Name : Try Dina Marianti/09250062/pbi 02/2009/Iain Raden Fatah Palembang.
Acording to wiki-answered(2012)there are four purposes of reading: Purpose 1: Read for understanding. Studying involves reading to comprehend concepts and details. These components depend on each other. Details help explain or support general concepts, and concepts provide a framework for remembering details. Purpose 2: Read to evaluate critically. Critical evaluation involves understanding. It means approaching material with an open mind, examining causes and effects, evaluating ideas, and asking questions that test the writer's argument and assumptions. Critical reading brings a level of understanding that goes beyond basic information recall. Purpose 3: Read for practical application. A third purpose for reading is to gather usable information that you can apply toward a specific goal. When you read a textbook preface or an instruction booklet for a new software package, your goal is to learn how to do or use something. Reading and action usually go hand in hand. Purpose 4: Read for pleasure. Some materials you read for entertainment, such as Sports Illustrated magazine, the latest page-turner by DaVinci Code author Dan Brown, or even novels by Charles Dickens and Jane Austen. As Yale professor Harold Bloom points out, reading for pleasure gives you the opportunity to enlarge your life and to enter into "alternate realities." "Why read?" Bloom asks. "Because you can know, intimately, only a very few people, and perhaps you never know them at all. After reading [the Thomas Mann masterpiece] The Magic Mountain you know Hans Castorp thoroughly, and he is greatly worth knowing."5
From four purposes can be assumed that: Reading is used for gathering information generally. Reading is used for pleasure the reader. Reading is used for evaluate or critically about something. Reading is used for understanding about something
Resource : Wiki-answered(2012).The four reading purposes.Retrieved from:
If the reader can get the general sense of a sentence or paragraph without knowing every word, there’s no need to interrupt their reading by using a dictionary to find the word’s meaning. Sometimes the reader will want to read through material quickly, but the reader will need to read more carefully when the reader are reading to learn.
According to DeLene Sholes Jan 27, 2009, Some Purposes for Reading there are: • for pleasure or for personal reasons. • to find general information such as what a book is mostly about. • to find a specific topic in a book or article. • to learn subject matter that is required for a class.
Once the reader have mastered the basic decoding skills, the reader will begin to read for a variety of purposes.
Sholes Delene. Jan 27, 2009. Reading for Different Purposes. Retrieved from: accesses on: 13 april 2012
According to Sholes (2009), there are three ways for reading in different purposes: Skimming for General Information
Scanning for Specific Information
Reading to Learn
So, from these ways I get the point that there are three ways of reading in different purposes: First, skimming for general information. It means that the readers must search and read the book that is in general related to their subject (purpose) in reading.
Second, scanning for specific information. After the readers got the book that is in general related to their purpose or subject in reading, the readers must find out the specific information about their goal in reading. It can be done by looking at the title, the table of contents, the headings, and the index in that book.
Third, reading to learn. After the readers known that in that book there are some specific informations about their subject, the readers begin to read slowly and carefully. Reading slowly means that the readers try to connect the material and their background knowledge to make general idea about the subject. And reading carefully means that the readers try to read the material and review the material by answering the questions on that book.
reference: Sholes,Delene. 2009. Reading for Different Purposes. available on: accessed on: April, 16th 2012.
Pritchard(2007:35) states there are three different purposes of reading. When the reader is reading, the reader will get three different purposes.
• Background of reading. • Comprehend and evaluate the author’s purposes in the text of information and the truth argument. • Classifying the information which will be comprehended or understood in detailed.
So, from the explanation can be assumed that the different purposes of reading, there are three parts. first, When the reader is finding the topic and doing pre-reading are include background reading.The second the readers notice and consider the author’s purposes and the last, for material or information that needs to be understood in detail or clearly by the reader.
Pritchard.(2007).Reading for Academic purposes.available on: on: 14th of April 2012.
DIFFERENT PURPOSES OF READING Basically the purpose of reading is to get information, There are many purposes for reading. Readers can entertain themselves, learn things, get directions, and even find out facts about anything the reader want to. Here are some of the reasons to read: To be entertained: People read lots of different things just because the reader enjoy it. Reading can make the reader laugh and giggle, but reading has different goals and different techniques when the reader read material of science or for fun. According to C.A. Spafford and friend (2012), the reader need to knows that the reader can read for different purposes as this helps to create a "flexible reader." For example, if the reader reads for pleasure, the reader can skim the text or read slowly depending on how the reader feel or what assignments the reader receive. If the reader are reading content area subjects such as science or social studies, the reader will probably want to read slowly. With library books and literature offerings, reading rate can be accelerated. More difficult reading materials require a focused attention and should be efficient and effective reading .
Reference: G.S. Grosser, C.A. Spafford.2012.Establishing a Purpose for Reading. available on:
Name : Wiwin Ika Setiani NIM : 09250064 Reading for Different Purpose If the readers can get the general sense of a sentence or paragraph without knowing every word, there’s no need to interrupt their reading by using a dictionary to find the word’s meaning. Sometimes they will want to read through material quickly, but they will need to read more carefully when they are reading to learn. Some Purposes for Reading • for pleasure or for personal reasons When the reader read some materials for entertainment, such as Sports Illustrated magazine, newspaper, novels, etc. • to find general information such as what a book is mostly about When the readers who want to find general information about a subject such as frogs will want to skim through a book or several books to determine how the books are organized and what they cover. When they skim, they flip through the pages of the book or article quickly to find out whether it might cover the information they need.
• to find a specific topic in a book or article
When the readers want to know how tadpoles become frogs, they will need to scan a book or article about amphibians or frogs to find out whether the material covers tadpoles. When the readers scan, they will look at the title, the table of contents, the headings, and the index to find out if the material gives information about tadpoles.
• to learn subject matter that is required for a class
Another purpose for reading calls for reading carefully and slowly. When the readers read for a test, they will want to skim the book or chapter first to see what it covers. Then they will read the headings and subheadings to discover how the book is organized. The the readers should try to make connections between the material and what they already know.
From four purposes based on expert can be explained that :
In reading there are different purposes that is reading for pleasure that is read the text for a fun, to find general information that is read the text to get information generally, to find specific topic that is read the text to get detail information and to learn subject matter that is read the text to get the answer of the question from a test.
Resource :
Sholes, Delene. 2009. Reading for Different Purposes. Retrieved from : accesses on: 16 april 2012
Name : Resti Riyani Nim : 09250051 Task : V. DIFFERENT PURPOSES OF READING
According to (2012) There are four reading purposes : 1. The first purposes is reading for understanding, Studying involves reading to comprehend concepts and details. 2. The second purposes is reading to evaluate critically, It means approaching material with an open mind, examining causes and effects, evaluating ideas, and asking questions. 3. The Third is reading for practical application, it means reading useful to gather usable information that you can apply toward a specific goal. 4. The fourth is reading for pleasure, for example: reading novel, magazine, and newspaper.
So from the expert’s explanation we can take conclusion that reading have many purposes such as for understanding, for evaluating ideas and ask question, for gathering information, and also for pleasure.
Reference 2012. Which of the four reading purposes did you employ? Retrieved from: accessed on: 13 April 2012
According to DeLene Sholes Jan 27, 2009, Some Purposes for Reading there are: • for pleasure or for personal reasons. • to find general information such as what a book is mostly about. • to find a specific topic in a book or article. • to learn subject matter that is required for a class.
So, from the expert’s explanation can be assumed that the different purposes of reading, the purpose of reading in order the reader the reader can gather information, to add insight and knowledge in reading.
Sholes Delene. Jan 27, 2009. Reading for Different Purposes. Retrieved from: accesses on: 13 april 2012
According to Delene Sholes (2009) reading for different purposes are: 1. for pleasure or for personal reasons 2. to find general information such as what a book is mostly about 3. to find a specific topic in a book or article 4. to learn subject matter that is required for a class
If the readers can get the general sense of a sentence or paragraph without knowing every word, there is no need to interrupt the readers’ reading by using a dictionary to find the word’s meaning. Sometimes the readers want to read through material quickly, but they will need to read more carefully when they are reading to learn.
From the explanation of the expert can be assumed that the readers have some different purposes when they read a text to get the information from the text. Sometimes the readers read the text or paragraph without knowing every word, there is no need to intrrupt the readers’ reading by using a dictionary to find the meaning of the words. And the readers usuallly use some strategies to read a text. They will probably get the sense of the unknown word from the context.
REFERENCE Sholes,Delene. 2009. Reading for Different Purposes. Retrieved from: . Accessed on:27 January 2009.
Name : Try Dina Marianti/09250062/pbi 02/2009/Iain Raden Fatah Palembang.
According to Harold Bloom (2012)there are four purposes of reading: Purpose 1: Read for understanding. Studying involves reading to comprehend concepts and details. These components depend on each other. Details help explain or support general concepts, and concepts provide a framework for remembering details.
Purpose 2: Read to evaluate critically. Critical evaluation involves understanding. It means approaching material with an open mind, examining causes and effects, evaluating ideas, and asking questions that test the writer's argument and assumptions. Critical reading brings a level of understanding that goes beyond basic information recall.
Purpose 3: Read for practical application. A third purpose for reading is to gather usable information that you can apply toward a specific goal. When you read a textbook preface or an instruction booklet for a new software package, your goal is to learn how to do or use something.
Reading and action usually go hand in hand. Purpose 4: Read for pleasure. Some materials you read for entertainment, such as Sports Illustrated magazine, the latest page-turner by DaVinci Code author Dan Brown, or even novels by Charles Dickens and Jane Austen. As Yale professor Harold Bloom points out, reading for pleasure gives you the opportunity to enlarge your life and to enter into "alternate realities." "Why read?" Bloom asks. "Because you can know, intimately, only a very few people, and perhaps you never know them at all. After reading [the Thomas Mann masterpiece] The Magic Mountain you know Hans Castorp thoroughly, and he is greatly worth knowing."5
From four purposes can be assumed that: Reading is used for gathering information generally. Reading is used for pleasure the reader. Reading is used for evaluate or critically about something. Reading is used for understanding about something
Resource : Wiki-answered(2012).The four reading purposes.Retrieved from:
Stollar 2002 ,Once students have mastered the basic decoding skills, they will begin to read for a variety of purposes. some purposes of reading.. • for pleasure or for personal reasons • to find general information such as what a book is mostly about • to find a specific topic in a book or article • to learn subject matter that is required for a class When the reader are really in a purpose and need to read an entire book before a meeting that's in. it will hit the table of contents first, then breeze through as fast as possible, mostly just scanning. it do this in the hopes that it will catch the important information or key words and be able to recall them when needed, with a little help. It works better than not reading the book.
Reference Reading for Different Purposes: Strategies for Reading Different Kinds of Materials |
name : muhamad jawat Nim : 09250065 According Scott Filkins Champaign, Illinois
Content area teachers in middle and high schools face sometimes misguided pressure from administrators to include more reading in their instructional activities. While it’s likely that being asked to read (with reasonable support) in every classroom would improve standardized test scores, that’s a side benefit to the real reasons to make sure that reading is a part of students’ content area learning. • Reading is a way to gain exposure to and develop tentative understandings of content. Teacher talk, even when supported by audiovisual aids, tends to dominate content area instruction—often at the expense of engaged student learning. Reading diverse and provocative texts from your content gives students another way to interact with the key information and ideas about which they’re learning. • Reading is vital means of exposing learners to what thinking in your content area looks and sounds like. Exposing students to well-chosen readings lets students in on important conversations in your field and provides models of what it means to think and talk like a scientist, historian, psychologist, musician, and so forth. • Asking students to read widely—beyond the textbook—is a highly regarded strategy of giving students access to the language and ideas that all students need to be successful in school and beyond. Teachers don’t have enough time to tell student everything they need to know, and students can’t learn it well enough just by listening and writing.
So can be assume that reading with purpose is will help the reader to gain infomation from the content more easily and make reader to thinking widely, it mean that a reader not only able to get information from the book but also need to listen and writing in order to succsesfully gain information.
Name : Saidah Syarifah Nim : 09250055 Different purposes of reading As stated by Grellet (1992: 4), there are two purposes for reading viewed from the reason as follows: 1) Reading for pleasure 2) Reading for information (in order to find out something or in order to do something with the information the reader get). In proposing reading, Wallace (1996: 6-7) adds three purposes. Those are: 1) Reading for survival 2) Reading for learning 3) Reading for pleasure. So, from the explanation can be assumed that the different purposes of reading, there are reading to get information or finding the main point from a text in order to know a specific kind of information and to make a quick assumption and another purpose is reading for pleasure, in this case the reader just read and understand the relevancy of the information and enjoy the story without any restrictions. REFERENCES: Jack Rarrell.(2011).Purpose of Reading. on: on: 17th of April 2012
Name : Syamsidar Nim : 09250059 According Stella Cottrell.
different purposes of reading For all subjects, the reader will need to know how to change quickly from one kind of reading to another. 1. Browsing : looking over a text to see how it ‘feels’, whether it appears to be the right kind of book, what it contains that might be of use, getting a general feel of the contents. The reader often take in more information when browsing than reader may think at the time. 2. Checking: looking in the contents or index to see whether the book contains specific information that reader know reader want - or which looks useful. 3. Focusing in: allowing yourself to read more closely when the reader spot something that looks more useful. It is also important to notice when the text is less useful, and to return to browsing. 4. Fact-finding: looking for specific facts and data. 5. Background: This is additional reading, which gives the reader a sense of the bigger picture. Select texts that are general and which the reader find inviting or easy to read. Read these selectively and at their own pace. This is best undertaken in vacations if possible. This content has been written by Stella Cottrell, author of The Study Skills Handbook
Different purposes of reading According to Mullis (2006) define Different purposes of reading:
1. Reading for literary experience The reader becomes involved in imagined events, settings, actions, consequences, characters, feelings, and ideas; he or she brings an appreciation of language and knowledge of literary forms to the text. Readers can broadening interest, tastes, and experience.
2. Reading to acquire and use information The reader engages with types of texts where she or he can understand or understanding and interpreting content of text.
From the expert’s explanation can be assumed that the different purposes of reading are for literary experience, for example is reading fiction. Second is to acquire and use information, this area is often associated with information articles and instructional texts.
Reference: Mullis, et al.(2006). Purposes for Reading and Processes of Reading. Retrieved from: Accessed on: 17 April 2012
Purpose of reading,according to (Lasa: 2003: 30) is to Obtain Information Understanding the meaning of the text, Meanwhile, according to (anderson in Tarigan, 1996:9) pupose of reading is,
1. Reading for reading ideas 2. Reading To conclude 3. Read to group
In essence the purpose of reading is highly dependent on the situation, the type of reading, and readability (Suhendar and supiah (1992:21)
My Assumsion to conclude the purpose of reading is very dependent on the situation, and what we read, so readers can get the desired information,
References : Kristianto Hendra(2005) "the influence of television in reading and information needs" Page 16,
nama: lismania nim : 0925 0703 Different purposes of reading According to Frances parr ( 2010) defided that The aim of reading is to develop children to: • love literature, the multitude of genres and a wide range of authors • be confident in the children reading and to share with others their love of books • have a wide range of opportunities for reading, linking this to everyday life situations • become independent readers through an appropriate focus on word, sentence and text-levelknowledge • read with confidence, fluency and understanding, orchestrating a range of independent strategies to self monitor and correct • understand the sound and spelling system (phonics) and use this to read accurately • have an interest in words and their meaning • evaluate and justify children preferences • develop powers of imagination, inventiveness and critical awareness
nama:lismania nim: 09250703 Different purposes of reading
According to Frances parr ( 2010) devided that The aim of reading is to develop children ,in order the children as the reader can: • love literature, the multitude of genres and a wide range of authors • be confident in the children reading and to share with others their love of books • have a wide range of opportunities for reading, linking this to everyday life situations • become independent readers through an appropriate focus on word, sentence and text-levelknowledge • read with confidence, fluency and understanding, orchestrating a range of independent strategies to self monitor and correct • understand the sound and spelling system (phonics) and use this to read accurately • have an interest in words and their meaning • evaluate and justify children preferences • develop powers of imagination, inventiveness and critical awareness
From the expert ,we can take conclution that there are so many purposes of reading, all of them are depend the reader,what is the purpose of their reading.
nama: lismania nim: 09250703 Different purposes of reading According to Frances parr ( 2010) devided that The aim of reading is to develop children ,in order the children as the reader can: • love literature, the multitude of genres and a wide range of authors • be confident in the children reading and to share with others their love of books • have a wide range of opportunities for reading, linking this to everyday life situations • become independent readers through an appropriate focus on word, sentence and text-levelknowledge • read with confidence, fluency and understanding, orchestrating a range of independent strategies to self monitor and correct • understand the sound and spelling system (phonics) and use this to read accurately • have an interest in words and their meaning • evaluate and justify children preferences • develop powers of imagination, inventiveness and critical awareness
From the expert ,we can take conclution that there are so many purposes of reading, all of them are depend the reader,what is the purpose of their reading.
According to (Chamberlain, 2008) there are two the purposes of reading: 1. Reading for literary experience The reader becomes involved in imagined events, settings, actions, consequences, characters, atmosphere, feelings, and ideas from text that the reader read.
2. Reading to acquire and use information The reader engages with types of texts where the reader can understand or get the knowledge and information
Reference Chamberlain, megan, 2008, An overview of national findings from the second cycle of the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS), education Count, Canada
Orang Pasir (2010) defines that reading is a complex cognitive process of decoding symbols for the intention of deriving meaning (reading comprehension) and/or constructing meaning. There are several purposes of reading: 1. to search for simple information, which is finding the main point from a text in order to know a specific kind of information such as when Example of this is like informing someone of an article from a newspaper. 2. reading is related to learning. That is to say that we read to learn from texts. Examples like knowledge from a text book. 3. reading is applied to integrate with the information. Example like when there is an epidemic such as the Influenza A, there is a need to educate people the importance of wearing a face mask to prevent the spreading of the H1N1 virus. 4. purpose of critiquing a certain text, using analysis and evaluation, of the merits and faults of the actions or work of another individual. 5. reading is applied as a general comprehension on a certain texts. That is to just read and understands the relevancy of the information or in the case of a fiction or storybook, to simply read and enjoy the story without any restrictions.
Furthermore Wallace (1996: 6-7) state three purposesof reading: 1) Reading for survival 2) Reading for learning 3) Reading for pleasure.
REFERENCE: Orangpasir. 2010. Purposes of reading. Available on: Accessed on: Teusday, 17 of april 2012 sibungsu in red. 2012. The Purposes of Reading. Available on: Accessed on: Teusday, 17 of april 2012
According to Brozo & Simpson, page 149 (2004) In order to set a purpose, a reader must determine the type of material to be read, gain a sense of what the material is about, and based on that information and the needs that the reader has at that moment, select the best of several possible purposes. Essentially, setting a purpose requires a reader to respond to three questions. These questions are similar to the questions posed during previewing/surveying. • Teach students to set a purpose for reading by using questions such as: What is the material about? What type of material is this? Why am I reading this material? • Teach students how to determine the topic of a selection before they begin to read: Explain to the students that quickly previewing/surveying a reading selection will give them some information about the topic and that knowing this makes reading much easier • Teach students how to determine the topic of a selection before they begin to read: Explain to the students that quickly previewing/surveying a reading selection will give them some information about the topic and that knowing this makes reading much easier. By using newspapers and magazines, teachers can engage students in the reading of informative articles, editorials, essays, letters and advertisements. • Teach students to select an appropriate purpose for reading based upon the type of material to be read: Create a detailed list of reading materials that may include such diverse texts as an encyclopedia, newspaper, novel, television schedule, medicine bottle label, recipe, billboard, comic book or telephone directory. Use this listing to discuss why people read each type of material. Among the common reasons students will cite for reading include: for fun, for escape, for information, to solve a problem, to write a report, and to learn how to do something.
Reference: Smith. 2004. Setting a Purpose for Reading. From: accessed on: 17 April 2012
According to Ur (1996), Vaezi (2001), and Fitzgerald (1995), Purpose of reading.
• Making predictions: The readers should be taught to be on the watch to predict what is going to happen next in the text to be able to integrate and combine what has come with what is to come. • Making selections: Readers who are more proficient read selectively, continually making decisions about their reading. • Integrating prior knowledge: The schemata that have been activated in the pre-reading section should be called upon to facilitate comprehension. • Skipping insignificant parts: A good reader will concentrate on significant pieces of information while skipping insignificant pieces. • Re-reading: Readers should be encouraged to become sensitive to the effect of reading on their comprehension. • Making use of context or guessing: Readers should not be encouraged to define and understand every single unknown word in a text. Instead they should learn to make use of context to guess the meaning of unknown words. • Breaking words into their component parts: To keep the process of comprehension ongoing, efficient readers break words into their affixes or bases. These parts can help readers guess the meaning of a word. • Reading in chunks: To ensure reading speed, readers should get used to reading groups of words together. This act will also enhance comprehension by focusing on groups of meaning-conveying symbols simultaneously. • Pausing: Good readers will pause at certain places while reading a text to absorb and internalize the material being read and sort out information. • Paraphrasing: While reading texts it may be necessary to paraphrase and interpret texts subvocally in order to verify what was comprehended. • Monitoring: Good readers monitor their understanding to evaluate whether the text, or the reading of it, is meeting their goals.
In my opinion, Purpose of Reading are the readers have to develop own their ability to understand the meaning of the text. Reference: Ur. et al.(1996). Purpose of Reading. Retrieved from: Accessed onL: 29 Mach 2006
Name : Try Dina Marianti/09250062/pbi 02/2009/Iain Raden Fatah Palembang.
ReplyDeleteAcording to wiki-answered(2012)there are four purposes of reading:
Purpose 1: Read for understanding. Studying involves reading to comprehend concepts and details. These components depend on each other. Details help explain or support general concepts, and concepts provide a framework for remembering details.
Purpose 2: Read to evaluate critically. Critical evaluation involves understanding. It means approaching material with an open mind, examining causes and effects, evaluating ideas, and asking questions that test the writer's argument and assumptions. Critical reading brings a level of understanding that goes beyond basic information recall.
Purpose 3: Read for practical application. A third purpose for reading is to gather usable information that you can apply toward a specific goal. When you read a textbook preface or an instruction booklet for a new software package, your goal is to learn how to do or use something. Reading and action usually go hand in hand.
Purpose 4: Read for pleasure. Some materials you read for entertainment, such as Sports Illustrated magazine, the latest page-turner by DaVinci Code author Dan Brown, or even novels by Charles Dickens and Jane Austen. As Yale professor Harold Bloom points out, reading for pleasure gives you the opportunity to enlarge your life and to enter into "alternate realities." "Why read?" Bloom asks. "Because you can know, intimately, only a very few people, and perhaps you never know them at all. After reading [the Thomas Mann masterpiece] The Magic Mountain you know Hans Castorp thoroughly, and he is greatly worth knowing."5
From four purposes can be assumed that:
Reading is used for gathering information generally.
Reading is used for pleasure the reader.
Reading is used for evaluate or critically about something.
Reading is used for understanding about something
Resource :
Wiki-answered(2012).The four reading purposes.Retrieved from:
Name: Trisnawati/02
ReplyDeleteNim: 09250709
Different purposes of reading
If the reader can get the general sense of a sentence or paragraph without knowing every word, there’s no need to interrupt their reading by using a dictionary to find the word’s meaning. Sometimes the reader will want to read through material quickly, but the reader will need to read more carefully when the reader are reading to learn.
According to DeLene Sholes Jan 27, 2009, Some Purposes for Reading there are:
• for pleasure or for personal reasons.
• to find general information such as what a book is mostly about.
• to find a specific topic in a book or article.
• to learn subject matter that is required for a class.
Once the reader have mastered the basic decoding skills, the reader will begin to read for a variety of purposes.
Sholes Delene. Jan 27, 2009. Reading for Different Purposes. Retrieved from: accesses on: 13 april 2012
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteAccording to Sholes (2009), there are three ways for reading in different purposes:
ReplyDeleteSkimming for General Information
Scanning for Specific Information
Reading to Learn
So, from these ways I get the point that there are three ways of reading in different purposes:
First, skimming for general information. It means that the readers must search and read the book that is in general related to their subject (purpose) in reading.
Second, scanning for specific information. After the readers got the book that is in general related to their purpose or subject in reading, the readers must find out the specific information about their goal in reading. It can be done by looking at the title, the table of contents, the headings, and the index in that book.
Third, reading to learn. After the readers known that in that book there are some specific informations about their subject, the readers begin to read slowly and carefully. Reading slowly means that the readers try to connect the material and their background knowledge to make general idea about the subject. And reading carefully means that the readers try to read the material and review the material by answering the questions on that book.
Sholes,Delene. 2009. Reading for Different Purposes. available on: accessed on: April, 16th 2012.
Different purposes of reading
ReplyDeletePritchard(2007:35) states there are three different purposes of reading. When the reader is reading, the reader will get three different purposes.
• Background of reading.
• Comprehend and evaluate the author’s purposes in the text of information and the truth argument.
• Classifying the information which will be comprehended or understood in detailed.
So, from the explanation can be assumed that the different purposes of reading, there are three parts. first, When the reader is finding the topic and doing pre-reading are include background reading.The second the readers notice and consider the author’s purposes and the last, for material or information that needs to be understood in detail or clearly by the reader.
Pritchard.(2007).Reading for Academic purposes.available on: on: 14th of April 2012.
Name: Tri Anggun Lestari (09250061)
Basically the purpose of reading is to get information, There are many purposes for reading. Readers can entertain themselves, learn things, get directions, and even find out facts about anything the reader want to. Here are some of the reasons to read:
To be entertained: People read lots of different things just because the reader enjoy it. Reading can make the reader laugh and giggle, but reading has different goals and different techniques when the reader read material of science or for fun. According to C.A. Spafford and friend (2012), the reader need to knows that the reader can read for different purposes as this helps to create a "flexible reader." For example, if the reader reads for pleasure, the reader can skim the text or read slowly depending on how the reader feel or what assignments the reader receive. If the reader are reading content area subjects such as science or social studies, the reader will probably want to read slowly. With library books and literature offerings, reading rate can be accelerated. More difficult reading materials require a focused attention and should be efficient and effective reading .
G.S. Grosser, C.A. Spafford.2012.Establishing a Purpose for Reading. available on:
Name : Wiwin Ika Setiani
ReplyDeleteNIM : 09250064
Reading for Different Purpose
If the readers can get the general sense of a sentence or paragraph without knowing every word, there’s no need to interrupt their reading by using a dictionary to find the word’s meaning. Sometimes they will want to read through material quickly, but they will need to read more carefully when they are reading to learn.
Some Purposes for Reading
• for pleasure or for personal reasons
When the reader read some materials for entertainment, such as Sports Illustrated magazine, newspaper, novels, etc.
• to find general information such as what a book is mostly about
When the readers who want to find general information about a subject such as frogs will want to skim through a book or several books to determine how the books are organized and what they cover. When they skim, they flip through the pages of the book or article quickly to find out whether it might cover the information they need.
• to find a specific topic in a book or article
When the readers want to know how tadpoles become frogs, they will need to scan a book or article about amphibians or frogs to find out whether the material covers tadpoles. When the readers scan, they will look at the title, the table of contents, the headings, and the index to find out if the material gives information about tadpoles.
• to learn subject matter that is required for a class
Another purpose for reading calls for reading carefully and slowly. When the readers read for a test, they will want to skim the book or chapter first to see what it covers. Then they will read the headings and subheadings to discover how the book is organized. The the readers should try to make connections between the material and what they already know.
From four purposes based on expert can be explained that :
In reading there are different purposes that is reading for pleasure that is read the text for a fun, to find general information that is read the text to get information generally, to find specific topic that is read the text to get detail information and to learn subject matter that is read the text to get the answer of the question from a test.
Resource :
Sholes, Delene. 2009. Reading for Different Purposes. Retrieved from : accesses on: 16 april 2012
Name : Resti Riyani
ReplyDeleteNim : 09250051
According to (2012) There are four reading purposes :
1. The first purposes is reading for understanding, Studying involves reading to comprehend concepts and details.
2. The second purposes is reading to evaluate critically, It means approaching material with an open mind, examining causes and effects, evaluating ideas, and asking questions.
3. The Third is reading for practical application, it means reading useful to gather usable information that you can apply toward a specific goal.
4. The fourth is reading for pleasure, for example: reading novel, magazine, and newspaper.
So from the expert’s explanation we can take conclusion that reading have many purposes such as for understanding, for evaluating ideas and ask question, for gathering information, and also for pleasure.
Reference 2012. Which of the four reading purposes did you employ? Retrieved from: accessed on: 13 April 2012
Nama: Liza Fitriani
According to DeLene Sholes Jan 27, 2009, Some Purposes for Reading there are:
• for pleasure or for personal reasons.
• to find general information such as what a book is mostly about.
• to find a specific topic in a book or article.
• to learn subject matter that is required for a class.
So, from the expert’s explanation can be assumed that the different purposes of reading, the purpose of reading in order the reader the reader can gather information, to add insight and knowledge in reading.
Sholes Delene. Jan 27, 2009. Reading for Different Purposes. Retrieved from: accesses on: 13 april 2012
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ReplyDeleteName :Muji Lestari
According to Delene Sholes (2009) reading for different purposes are:
1. for pleasure or for personal reasons
2. to find general information such as what a book is mostly about
3. to find a specific topic in a book or article
4. to learn subject matter that is required for a class
If the readers can get the general sense of a sentence or paragraph without knowing every word, there is no need to interrupt the readers’ reading by using a dictionary to find the word’s meaning. Sometimes the readers want to read through material quickly, but they will need to read more carefully when they are reading to learn.
From the explanation of the expert can be assumed that the readers have some different purposes when they read a text to get the information from the text. Sometimes the readers read the text or paragraph without knowing every word, there is no need to intrrupt the readers’ reading by using a dictionary to find the meaning of the words. And the readers usuallly use some strategies to read a text. They will probably get the sense of the unknown word from the context.
Sholes,Delene. 2009. Reading for Different Purposes. Retrieved from: . Accessed on:27 January 2009.
Name : Try Dina Marianti/09250062/pbi 02/2009/Iain Raden Fatah Palembang.
ReplyDeleteAccording to Harold Bloom (2012)there are four purposes of reading:
Purpose 1: Read for understanding. Studying involves reading to comprehend concepts and details. These components depend on each other. Details help explain or support general concepts, and concepts provide a framework for remembering details.
Purpose 2: Read to evaluate critically. Critical evaluation involves understanding. It means approaching material with an open mind, examining causes and effects, evaluating ideas, and asking questions that test the writer's argument and assumptions. Critical reading brings a level of understanding that goes beyond basic information recall.
Purpose 3: Read for practical application. A third purpose for reading is to gather usable information that you can apply toward a specific goal. When you read a textbook preface or an instruction booklet for a new software package, your goal is to learn how to do or use something.
Reading and action usually go hand in hand.
Purpose 4: Read for pleasure. Some materials you read for entertainment, such as Sports Illustrated magazine, the latest page-turner by DaVinci Code author Dan Brown, or even novels by Charles Dickens and Jane Austen. As Yale professor Harold Bloom points out, reading for pleasure gives you the opportunity to enlarge your life and to enter into "alternate realities." "Why read?" Bloom asks. "Because you can know, intimately, only a very few people, and perhaps you never know them at all. After reading [the Thomas Mann masterpiece] The Magic Mountain you know Hans Castorp thoroughly, and he is greatly worth knowing."5
From four purposes can be assumed that:
Reading is used for gathering information generally.
Reading is used for pleasure the reader.
Reading is used for evaluate or critically about something.
Reading is used for understanding about something
Resource :
Wiki-answered(2012).The four reading purposes.Retrieved from:
Stollar 2002 ,Once students have mastered the basic decoding skills, they will begin to read for a variety of purposes.
ReplyDeletesome purposes of reading..
• for pleasure or for personal reasons
• to find general information such as what a book is mostly about
• to find a specific topic in a book or article
• to learn subject matter that is required for a class
When the reader are really in a purpose and need to read an entire book before a meeting that's in. it will hit the table of contents first, then breeze through as fast as possible, mostly just scanning. it do this in the hopes that it will catch the important information or key words and be able to recall them when needed, with a little help. It works better than not reading the book.
Reading for Different Purposes: Strategies for Reading Different Kinds of Materials |
name : muhamad jawat
ReplyDeleteNim : 09250065
According Scott Filkins Champaign, Illinois
Content area teachers in middle and high schools face sometimes misguided pressure from administrators to include more reading in their instructional activities. While it’s likely that being asked to read (with reasonable support) in every classroom would improve standardized test scores, that’s a side benefit to the real reasons to make sure that reading is a part of students’ content area learning.
• Reading is a way to gain exposure to and develop tentative understandings of content. Teacher talk, even when supported by audiovisual aids, tends to dominate content area instruction—often at the expense of engaged student learning. Reading diverse and provocative texts from your content gives students another way to interact with the key information and ideas about which they’re learning.
• Reading is vital means of exposing learners to what thinking in your content area looks and sounds like. Exposing students to well-chosen readings lets students in on important conversations in your field and provides models of what it means to think and talk like a scientist, historian, psychologist, musician, and so forth.
• Asking students to read widely—beyond the textbook—is a highly regarded strategy of giving students access to the language and ideas that all students need to be successful in school and beyond. Teachers don’t have enough time to tell student everything they need to know, and students can’t learn it well enough just by listening and writing.
So can be assume that reading with purpose is will help the reader to gain infomation from the content more easily and make reader to thinking widely, it mean that a reader not only able to get information from the book but also need to listen and writing in order to succsesfully gain information.
Name : Saidah Syarifah
ReplyDeleteNim : 09250055
Different purposes of reading
As stated by Grellet (1992: 4), there are two purposes for reading viewed from the reason as follows:
1) Reading for pleasure
2) Reading for information (in order to find out something or in order to do something with the information the reader get).
In proposing reading, Wallace (1996: 6-7) adds three purposes. Those are:
1) Reading for survival
2) Reading for learning
3) Reading for pleasure.
So, from the explanation can be assumed that the different purposes of reading, there are reading to get information or finding the main point from a text in order to know a specific kind of information and to make a quick assumption and another purpose is reading for pleasure, in this case the reader just read and understand the relevancy of the information and enjoy the story without any restrictions.
Jack Rarrell.(2011).Purpose of Reading. on: on: 17th of April 2012
Name : Syamsidar
DeleteNim : 09250059
According Stella Cottrell.
different purposes of reading
For all subjects, the reader will need to know how to change quickly from one kind of reading to another.
1. Browsing : looking over a text to see how it ‘feels’, whether it appears to be the right kind of book, what it contains that might be of use, getting a general feel of the contents. The reader often take in more information when browsing than reader may think at the time.
2. Checking: looking in the contents or index to see whether the book contains specific information that reader know reader want - or which looks useful.
3. Focusing in: allowing yourself to read more closely when the reader spot something that looks more useful. It is also important to notice when the text is less useful, and to return to browsing.
4. Fact-finding: looking for specific facts and data.
5. Background: This is additional reading, which gives the reader a sense of the bigger picture. Select texts that are general and which the reader find inviting or easy to read. Read these selectively and at their own pace. This is best undertaken in vacations if possible.
This content has been written by Stella Cottrell, author of The Study Skills Handbook
ReplyDeleteNIM : 09250047
Different purposes of reading
According to Mullis (2006) define Different purposes of reading:
1. Reading for literary experience
The reader becomes involved in imagined events, settings, actions, consequences, characters, feelings, and ideas; he or she brings an appreciation of language and knowledge of literary forms to the text. Readers can broadening interest, tastes, and experience.
2. Reading to acquire and use information
The reader engages with types of texts where she or he can understand or understanding and interpreting content of text.
From the expert’s explanation can be assumed that the different purposes of reading are for literary experience, for example is reading fiction. Second is to acquire and use information, this area is often associated with information articles and instructional texts.
Mullis, et al.(2006). Purposes for Reading and Processes of Reading. Retrieved from: Accessed on: 17 April 2012
Different purposes of reading
ReplyDeletePurpose of reading,according to (Lasa: 2003: 30) is to Obtain Information
Understanding the meaning of the text,
Meanwhile, according to (anderson in Tarigan, 1996:9) pupose of reading is,
1. Reading for reading ideas
2. Reading To conclude
3. Read to group
In essence the purpose of reading is highly dependent on the situation, the type of reading, and readability (Suhendar and supiah (1992:21)
My Assumsion
to conclude the purpose of reading is very dependent on the situation, and what we read, so readers can get the desired information,
References :
Kristianto Hendra(2005) "the influence of television in reading and information needs" Page 16,
nama: lismania
ReplyDeletenim : 0925 0703
Different purposes of reading
According to Frances parr ( 2010) defided that The aim of reading is to develop children to:
• love literature, the multitude of genres and a wide range of authors
• be confident in the children reading and to share with others their love of books
• have a wide range of opportunities for reading, linking this to everyday life situations
• become independent readers through an appropriate focus on word, sentence and text-levelknowledge
• read with confidence, fluency and understanding, orchestrating a range of independent strategies to self monitor and correct
• understand the sound and spelling system (phonics) and use this to read accurately
• have an interest in words and their meaning
• evaluate and justify children preferences
• develop powers of imagination, inventiveness and critical awareness
Parr frances CVC reading policy.
ReplyDeletenim: 09250703
Different purposes of reading
According to Frances parr ( 2010) devided that The aim of reading is to develop children ,in order the children as the reader can:
• love literature, the multitude of genres and a wide range of authors
• be confident in the children reading and to share with others their love of books
• have a wide range of opportunities for reading, linking this to everyday life situations
• become independent readers through an appropriate focus on word, sentence and text-levelknowledge
• read with confidence, fluency and understanding, orchestrating a range of independent strategies to self monitor and correct
• understand the sound and spelling system (phonics) and use this to read accurately
• have an interest in words and their meaning
• evaluate and justify children preferences
• develop powers of imagination, inventiveness and critical awareness
From the expert ,we can take conclution that there are so many purposes of reading, all of them are depend the reader,what is the purpose of their reading.
Parr frances CVC reading policy.
nama: lismania
ReplyDeletenim: 09250703
Different purposes of reading
According to Frances parr ( 2010) devided that The aim of reading is to develop children ,in order the children as the reader can:
• love literature, the multitude of genres and a wide range of authors
• be confident in the children reading and to share with others their love of books
• have a wide range of opportunities for reading, linking this to everyday life situations
• become independent readers through an appropriate focus on word, sentence and text-levelknowledge
• read with confidence, fluency and understanding, orchestrating a range of independent strategies to self monitor and correct
• understand the sound and spelling system (phonics) and use this to read accurately
• have an interest in words and their meaning
• evaluate and justify children preferences
• develop powers of imagination, inventiveness and critical awareness
From the expert ,we can take conclution that there are so many purposes of reading, all of them are depend the reader,what is the purpose of their reading.
Parr frances CVC reading policy.
According to (Chamberlain, 2008) there are two the purposes of reading:
ReplyDelete1. Reading for literary experience
The reader becomes involved in imagined events, settings, actions, consequences, characters, atmosphere, feelings, and ideas from text that the reader read.
2. Reading to acquire and use information
The reader engages with types of texts where the reader can understand or get the knowledge and information
Chamberlain, megan, 2008, An overview of national findings from the second cycle of the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS), education Count, Canada
The Purposes of Reading
ReplyDeleteOrang Pasir (2010) defines that reading is a complex cognitive process of decoding symbols for the intention of deriving meaning (reading comprehension) and/or constructing meaning.
There are several purposes of reading:
1. to search for simple information, which is finding the main point from a text in order to know a specific kind of information such as when Example of this is like informing someone of an article from a newspaper.
2. reading is related to learning. That is to say that we read to learn from texts. Examples like knