above can be assumed that purposes are decided by the nature of the material and the interests of the student. The purpose(s) for reading guide the reader's selection of texts. The purposes of reading are usually related to pleasure (reading novel or comic), get information (reading news paper) and general understanding (reading articles).
references • Adopted from: Jennifer Conner (2006). Providing Students With A Purpose For Reading. Retrived from : • Adopted from: Heidi Byrnes (2004). “Reading in the beginning and intermediate college foreign language class”. Retrieved from • Adopted from : Grace Stovall Burkart, ed. (1998); Washington, DC: Center for Applied Linguistics. Retrieved from:
NUMBER : 10 NAME : MAWADDAH MD Knutson, Elizabeth M (1998:1) stated that Having a purpose means having a reason to read and approaching a text with a particular goal in mind, whether that goal involves learning or entertainment. And there are different purposes of reading (Delena Sholes,2009:1) : • for pleasure or for personal reasons • to find general information such as what a book is mostly about • to find a specific topic in a book or article • to learn subject matter that is required for a class
So, it can be assumed that Reading purposes means approaching texts with a specific goal! Having a clear purpose before reading can be much more effective on reading a books. For example : Jono reads Mathematic Book because wants to get specific information to answer a question on an assignment.
Adopted from : Knutson,Elizabeth M (1998:1) Reading with a Purpose: Communicative Reading Tasks for the Foreign Language Classroom. Retrieved from: Adopted from : Sholes Delena, (2009),Reading For Different Purposes.Retrieved from:
NUMBER : 10 NAME : MAWADDAH MD Knutson, Elizabeth M (1998:1) stated that Having a purpose means having a reason to read and approaching a text with a particular goal in mind, whether that goal involves learning or entertainment. And there are different purposes of reading (Delena Sholes,2009:1) : • for pleasure or for personal reasons • to find general information such as what a book is mostly about • to find a specific topic in a book or article • to learn subject matter that is required for a class
So, it can be assumed that Reading purposes means approaching texts with a specific goal! Having a clear purpose before reading can be much more effective on reading a books. For example : Jono reads Mathematic Book because wants to get specific information to answer a question on an assignment.
Adopted from : Knutson,Elizabeth M (1998:1) Reading with a Purpose: Communicative Reading Tasks for the Foreign Language Classroom. Retrieved from: Adopted from : Sholes Delena, (2009),Reading For Different Purposes.Retrieved from:
Name : Isa Nurhayati (01) NIM : 0825023 Subject : Extensive Reading Different purposes of reading Alderson defines reading as “…an enjoyable, intense, private activity, from which much pleasure can be derived, and in which one can become totally absorbed (2000:28).” According to researchers Pichert and Anderson (1977), readers determine that what is important based on their purpose for reading. Reading means different things to different people, for some it is recognizing written words, while for others it is an opportunity to teach pronunciation and practice speaking. However reading always has a purpose. It is something that we do everyday, it is an integral part of our daily lives, taken very much for granted and generally assumed to be something that everyone can do. The reason for reading depends very much on the purpose for reading. Reading can have three main purposes, for survival, for learning or for pleasure. Reading for survival is considered to be in response to our environment, to find out information and can include street signs, advertising, and timetables. It depends very much on the day-to-day needs of the reader and often involves an immediate response to a situation. In contrast reading for learning is considered to be the type of reading done in the classroom and is goal orientated. While reading for pleasure is something that does not have to be done. For Nuttall (1996) the central ideas behind reading are: - the idea of meaning; - the transfer of meaning from one mind to another; - the transfer of a message from writer to reader; - how we get meaning by reading; - how the reader, the writer and the text all contribute to the process. Adopted from : Alderson, J.C. (2000) Assessing Reading Cambridge, C.U.P. Nuttall, C. (1996) Teaching Reading Skills in a foreign language (New Edition) Oxford, Heinemann Retrieved from:
Knutson, Elizabeth M (1998:1) stated that Having a purpose means having areason to read and approaching a text with a particular goal in mind, whether that goal involves learning orentertainment. And there are different purposes of reading (DelenaSholes,2009:1) : • for pleasure or for personal reasons • to find general information such as what a book is mostly about • to find a specific topic in a book or article • to learn subject matter that is required for a class So, it can be assumed that Reading purposes means approaching texts with a specific goal! Having a clear purpose before reading can be much more effective on reading a books. For example : Jono reads Mathematic Book because wants to get specific information to answer a question on an assignment.
Adopted from : Knutson,Elizabeth M (1998:1) Reading with a Purpose: Communicative Reading Tasks for the Foreign Language Classroom. Retrieved from:
Adopted from : Sholes Delena,(2009),Reading For DifferentPurposes.Retrieved from: http://
Grellet (1992:4) stated that there are two purposes for reading viewed from the reason as follows, 1st is reading for pleasure and the 2nd is reading for information (in order to find out something or in order to do something with the information the reader get). From the definition, it can be assumed that reading has different purposes, and it depends on the readers’ objectives. If they are in reading activities just for having a pleasure, it does not matter not to look-up the unfamiliar words on their dictionaries, they can use contextual meaning without any kinds of interruption by someone else, so they can read faster. For Examples: reading short stories, novels, legends, and magazines, But if the Readers’ objectives is for getting information, it is better for them not to skip some information which they need. Even they want to read through material quickly, but they have to read more carefully when they are reading to learn. For Examples: reading memos, letters, directions, signs, notices, bulletins, and regulations
Adapted from: Grellet (1992;4). Different Reading Purpose. Retried from :
Grellet (1992:4) stated that there are two purposes for reading viewed from the reason as follows, 1st is reading for pleasure and the 2nd is reading for information (in order to find out something or in order to do something with the information the reader get). From the definition, it can be assumed that reading has different purposes, and it depends on the readers’ objectives. If they are in reading activities just for having a pleasure, it does not matter not to look-up the unfamiliar words on their dictionaries, they can use contextual meaning without any kinds of interruption by someone else, so they can read faster. For Examples: reading short stories, novels, legends, and magazines, But if the Readers’ objectives is for getting information, it is better for them not to skip some information which they need. Even they want to read through material quickly, but they have to read more carefully when they are reading to learn. For Examples: reading memos, letters, directions, signs, notices, bulletins, and regulations Adapted from: Grellet (1992;4). Different Reading Purpose.
Retried from :
Name : Endang Susilo Nim :08250011 Number : 05 Extensive reading V Reading for Different Purposes DeLene Sholes ( 2009:101) states that Reading for Different Purposes is Teach your students to read for different purposes. Sometimes it's OK to skip over an unknown word, and sometimes they need to read with a dictionary at their fingertips.If students can get the general sense of a sentence or paragraph without knowing every word, there’s no need to interrupt their reading by using a dictionary to find the word’s meaning. Sometimes they will want to read through material quickly, but they will need to read more carefully when they are reading to learn. Some Purposes for Reading • for pleasure or for personal reasons • to find general information such as what a book is mostly about • to find a specific topic in a book or article • to learn subject matter that is required for a class Once students have mastered the basic decoding skills, they will begin to read for a variety of purposes. From the definition, it can be assumed that Reading for Different Purposes is we don’t need to read translate word by word but in general we can interpret that we may easy to understand a reading text. before we must look to know if this book index to contain information we wanted or useful for us and in reading we also have focus to what we read worthwhile. example when reading short story like Nasredin book. Adopted from: Delene Sholes (Jan 27, 2009) Reading for Different Purposes retrieved from:
Name : Endang Susilo Nim :08250011 Number : 05 Extensive reading V Reading for Different Purposes DeLene Sholes ( 2009:101) states that Reading for Different Purposes is Teach your students to read for different purposes. Sometimes it's OK to skip over an unknown word, and sometimes they need to read with a dictionary at their fingertips.If students can get the general sense of a sentence or paragraph without knowing every word, there’s no need to interrupt their reading by using a dictionary to find the word’s meaning. Sometimes they will want to read through material quickly, but they will need to read more carefully when they are reading to learn. Some Purposes for Reading •for pleasure or for personal reasons •to find general information such as what a book is mostly about •to find a specific topic in a book or article •to learn subject matter that is required for a class Once students have mastered the basic decoding skills, they will begin to read for a variety of purposes. From the definition, it can be assumed that Reading for Different Purposes is we don’t need to read translate word by word but in general we can interpret that we may easy to understand a reading text. before we must look to know if this book index to contain information we wanted or useful for us and in reading we also have focus to what we read worthwhile. example when reading short story like Nasredin book. Adopted from: Delene Sholes (Jan 27, 2009) Reading for Different Purposes retrieved from:
Name : Endang Susilo Nim :08250011 Number : 05 Extensive reading V Reading for Different Purposes DeLene Sholes ( 2009:101) states that Reading for Different Purposes is Teach your students to read for different purposes. Sometimes it's OK to skip over an unknown word, and sometimes they need to read with a dictionary at their fingertips.If students can get the general sense of a sentence or paragraph without knowing every word, there’s no need to interrupt their reading by using a dictionary to find the word’s meaning. Sometimes they will want to read through material quickly, but they will need to read more carefully when they are reading to learn. Some Purposes for Reading •for pleasure or for personal reasons •to find general information such as what a book is mostly about •to find a specific topic in a book or article •to learn subject matter that is required for a class Once students have mastered the basic decoding skills, they will begin to read for a variety of purposes. From the definition, it can be assumed that Reading for Different Purposes is we don’t need to read translate word by word but in general we can interpret that we may easy to understand a reading text. before we must look to know if this book index to contain information we wanted or useful for us and in reading we also have focus to what we read worthwhile. example when reading short story like Nasredin book. Adopted from: Delene Sholes (Jan 27, 2009) Reading for Different Purposes retrieved from:
Name : Endang Susilo Nim :08250011 Number : 05 Extensive reading V Reading for Different Purposes DeLene Sholes ( 2009:101) states that Reading for Different Purposes is Teach your students to read for different purposes. Sometimes it's OK to skip over an unknown word, and sometimes they need to read with a dictionary at their fingertips.If students can get the general sense of a sentence or paragraph without knowing every word, there’s no need to interrupt their reading by using a dictionary to find the word’s meaning. Sometimes they will want to read through material quickly, but they will need to read more carefully when they are reading to learn. Some Purposes for Reading •for pleasure or for personal reasons •to find general information such as what a book is mostly about •to find a specific topic in a book or article •to learn subject matter that is required for a class Once students have mastered the basic decoding skills, they will begin to read for a variety of purposes. From the definition, it can be assumed that Reading for Different Purposes is we don’t need to read translate word by word but in general we can interpret that we may easy to understand a reading text. before we must look to know if this book index to contain information we wanted or useful for us and in reading we also have focus to what we read worthwhile. example when reading short story like Nasredin book. Adopted from: Delene Sholes (Jan 27, 2009) Reading for Different Purposes retrieved from:
Name : Endang Susilo Nim :08250011 Number : 05 Extensive reading V Reading for Different Purposes DeLene Sholes ( 2009:101) states that Reading for Different Purposes is Teach your students to read for different purposes. Sometimes it's OK to skip over an unknown word, and sometimes they need to read with a dictionary at their fingertips.If students can get the general sense of a sentence or paragraph without knowing every word, there’s no need to interrupt their reading by using a dictionary to find the word’s meaning. Sometimes they will want to read through material quickly, but they will need to read more carefully when they are reading to learn. Some Purposes for Reading • for pleasure or for personal reasons •to find general information such as what a book is mostly about •to find a specific topic in a book or article •to learn subject matter that is required for a class Once students have mastered the basic decoding skills, they will begin to read for a variety of purposes. From the definition, it can be assumed that Reading for Different Purposes is we don’t need to read translate word by word but in general we can interpret that we may easy to understand a reading text. before we must look to know if this book index to contain information we wanted or useful for us and in reading we also have focus to what we read worthwhile. example when reading short story like Nasredin book. Adopted from: Delene Sholes (Jan 27, 2009) Reading for Different Purposes retrieved from:
Name : Endang Susilo Nim :08250011 Number : 05 Extensive reading V Reading for Different Purposes DeLene Sholes ( 2009:101) states that Reading for Different Purposes is Teach your students to read for different purposes. Sometimes it's OK to skip over an unknown word, and sometimes they need to read with a dictionary at their fingertips.If students can get the general sense of a sentence or paragraph without knowing every word, there’s no need to interrupt their reading by using a dictionary to find the word’s meaning. Sometimes they will want to read through material quickly, but they will need to read more carefully when they are reading to learn. Some Purposes for Reading •for pleasure or for personal reasons •to find general information such as what a book is mostly about •to find a specific topic in a book or article •to learn subject matter that is required for a class Once students have mastered the basic decoding skills, they will begin to read for a variety of purposes. From the definition, it can be assumed that Reading for Different Purposes is we don’t need to read translate word by word but in general we can interpret that we may easy to understand a reading text. before we must look to know if this book index to contain information we wanted or useful for us and in reading we also have focus to what we read worthwhile. example when reading short story like Nasredin book. Adopted from: Delene Sholes (Jan 27, 2009) Reading for Different Purposes retrieved from:
according to Delene Sholes (2009), there are 4 different purposes of reading • for pleasure or for personal reasons • to find general information such as what a book is mostly about • to find a specific topic in a book or article • to learn subject matter that is required for a class
Once students have mastered the basic decoding skills, they will begin to read for a variety of purposes.
from her statemnet, it can be assumed that, reading can be do with different purposes, based on the reader interest. And doing reading with different purposes to assist the reader more fondness for reading
adopted from: Delene Sholes (2009). reading for different purposes
Name : Endang Susilo Nim :08250011 Number : 05 Extensive reading V Reading for Different Purposes DeLene Sholes ( 2009:101) states that Reading for Different Purposes is Teach your students to read for different purposes. Sometimes it's OK to skip over an unknown word, and sometimes they need to read with a dictionary at their fingertips.If students can get the general sense of a sentence or paragraph without knowing every word, there’s no need to interrupt their reading by using a dictionary to find the word’s meaning. Sometimes they will want to read through material quickly, but they will need to read more carefully when they are reading to learn. Some Purposes for Reading •for pleasure or for personal reasons •to find general information such as what a book is mostly about •to find a specific topic in a book or article •to learn subject matter that is required for a class Once students have mastered the basic decoding skills, they will begin to read for a variety of purposes. From the definition, it can be assumed that Reading for Different Purposes is we don’t need to read translate word by word but in general we can interpret that we may easy to understand a reading text. before we must look to know if this book index to contain information we wanted or useful for us and in reading we also have focus to what we read worthwhile. example when reading short story like Nasredin book. Adopted from: Delene Sholes (Jan 27, 2009) Reading for Different Purposes retrieved from:
according to Delene Sholes (2009), there are 4 different purposes of reading • for pleasure or for personal reasons • to find general information such as what a book is mostly about • to find a specific topic in a book or article • to learn subject matter that is required for a class
Once students have mastered the basic decoding skills, they will begin to read for a variety of purposes.
from her statemnet, it can be assumed that, reading can be do with different purposes, based on the reader interest. And doing reading with different purposes to assist the reader more fondness for reading
adopted from: Delene Sholes (2009). reading for different purposes
Knutson, Elizabeth M (1998:1) stated that Having a purpose means having areason to read and approaching a text with a particular goal in mind, whether that goal involves learning orentertainment. And there are different purposes of reading (DelenaSholes,2009:1) : • for pleasure or for personal reasons • to find general information such as what a book is mostly about • to find a specific topic in a book or article • to learn subject matter that is required for a class So, it can be assumed that Reading purposes means approaching texts with a specific goal! Having a clear purpose before reading can be much more effective on reading a books. For example : Jono reads Mathematic Book because wants to get specific information to answer a question on an assignment.
Adopted from : Knutson,Elizabeth M (1998:1) Reading with a Purpose: Communicative Reading Tasks for the Foreign Language Classroom. Retrieved from:
Adopted from : Sholes Delena,(2009),Reading For DifferentPurposes.Retrieved from: http://
Name : Endang Susilo Nim :08250011 Number : 05 Extensive reading V Reading for Different Purposes DeLene Sholes ( 2009:101) states that Reading for Different Purposes is Teach your students to read for different purposes. Sometimes it's OK to skip over an unknown word, and sometimes they need to read with a dictionary at their fingertips.If students can get the general sense of a sentence or paragraph without knowing every word, there’s no need to interrupt their reading by using a dictionary to find the word’s meaning. Sometimes they will want to read through material quickly, but they will need to read more carefully when they are reading to learn. Some Purposes for Reading •for pleasure or for personal reasons •to find general information such as what a book is mostly about •to find a specific topic in a book or article •to learn subject matter that is required for a class Once students have mastered the basic decoding skills, they will begin to read for a variety of purposes. From the definition, it can be assumed that Reading for Different Purposes is we don’t need to read translate word by word but in general we can interpret that we may easy to understand a reading text. before we must look to know if this book index to contain information we wanted or useful for us and in reading we also have focus to what we read worthwhile. example when reading short story like Nasredin book. Adopted from: Delene Sholes (Jan 27, 2009) Reading for Different Purposes retrieved from:
Knutson, Elizabeth M (1998:1) stated that Having a purpose means having areason to read and approaching a text with a particular goal in mind, whether that goal involves learning orentertainment. And there are different purposes of reading (DelenaSholes,2009:1) : • for pleasure or for personal reasons • to find general information such as what a book is mostly about • to find a specific topic in a book or article • to learn subject matter that is required for a class So, it can be assumed that Reading purposes means approaching texts with a specific goal! Having a clear purpose before reading can be much more effective on reading a books. For example : Jono reads Mathematic Book because wants to get specific information to answer a question on an assignment.
Adopted from : Knutson,Elizabeth M (1998:1) Reading with a Purpose: Communicative Reading Tasks for the Foreign Language Classroom. Retrieved from:
Adopted from : Sholes Delena,(2009),Reading For DifferentPurposes.Retrieved from: http://
Knutson, Elizabeth M (1998:1) stated that Having a purpose means having areason to read and approaching a text with a particular goal in mind, whether that goal involves learning orentertainment. And there are different purposes of reading (DelenaSholes,2009:1) : • for pleasure or for personal reasons • to find general information such as what a book is mostly about • to find a specific topic in a book or article • to learn subject matter that is required for a class So, it can be assumed that Reading purposes means approaching texts with a specific goal! Having a clear purpose before reading can be much more effective on reading a books. For example : Jono reads Mathematic Book because wants to get specific information to answer a question on an assignment.
Adopted from : Knutson,Elizabeth M (1998:1) Reading with a Purpose: Communicative Reading Tasks for the Foreign Language Classroom. Retrieved from:
Adopted from : Sholes Delena,(2009),Reading For DifferentPurposes.Retrieved from: http://
Name :Reza Heriyantosa (14) From the expert quotation Grabe and Stoller (2002) categorize seven purposes of reading such as:
1. Reading to search for simple information It means that the reader reads text to get specific information that he/she needs. Usually, the reader has question in mind, so he/she read text which has correlation with his/her question to get the answer.
2. Reading to skim quickly In this case, the reader reads text to find out the general idea of text without spends much time.
3. Reading to learn from texts Reading to learn from texts means that reading to get knowledge and understanding of the information of texts.
4. Reading to integrate information It means that the reader reads text to integrate the information of text with the information of another text to conclude a complex information.
5. Reading to write Reading to write means that reading to find out information that the reader needs for his/her writing.
6. Reading to critique texts It means that the reader read text because he/she wants to observe the text. He/She reads the text to find out the error of text or to compare his/her opinion with the information in text.
7. Reading for general comprehension Reading for general comprehension means that reading to get general information of text by connect the reader’s previous knowledge with the information of text.
Resource: Grabe, & Stoller. (2002). Reading and Purposes of Reading. Retrieved from:
Name :Reza Heriyantosa (14) From the expert quotation Grabe and Stoller (2002) categorize seven purposes of reading such as:
1. Reading to search for simple information It means that the reader reads text to get specific information that he/she needs. Usually, the reader has question in mind, so he/she read text which has correlation with his/her question to get the answer.
2. Reading to skim quickly In this case, the reader reads text to find out the general idea of text without spends much time.
3. Reading to learn from texts Reading to learn from texts means that reading to get knowledge and understanding of the information of texts.
4. Reading to integrate information It means that the reader reads text to integrate the information of text with the information of another text to conclude a complex information.
5. Reading to write Reading to write means that reading to find out information that the reader needs for his/her writing.
6. Reading to critique texts It means that the reader read text because he/she wants to observe the text. He/She reads the text to find out the error of text or to compare his/her opinion with the information in text.
7. Reading for general comprehension Reading for general comprehension means that reading to get general information of text by connect the reader’s previous knowledge with the information of text.
Resource: Grabe, & Stoller. (2002). Reading and Purposes of Reading. Retrieved from:
V. Different purpose of reading Elizabeth M. Knutson states that having a purpose means having a reason to read and approaching a text with a particular goal in mind, whether that goal involves learning or entertainment. In real-world and classroom situations, purpose affects the reader's motivation, interest, and manner of reading. From the definition, it can be assumed that the different purpose of reading is divided into two kinds, the first reading in order to gain information, knowledge, or we commonly refer to academic reading. The second is reading for the purpose of entertainment or pleasure. Like reading comics, magazines, and others. So. Read with a variety of purposes is strongly influenced by the goals and interests of the reader itself. Adopted from: Knutson, E. M. (1998). Reading with a Purpose: Communicative Reading Tasks for the Foreign Language Classroom. Retrieved from:
V. Different purpose of reading Elizabeth M. Knutson states that having a purpose means having a reason to read and approaching a text with a particular goal in mind, whether that goal involves learning or entertainment. In real-world and classroom situations, purpose affects the reader's motivation, interest, and manner of reading. From the definition, it can be assumed that the different purpose of reading is divided into two kinds, the first reading in order to gain information, knowledge, or we commonly refer to academic reading. The second is reading for the purpose of entertainment or pleasure. Like reading comics, magazines, and others. So. Read with a variety of purposes is strongly influenced by the goals and interests of the reader itself. Adopted from: Knutson, E. M. (1998). Reading with a Purpose: Communicative Reading Tasks for the Foreign Language Classroom. Retrieved from:
V. Different purpose of reading Elizabeth M. Knutson states that having a purpose means having a reason to read and approaching a text with a particular goal in mind, whether that goal involves learning or entertainment. In real-world and classroom situations, purpose affects the reader's motivation, interest, and manner of reading. From the definition, it can be assumed that the different purpose of reading is divided into two kinds, the first reading in order to gain information, knowledge, or we commonly refer to academic reading. The second is reading for the purpose of entertainment or pleasure. Like reading comics, magazines, and others. So. Read with a variety of purposes is strongly influenced by the goals and interests of the reader itself. Adopted from: Knutson, E. M. (1998). Reading with a Purpose: Communicative Reading Tasks for the Foreign Language Classroom. Retrieved from:
Grellet (1992:4) stated that there are two purposes for reading viewed from the reason as follows, 1st is reading for pleasure and the 2nd is reading for information (in order to find out something or in order to do something with the information the reader get). From the definition, it can be assumed that reading has different purposes, and it depends on the readers’ objectives. If they are in reading activities just for having a pleasure, it does not matter not to look-up the unfamiliar words on their dictionaries, they can use contextual meaning without any kinds of interruption by someone else, so they can read faster. For Examples: reading short stories, novels, legends, and magazines, But if the Readers’ objectives is for getting information, it is better for them not to skip some information which they need. Even they want to read through material quickly, but they have to read more carefully when they are reading to learn. For Examples: reading memos, letters, directions, signs, notices, bulletins, and regulations
Adapted from: Grellet (1992;4). Different Reading Purpose. Retried from :
Name :Reza Heriyantosa (14) From the expert quotation Grabe and Stoller (2002) categorize seven purposes of reading such as:
1. Reading to search for simple information It means that the reader reads text to get specific information that he/she needs. Usually, the reader has question in mind, so he/she read text which has correlation with his/her question to get the answer.
2. Reading to skim quickly In this case, the reader reads text to find out the general idea of text without spends much time.
3. Reading to learn from texts Reading to learn from texts means that reading to get knowledge and understanding of the information of texts.
4. Reading to integrate information It means that the reader reads text to integrate the information of text with the information of another text to conclude a complex information.
5. Reading to write Reading to write means that reading to find out information that the reader needs for his/her writing.
6. Reading to critique texts It means that the reader read text because he/she wants to observe the text. He/She reads the text to find out the error of text or to compare his/her opinion with the information in text.
7. Reading for general comprehension Reading for general comprehension means that reading to get general information of text by connect the reader’s previous knowledge with the information of text.
Resource: Grabe, & Stoller. (2002). Reading and Purposes of Reading. Retrieved from:
Grellet (1992:4) stated that there are two purposes for reading viewed from the reason as follows, 1st is reading for pleasure and the 2nd is reading for information (in order to find out something or in order to do something with the information the reader get). From the definition, it can be assumed that reading has different purposes, and it depends on the readers’ objectives. If they are in reading activities just for having a pleasure, it does not matter not to look-up the unfamiliar words on their dictionaries, they can use contextual meaning without any kinds of interruption by someone else, so they can read faster. For Examples: reading short stories, novels, legends, and magazines, But if the Readers’ objectives is for getting information, it is better for them not to skip some information which they need. Even they want to read through material quickly, but they have to read more carefully when they are reading to learn. For Examples: reading memos, letters, directions, signs, notices, bulletins, and regulations.
Adapted from: Grellet (1992;4). Different Reading Purpose. Retried from :
Syed Ali (January, 2010.1)The purposes of reading are usually related to pleasure, information and general understanding. The purposes are determined by the nature of the material and the interests of the student.
So based on that opinion my conclusion of reading for different purposes is reading based on reader’s mean. For example: In real life, we read texts differently for different purposes. Such as, we may skim an article to get the author’s overall message, or we may scan a TV guide for a good film to watch. Adapted from: Syed Ali (2010:30). What is Extensive reading, Purposes, Characteristics, Benefits and Why do ER? Retried from :
Name :Reza Heriyantosa (14) From the expert quotation Grabe and Stoller (2002) categorize seven purposes of reading such as:
1. Reading to search for simple information It means that the reader reads text to get specific information that he/she needs. Usually, the reader has question in mind, so he/she read text which has correlation with his/her question to get the answer.
2. Reading to skim quickly In this case, the reader reads text to find out the general idea of text without spends much time.
3. Reading to learn from texts Reading to learn from texts means that reading to get knowledge and understanding of the information of texts.
4. Reading to integrate information It means that the reader reads text to integrate the information of text with the information of another text to conclude a complex information.
5. Reading to write Reading to write means that reading to find out information that the reader needs for his/her writing.
6. Reading to critique texts It means that the reader read text because he/she wants to observe the text. He/She reads the text to find out the error of text or to compare his/her opinion with the information in text.
7. Reading for general comprehension Reading for general comprehension means that reading to get general information of text by connect the reader’s previous knowledge with the information of text.
Resource: Grabe, & Stoller. (2002). Reading and Purposes of Reading. Retrieved from:
Name :Reza Heriyantosa (14) From the expert quotation Grabe and Stoller (2002) categorize seven purposes of reading such as:
1. Reading to search for simple information It means that the reader reads text to get specific information that he/she needs. Usually, the reader has question in mind, so he/she read text which has correlation with his/her question to get the answer.
2. Reading to skim quickly In this case, the reader reads text to find out the general idea of text without spends much time.
3. Reading to learn from texts Reading to learn from texts means that reading to get knowledge and understanding of the information of texts.
4. Reading to integrate information It means that the reader reads text to integrate the information of text with the information of another text to conclude a complex information.
5. Reading to write Reading to write means that reading to find out information that the reader needs for his/her writing.
6. Reading to critique texts It means that the reader read text because he/she wants to observe the text. He/She reads the text to find out the error of text or to compare his/her opinion with the information in text.
7. Reading for general comprehension Reading for general comprehension means that reading to get general information of text by connect the reader’s previous knowledge with the information of text.
Resource: Grabe, & Stoller. (2002). Reading and Purposes of Reading. Retrieved from:
Name :Reza Heriyantosa (14) From the expert quotation Grabe and Stoller (2002) categorize seven purposes of reading such as:
1. Reading to search for simple information It means that the reader reads text to get specific information that he/she needs. Usually, the reader has question in mind, so he/she read text which has correlation with his/her question to get the answer.
2. Reading to skim quickly In this case, the reader reads text to find out the general idea of text without spends much time.
3. Reading to learn from texts Reading to learn from texts means that reading to get knowledge and understanding of the information of texts.
4. Reading to integrate information It means that the reader reads text to integrate the information of text with the information of another text to conclude a complex information.
5. Reading to write Reading to write means that reading to find out information that the reader needs for his/her writing.
6. Reading for general comprehension Reading for general comprehension means that reading to get general information of text by connect the reader’s previous knowledge with the information of text.
Resource: Grabe, & Stoller. (2002). Reading and Purposes of Reading. Retrieved from:
Name :Reza Heriyantosa (14) From the expert quotation Grabe and Stoller (2002) categorize seven purposes of reading such as:
1. Reading to search for simple information It means that the reader reads text to get specific information that he/she needs. Usually, the reader has question in mind, so he/she read text which has correlation with his/her question to get the answer.
2. Reading to skim quickly In this case, the reader reads text to find out the general idea of text without spends much time.
3. Reading to learn from texts Reading to learn from texts means that reading to get knowledge and understanding of the information of texts.
4. Reading to integrate information It means that the reader reads text to integrate the information of text with the information of another text to conclude a complex information.
5. Reading to write Reading to write means that reading to find out information that the reader needs for his/her writing.
6. Reading for general comprehension Reading for general comprehension means that reading to get general information of text by connect the reader’s previous knowledge with the information of text.
Resource: Grabe, & Stoller. (2002). Reading and Purposes of Reading. Retrieved from:
Name :Reza Heriyantosa (14) From the expert quotation Grabe and Stoller (2002) categorize seven purposes of reading such as:
1. Reading to search for simple information It means that the reader reads text to get specific information that he/she needs. Usually, the reader has question in mind, so he/she read text which has correlation with his/her question to get the answer.
2. Reading to skim quickly In this case, the reader reads text to find out the general idea of text without spends much time.
3. Reading to learn from texts Reading to learn from texts means that reading to get knowledge and understanding of the information of texts.
4. Reading to integrate information It means that the reader reads text to integrate the information of text with the information of another text to conclude a complex information.
5. Reading to write Reading to write means that reading to find out information that the reader needs for his/her writing.
6. Reading for general comprehension Reading for general comprehension means that reading to get general information of text by connect the reader’s previous knowledge with the information of text.
Resource: Grabe, & Stoller. (2002). Reading and Purposes of Reading. Retrieved from:
Name :Reza Heriyantosa (14) From the expert quotation Grabe and Stoller (2002) categorize seven purposes of reading such as:
1. Reading to search for simple information It means that the reader reads text to get specific information that he/she needs. Usually, the reader has question in mind, so he/she read text which has correlation with his/her question to get the answer.
2. Reading to skim quickly In this case, the reader reads text to find out the general idea of text without spends much time.
3. Reading to integrate information It means that the reader reads text to integrate the information of text with the information of another text to conclude a complex information.
4. Reading to write Reading to write means that reading to find out information that the reader needs for his/her writing.
5. Reading for general comprehension Reading for general comprehension means that reading to get general information of text by connect the reader’s previous knowledge with the information of text.
Resource: Grabe, & Stoller. (2002). Reading and Purposes of Reading. Retrieved from:
Name :Reza Heriyantosa (14) From the expert quotation Grabe and Stoller (2002) categorize seven purposes of reading such as:
1. Reading to search for simple information It means that the reader reads text to get specific information that he/she needs. Usually, the reader has question in mind, so he/she read text which has correlation with his/her question to get the answer.
2. Reading to skim quickly In this case, the reader reads text to find out the general idea of text without spends much time.
3. Reading to integrate information It means that the reader reads text to integrate the information of text with the information of another text to conclude a complex information.
4. Reading to write Reading to write means that reading to find out information that the reader needs for his/her writing.
5. Reading for general comprehension Reading for general comprehension means that reading to get general information of text by connect the reader’s previous knowledge with the information of text.
Resource: Grabe, & Stoller. (2002). Reading and Purposes of Reading. Retrieved from:
Name :Reza Heriyantosa (14) From the expert quotation Grabe and Stoller (2002) categorize seven purposes of reading such as:
1. Reading to search for simple information It means that the reader reads text to get specific information that he/she needs. Usually, the reader has question in mind, so he/she read text which has correlation with his/her question to get the answer.
2. Reading to skim quickly In this case, the reader reads text to find out the general idea of text without spends much time.
3. Reading to integrate information It means that the reader reads text to integrate the information of text with the information of another text to conclude a complex information.
4. Reading to write Reading to write means that reading to find out information that the reader needs for his/her writing.
5. Reading for general comprehension Reading for general comprehension means that reading to get general information of text by connect the reader’s previous knowledge with the information of text.
Resource: Grabe, & Stoller. (2002). Reading and Purposes of Reading. Retrieved from:
Name :Reza Heriyantosa (14) From the expert quotation Grabe and Stoller (2002) categorize four purposes of reading such as:
1. Reading to search for simple information, It means that the reader reads text to get specific information that he/she needs. Usually, the reader has question in mind, so he/she read text which has correlation with his/her question to get the answer. 2. Reading to skim quickly, In this case, the reader reads text to find out the general idea of text without spends much time. 3. Reading to learn from texts, Reading to learn from texts means that reading to get knowledge and understanding of the information of texts. 4. Reading to integrate information, It means that the reader reads text to integrate the information of text with the information of another text to conclude a complex information. So, it depends on what purposes we read the materials.
Resource: Grabe, & Stoller. (2002). Reading and Purposes of Reading. Retrieved from:
From the expert quotation Grabe and Stoller (2002) categorize four purposes of reading such as: 1. Reading to search for simple information, It means that the reader reads text to get specific information that he/she needs. Usually, the reader has question in mind, so he/she read text which has correlation with his/her question to get the answer. 2. Reading to skim quickly, In this case, the reader reads text to find out the general idea of text without spends much time. 3. Reading to learn from texts, Reading to learn from texts means that reading to get knowledge and understanding of the information of texts. 4. Reading to integrate information, It means that the reader reads text to integrate the information of text with the information of another text to conclude a complex information. So, it depends on what purposes we read the materials.
Resource: Grabe, & Stoller. (2002). Reading and Purposes of Reading. Retrieved from:
rEVISE NAMA : AKHIROTUL FAIZATIN NISA' NIM : 0825004 NO : 4 Reading comprehension According Marlius Telaumbanua ( 2011:3) state that Reading comprehension is to understand written text means extracting the required information from it as efficient as possible. From definition it can be assumed that A reader is not only understand and get information in the text but also he or she must have a technique reading such as skimming,scanning,etc so a reader can manage as efficient as possible of the time. Adopted from : Marlius Telaumbanua. ( 2011: 3), Reading Comprehension. Retrieved from :
Revise nama : hasan sadiqin no : 7 The Purposes for Reading
Delene Sholes (2009) states that some purposes for reading especially for students, those are: for pleasure or for personal reasons, to find general information such as what a book is mostly about, to find a specific topic in a book or article, and to learn subject matter that is required for a class.
From the definition, it can be assumed that there are so many purposes of reading and the purpose depends on the reader’s need. For example: we read a history book about wars in the world and the purpose is to get a knowledge or information about the history or some history of wars in the world.
Adopted from: Sholes, Delene.(Jan 27,2009). Reading for Different Purposes. Retrieved from:
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteName : Nadya Nur’aini (31)
DeleteGrellet (1992:4) stated that there are two purposes for reading viewed from the reason as follows, 1st is reading for pleasure and the 2nd is reading for information (in order to find out something or in order to do something with the information the reader get). From the definition, it can be assumed that reading has different purposes, and it depends on the readers’ objectives. If they are in reading activities just for having a pleasure, it does not matter not to look-up the unfamiliar words on their dictionaries, they can use contextual meaning without any kinds of interruption by someone else, so they can read faster. For Examples: reading short stories, novels, legends, and magazines, But if the Readers’ objectives is for getting information, it is better for them not to skip some information which they need. Even they want to read through material quickly, but they have to read more carefully when they are reading to learn. For Examples: reading memos, letters, directions, signs, notices, bulletins, and regulations
Adapted from: Grellet (1992;4). Different Reading Purpose.
Retried from :
Novi Kasari (0825043)
ReplyDeleteReading for Different Purposes
Strategies for Reading Different Kinds of Materials
If students can get the general sense of a sentence or paragraph without knowing every word, there’s no need to interrupt their reading by using a dictionary to find the word’s meaning. Sometimes they will want to read through material quickly, but they will need to read more carefully when they are reading to learn.
Some Purposes for Reading
• for pleasure or for personal reasons
• to find general information such as what a book is mostly about
• to find a specific topic in a book or article
• to learn subject matter that is required for a class
Once students have mastered the basic decoding skills, they will begin to read for a variety of purposes.
If they are reading a book or article for fun or if they simply want to know about a particular subject such as frogs, they may want to read fast. It isn’t necessary for them to read every word or even know the meaning of every word in the text. They will probably get the sense of the unknown word from the context.
Skimming for General Information
Students who want to find general information about a subject such as frogs will want to skim through a book or several books to determine how the books are organized and what they cover. When they skim, they flip through the pages of the book or article quickly to find out whether it might cover the information they need.
Scanning for Specific Information
When a student wants to know how tadpoles become frogs, he will need to scan a book or article about amphibians or frogs to find out whether the material covers tadpoles. When he scans, he will look at the title, the table of contents, the headings, and the index to find out if the material gives information about tadpoles.
Reading to Learn
Another purpose for reading calls for reading carefully and slowly. When a student studies for a test, he will want to skim the book or chapter first to see what it covers. Then he will read the headings and subheadings to discover how the book is organized. He should try to make connections between the material and what he already knows.
Once the student has a general idea about the material he wants to learn, he will read the sections carefully. It’s a time to read with a dictionary close by and to check the glossary for words he doesn’t know. After reading the chapter or section carefully, the student will go back and review the material to see if he can answer questions about the text.
A reading strategy called SQ3R gives more information about a method for studying, asking and answering questions, and reviewing material.
Efficient readers have learned to use different strategies for different kinds of reading. They know when it’s OK to read quickly – skipping over some of the words, how to skim for general information, scan for specific information, and how to study for tests.
Soles, Delene. (Jan 27,2009). Reading for Different Purposes. Retrieved from :
28. Eko Saputra (0825064)
Davies (March, 2012.133-134) states perposes for reading are reading for pleasure, reading for a general impression, reading for organizing reading and study, reading for learning content or procedures and reading for learning languages. From the definition, it can be assumed that it depends on the reader’s purpose in reading whether he/she wants to ge general information, for pleasure and etc. For example; Reading comics in spare time, so the purpose could be for pleasure.
Adopted from: Davies (March, 2012), The purpose of Reading, retrieved from:
Name : Yovfita
ReplyDeleteNIM : 08 25 058 (24)
Subject : Extensive Reading
Lecturer : Holandyah, M.Pd
Brozo & Simpson (1997 :149) States “If you have not been provide a purpose for reading, figuring out what you are expected to recall as a result of your reading becomes a matter of guesswork." It means that meaningful reading cannot occur without a purpose. Even though proficient readers may not always consciously state their reasons for reading particular selections, they always have a purpose. A purpose influences the strategies that readers use and what they will remember from their reading. If no specific purpose exists, reading tends to be haphazard and may lack any real value. From the definition, it can be assumed that different purposes of reading is a reading approach which ask students to read text in specific purpose. For Example: reading for pleasure such as, magazine, comic, journal and etc.
Adopted from : Brozo and Simpson ( March, 1997). Setting a Purpose for Reading.
Retrieved from :
Name : Herliansyah
DeleteNim : 08 25 00 17
Subject : Extensive reading
Number: 08
Source : Adobted by: Sholes Delene.(2009). Retrieved From: Reading for Different Purposes: Strategies for Reading Different Kinds of Materials |
V. Different purposes of reading
Teach your students to read for different purposes. Sometimes it's OK to skip over an unknown word, and sometimes they need to read with a dictionary at their fingertips.
If students can get the general sense of a sentence or paragraph without knowing every word, there’s no need to interrupt their reading by using a dictionary to find the word’s meaning. Sometimes they will want to read through material quickly, but they will need to read more carefully when they are reading to learn.
Some Purposes for Reading
• for pleasure or for personal reasons
• to find general information such as what a book is most
• to find a specific topic in a book or article
• to learn subject matter that is required for a class
In my opinion:
Every no native speaker is not easy to read, it is ok if we want to skip over an unknown word when we can not find the meaning, may be we can guess the meaning by using key word providing in the reading book.
Name : Herliansyah
DeleteNim : 08 25 00 17
Subject : Extensive reading
Number: 08
Source : Adobted by: Sholes Delene.(2009). Retrieved From: Reading for Different Purposes: Strategies for Reading Different Kinds of Materials |
V. Different purposes of reading
Teach your students to read for different purposes. Sometimes it's OK to skip over an unknown word, and sometimes they need to read with a dictionary at their fingertips.
If students can get the general sense of a sentence or paragraph without knowing every word, there’s no need to interrupt their reading by using a dictionary to find the word’s meaning. Sometimes they will want to read through material quickly, but they will need to read more carefully when they are reading to learn.
Some Purposes for Reading
• for pleasure or for personal reasons
• to find general information such as what a book is most
• to find a specific topic in a book or article
• to learn subject matter that is required for a class
In my opinion:
Every no native speaker is not easy to read, it is ok if we want to skip over an unknown word when we can not find the meaning, may be we can guess the meaning by using key word providing in the reading book.
Name : Herliansyah
ReplyDeleteNim : 08 25 00 17
Subject : Extensive reading
Number: 08
Source : Adobted by: Sholes Delene.(2009). Retrieved From: Reading for Different Purposes: Strategies for Reading Different Kinds of Materials |
V. Different purposes of reading
Teach your students to read for different purposes. Sometimes it's OK to skip over an unknown word, and sometimes they need to read with a dictionary at their fingertips.
If students can get the general sense of a sentence or paragraph without knowing every word, there’s no need to interrupt their reading by using a dictionary to find the word’s meaning. Sometimes they will want to read through material quickly, but they will need to read more carefully when they are reading to learn.
Some Purposes for Reading
• for pleasure or for personal reasons
• to find general information such as what a book is most
• to find a specific topic in a book or article
• to learn subject matter that is required for a class
In my opinion:
Every no native speaker is not easy to read, it is ok if we want to skip over an unknown word when we can not find the meaning, may be we can guess the meaning by using key word providing in the reading book.
Name : Herliansyah
ReplyDeleteNim : 08 25 00 17
Subject : Extensive reading
Number: 08
Source : Adobted by: Sholes Delene.(2009). Retrieved From: Reading for Different Purposes: Strategies for Reading Different Kinds of Materials |
V. Different purposes of reading
Teach your students to read for different purposes. Sometimes it's OK to skip over an unknown word, and sometimes they need to read with a dictionary at their fingertips.
If students can get the general sense of a sentence or paragraph without knowing every word, there’s no need to interrupt their reading by using a dictionary to find the word’s meaning. Sometimes they will want to read through material quickly, but they will need to read more carefully when they are reading to learn.
Some Purposes for Reading
• for pleasure or for personal reasons
• to find general information such as what a book is most
• to find a specific topic in a book or article
• to learn subject matter that is required for a class
In my opinion:
Every no native speaker is not easy to read, it is ok if we want to skip over an unknown word when we can not find the meaning, may be we can guess the meaning by using key word providing in the reading book.
Name : Herliansyah
ReplyDeleteNim : 08 25 00 17
Subject : Extensive reading
Number: 08
Source : Adobted by: Sholes Delene.(2009). Retrieved From: Reading for Different Purposes: Strategies for Reading Different Kinds of Materials |
V. Different purposes of reading
Teach your students to read for different purposes. Sometimes it's OK to skip over an unknown word, and sometimes they need to read with a dictionary at their fingertips.
If students can get the general sense of a sentence or paragraph without knowing every word, there’s no need to interrupt their reading by using a dictionary to find the word’s meaning. Sometimes they will want to read through material quickly, but they will need to read more carefully when they are reading to learn.
Some Purposes for Reading
• for pleasure or for personal reasons
• to find general information such as what a book is most
• to find a specific topic in a book or article
• to learn subject matter that is required for a class
In my opinion:
Every no native speaker is not easy to read, it is ok if we want to skip over an unknown word when we can not find the meaning, may be we can guess the meaning by using key word providing in the reading book.
Name : Herliansyah
ReplyDeleteNim : 08 25 00 17
Subject : Extensive reading
Number: 08
Source : Adobted by: Sholes Delene.(2009). Retrieved From: Reading for Different Purposes: Strategies for Reading Different Kinds of Materials |
V. Different purposes of reading
Teach your students to read for different purposes. Sometimes it's OK to skip over an unknown word, and sometimes they need to read with a dictionary at their fingertips.
If students can get the general sense of a sentence or paragraph without knowing every word, there’s no need to interrupt their reading by using a dictionary to find the word’s meaning. Sometimes they will want to read through material quickly, but they will need to read more carefully when they are reading to learn.
Some Purposes for Reading
• for pleasure or for personal reasons
• to find general information such as what a book is most
• to find a specific topic in a book or article
• to learn subject matter that is required for a class
In my opinion:
Every no native speaker is not easy to read, it is ok if we want to skip over an unknown word when we can not find the meaning, may be we can guess the meaning by using key word providing in the reading book.
Name : Herliansyah
ReplyDeleteNim : 08 25 00 17
Subject : Extensive reading
Number: 08
Source : Adobted by: Sholes Delene.(2009). Retrieved From: Reading for Different Purposes: Strategies for Reading Different Kinds of Materials |
V. Different purposes of reading
Teach your students to read for different purposes. Sometimes it's OK to skip over an unknown word, and sometimes they need to read with a dictionary at their fingertips.
If students can get the general sense of a sentence or paragraph without knowing every word, there’s no need to interrupt their reading by using a dictionary to find the word’s meaning. Sometimes they will want to read through material quickly, but they will need to read more carefully when they are reading to learn.
Some Purposes for Reading
• for pleasure or for personal reasons
• to find general information such as what a book is most
• to find a specific topic in a book or article
• to learn subject matter that is required for a class
In my opinion:
Every no native speaker is not easy to read, it is ok if we want to skip over an unknown word when we can not find the meaning, may be we can guess the meaning by using key word providing in the reading book.
Name : Herliansyah
ReplyDeleteNim : 08 25 00 17
Subject : Extensive reading
Number: 08
Source : Adobted by: Sholes Delene.(2009). Retrieved From: Reading for Different Purposes: Strategies for Reading Different Kinds of Materials |
V. Different purposes of reading
Teach your students to read for different purposes. Sometimes it's OK to skip over an unknown word, and sometimes they need to read with a dictionary at their fingertips.
If students can get the general sense of a sentence or paragraph without knowing every word, there’s no need to interrupt their reading by using a dictionary to find the word’s meaning. Sometimes they will want to read through material quickly, but they will need to read more carefully when they are reading to learn.
Some Purposes for Reading
• for pleasure or for personal reasons
• to find general information such as what a book is most
• to find a specific topic in a book or article
• to learn subject matter that is required for a class
In my opinion:
Every no native speaker is not easy to read, it is ok if we want to skip over an unknown word when we can not find the meaning, may be we can guess the meaning by using key word providing in the reading book.
Name : Herliansyah
ReplyDeleteNim : 08 25 00 17
Subject : Extensive reading
Number: 08
Source : Adobted by: Sholes Delene.(2009). Retrieved From: Reading for Different Purposes: Strategies for Reading Different Kinds of Materials |
V. Different purposes of reading
Teach your students to read for different purposes. Sometimes it's OK to skip over an unknown word, and sometimes they need to read with a dictionary at their fingertips.
If students can get the general sense of a sentence or paragraph without knowing every word, there’s no need to interrupt their reading by using a dictionary to find the word’s meaning. Sometimes they will want to read through material quickly, but they will need to read more carefully when they are reading to learn.
Some Purposes for Reading
• for pleasure or for personal reasons
• to find general information such as what a book is most
• to find a specific topic in a book or article
• to learn subject matter that is required for a class
In my opinion:
Every no native speaker is not easy to read, it is ok if we want to skip over an unknown word when we can not find the meaning, may be we can guess the meaning by using key word providing in the reading book.
Name : Herliansyah
ReplyDeleteNim : 08 25 00 17
Subject : Extensive reading
Number: 08
Source : Adobted by: Sholes Delene.(2009). Retrieved From: Reading for Different Purposes: Strategies for Reading Different Kinds of Materials |
V. Different purposes of reading
Teach your students to read for different purposes. Sometimes it's OK to skip over an unknown word, and sometimes they need to read with a dictionary at their fingertips.
If students can get the general sense of a sentence or paragraph without knowing every word, there’s no need to interrupt their reading by using a dictionary to find the word’s meaning. Sometimes they will want to read through material quickly, but they will need to read more carefully when they are reading to learn.
Some Purposes for Reading
• for pleasure or for personal reasons
• to find general information such as what a book is most
• to find a specific topic in a book or article
• to learn subject matter that is required for a class
In my opinion:
Every no native speaker is not easy to read, it is ok if we want to skip over an unknown word when we can not find the meaning, may be we can guess the meaning by using key word providing in the reading book.
Name : SRI MAHDALENA (0825065)
ReplyDeleteStudent’s Number: 29
Wallace (1996: 6-7) states that purposes of reading are reading for survival, reading for learning, and reading for pleasure. From the definition, it can be assumed that purposes of reading is the readers just read and understand about the text and enjoy the story without any restrictions. For example, reading for learning : a learner uses the information for examinations, or a user’s manual of a washing machine, the user will have a wider perspective on the specifications of a said washing machine and can even learn how to use the washing machine from the manual.Reading for pleasure : novels, comics, magazines, etc. Reading for survival : a ‘stop’ sign for a motorist.
Adopted from : Wallace (1996: 6-7). The Purposes of Reading. Retrieved from :
Name : Emaliana Hidayati/35
ReplyDeleteNIM : 08 25 703
Carnine, Silbert and Kameenui (1990: 45-46) state that different purposes of reading are
1) To be able to identify and remember specific facts or a main idea
2) To be able to follow instructions to reach a goal
3) To enjoy
4) To be able to explain the content of a passage to someone else
5) To be able to accommodate the content into the reader’s schema
6) To critique the logic or data presented in a passage
7) To edit a passage according to stylistic and organizational criteria
8) To study according to an assignment or test requirements.
It can be assumed that there are 8 the different purposes of reading. the first, to be able to identify, it means that we can identify what we have read and get a main idea. The second, to be able to follow instruction. It means that, we can answer the question from instructions what have given from reading. The third, to be able to explain, it means that, after we have read the text . we can explain the content of reading. the fourth, we can to accommodate the content. Sixth, we critique about reading what we have read. Seventh, we can edit reading which is good for us or no. and the last, we read a book based on my requirements. For example : if we want to explain about the condition of Palembang, of course, we read newspaper or other references about Palembang.
Adopted from : Carnine, Silbert and Kameenui. (1990). The Purposes of Reading. retrieved from :
Name :Pebrianti/39
ReplyDeleteNIM : 08 25 709
Wallace (1996: 6-7) there are three different purposes of reading. Those are:
1) Reading for survival
2) Reading for learning
3) Reading for pleasure.
It can be assumed that there are 3 different purposes of reading. Reading for survival, it means that as long as we live, of course we need information. And we can get that information from what we read from newspaper, etc. and reading for learning, it means that, from the reading what we read, we can learn, we can get new information, we can know about something. For example : we read about cooking, of course, we can learn how to cook. And the last, reading for pleasure, it means that, we read a book based on our hobby. Because it will make us be pleasure. For example : we read a doraemon comic. because we are happy to read it.
Adopted from : Wallace. (1996).the purposes of reading.
retrieved from :
22.Tia Pramaditha
ReplyDeleteElizabeth M. Knutson states that having a purpose means having a reason to read and approaching a text with a particular goal in mind, whether that goal involves learning or entertainment. In both real-world and classroom situations, purpose affects the reader's motivation, interest, and manner of reading.( Reading with a Purpose: Communicative Reading Tasks for the Foreign Language Classroom Volume 30, Issue 1, pages 49–57, March 1997)
It can be assumed that the different purposes of reading is meant a reader has a reason to read and doing approach with a text he reads with a special purpose or goal in mind, the goal may be a learning or entertainment for the reader.
For example students read a book “Understanding and Using English Grammar by Betty Schrampfer Azar” which is has a goal in learning. When a student reads a comic or a novel, he just reads for a pleasure or entertainment.
Adopted from :
Knutson, E. M. (1997). Reading with a Purpose: Communicative Reading Tasks for the Foreign Language Classroom. Foreign Language Annals, 30: 49–57. United States: The American Council on the Teaching.
doi: 10.1111/j.1944-9720.1997.tb01316.xeign Languages.
Retrieved from:
Name : SRI MAHDALENA (0825065)
ReplyDeleteStudent’s Number: 29
Wallace (1996: 6-7) states that purposes of reading are reading for survival, reading for learning, and reading for pleasure. From the definition, it can be assumed that purposes of reading is the readers just read and understand about the text and enjoy the story without any restrictions. For example, reading for learning : a learner uses the information for examinations, or a user’s manual of a washing machine, the user will have a wider perspective on the specifications of a said washing machine and can even learn how to use the washing machine. Reading for survival : a ‘stop’ sign for motorist.
Adopted from : Wallace (1996: 6-7). The Purposes of Reading. Retrieved from :
Name : SRI MAHDALENA (0825065)
ReplyDeleteStudent’s Number: 29
Wallace (1996: 6-7) states that purposes of reading are reading for survival, reading for learning, and reading for pleasure. From the definition, it can be assumed that purposes of reading is the readers just read and understand about the text and enjoy the story without any restrictions. For example, reading for learning : a learner uses the information for examinations, or a user’s manual of a washing machine, the user will have a wider perspective on the specifications of a said washing machine and can even learn how to use the washing machine. Reading for survival : a ‘stop’ sign for motorist.
Adopted from : Wallace (1996: 6-7). The Purposes of Reading. Retrieved from :
Name : SRI MAHDALENA (0825065)
ReplyDeleteStudent’s Number: 29
Wallace (1996: 6-7) states that purposes of reading are reading for survival, reading for learning, and reading for pleasure. From the definition, it can be assumed that purposes of reading is the readers just read and understand about the text and enjoy the story without any restrictions. For example, reading for learning : a learner uses the information for examinations, or a user’s manual of a washing machine, the user will have a wider perspective on the specifications of a said washing machine and can even learn how to use the washing machine. Reading for survival : a ‘stop’ sign for motorist.
Adopted from : Wallace (1996: 6-7). The Purposes of Reading. Retrieved from :
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteName : SRI MAHDALENA (0825065)
ReplyDeleteStudent’s Number: 29
Wallace (1996: 6-7) states that purposes of reading are reading for survival, reading for learning, and reading for pleasure. From the definition, it can be assumed that purposes of reading is the readers just read and understand about the text and enjoy the story without any restrictions. For example, reading for learning : a learner uses the information for examinations, or a user’s manual of a washing machine, the user will have a wider perspective on the specifications of a said washing machine and can even learn how to use the washing machine. Reading for survival : a ‘stop’ sign for motorist.
Adopted from : Wallace (1996: 6-7). The Purposes of Reading. Retrieved from :
Name : SRI MAHDALENA (0825065)
ReplyDeleteStudent’s Number: 29
Wallace (1996: 6-7) states that purposes of reading are reading for survival, reading for learning, and reading for pleasure. From the definition, it can be assumed that purposes of reading is the readers just read and understand about the text and enjoy the story without any restrictions. For example, reading for learning : a learner uses the information for examinations, or a user’s manual of a washing machine, the user will have a wider perspective on the specifications of a said washing machine and can even learn how to use the washing machine. Reading for survival : a ‘stop’ sign for motorist. Reading for pleasure : novels, comics, and magazines.
Adopted from : Wallace (1996: 6-7). The Purposes of Reading. Retrieved from :
Name : SRI MAHDALENA (0825065)
ReplyDeleteStudent’s Number: 29
Wallace (1996: 6-7) states that purposes of reading are reading for survival, reading for learning, and reading for pleasure. From the definition, it can be assumed that purposes of reading is the readers just read and understand about the text and enjoy the story without any restrictions. For example, reading for learning : a learner uses the information for examinations, or a user’s manual of a washing machine, the user will have a wider perspective on the specifications of a said washing machine and can even learn how to use the washing machine. Reading for survival : a ‘stop’ sign for motorist. Reading for pleasure : novels, comics, and magazines.
Adopted from : Wallace (1996: 6-7). The Purposes of Reading. Retrieved from :
Mullis, Kennedy, Martin, & Sainsbury(2006:19) and Mullis et al( 2006: 9) states that Two overarching purposes of reading are : 1. reading to acquire and use information is the reader engages not with imagined worlds but with aspects of the real universe, And 2. reading for literary experience is the reader engages with the text to become involved in imagined events, settings, actions, consequences, characters, atmosphere, feelings, and ideas, and to enjoy language itself.
ReplyDeleteIt can be assumed that the purpose of reading are to find some informations for example, reading information articles and instructional texts, and for pleasure such as reading fiction.
Adopted from: Mullis, Kennedy, Martin, & Sainsbury(2006) and Mullis et al(2006) Hierarchical factor item response theory models for PIRLS: capturing clustering effects at multiple levels. Retrieved from :
13. Raudah Tul Jannah
ReplyDeleteEnright et al (2000) states that different purposes of reading include search reading (reading to find information), reading for basic comprehension, reading to learn, and reading to integrate information across multiple texts. From the definition, It can be assumed that different purposes of reading not only to get main idea but also to locate specific information, to learn information, to synthesize information from multiple text.
For example :
1. Reading to find information, we usually search through a telephone directory to find key information, either an address or a phone number.
2. Reading for basic comprehension, in reading, a child has never been to the zoo, but the concept of a zoo can be an easy one for a child who has seen wild animals on television, even cartoons, or has heard stories about wild animals.
3. Reading to learn, students benefit from knowing how literary critics think about and discuss literature as a guide to their own interpretation and discussion of that text.
4. Reading to integrate information, My name is Jim Green. I live at 152 Jianguo Street, not far from the centre of the city. I have lived there since 1990. I go to Number 14 Middle School. I’ve been a student there for nearly two and a half years. Now write about yourself in the same way.
Adopted from: Devi Krishnan Sarajoni.(2011). CAREFUL VERSUS EXPEDITIOUS READING: THE CASE OF THE IELTS READING TEST. Retrieved from: Reading - Content Areas - Students, Texts, Knowledge, and Strategies -
Name : Lili Marlini
DeleteNim : 0825-029
Student’s : Number: 18
Barnett (1988.1) It is necessary to state that post-reading activities almost always depend on the purpose of reading and the type of information extracted from the text. has stated that post-reading exercises first check students' comprehension and then lead students to a deeper analysis of the text. In the real world the purpose of reading is not to memorize an author's point of view or to summarize text content, but rather to see into another mind, or to mesh new information into what one already knows.
Different Purpose of Reading
It is also necessary for students to become aware of the purpose and goal for reading a certain piece of written material. At the beginning stages this can be done by the teacher, but as the reader becomes more mature this purpose, i.e. awareness-raising strategy, can be left to the readers. For instance, the students may be guided to ask themselves, "Why am I reading this text? What do I want to know or do after reading?"
One of the most obvious, but unnoticed, points related to reading purpose is the consideration of the different types of reading skills.
Skimming: Reading rapidly for the main points
Scanning: Reading rapidly to find a specific piece of information
Extensive reading: Reading a longer text, often for pleasure with emphasis on overall meaning
Intensive reading: Reading a short text for detailed information. Beside that the purpose of reading are
Reading purpose depend on types of reading skills as explain above. Beside that the purpose of reading are: for pleasure for personal reason, finding general information such as what a book mostly about, find specific topic in a book article, to learn subject matter is required for a class.
In My Opinion
Reading for different purposes
You will be reading for three different purposes
To gather material that must be understood and recalled in detail.
To understand and evaluate the author’s purpose in writing and the supportive arguments
or evidence presented.
Background reading
The example: When you read novel, comic and magazine.
Adopted from: Barnett (1988.1) Theories of reading 2. Retrieved from :
• DeLene Sholes (Jan 27, 2009) states that purposes of reading are , reading for pleasure, for general information, reading for find a specific topic , and for learn subject matter that is require for a class. from the definition it can be assumed that different purposes of reading is depend on the purposes of readers, what they want to received after they have already read. And they will begin to read for a variety of purposes
• for pleasure it means that is the reader don’t have to know all of word in the text, the readers just read and understand about the text and enjoy it. for example reading for studying, reading for general information it means that the reader just want to know the general organization of passage .example reading an article, new paper .reading for find a specific topic it means that the reader just scan the article to find out the specific information .for example when you read a book when you want to find number of telephone. Reading for subject matter it means that the reader have to read carefully and slowly. For example read for a test,
Adopted from Sholes, Delene (Jan 27,2009).The Purposes of Reading. Retrieved from:
• DeLene Sholes (Jan 27, 2009) states that purposes of reading are , reading for pleasure, for general information, reading for find a specific topic , and for learn subject matter that is require for a class. from the definition it can be assumed that different purposes of reading is depend on the purposes of readers, what they want to received after they have already read. And they will begin to read for a variety of purposes
• for pleasure it means that is the reader don’t have to know all of word in the text, the readers just read and understand about the text and enjoy it. for example reading for studying, reading for general information it means that the reader just want to know the general organization of passage .example reading an article, new paper .reading for find a specific topic it means that the reader just scan the article to find out the specific information .for example when you read a book when you want to find number of telephone. Reading for subject matter it means that the reader have to read carefully and slowly. For example read for a test,
Adopted from Sholes, Delene (Jan 27,2009).The Purposes of Reading. Retrieved from:
DeleteNIM : 0825004
NO : 4
According to Shvoong (1990 : 3 ) said that the main purpose for comprehensive reading,there are five the purposes for comprehensive reading:
1. Reading for specific information.
2. Reading for application
3. Reading for pleasure and entertainment
4. Reading for ideas
From the definition it can be assumed that there are five purposes for comprehensive reading.First reading for specific information is used to look for specific information,Second reading for application,it means to describe a special task. Includes for this type is reading a cake recipe or following instructions to make or fix something. Read a book written by author procedurally. For example, read the instructions how to switch on the computer.Third Reading for pleasure and entertainment,it means that Usually,type purpose of reading is liked by most of the human who want to get pleasure or entertain in their reading,Fourth reading for ideas it means that how to get ideas in the text.
Adopted from : Shvoong.( 1990: 3),Purpose comprehesive reading. Retrieved from Http://
13. Raudah Tul Jannah
DeleteEnright et al (2000:27) states that different purposes of reading include search reading (reading to find information), reading for basic comprehension, reading to learn, and reading to integrate information across multiple texts. From the definition, It can be assumed that different purposes of reading not only to get main idea but also to locate specific information, to learn information, to synthesize information from multiple text.
For example :
1. Reading to find information, we usually search through a telephone directory to find key information, either an address or a phone number.
2. Reading for basic comprehension, in reading, a child has never been to the zoo, but the concept of a zoo can be an easy one for a child who has seen wild animals on television, even cartoons, or has heard stories about wild animals.
3. Reading to learn, students benefit from knowing how literary critics think about and discuss literature as a guide to their own interpretation and discussion of that text.
4. Reading to integrate information, My name is Jim Green. I live at 152 Jianguo Street, not far from the centre of the city. I have lived there since 1990. I go to Number 14 Middle School. I’ve been a student there for nearly two and a half years. Now write about yourself in the same way.
Adopted from: Devi Krishnan Sarajoni.(2011). CAREFUL VERSUS EXPEDITIOUS READING: THE CASE OF THE IELTS READING TEST. Retrieved from: Reading - Content Areas - Students, Texts, Knowledge, and Strategies -
Name : Lili Marlini
ReplyDeleteNim : 0825-029
Student’s : Number: 18
Barnett (1988.1) It is necessary to state that post-reading activities almost always depend on the purpose of reading and the type of information extracted from the text. has stated that post-reading exercises first check students' comprehension and then lead students to a deeper analysis of the text. In the real world the purpose of reading is not to memorize an author's point of view or to summarize text content, but rather to see into another mind, or to mesh new information into what one already knows.
Different Purpose of Reading
It is also necessary for students to become aware of the purpose and goal for reading a certain piece of written material. At the beginning stages this can be done by the teacher, but as the reader becomes more mature this purpose, i.e. awareness-raising strategy, can be left to the readers. For instance, the students may be guided to ask themselves, "Why am I reading this text? What do I want to know or do after reading?"
One of the most obvious, but unnoticed, points related to reading purpose is the consideration of the different types of reading skills.
Skimming: Reading rapidly for the main points
Scanning: Reading rapidly to find a specific piece of information
Extensive reading: Reading a longer text, often for pleasure with emphasis on overall meaning
Intensive reading: Reading a short text for detailed information. Beside that the purpose of reading are
Reading purpose depend on types of reading skills as explain above. Beside that the purpose of reading are: for pleasure for personal reason, finding general information such as what a book mostly about, find specific topic in a book article, to learn subject matter is required for a class.
In My Opinion
Reading for different purposes
You will be reading for three different purposes
To gather material that must be understood and recalled in detail.
To understand and evaluate the author’s purpose in writing and the supportive arguments
or evidence presented.
Background reading
The example: When you read novel, comic and magazine.
Adopted from: Barnett (1988.1) Theories of reading 2. Retrieved from :
• DeLene Sholes (Jan 27, 2009) states that purposes of reading are , reading for pleasure, for general information, reading for find a specific topic , and for learn subject matter that is require for a class. from the definition it can be assumed that different purposes of reading is depend on the purposes of readers, what they want to received after they have already read. And they will begin to read for a variety of purposes
• for pleasure it means that is the reader don’t have to know all of word in the text, the readers just read and understand about the text and enjoy it. for example reading for studying, reading for general information it means that the reader just want to know the general organization of passage .example reading an article, new paper .reading for find a specific topic it means that the reader just scan the article to find out the specific information .for example when you read a book when you want to find number of telephone. Reading for subject matter it means that the reader have to read carefully and slowly. For example read for a test,
Adopted from Sholes, Delene (Jan 27,2009).The Purposes of Reading. Retrieved from:
Name : Maghfiroh (11)
ReplyDeleteNIM : 08 25 0031
Extensive Reading Different Purposes Of Reading
Jennifer Conner ( 2006 : 517 ) states that
establishing the purposes of reading are : 1. SELF-SELECTED TEXTS AND
The learners focus on the gist of the text, it
would also be worthwhile to choose
authentic or unfamiliar texts and employ with
easy tasks, like skimming, which do not require detailed understanding. Don’t read
every word, just scan the text to find the
important information. And choose texts
according to the reading skills that the
learners aim to practice in class. The
purpose of reading is depend on the text that the learners read. Read text differently
for different purposes.
The teachers ask the student to reading with
the good result. And the teachers chosen the good text, because there are some
information in the text that the teacher wants
the students to know.
READING FOR STUDENTS In real life, we read texts differently for
different purposes. For example, we may
skim an article to get the author’s overall
message, or we may scan a TV guide for a
good film to watch. The clearly stated
purpose(s) for reading should be aligned with your lesson objectives. • Examples of other GOOD specific focuses/
purposes for reading include the following:
1. "While you are reading this text, think
about how you would feel if you were a
soldier during Civil War times."
2. Before students read, have them make predictions about what they think the text will
be about based on the text's chapter,
headings, and subheadings. "Read this text
to find out whether your predictions were
3. "While reading this chapter, answer these questions..."
4. "While you are reading, decide which
animal described by the text you think is the
most dangerous and why. Also decide
which animal is the least dangerous and
why." 5. "While you are reading keep a list of
arguments that support giving monetary
reparations to descendents of slaves. Also
make a list of arguments that could be used
to explain why monetary reparations are not
a good idea." • Following are POOR examples of specific
focuses/purposes for reading:
1. "While you are reading, focus on the
important information."
2. "Really think about what you are reading
while you read." 3. "For homework read pages 12 to 34 in
your textbooks. Be prepared to discuss the
reading in class tomorrow."
4. "Read for general understanding." Adopted From : Jennifer Conner
(06/07/2006), Providing Students With A
Purpose For Reading.
Retrieved From : ~l517/purpose.html
Name : Maghfiroh (11)
ReplyDeleteNIM : 08 25 0031
Extensive Reading Different Purposes Of Reading
Jennifer Conner ( 2006 : 517 ) states that
establishing the purposes of reading are : 1. SELF-SELECTED TEXTS AND
The learners focus on the gist of the text, it
would also be worthwhile to choose
authentic or unfamiliar texts and employ with
easy tasks, like skimming, which do not require detailed understanding. Don’t read
every word, just scan the text to find the
important information. And choose texts
according to the reading skills that the
learners aim to practice in class. The
purpose of reading is depend on the text that the learners read. Read text differently
for different purposes.
The teachers ask the student to reading with
the good result. And the teachers chosen the good text, because there are some
information in the text that the teacher wants
the students to know.
READING FOR STUDENTS In real life, we read texts differently for
different purposes. For example, we may
skim an article to get the author’s overall
message, or we may scan a TV guide for a
good film to watch. The clearly stated
purpose(s) for reading should be aligned with your lesson objectives. • Examples of other GOOD specific focuses/
purposes for reading include the following:
1. "While you are reading this text, think
about how you would feel if you were a
soldier during Civil War times."
2. Before students read, have them make predictions about what they think the text will
be about based on the text's chapter,
headings, and subheadings. "Read this text
to find out whether your predictions were
3. "While reading this chapter, answer these questions..."
4. "While you are reading, decide which
animal described by the text you think is the
most dangerous and why. Also decide
which animal is the least dangerous and
why." 5. "While you are reading keep a list of
arguments that support giving monetary
reparations to descendents of slaves. Also
make a list of arguments that could be used
to explain why monetary reparations are not
a good idea." • Following are POOR examples of specific
focuses/purposes for reading:
1. "While you are reading, focus on the
important information."
2. "Really think about what you are reading
while you read." 3. "For homework read pages 12 to 34 in
your textbooks. Be prepared to discuss the
reading in class tomorrow."
4. "Read for general understanding." Adopted From : Jennifer Conner
(06/07/2006), Providing Students With A
Purpose For Reading.
Retrieved From : ~l517/purpose.html
Different Purposes of Reading
ReplyDeleteElizabeth M. Knutson states that having a purpose means having a reason to read and approaching a text with a particular goal in mind, whether that goal involves learning or entertainment. In both real-world and classroom situations, purpose affects the reader's motivation, interest, and manner of reading.( Reading with a Purpose: Communicative Reading Tasks for the Foreign Language Classroom Volume 30, Issue 1, pages 49–57, March 1997)
It can be assumed that the different purposes of reading is meant a reader has a reason to read and doing approach with a text he reads with a special purpose or goal in mind, the goal may be a learning or entertainment for the reader.
For example students read a book “Understanding and Using English Grammar by Betty Schrampfer Azar” which is has a goal in learning. When a student reads a comic or a novel, he just reads for a pleasure or entertainment.
Adopted from :
Knutson, E. M. (1997). Reading with a Purpose: Communicative Reading Tasks for the Foreign Language Classroom. Foreign Language Annals, 30: 49–57. United States: The American Council on the Teaching.
doi: 10.1111/j.1944-9720.1997.tb01316.xeign Languages.
Retrieved from:
Different Purposes of Reading
ReplyDeleteElizabeth M. Knutson states that having a purpose means having a reason to read and approaching a text with a particular goal in mind, whether that goal involves learning or entertainment. In both real-world and classroom situations, purpose affects the reader's motivation, interest, and manner of reading.( Reading with a Purpose: Communicative Reading Tasks for the Foreign Language Classroom Volume 30, Issue 1, pages 49–57, March 1997)
It can be assumed that the different purposes of reading is meant a reader has a reason to read and doing approach with a text he reads with a special purpose or goal in mind, the goal may be a learning or entertainment for the reader.
For example students read a book “Understanding and Using English Grammar by Betty Schrampfer Azar” which is has a goal in learning. When a student reads a comic or a novel, he just reads for a pleasure or entertainment.
Adopted from :
Knutson, E. M. (1997). Reading with a Purpose: Communicative Reading Tasks for the Foreign Language Classroom. Foreign Language Annals, 30: 49–57. United States: The American Council on the Teaching.
doi: 10.1111/j.1944-9720.1997.tb01316.xeign Languages.
Retrieved from:
NAME : ROMIANA PUSPA ( 08-25-071 )
ReplyDeleteNO : 32
Grellet (1992: 4) states that there are two purposes for reading. They are reading for pleasure and reading for information (in order to find out something or in order to do something with the information the reader get). From that definition, it can be assumed that the purposes of reading depend on what the readers need. They can look for some kind of books, article, etc that is suitable for their purposes in reading. For example, they read sincan comic with some unique pictures and funny utterances in that comic. In this case, the purpose of the reader in reading that comic is for pleasure. In other hand, it can be also for getting information. Example, a student wants to know how tadpoles become frogs. He or she will read a book or an article about amphibians or frogs to find out whether the material covers tadpoles.
Adopted from : Grellet. (1992: 4). Purposes for Reading. Retrived from :
Name : Rian Puspita Sarie
ReplyDeleteNIM : 0825048
NO : 15
Different Purposes of Reading
Carol A. and george S. States that Students need to know that they can read for different purposes as this helps to create a "flexible reader." If students read for pleasure, they can skim the text or read slowly depending on how they feel or what assignments they receive. If students are reading content area subjects such as science or social studies, they will probably want to read slowly. With library books and literature offerings, reading rate can be accelerated. More difficult reading materials require a focused attention and concentrated cognitive efforts on the task at hand. The classroom atmosphere must provide an environment that will allow and encourage students to exert sustained attention on difficult reading tasks. For the student with dyslexia, sustained attention is a must. More cognitive attention and resources must be expended by students with dyslexia than by proficient readers to achieve and sustain satisfactory reading behaviors.
It can be assumed that the different purposes of reading is the goal when we want to read. For example we want to read a book actually we have purpose why we want to read that book. If we want to read a book actually have a different purpose when we read a book.
Adapted from : Excerpt from Dyslexia and Reading Difficulties: Research and Resource Guide for Working with All Struggling Readers, by C.A. Spafford, G.S. Grosser, 2005 edition, p. 130-131.
Retrieved from :
Name : Rian Puspita Sarie
ReplyDeleteNIM : 0825048
NO : 15
Different Purposes of Reading
Carol A. and george S. States that Students need to know that they can read for different purposes as this helps to create a "flexible reader." If students read for pleasure, they can skim the text or read slowly depending on how they feel or what assignments they receive. If students are reading content area subjects such as science or social studies, they will probably want to read slowly. With library books and literature offerings, reading rate can be accelerated. More difficult reading materials require a focused attention and concentrated cognitive efforts on the task at hand. The classroom atmosphere must provide an environment that will allow and encourage students to exert sustained attention on difficult reading tasks. For the student with dyslexia, sustained attention is a must. More cognitive attention and resources must be expended by students with dyslexia than by proficient readers to achieve and sustain satisfactory reading behaviors.
It can be assumed that the different purposes of reading is the goal when we want to read. For example we want to read a book actually we have purpose why we want to read that book. If we want to read a book actually have a different purpose when we read a book.
Adapted from : Excerpt from Dyslexia and Reading Difficulties: Research and Resource Guide for Working with All Struggling Readers, by C.A. Spafford, G.S. Grosser, 2005 edition, p. 130-131.
Retrieved from :
ReplyDelete12. Novi Kasari (0825043)
different purposes of reading
[ 2007-11-29 15:38:00 | By: hopewilliam ]
According to Hopewilliam: People read for different purposes in their daily lives. some people have the habit of reading newspapers or magazines. In their perusal of the newspapers, the most often used strategies, consciously or subconsciously, are skimming and scanning. They usually are very familiar with what type of information is availible on which page of a peice of newspaper.(some nespapers contain many sheets of papers in each issue.), and in their reading, they will most probably just ignore the pages that does not contain the information of their interest and will turn directly to the page which contains some column of their interest. for example, some sports-lovers will only look at the sports coulmn of a newspaper or buy some newpapers specialized in the reporting of sport events. Some females may be interested in sections on cosmetics and fashionable clothes, while some investment or speculation fenetics will check what valuable information there are on the financial part of a newspaper.
Some professionals and specialists have to frequently refer to some academic articles in their special fields of study. In their reading of these academic articles, they cherish some different purposes in their mind from that of those people who read newspapers just for fun, entertainment or pasttime. Information gleaned from multiple sources of academic research have to be synthesised, significant points have to be found out for comparision and contrast, and a framework, if possible, have to be developed by the professional or specialist in which different points and parts of information can be fiitted. So here the target of reading is more demanding than that in reading newpaper or magazines. A general grasp of the main ideas of an academic article in many cases is not enough, and the reader must go deeper and furthur in some specific parts of the article.
From the definition, it can be assumed that what for the reader read the text, they probably have different purpose, such as to get information, to find the something new, to find out your fun, or entertainment . but the other do it to get important thing relate his research in the future.
Reference :
Hopewilliam. (November 29, 2007). Different Purposes of Reading. Retrieved from:
ReplyDeleteNO : 36
Hasnazen (2012:3) states that One purpose of reading is developing knowledge. Usually, people who have this purpose just consider it as hobby. They like to read everything, like magazine,, newspaper, and various books. They do not pass their days without reading. Reading becomes their pleasure. Another purpose of reading is just killing the bored and restless. While waiting something or someone, people must feel bored. This time usually is used to read light books, The last, the other people say that reading is very useful to do their assignment from school or work. People who have this purpose are students and teenagers. Reading is necessarily from them because they must accomplish their assignments. In this way, they only read what they need. If they have accomplished their assignments, sometimes they stop to read. From the definition, it can be assumed that Reading is one kind of hobbies, but other people say that reading is one of our necessaries. Whatever reason, that they mention, has same meaning that reading is very essential. It gives people many advantages, although each person has different purpose to do it. From these, it can be concluded that reading is very important for everyone, whereas they have different purpose. In this, there are advantages which are had people who like reading. So, it is true that reading is one of the pleasure hobbies. for example: read the magazine, newspaper, novel, etc. This activity is more useful than just sitting or day dreaming.
Adopted from : hasnazen (maret:2012) different purposes of reading. Retrieved from :
ReplyDeleteNO : 36
Hasnazen (2012:3) states that One purpose of reading is developing knowledge. Usually, people who have this purpose just consider it as hobby. They like to read everything, like magazine,, newspaper, and various books. They do not pass their days without reading. Reading becomes their pleasure. Another purpose of reading is just killing the bored and restless. While waiting something or someone, people must feel bored. This time usually is used to read light books, The last, the other people say that reading is very useful to do their assignment from school or work. People who have this purpose are students and teenagers. Reading is necessarily from them because they must accomplish their assignments. In this way, they only read what they need. If they have accomplished their assignments, sometimes they stop to read. From the definition, it can be assumed that Reading is one kind of hobbies, but other people say that reading is one of our necessaries. Whatever reason, that they mention, has same meaning that reading is very essential. It gives people many advantages, although each person has different purpose to do it. From these, it can be concluded that reading is very important for everyone, whereas they have different purpose. In this, there are advantages which are had people who like reading. So, it is true that reading is one of the pleasure hobbies. for example: read the magazine, newspaper, novel, etc. This activity is more useful than just sitting or day dreaming.
Adopted from : hasnazen (maret:2012) different purposes of reading. Retrieved from :
Name : Veby (0825057)
ReplyDeleteNumber : 23
Based on Delene Sholes (2009:1) states that a reading strategy called SQ3R gives more information about a method for studying, asking and answering questions, and reviewing material. It can be assumed that efficient readers have learn to use different strategies for different kinds of reading. They know when it’s ok to read quickly-skipping over some of the words, how to skim for general information, scan for specific information, and how to study for the test. Some purposes for reading which are devided into:
For pleasure or for personal reason
Here, student don’t need to know the meaning of every word in the text. They are only want to read fast.
To find general information such as what a book is mostly about
To find the general information, student will want to skim through a book or several books to determine how the books are organized and what they cover.
To find a specific topic in a book or article
Student will need to scan a book or article to find out the specific information that they look for , when they scan, they will look at the tottle, the table of contents, the headings, and the index to find out if the material gives information about the topic.
To learn subject matter that is required for a class
In this purpose, student have to read carefully and slowly when a student studies for a test, they will skim the book or chapter first to see what is the covers. Then they read the headings and subheadings to discover how the book is organized. They should try to make connection between the material and what they already knows.
Adopted from: (2009:1)Different Purposes of Reading: Strategies For Reading Different. Retrieved from:
Hasan Sadiqin (7)
ReplyDeleteDelene Sholes (2009) states that some purposes for Reading especially for students are: for pleasure or for personal reasons, to find general information such as what a book is mostly about, to find a specific topic in a book or article, and to learn subject matter that is required for a class.
From the definition, it can be assumed that there are so many purposes of reading and the point of reading is to understand the text what we read. For example: we read a history book about wars in the world and the purpose is to get a knowledge or information about the history or some history of wars in the world.
Soles, Delene.(Jan 27,2009). Reading for Different Purposes. Retrieved
NO : 16
According to Nurhadi (1989:11), there are two purposes of reading, the first is specific purposes of reading and the second is general purposes of reading.
1. Specific purposes: there are five types of specific purposes of reading
• To get the factual information : it is mean that read to get the truly information about something.
• To get the special clarification about something : it is mean that read to get the detail and the specific information
• To give the judge to a thesis : it is mean that read to give the value to someone’s statement or someone’s theory
• To get the emotional needed : it is mean that read to get something interesting base on the reader’s feeling especially in reading a story such novel and a poem.
• To spend pleasure time : it is mean that read as activity to spend the time, for example when the reader in the waiting room
2. General purposes : there are three types of general purposes of reading
• To get information : it is mean that read to get the general information only.
• To comprehend about something : it is mean that read to understand fully about something.
• To get something interesting : it is mean that read for having fun.
From the definition it can be assumed that different purposes of reading a person may read in order to gain information or verify existing knowledge differently for different purposes.
Adopted from: Nurhadi.1989. Membaca Cepat dan Efektif. Bandung: Sinar Baru & Y3A.Malang
Retrieved from: http//
Name : Herliansyah
DeleteNim : 08 25 00 17
Subject : Extensive reading
Number: 08
Source : Adobted by: Sholes Delene.(2009). Retrieved From: Reading for Different Purposes: Strategies for Reading Different Kinds of Materials |
V. Different purposes of reading
Teach your students to read for different purposes. Sometimes it's OK to skip over an unknown word, and sometimes they need to read with a dictionary at their fingertips.
If students can get the general sense of a sentence or paragraph without knowing every word, there’s no need to interrupt their reading by using a dictionary to find the word’s meaning. Sometimes they will want to read through material quickly, but they will need to read more carefully when they are reading to learn.
Some Purposes for Reading
• for pleasure or for personal reasons
• to find general information such as what a book is most
• to find a specific topic in a book or article
• to learn subject matter that is required for a class
In my opinion:
Every no native speaker is not easy to read, it is ok if we want to skip over an unknown word when we can not find the meaning, may be we can guess the meaning by using key word providing in the reading book.
Name : Herliansyah
DeleteNim : 08 25 00 17
Subject : Extensive reading
Number: 08
Source : Adobted by: Sholes Delene.(2009). Retrieved From: Reading for Different Purposes: Strategies for Reading Different Kinds of Materials |
V. Different purposes of reading
Teach your students to read for different purposes. Sometimes it's OK to skip over an unknown word, and sometimes they need to read with a dictionary at their fingertips.
If students can get the general sense of a sentence or paragraph without knowing every word, there’s no need to interrupt their reading by using a dictionary to find the word’s meaning. Sometimes they will want to read through material quickly, but they will need to read more carefully when they are reading to learn.
Some Purposes for Reading
• for pleasure or for personal reasons
• to find general information such as what a book is most
• to find a specific topic in a book or article
• to learn subject matter that is required for a class
In my opinion:
Every no native speaker is not easy to read, it is ok if we want to skip over an unknown word when we can not find the meaning, may be we can guess the meaning by using key word providing in the reading book.
Name : Herliansyah
DeleteNim : 08 25 00 17
Subject : Extensive reading
Number: 08
Source : Adobted by: Sholes Delene.(2009). Retrieved From: Reading for Different Purposes: Strategies for Reading Different Kinds of Materials |
V. Different purposes of reading
Teach your students to read for different purposes. Sometimes it's OK to skip over an unknown word, and sometimes they need to read with a dictionary at their fingertips.
If students can get the general sense of a sentence or paragraph without knowing every word, there’s no need to interrupt their reading by using a dictionary to find the word’s meaning. Sometimes they will want to read through material quickly, but they will need to read more carefully when they are reading to learn.
Some Purposes for Reading
• for pleasure or for personal reasons
• to find general information such as what a book is most
• to find a specific topic in a book or article
• to learn subject matter that is required for a class
In my opinion:
Every no native speaker is not easy to read, it is ok if we want to skip over an unknown word when we can not find the meaning, may be we can guess the meaning by using key word providing in the reading book.
Name: Azka Ridho
ReplyDeleteNim: 08250702 (34)
V. Different purpose of reading
Elizabeth M. Knutson states that having a purpose means having a reason to read and approaching a text with a particular goal in mind, whether that goal involves learning or entertainment. In real-world and classroom situations, purpose affects the reader's motivation, interest, and manner of reading. From the definition, it can be assumed that the different purpose of reading is divided into two kinds, the first reading in order to gain information, knowledge, or we commonly refer to academic reading. The second is reading for the purpose of entertainment or pleasure. Like reading comics, magazines, and others. So. Read with a variety of purposes is strongly influenced by the goals and interests of the reader itself.
Adopted from: Knutson, E. M. (1998). Reading with a Purpose: Communicative Reading Tasks for the Foreign Language Classroom.
Retrieved from:
Name: Azka Ridho
ReplyDeleteNim: 08250702 (34)
V. Different purpose of reading
Elizabeth M. Knutson states that having a purpose means having a reason to read and approaching a text with a particular goal in mind, whether that goal involves learning or entertainment. In real-world and classroom situations, purpose affects the reader's motivation, interest, and manner of reading. From the definition, it can be assumed that the different purpose of reading is divided into two kinds, the first reading in order to gain information, knowledge, or we commonly refer to academic reading. The second is reading for the purpose of entertainment or pleasure. Like reading comics, magazines, and others. So. Read with a variety of purposes is strongly influenced by the goals and interests of the reader itself.
Adopted from: Knutson, E. M. (1998). Reading with a Purpose: Communicative Reading Tasks for the Foreign Language Classroom.
Retrieved from:
Name : Veby (0825057)
ReplyDeleteNumber : 23
Based on Delene Sholes (2009:1) states that a reading strategy called SQ3R gives more information about a method for studying, asking and answering questions, and reviewing material. It can be assumed that efficient readers have learn to use different strategies for different kinds of reading. They know when it’s ok to read quickly-skipping over some of the words, how to skim for general information, scan for specific information, and how to study for the test. Some purposes for reading which are devided into:
For pleasure or for personal reason
Here, student don’t need to know the meaning of every word in the text. They are only want to read fast.
To find general information such as what a book is mostly about
To find the general information, student will want to skim through a book or several books to determine how the books are organized and what they cover.
To find a specific topic in a book or article
Student will need to scan a book or article to find out the specific information that they look for , when they scan, they will look at the tottle, the table of contents, the headings, and the index to find out if the material gives information about the topic.
To learn subject matter that is required for a class
In this purpose, student have to read carefully and slowly when a student studies for a test, they will skim the book or chapter first to see what is the covers. Then they read the headings and subheadings to discover how the book is organized. They should try to make connection between the material and what they already knows.
Adopted from: (2009:1)Different Purposes of Reading: Strategies For Reading Different. Retrieved from:
Name : Herliansyah
ReplyDeleteNim : 08 25 00 17
Subject : Extensive reading
Number: 08
Source : Adobted by: Sholes Delene.(2009). Retrieved From: Reading for Different Purposes: Strategies for Reading Different Kinds of Materials |
V. Different purposes of reading
Teach your students to read for different purposes. Sometimes it's OK to skip over an unknown word, and sometimes they need to read with a dictionary at their fingertips.
If students can get the general sense of a sentence or paragraph without knowing every word, there’s no need to interrupt their reading by using a dictionary to find the word’s meaning. Sometimes they will want to read through material quickly, but they will need to read more carefully when they are reading to learn.
Some Purposes for Reading
• for pleasure or for personal reasons
• to find general information such as what a book is most
• to find a specific topic in a book or article
• to learn subject matter that is required for a class
In my opinion:
Every no native speaker is not easy to read, it is ok if we want to skip over an unknown word when we can not find the meaning, may be we can guess the meaning by using key word providing in the reading book.
Name : Herliansyah
ReplyDeleteNim : 08 25 00 17
Subject : Extensive reading
Number: 08
Source : Adobted by: Sholes Delene.(2009). Retrieved From: Reading for Different Purposes: Strategies for Reading Different Kinds of Materials |
V. Different purposes of reading
Teach your students to read for different purposes. Sometimes it's OK to skip over an unknown word, and sometimes they need to read with a dictionary at their fingertips.
If students can get the general sense of a sentence or paragraph without knowing every word, there’s no need to interrupt their reading by using a dictionary to find the word’s meaning. Sometimes they will want to read through material quickly, but they will need to read more carefully when they are reading to learn.
Some Purposes for Reading
• for pleasure or for personal reasons
• to find general information such as what a book is most
• to find a specific topic in a book or article
• to learn subject matter that is required for a class
In my opinion:
Every no native speaker is not easy to read, it is ok if we want to skip over an unknown word when we can not find the meaning, may be we can guess the meaning by using key word providing in the reading book.
Name : Herliansyah
ReplyDeleteNim : 08 25 00 17
Subject : Extensive reading
Number: 08
Source : Adobted by: Sholes Delene.(2009). Retrieved From: Reading for Different Purposes: Strategies for Reading Different Kinds of Materials |
V. Different purposes of reading
Teach your students to read for different purposes. Sometimes it's OK to skip over an unknown word, and sometimes they need to read with a dictionary at their fingertips.
If students can get the general sense of a sentence or paragraph without knowing every word, there’s no need to interrupt their reading by using a dictionary to find the word’s meaning. Sometimes they will want to read through material quickly, but they will need to read more carefully when they are reading to learn.
Some Purposes for Reading
• for pleasure or for personal reasons
• to find general information such as what a book is most
• to find a specific topic in a book or article
• to learn subject matter that is required for a class
In my opinion:
Every no native speaker is not easy to read, it is ok if we want to skip over an unknown word when we can not find the meaning, may be we can guess the meaning by using key word providing in the reading book.
Name :Reza Heriyantosa (14)
ReplyDeleteFrom the expert quotation
Grabe and Stoller (2002) categorize seven purposes of reading such as:
1. Reading to search for simple information
It means that the reader reads text to get specific information that he/she needs. Usually, the reader has question in mind, so he/she read text which has correlation with his/her question to get the answer.
2. Reading to skim quickly
In this case, the reader reads text to find out the general idea of text without spends much time.
3. Reading to learn from texts
Reading to learn from texts means that reading to get knowledge and understanding of the information of texts.
4. Reading to integrate information
It means that the reader reads text to integrate the information of text with the information of another text to conclude a complex information.
5. Reading to write
Reading to write means that reading to find out information that the reader needs for his/her writing.
6. Reading to critique texts
It means that the reader read text because he/she wants to observe the text. He/She reads the text to find out the error of text or to compare his/her opinion with the information in text.
7. Reading for general comprehension
Reading for general comprehension means that reading to get general information of text by connect the reader’s previous knowledge with the information of text.
Grabe, & Stoller. (2002). Reading and Purposes of Reading. Retrieved from:
Name :Reza Heriyantosa (14)
ReplyDeleteFrom the expert quotation
Grabe and Stoller (2002) categorize seven purposes of reading such as:
1. Reading to search for simple information
It means that the reader reads text to get specific information that he/she needs. Usually, the reader has question in mind, so he/she read text which has correlation with his/her question to get the answer.
2. Reading to skim quickly
In this case, the reader reads text to find out the general idea of text without spends much time.
3. Reading to learn from texts
Reading to learn from texts means that reading to get knowledge and understanding of the information of texts.
4. Reading to integrate information
It means that the reader reads text to integrate the information of text with the information of another text to conclude a complex information.
5. Reading to write
Reading to write means that reading to find out information that the reader needs for his/her writing.
6. Reading to critique texts
It means that the reader read text because he/she wants to observe the text. He/She reads the text to find out the error of text or to compare his/her opinion with the information in text.
7. Reading for general comprehension
Reading for general comprehension means that reading to get general information of text by connect the reader’s previous knowledge with the information of text.
Grabe, & Stoller. (2002). Reading and Purposes of Reading. Retrieved from:
Name: Yuniasari
ReplyDeleteNo. : 25
1. Pichert and Anderson (1977) state that readers determine what is important based on their purpose for reading.
2. Long & Crookes (1992) state the benefits of working with texts for the purpose of drawing students' attention to formal features of written language as well.
3. Schraw and Dennison (1994) state that focusing readers' attention on selected text information increases what the researchers’ term purpose-driven interest and that text segments that are relevant to a readers' purpose are recalled better than those that are not.
From the definition, it can be assumed that reading has a various purposes, a single text is not written for any one purpose, but could meet any purpose, depending on individual needs. For example: the purposes of reading are for pleasure, such as reading novel or comic, for getting information such as reading news paper, and for general understanding, such as reading articles.
Retrieved from:
Retrieved from:
ReplyDeleteNumber : 33
Davies (1995: 133-134) states that there are five purposes of reading, they are namely:
1) Reading for pleasure
2) Reading for a general impression
3) Reading for organizing reading and study
4) Reading for learning content or procedures
5) Reading for learning language
It can be assumed that reading has so many different purposes some of them are reading for pleasure it means that a reader reads a text just to enjoy the text such as reading a novel. Reading for first impression it means to know whether the text is important or not to be read, reading for organizing reading and study it means it means that the reader reads to identify the important things from the text or to answer the question from the text, reading for learning content or procedures it means Reading for understanding the text it is also to comprehend the relation between information and knowledge of the subject and understand the relation of topics to sentences, paragraphs and the main idea. For example, students reading an economic textbook must carefully compare and contrast similarities and differences of the facts and data presented in order to understand the subject, and the last is reading for learning language it means that the reader read the text to learn some new vocabularies or to practice pronunciation from the text. In short, the purposes of reading actually depend on the readers need. So you can decide what your reading purpose is.
Adopted from: Davies (1995: 133-134). Purposes for reading.
Retrieved from:
ReplyDeleteNumber : 33
Davies (1995: 133-134) states that there are five purposes of reading, they are namely:
1) Reading for pleasure
2) Reading for a general impression
3) Reading for organizing reading and study
4) Reading for learning content or procedures
5) Reading for learning language
It can be assumed that reading has so many different purposes some of them are reading for pleasure it means that a reader reads a text just to enjoy the text such as reading a novel. Reading for first impression it means to know whether the text is important or not to be read, reading for organizing reading and study it means it means that the reader reads to identify the important things from the text or to answer the question from the text, reading for learning content or procedures it means Reading for understanding the text it is also to comprehend the relation between information and knowledge of the subject and understand the relation of topics to sentences, paragraphs and the main idea. For example, students reading an economic textbook must carefully compare and contrast similarities and differences of the facts and data presented in order to understand the subject, and the last is reading for learning language it means that the reader read the text to learn some new vocabularies or to practice pronunciation from the text. In short, the purposes of reading actually depend on the readers need. So you can decide what your reading purpose is.
Adopted from: Davies (1995: 133-134). Purposes for reading.
Retrieved from:
Number : 03
Jennifer Conner (2006) states that reading different text is for different purposes so a specific purpose for reading is one that helps guides students' efforts to focus on important information in the text (i.e., important in light of the general purpose for reading the text). This specific focus should be explicitly stated before students begin reading. The purposes of reading are :
1. Reading for pleasure that the material reads for entertainment, such as reading novel or comic,
2. Reading for getting information that gather usable information that you can apply toward a specific goal, such as reading news paper, or when we read the side of the cereal box to learn about how much of a certain vitamin or mineral is in the cereal, we don't read every word on the side of the box, but instead we scan the side of the box until we find the information we want
3. Reading for general understanding that is studying involves reading to comprehend concepts and details. such as reading articles.
According to Grace Stovall Burkart (1998), the purpose(s) for reading guide the reader's selection of texts.
From the expert’s explanation above can be assumed that purposes are decided by the nature of the material and the interests of the student. The purpose(s) for reading guide the reader's selection of texts. The purposes of reading are usually related to pleasure (reading novel or comic), get information (reading news paper) and general understanding (reading articles).
Adopted from: Jennifer Conner (2006). Providing Students With A Purpose For Reading. Retrived from :
Adopted from: Heidi Byrnes (2004). “Reading in the beginning and intermediate college foreign language class”. Retrieved from
Adopted from : Grace Stovall Burkart, ed. (1998); Washington, DC: Center for Applied Linguistics. Retrieved from:
ReplyDeleteNumber : 33
Davies (1995: 133-134) states that there are five purposes of reading, they are namely:
1) Reading for pleasure
2) Reading for a general impression
3) Reading for organizing reading and study
4) Reading for learning content or procedures
5) Reading for learning language
It can be assumed that reading has so many different purposes some of them are reading for pleasure it means that a reader reads a text just to enjoy the text such as reading a novel. Reading for first impression it means to know whether the text is important or not to be read, reading for organizing reading and study it means it means that the reader reads to identify the important things from the text or to answer the question from the text, reading for learning content or procedures it means Reading for understanding the text it is also to comprehend the relation between information and knowledge of the subject and understand the relation of topics to sentences, paragraphs and the main idea. For example, students reading an economic textbook must carefully compare and contrast similarities and differences of the facts and data presented in order to understand the subject, and the last is reading for learning language it means that the reader read the text to learn some new vocabularies or to practice pronunciation from the text. In short, the purposes of reading actually depend on the readers need. So you can decide what your reading purpose is.
Adopted from: Davies (1995: 133-134). Purposes for reading.
Retrieved from:
Number : 03
Jennifer Conner (2006) states that reading different text is for different purposes so a specific purpose for reading is one that helps guides students' efforts to focus on important information in the text (i.e., important in light of the general purpose for reading the text). This specific focus should be explicitly stated before students begin reading. The purposes of reading are :
1. Reading for pleasure that the material reads for entertainment, such as reading novel or comic,
2. Reading for getting information that gather usable information that you can apply toward a specific goal, such as reading news paper, or when we read the side of the cereal box to learn about how much of a certain vitamin or mineral is in the cereal, we don't read every word on the side of the box, but instead we scan the side of the box until we find the information we want
3. Reading for general understanding that is studying involves reading to comprehend concepts and details. such as reading articles.
According to Grace Stovall Burkart (1998), the purpose(s) for reading guide the reader's selection of texts.
From the expert’s explanation above can be assumed that purposes are decided by the nature of the material and the interests of the student. The purpose(s) for reading guide the reader's selection of texts. The purposes of reading are usually related to pleasure (reading novel or comic), get information (reading news paper) and general understanding (reading articles).
• Adopted from: Jennifer Conner (2006). Providing Students With A Purpose For Reading. Retrived from :
• Adopted from: Heidi Byrnes (2004). “Reading in the beginning and intermediate college foreign language class”. Retrieved from
• Adopted from : Grace Stovall Burkart, ed. (1998); Washington, DC: Center for Applied Linguistics. Retrieved from:
ReplyDeleteNumber : 33
Davies (1995: 133-134) states that there are five purposes of reading, they are namely:
1) Reading for pleasure
2) Reading for a general impression
3) Reading for organizing reading and study
4) Reading for learning content or procedures
5) Reading for learning language
It can be assumed that reading has so many different purposes some of them are reading for pleasure it means that a reader reads a text just to enjoy the text such as reading a novel. Reading for first impression it means to know whether the text is important or not to be read, reading for organizing reading and study it means it means that the reader reads to identify the important things from the text or to answer the question from the text, reading for learning content or procedures it means Reading for understanding the text it is also to comprehend the relation between information and knowledge of the subject and understand the relation of topics to sentences, paragraphs and the main idea. For example, students reading an economic textbook must carefully compare and contrast similarities and differences of the facts and data presented in order to understand the subject, and the last is reading for learning language it means that the reader read the text to learn some new vocabularies or to practice pronunciation from the text. In short, the purposes of reading actually depend on the readers need. So you can decide what your reading purpose is.
Adopted from: Davies (1995: 133-134). Purposes for reading.
Retrieved from:
• Adopted from: Jennifer Conner (2006). Providing Students With A Purpose For Reading. Retrived from :
ReplyDelete• Adopted from: Heidi Byrnes (2004). “Reading in the beginning and intermediate college foreign language class”. Retrieved from
• Adopted from : Grace Stovall Burkart, ed. (1998); Washington, DC: Center for Applied Linguistics. Retrieved from:
Name : Haritsah Sani
ReplyDeleteNo : 6
David Karandish (2012,1) states that there are 4 different purposes in reading. They are reading for understanding, reading for evaluating critically, reading for practical application and reading for pleasure.
From his statement, it can be assumed that in reading, everyone must have different purposes, it can be for understanding, for evaluating, or the others. It depends on the reader's need.
The simplest example is reading for practical application. When we buy a new washing machine, the first thing that we'll do is reading the guidance book to know how to operate it. Then, we'll practice what we've read.
Adopted from: Karandish, David (2012). Which of the four reading purposes did you employ?. Retrieved from:
Number : 03
Jennifer Conner (2006) states that reading different text is for different purposes so a specific purpose for reading is one that helps guides students' efforts to focus on important information in the text (i.e., important in light of the general purpose for reading the text). This specific focus should be explicitly stated before students begin reading. The purposes of reading are :
1. Reading for pleasure that the material reads for entertainment, such as reading novel or comic,
2. Reading for getting information that gather usable information that you can apply toward a specific goal, such as reading news paper, or when we read the side of the cereal box to learn about how much of a certain vitamin or mineral is in the cereal, we don't read every word on the side of the box, but instead we scan the side of the box until we find the information we want
3. Reading for general understanding that is studying involves reading to comprehend concepts and details. such as reading articles.
According to Grace Stovall Burkart (1998), the purpose(s) for reading guide the reader's selection of texts.
From the expert’s explanation above can be assumed that purposes are decided by the nature of the material and the interests of the student. The purpose(s) for reading guide the reader's selection of texts. The purposes of reading are usually related to pleasure (reading novel or comic), get information (reading news paper) and general understanding (reading articles).
• Adopted from: Jennifer Conner (2006). Providing Students With A Purpose For Reading. Retrived from :
• Adopted from: Heidi Byrnes (2004). “Reading in the beginning and intermediate college foreign language class”. Retrieved from
• Adopted from : Grace Stovall Burkart, ed. (1998); Washington, DC: Center for Applied Linguistics. Retrieved from:
Number : 03
Jennifer Conner (2006) states that reading different text is for different purposes so a specific purpose for reading is one that helps guides students' efforts to focus on important information in the text (i.e., important in light of the general purpose for reading the text). This specific focus should be explicitly stated before students begin reading. The purposes of reading are :
1. Reading for pleasure that the material reads for entertainment, such as reading novel or comic,
2. Reading for getting information that gather usable information that you can apply toward a specific goal, such as reading news paper, or when we read the side of the cereal box to learn about how much of a certain vitamin or mineral is in the cereal, we don't read every word on the side of the box, but instead we scan the side of the box until we find the information we want
3. Reading for general understanding that is studying involves reading to comprehend concepts and details. such as reading articles.
According to Grace Stovall Burkart (1998), the purpose(s) for reading guide the reader's selection of texts.
From the expert’s explanation above can be assumed that purposes are decided by the nature of the material and the interests of the student. The purpose(s) for reading guide the reader's selection of texts. The purposes of reading are usually related to pleasure (reading novel or comic), get information (reading news paper) and general understanding (reading articles).
• Adopted from: Jennifer Conner (2006). Providing Students With A Purpose For Reading. Retrived from :
• Adopted from: Heidi Byrnes (2004). “Reading in the beginning and intermediate college foreign language class”. Retrieved from
• Adopted from : Grace Stovall Burkart, ed. (1998); Washington, DC: Center for Applied Linguistics. Retrieved from:
Knutson, Elizabeth M (1998:1) stated that Having a purpose means having a reason to read and approaching a text with a particular goal in mind, whether that goal involves learning or entertainment. And there are different purposes of reading (Delena Sholes,2009:1) :
• for pleasure or for personal reasons
• to find general information such as what a book is mostly about
• to find a specific topic in a book or article
• to learn subject matter that is required for a class
So, it can be assumed that Reading purposes means approaching texts with a specific goal! Having a clear purpose before reading can be much more effective on reading a books. For example : Jono reads Mathematic Book because wants to get specific information to answer a question on an assignment.
Adopted from : Knutson,Elizabeth M (1998:1) Reading with a Purpose: Communicative Reading Tasks for the Foreign Language Classroom. Retrieved from:
Adopted from : Sholes Delena, (2009),Reading For Different Purposes.Retrieved from:
Knutson, Elizabeth M (1998:1) stated that Having a purpose means having a reason to read and approaching a text with a particular goal in mind, whether that goal involves learning or entertainment. And there are different purposes of reading (Delena Sholes,2009:1) :
• for pleasure or for personal reasons
• to find general information such as what a book is mostly about
• to find a specific topic in a book or article
• to learn subject matter that is required for a class
So, it can be assumed that Reading purposes means approaching texts with a specific goal! Having a clear purpose before reading can be much more effective on reading a books. For example : Jono reads Mathematic Book because wants to get specific information to answer a question on an assignment.
Adopted from : Knutson,Elizabeth M (1998:1) Reading with a Purpose: Communicative Reading Tasks for the Foreign Language Classroom. Retrieved from:
Adopted from : Sholes Delena, (2009),Reading For Different Purposes.Retrieved from:
Name : Isa Nurhayati (01)
ReplyDeleteNIM : 0825023
Subject : Extensive Reading
Different purposes of reading
Alderson defines reading as “…an enjoyable, intense, private activity, from which much pleasure can be derived, and in which one can become totally absorbed (2000:28).” According to researchers Pichert and Anderson (1977), readers determine that what is important based on their purpose for reading.
Reading means different things to different people, for some it is recognizing written words, while for others it is an opportunity to teach pronunciation and practice speaking. However reading always has a purpose. It is something that we do everyday, it is an integral part of our daily lives, taken very much for granted and generally assumed to be something that everyone can do. The reason for reading depends very much on the purpose for reading. Reading can have three main purposes, for survival, for learning or for pleasure. Reading for survival is considered to be in response to our environment, to find out information and can include street signs, advertising, and timetables. It depends very much on the day-to-day needs of the reader and often involves an immediate response to a situation. In contrast reading for learning is considered to be the type of reading done in the classroom and is goal orientated. While reading for pleasure is something that does not have to be done. For Nuttall (1996) the central ideas behind reading are:
- the idea of meaning;
- the transfer of meaning from one mind to another;
- the transfer of a message from writer to reader;
- how we get meaning by reading;
- how the reader, the writer and the text all contribute to the process.
Adopted from :
Alderson, J.C. (2000) Assessing Reading Cambridge, C.U.P.
Nuttall, C. (1996) Teaching Reading Skills in a foreign language (New Edition) Oxford,
Retrieved from:
Knutson, Elizabeth M (1998:1) stated that Having a purpose means having areason to read and approaching a text
with a particular goal in mind, whether that goal involves learning orentertainment. And there are different
purposes of reading (DelenaSholes,2009:1) :
• for pleasure or for personal reasons
• to find general information such as what a book is mostly about
• to find a specific topic in a book or article
• to learn subject matter that is required for a class
So, it can be assumed that Reading purposes means approaching texts with a specific goal! Having a clear purpose before reading can be much more effective on reading a books. For example : Jono reads Mathematic Book because wants to get specific information to answer a question on an assignment.
Adopted from : Knutson,Elizabeth M (1998:1) Reading with a Purpose:
Communicative Reading Tasks for the Foreign Language Classroom. Retrieved
Adopted from : Sholes Delena,(2009),Reading For DifferentPurposes.Retrieved from: http://
Name : Nadya Nur’aini (31)
ReplyDeleteGrellet (1992:4) stated that there are two purposes for reading viewed from the reason as follows, 1st is reading for pleasure and the 2nd is reading for information (in order to find out something or in order to do something with the information the reader get). From the definition, it can be assumed that reading has different purposes, and it depends on the readers’ objectives. If they are in reading activities just for having a pleasure, it does not matter not to look-up the unfamiliar words on their dictionaries, they can use contextual meaning without any kinds of interruption by someone else, so they can read faster. For Examples: reading short stories, novels, legends, and magazines, But if the Readers’ objectives is for getting information, it is better for them not to skip some information which they need. Even they want to read through material quickly, but they have to read more carefully when they are reading to learn. For Examples: reading memos, letters, directions, signs, notices, bulletins, and regulations
Adapted from: Grellet (1992;4). Different Reading Purpose.
Retried from :
Name : Nadya Nur’aini (31)
ReplyDeleteGrellet (1992:4) stated that there are two purposes for reading viewed from the reason as follows, 1st is reading for pleasure and the 2nd is reading for information (in order to find out something or in order to do something with the information the reader get). From the definition, it can be assumed that reading has different purposes, and it depends on the readers’ objectives. If they are in reading activities just for having a pleasure, it does not matter not to look-up the unfamiliar words on their dictionaries, they can use contextual meaning without any kinds of interruption by someone else, so they can read faster. For Examples: reading short stories, novels, legends, and magazines, But if the Readers’ objectives is for getting information, it is better for them not to skip some information which they need. Even they want to read through material quickly, but they have to read more carefully when they are reading to learn. For Examples: reading memos, letters, directions, signs, notices, bulletins, and regulations
Adapted from: Grellet (1992;4). Different Reading Purpose.
Retried from :
Name : Endang Susilo
ReplyDeleteNim :08250011
Number : 05
Extensive reading V
Reading for Different Purposes
DeLene Sholes ( 2009:101) states that Reading for Different Purposes is Teach your students to read for different purposes. Sometimes it's OK to skip over an unknown word, and sometimes they need to read with a dictionary at their fingertips.If students can get the general sense of a sentence or paragraph without knowing every word, there’s no need to interrupt their reading by using a dictionary to find the word’s meaning. Sometimes they will want to read through material quickly, but they will need to read more carefully when they are reading to learn. Some Purposes for Reading
• for pleasure or for personal reasons
• to find general information such as what a book is mostly about
• to find a specific topic in a book or article
• to learn subject matter that is required for a class
Once students have mastered the basic decoding skills, they will begin to read for a variety of purposes. From the definition, it can be assumed that Reading for Different Purposes is we don’t need to read translate word by word but in general we can interpret that we may easy to understand a reading text. before we must look to know if this book index to contain information we wanted or useful for us and in reading we also have focus to what we read worthwhile. example when reading short story like Nasredin book.
Adopted from: Delene Sholes (Jan 27, 2009) Reading for Different Purposes retrieved from:
Name : Endang Susilo
ReplyDeleteNim :08250011
Number : 05
Extensive reading V
Reading for Different Purposes
DeLene Sholes ( 2009:101) states that Reading for Different Purposes is Teach your students to read for different purposes. Sometimes it's OK to skip over an unknown word, and sometimes they need to read with a dictionary at their fingertips.If students can get the general sense of a sentence or paragraph without knowing every word, there’s no need to interrupt their reading by using a dictionary to find the word’s meaning. Sometimes they will want to read through material quickly, but they will need to read more carefully when they are reading to learn. Some Purposes for Reading
•for pleasure or for personal reasons
•to find general information such as what a book is mostly about
•to find a specific topic in a book or article
•to learn subject matter that is required for a class
Once students have mastered the basic decoding skills, they will begin to read for a variety of purposes. From the definition, it can be assumed that Reading for Different Purposes is we don’t need to read translate word by word but in general we can interpret that we may easy to understand a reading text. before we must look to know if this book index to contain information we wanted or useful for us and in reading we also have focus to what we read worthwhile. example when reading short story like Nasredin book.
Adopted from: Delene Sholes (Jan 27, 2009) Reading for Different Purposes retrieved from:
Name : Endang Susilo
ReplyDeleteNim :08250011
Number : 05
Extensive reading V
Reading for Different Purposes
DeLene Sholes ( 2009:101) states that Reading for Different Purposes is Teach your students to read for different purposes. Sometimes it's OK to skip over an unknown word, and sometimes they need to read with a dictionary at their fingertips.If students can get the general sense of a sentence or paragraph without knowing every word, there’s no need to interrupt their reading by using a dictionary to find the word’s meaning. Sometimes they will want to read through material quickly, but they will need to read more carefully when they are reading to learn. Some Purposes for Reading
•for pleasure or for personal reasons
•to find general information such as what a book is mostly about
•to find a specific topic in a book or article
•to learn subject matter that is required for a class
Once students have mastered the basic decoding skills, they will begin to read for a variety of purposes. From the definition, it can be assumed that Reading for Different Purposes is we don’t need to read translate word by word but in general we can interpret that we may easy to understand a reading text. before we must look to know if this book index to contain information we wanted or useful for us and in reading we also have focus to what we read worthwhile. example when reading short story like Nasredin book.
Adopted from: Delene Sholes (Jan 27, 2009) Reading for Different Purposes retrieved from:
Name : Endang Susilo
ReplyDeleteNim :08250011
Number : 05
Extensive reading V
Reading for Different Purposes
DeLene Sholes ( 2009:101) states that Reading for Different Purposes is Teach your students to read for different purposes. Sometimes it's OK to skip over an unknown word, and sometimes they need to read with a dictionary at their fingertips.If students can get the general sense of a sentence or paragraph without knowing every word, there’s no need to interrupt their reading by using a dictionary to find the word’s meaning. Sometimes they will want to read through material quickly, but they will need to read more carefully when they are reading to learn. Some Purposes for Reading
•for pleasure or for personal reasons
•to find general information such as what a book is mostly about
•to find a specific topic in a book or article
•to learn subject matter that is required for a class
Once students have mastered the basic decoding skills, they will begin to read for a variety of purposes. From the definition, it can be assumed that Reading for Different Purposes is we don’t need to read translate word by word but in general we can interpret that we may easy to understand a reading text. before we must look to know if this book index to contain information we wanted or useful for us and in reading we also have focus to what we read worthwhile. example when reading short story like Nasredin book.
Adopted from: Delene Sholes (Jan 27, 2009) Reading for Different Purposes retrieved from:
Name : Endang Susilo
ReplyDeleteNim :08250011
Number : 05
Extensive reading V
Reading for Different Purposes
DeLene Sholes ( 2009:101) states that Reading for Different Purposes is Teach your students to read for different purposes. Sometimes it's OK to skip over an unknown word, and sometimes they need to read with a dictionary at their fingertips.If students can get the general sense of a sentence or paragraph without knowing every word, there’s no need to interrupt their reading by using a dictionary to find the word’s meaning. Sometimes they will want to read through material quickly, but they will need to read more carefully when they are reading to learn. Some Purposes for Reading
• for pleasure or for personal reasons
•to find general information such as what a book is mostly about
•to find a specific topic in a book or article
•to learn subject matter that is required for a class
Once students have mastered the basic decoding skills, they will begin to read for a variety of purposes. From the definition, it can be assumed that Reading for Different Purposes is we don’t need to read translate word by word but in general we can interpret that we may easy to understand a reading text. before we must look to know if this book index to contain information we wanted or useful for us and in reading we also have focus to what we read worthwhile. example when reading short story like Nasredin book.
Adopted from: Delene Sholes (Jan 27, 2009) Reading for Different Purposes retrieved from:
Name : Endang Susilo
DeleteNim :08250011
Number : 05
Extensive reading V
Reading for Different Purposes
DeLene Sholes ( 2009:101) states that Reading for Different Purposes is Teach your students to read for different purposes. Sometimes it's OK to skip over an unknown word, and sometimes they need to read with a dictionary at their fingertips.If students can get the general sense of a sentence or paragraph without knowing every word, there’s no need to interrupt their reading by using a dictionary to find the word’s meaning. Sometimes they will want to read through material quickly, but they will need to read more carefully when they are reading to learn. Some Purposes for Reading
•for pleasure or for personal reasons
•to find general information such as what a book is mostly about
•to find a specific topic in a book or article
•to learn subject matter that is required for a class
Once students have mastered the basic decoding skills, they will begin to read for a variety of purposes. From the definition, it can be assumed that Reading for Different Purposes is we don’t need to read translate word by word but in general we can interpret that we may easy to understand a reading text. before we must look to know if this book index to contain information we wanted or useful for us and in reading we also have focus to what we read worthwhile. example when reading short story like Nasredin book.
Adopted from: Delene Sholes (Jan 27, 2009) Reading for Different Purposes retrieved from:
27. Husnur Rusydi
ReplyDeleteDifferent Purposes of Reading
according to Delene Sholes (2009), there are 4 different purposes of reading
• for pleasure or for personal reasons
• to find general information such as what a book is mostly about
• to find a specific topic in a book or article
• to learn subject matter that is required for a class
Once students have mastered the basic decoding skills, they will begin to read for a variety of purposes.
from her statemnet, it can be assumed that, reading can be do with different purposes, based on the reader interest. And doing reading with different purposes to assist the reader more fondness for reading
adopted from: Delene Sholes (2009). reading for different purposes
Name : Endang Susilo
DeleteNim :08250011
Number : 05
Extensive reading V
Reading for Different Purposes
DeLene Sholes ( 2009:101) states that Reading for Different Purposes is Teach your students to read for different purposes. Sometimes it's OK to skip over an unknown word, and sometimes they need to read with a dictionary at their fingertips.If students can get the general sense of a sentence or paragraph without knowing every word, there’s no need to interrupt their reading by using a dictionary to find the word’s meaning. Sometimes they will want to read through material quickly, but they will need to read more carefully when they are reading to learn. Some Purposes for Reading
•for pleasure or for personal reasons
•to find general information such as what a book is mostly about
•to find a specific topic in a book or article
•to learn subject matter that is required for a class
Once students have mastered the basic decoding skills, they will begin to read for a variety of purposes. From the definition, it can be assumed that Reading for Different Purposes is we don’t need to read translate word by word but in general we can interpret that we may easy to understand a reading text. before we must look to know if this book index to contain information we wanted or useful for us and in reading we also have focus to what we read worthwhile. example when reading short story like Nasredin book.
Adopted from: Delene Sholes (Jan 27, 2009) Reading for Different Purposes retrieved from:
27. Husnur Rusydi
ReplyDeleteDifferent Purposes of Reading
according to Delene Sholes (2009), there are 4 different purposes of reading
• for pleasure or for personal reasons
• to find general information such as what a book is mostly about
• to find a specific topic in a book or article
• to learn subject matter that is required for a class
Once students have mastered the basic decoding skills, they will begin to read for a variety of purposes.
from her statemnet, it can be assumed that, reading can be do with different purposes, based on the reader interest. And doing reading with different purposes to assist the reader more fondness for reading
adopted from: Delene Sholes (2009). reading for different purposes
Knutson, Elizabeth M (1998:1) stated that Having a purpose means having areason to read and approaching a text
with a particular goal in mind, whether that goal involves learning orentertainment. And there are different
purposes of reading (DelenaSholes,2009:1) :
• for pleasure or for personal reasons
• to find general information such as what a book is mostly about
• to find a specific topic in a book or article
• to learn subject matter that is required for a class
So, it can be assumed that Reading purposes means approaching texts with a specific goal! Having a clear purpose before reading can be much more effective on reading a books. For example : Jono reads Mathematic Book because wants to get specific information to answer a question on an assignment.
Adopted from : Knutson,Elizabeth M (1998:1) Reading with a Purpose:
Communicative Reading Tasks for the Foreign Language Classroom. Retrieved
Adopted from : Sholes Delena,(2009),Reading For DifferentPurposes.Retrieved from: http://
Name : Endang Susilo
ReplyDeleteNim :08250011
Number : 05
Extensive reading V
Reading for Different Purposes
DeLene Sholes ( 2009:101) states that Reading for Different Purposes is Teach your students to read for different purposes. Sometimes it's OK to skip over an unknown word, and sometimes they need to read with a dictionary at their fingertips.If students can get the general sense of a sentence or paragraph without knowing every word, there’s no need to interrupt their reading by using a dictionary to find the word’s meaning. Sometimes they will want to read through material quickly, but they will need to read more carefully when they are reading to learn. Some Purposes for Reading
•for pleasure or for personal reasons
•to find general information such as what a book is mostly about
•to find a specific topic in a book or article
•to learn subject matter that is required for a class
Once students have mastered the basic decoding skills, they will begin to read for a variety of purposes. From the definition, it can be assumed that Reading for Different Purposes is we don’t need to read translate word by word but in general we can interpret that we may easy to understand a reading text. before we must look to know if this book index to contain information we wanted or useful for us and in reading we also have focus to what we read worthwhile. example when reading short story like Nasredin book.
Adopted from: Delene Sholes (Jan 27, 2009) Reading for Different Purposes retrieved from:
Knutson, Elizabeth M (1998:1) stated that Having a purpose means having areason to read and approaching a text
with a particular goal in mind, whether that goal involves learning orentertainment. And there are different
purposes of reading (DelenaSholes,2009:1) :
• for pleasure or for personal reasons
• to find general information such as what a book is mostly about
• to find a specific topic in a book or article
• to learn subject matter that is required for a class
So, it can be assumed that Reading purposes means approaching texts with a specific goal! Having a clear purpose before reading can be much more effective on reading a books. For example : Jono reads Mathematic Book because wants to get specific information to answer a question on an assignment.
Adopted from : Knutson,Elizabeth M (1998:1) Reading with a Purpose:
Communicative Reading Tasks for the Foreign Language Classroom. Retrieved
Adopted from : Sholes Delena,(2009),Reading For DifferentPurposes.Retrieved from: http://
Knutson, Elizabeth M (1998:1) stated that Having a purpose means having areason to read and approaching a text
with a particular goal in mind, whether that goal involves learning orentertainment. And there are different
purposes of reading (DelenaSholes,2009:1) :
• for pleasure or for personal reasons
• to find general information such as what a book is mostly about
• to find a specific topic in a book or article
• to learn subject matter that is required for a class
So, it can be assumed that Reading purposes means approaching texts with a specific goal! Having a clear purpose before reading can be much more effective on reading a books. For example : Jono reads Mathematic Book because wants to get specific information to answer a question on an assignment.
Adopted from : Knutson,Elizabeth M (1998:1) Reading with a Purpose:
Communicative Reading Tasks for the Foreign Language Classroom. Retrieved
Adopted from : Sholes Delena,(2009),Reading For DifferentPurposes.Retrieved from: http://
Name :Reza Heriyantosa (14)
ReplyDeleteFrom the expert quotation
Grabe and Stoller (2002) categorize seven purposes of reading such as:
1. Reading to search for simple information
It means that the reader reads text to get specific information that he/she needs. Usually, the reader has question in mind, so he/she read text which has correlation with his/her question to get the answer.
2. Reading to skim quickly
In this case, the reader reads text to find out the general idea of text without spends much time.
3. Reading to learn from texts
Reading to learn from texts means that reading to get knowledge and understanding of the information of texts.
4. Reading to integrate information
It means that the reader reads text to integrate the information of text with the information of another text to conclude a complex information.
5. Reading to write
Reading to write means that reading to find out information that the reader needs for his/her writing.
6. Reading to critique texts
It means that the reader read text because he/she wants to observe the text. He/She reads the text to find out the error of text or to compare his/her opinion with the information in text.
7. Reading for general comprehension
Reading for general comprehension means that reading to get general information of text by connect the reader’s previous knowledge with the information of text.
Grabe, & Stoller. (2002). Reading and Purposes of Reading. Retrieved from:
Name :Reza Heriyantosa (14)
ReplyDeleteFrom the expert quotation
Grabe and Stoller (2002) categorize seven purposes of reading such as:
1. Reading to search for simple information
It means that the reader reads text to get specific information that he/she needs. Usually, the reader has question in mind, so he/she read text which has correlation with his/her question to get the answer.
2. Reading to skim quickly
In this case, the reader reads text to find out the general idea of text without spends much time.
3. Reading to learn from texts
Reading to learn from texts means that reading to get knowledge and understanding of the information of texts.
4. Reading to integrate information
It means that the reader reads text to integrate the information of text with the information of another text to conclude a complex information.
5. Reading to write
Reading to write means that reading to find out information that the reader needs for his/her writing.
6. Reading to critique texts
It means that the reader read text because he/she wants to observe the text. He/She reads the text to find out the error of text or to compare his/her opinion with the information in text.
7. Reading for general comprehension
Reading for general comprehension means that reading to get general information of text by connect the reader’s previous knowledge with the information of text.
Grabe, & Stoller. (2002). Reading and Purposes of Reading. Retrieved from:
Name: Azka Ridho
ReplyDeleteNim: 08250702 (34)
V. Different purpose of reading
Elizabeth M. Knutson states that having a purpose means having a reason to read and approaching a text with a particular goal in mind, whether that goal involves learning or entertainment. In real-world and classroom situations, purpose affects the reader's motivation, interest, and manner of reading. From the definition, it can be assumed that the different purpose of reading is divided into two kinds, the first reading in order to gain information, knowledge, or we commonly refer to academic reading. The second is reading for the purpose of entertainment or pleasure. Like reading comics, magazines, and others. So. Read with a variety of purposes is strongly influenced by the goals and interests of the reader itself.
Adopted from: Knutson, E. M. (1998). Reading with a Purpose: Communicative Reading Tasks for the Foreign Language Classroom.
Retrieved from:
Name: Azka Ridho
ReplyDeleteNim: 08250702 (34)
V. Different purpose of reading
Elizabeth M. Knutson states that having a purpose means having a reason to read and approaching a text with a particular goal in mind, whether that goal involves learning or entertainment. In real-world and classroom situations, purpose affects the reader's motivation, interest, and manner of reading. From the definition, it can be assumed that the different purpose of reading is divided into two kinds, the first reading in order to gain information, knowledge, or we commonly refer to academic reading. The second is reading for the purpose of entertainment or pleasure. Like reading comics, magazines, and others. So. Read with a variety of purposes is strongly influenced by the goals and interests of the reader itself.
Adopted from: Knutson, E. M. (1998). Reading with a Purpose: Communicative Reading Tasks for the Foreign Language Classroom.
Retrieved from:
Name: Azka Ridho
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V. Different purpose of reading
Elizabeth M. Knutson states that having a purpose means having a reason to read and approaching a text with a particular goal in mind, whether that goal involves learning or entertainment. In real-world and classroom situations, purpose affects the reader's motivation, interest, and manner of reading. From the definition, it can be assumed that the different purpose of reading is divided into two kinds, the first reading in order to gain information, knowledge, or we commonly refer to academic reading. The second is reading for the purpose of entertainment or pleasure. Like reading comics, magazines, and others. So. Read with a variety of purposes is strongly influenced by the goals and interests of the reader itself.
Adopted from: Knutson, E. M. (1998). Reading with a Purpose: Communicative Reading Tasks for the Foreign Language Classroom.
Retrieved from:
Name : Nadya Nur’aini (31)
ReplyDeleteGrellet (1992:4) stated that there are two purposes for reading viewed from the reason as follows, 1st is reading for pleasure and the 2nd is reading for information (in order to find out something or in order to do something with the information the reader get). From the definition, it can be assumed that reading has different purposes, and it depends on the readers’ objectives. If they are in reading activities just for having a pleasure, it does not matter not to look-up the unfamiliar words on their dictionaries, they can use contextual meaning without any kinds of interruption by someone else, so they can read faster. For Examples: reading short stories, novels, legends, and magazines, But if the Readers’ objectives is for getting information, it is better for them not to skip some information which they need. Even they want to read through material quickly, but they have to read more carefully when they are reading to learn. For Examples: reading memos, letters, directions, signs, notices, bulletins, and regulations
Adapted from: Grellet (1992;4). Different Reading Purpose.
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Name :Reza Heriyantosa (14)
ReplyDeleteFrom the expert quotation
Grabe and Stoller (2002) categorize seven purposes of reading such as:
1. Reading to search for simple information
It means that the reader reads text to get specific information that he/she needs. Usually, the reader has question in mind, so he/she read text which has correlation with his/her question to get the answer.
2. Reading to skim quickly
In this case, the reader reads text to find out the general idea of text without spends much time.
3. Reading to learn from texts
Reading to learn from texts means that reading to get knowledge and understanding of the information of texts.
4. Reading to integrate information
It means that the reader reads text to integrate the information of text with the information of another text to conclude a complex information.
5. Reading to write
Reading to write means that reading to find out information that the reader needs for his/her writing.
6. Reading to critique texts
It means that the reader read text because he/she wants to observe the text. He/She reads the text to find out the error of text or to compare his/her opinion with the information in text.
7. Reading for general comprehension
Reading for general comprehension means that reading to get general information of text by connect the reader’s previous knowledge with the information of text.
Grabe, & Stoller. (2002). Reading and Purposes of Reading. Retrieved from:
Name : Nadya Nur’aini (31)
ReplyDeleteGrellet (1992:4) stated that there are two purposes for reading viewed from the reason as follows, 1st is reading for pleasure and the 2nd is reading for information (in order to find out something or in order to do something with the information the reader get). From the definition, it can be assumed that reading has different purposes, and it depends on the readers’ objectives. If they are in reading activities just for having a pleasure, it does not matter not to look-up the unfamiliar words on their dictionaries, they can use contextual meaning without any kinds of interruption by someone else, so they can read faster. For Examples: reading short stories, novels, legends, and magazines, But if the Readers’ objectives is for getting information, it is better for them not to skip some information which they need. Even they want to read through material quickly, but they have to read more carefully when they are reading to learn. For Examples: reading memos, letters, directions, signs, notices, bulletins, and regulations.
Adapted from: Grellet (1992;4). Different Reading Purpose.
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Name : Indriyani
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Absent No. : 09
Different Purposes of Reading
Syed Ali (January, 2010.1)The purposes of reading are usually related to pleasure, information and general understanding. The purposes are determined by the nature of the material and the interests of the student.
So based on that opinion my conclusion of reading for different purposes is reading based on reader’s mean.
For example: In real life, we read texts differently for different purposes. Such as, we may skim an article to get the author’s overall message, or we may scan a TV guide for a good film to watch.
Adapted from: Syed Ali (2010:30). What is Extensive reading, Purposes, Characteristics, Benefits and Why do ER?
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Name :Reza Heriyantosa (14)
ReplyDeleteFrom the expert quotation
Grabe and Stoller (2002) categorize seven purposes of reading such as:
1. Reading to search for simple information
It means that the reader reads text to get specific information that he/she needs. Usually, the reader has question in mind, so he/she read text which has correlation with his/her question to get the answer.
2. Reading to skim quickly
In this case, the reader reads text to find out the general idea of text without spends much time.
3. Reading to learn from texts
Reading to learn from texts means that reading to get knowledge and understanding of the information of texts.
4. Reading to integrate information
It means that the reader reads text to integrate the information of text with the information of another text to conclude a complex information.
5. Reading to write
Reading to write means that reading to find out information that the reader needs for his/her writing.
6. Reading to critique texts
It means that the reader read text because he/she wants to observe the text. He/She reads the text to find out the error of text or to compare his/her opinion with the information in text.
7. Reading for general comprehension
Reading for general comprehension means that reading to get general information of text by connect the reader’s previous knowledge with the information of text.
Grabe, & Stoller. (2002). Reading and Purposes of Reading. Retrieved from:
Name :Reza Heriyantosa (14)
ReplyDeleteFrom the expert quotation
Grabe and Stoller (2002) categorize seven purposes of reading such as:
1. Reading to search for simple information
It means that the reader reads text to get specific information that he/she needs. Usually, the reader has question in mind, so he/she read text which has correlation with his/her question to get the answer.
2. Reading to skim quickly
In this case, the reader reads text to find out the general idea of text without spends much time.
3. Reading to learn from texts
Reading to learn from texts means that reading to get knowledge and understanding of the information of texts.
4. Reading to integrate information
It means that the reader reads text to integrate the information of text with the information of another text to conclude a complex information.
5. Reading to write
Reading to write means that reading to find out information that the reader needs for his/her writing.
6. Reading to critique texts
It means that the reader read text because he/she wants to observe the text. He/She reads the text to find out the error of text or to compare his/her opinion with the information in text.
7. Reading for general comprehension
Reading for general comprehension means that reading to get general information of text by connect the reader’s previous knowledge with the information of text.
Grabe, & Stoller. (2002). Reading and Purposes of Reading. Retrieved from:
Name :Reza Heriyantosa (14)
ReplyDeleteFrom the expert quotation
Grabe and Stoller (2002) categorize seven purposes of reading such as:
1. Reading to search for simple information
It means that the reader reads text to get specific information that he/she needs. Usually, the reader has question in mind, so he/she read text which has correlation with his/her question to get the answer.
2. Reading to skim quickly
In this case, the reader reads text to find out the general idea of text without spends much time.
3. Reading to learn from texts
Reading to learn from texts means that reading to get knowledge and understanding of the information of texts.
4. Reading to integrate information
It means that the reader reads text to integrate the information of text with the information of another text to conclude a complex information.
5. Reading to write
Reading to write means that reading to find out information that the reader needs for his/her writing.
6. Reading for general comprehension
Reading for general comprehension means that reading to get general information of text by connect the reader’s previous knowledge with the information of text.
Grabe, & Stoller. (2002). Reading and Purposes of Reading. Retrieved from:
Name :Reza Heriyantosa (14)
ReplyDeleteFrom the expert quotation
Grabe and Stoller (2002) categorize seven purposes of reading such as:
1. Reading to search for simple information
It means that the reader reads text to get specific information that he/she needs. Usually, the reader has question in mind, so he/she read text which has correlation with his/her question to get the answer.
2. Reading to skim quickly
In this case, the reader reads text to find out the general idea of text without spends much time.
3. Reading to learn from texts
Reading to learn from texts means that reading to get knowledge and understanding of the information of texts.
4. Reading to integrate information
It means that the reader reads text to integrate the information of text with the information of another text to conclude a complex information.
5. Reading to write
Reading to write means that reading to find out information that the reader needs for his/her writing.
6. Reading for general comprehension
Reading for general comprehension means that reading to get general information of text by connect the reader’s previous knowledge with the information of text.
Grabe, & Stoller. (2002). Reading and Purposes of Reading. Retrieved from:
Name :Reza Heriyantosa (14)
ReplyDeleteFrom the expert quotation
Grabe and Stoller (2002) categorize seven purposes of reading such as:
1. Reading to search for simple information
It means that the reader reads text to get specific information that he/she needs. Usually, the reader has question in mind, so he/she read text which has correlation with his/her question to get the answer.
2. Reading to skim quickly
In this case, the reader reads text to find out the general idea of text without spends much time.
3. Reading to learn from texts
Reading to learn from texts means that reading to get knowledge and understanding of the information of texts.
4. Reading to integrate information
It means that the reader reads text to integrate the information of text with the information of another text to conclude a complex information.
5. Reading to write
Reading to write means that reading to find out information that the reader needs for his/her writing.
6. Reading for general comprehension
Reading for general comprehension means that reading to get general information of text by connect the reader’s previous knowledge with the information of text.
Grabe, & Stoller. (2002). Reading and Purposes of Reading. Retrieved from:
Name :Reza Heriyantosa (14)
ReplyDeleteFrom the expert quotation
Grabe and Stoller (2002) categorize seven purposes of reading such as:
1. Reading to search for simple information
It means that the reader reads text to get specific information that he/she needs. Usually, the reader has question in mind, so he/she read text which has correlation with his/her question to get the answer.
2. Reading to skim quickly
In this case, the reader reads text to find out the general idea of text without spends much time.
3. Reading to integrate information
It means that the reader reads text to integrate the information of text with the information of another text to conclude a complex information.
4. Reading to write
Reading to write means that reading to find out information that the reader needs for his/her writing.
5. Reading for general comprehension
Reading for general comprehension means that reading to get general information of text by connect the reader’s previous knowledge with the information of text.
Grabe, & Stoller. (2002). Reading and Purposes of Reading. Retrieved from:
Name :Reza Heriyantosa (14)
ReplyDeleteFrom the expert quotation
Grabe and Stoller (2002) categorize seven purposes of reading such as:
1. Reading to search for simple information
It means that the reader reads text to get specific information that he/she needs. Usually, the reader has question in mind, so he/she read text which has correlation with his/her question to get the answer.
2. Reading to skim quickly
In this case, the reader reads text to find out the general idea of text without spends much time.
3. Reading to integrate information
It means that the reader reads text to integrate the information of text with the information of another text to conclude a complex information.
4. Reading to write
Reading to write means that reading to find out information that the reader needs for his/her writing.
5. Reading for general comprehension
Reading for general comprehension means that reading to get general information of text by connect the reader’s previous knowledge with the information of text.
Grabe, & Stoller. (2002). Reading and Purposes of Reading. Retrieved from:
Name :Reza Heriyantosa (14)
ReplyDeleteFrom the expert quotation
Grabe and Stoller (2002) categorize seven purposes of reading such as:
1. Reading to search for simple information
It means that the reader reads text to get specific information that he/she needs. Usually, the reader has question in mind, so he/she read text which has correlation with his/her question to get the answer.
2. Reading to skim quickly
In this case, the reader reads text to find out the general idea of text without spends much time.
3. Reading to integrate information
It means that the reader reads text to integrate the information of text with the information of another text to conclude a complex information.
4. Reading to write
Reading to write means that reading to find out information that the reader needs for his/her writing.
5. Reading for general comprehension
Reading for general comprehension means that reading to get general information of text by connect the reader’s previous knowledge with the information of text.
Grabe, & Stoller. (2002). Reading and Purposes of Reading. Retrieved from:
Name :Reza Heriyantosa (14)
ReplyDeleteFrom the expert quotation
Grabe and Stoller (2002) categorize four purposes of reading such as:
1. Reading to search for simple information, It means that the reader reads text to get specific information that he/she needs. Usually, the reader has question in mind, so he/she read text which has correlation with his/her question to get the answer.
2. Reading to skim quickly, In this case, the reader reads text to find out the general idea of text without spends much time.
3. Reading to learn from texts, Reading to learn from texts means that reading to get knowledge and understanding of the information of texts.
4. Reading to integrate information, It means that the reader reads text to integrate the information of text with the information of another text to conclude a complex information.
So, it depends on what purposes we read the materials.
Grabe, & Stoller. (2002). Reading and Purposes of Reading. Retrieved from:
Name :Reza Heriyantosa (14)
ReplyDeleteFrom the expert quotation
Grabe and Stoller (2002) categorize four purposes of reading such as:
1. Reading to search for simple information, It means that the reader reads text to get specific information that he/she needs. Usually, the reader has question in mind, so he/she read text which has correlation with his/her question to get the answer.
2. Reading to skim quickly, In this case, the reader reads text to find out the general idea of text without spends much time.
3. Reading to learn from texts, Reading to learn from texts means that reading to get knowledge and understanding of the information of texts.
4. Reading to integrate information, It means that the reader reads text to integrate the information of text with the information of another text to conclude a complex information.
So, it depends on what purposes we read the materials.
Grabe, & Stoller. (2002). Reading and Purposes of Reading. Retrieved from:
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Reading comprehension
According Marlius Telaumbanua ( 2011:3) state that Reading comprehension is to understand written text means extracting the required information from it as efficient as possible.
From definition it can be assumed that A reader is not only understand and get information in the text but also he or she must have a technique reading such as skimming,scanning,etc so a reader can manage as efficient as possible of the time.
Adopted from : Marlius Telaumbanua. ( 2011: 3), Reading Comprehension. Retrieved from :
Deletenama : hasan sadiqin
no : 7
The Purposes for Reading
Delene Sholes (2009) states that some purposes for reading especially for students, those are: for pleasure or for personal reasons, to find general information such as what a book is mostly about, to find a specific topic in a book or article, and to learn subject matter that is required for a class.
From the definition, it can be assumed that there are so many purposes of reading and the purpose depends on the reader’s need. For example: we read a history book about wars in the world and the purpose is to get a knowledge or information about the history or some history of wars in the world.
Adopted from: Sholes, Delene.(Jan 27,2009). Reading for Different Purposes. Retrieved from: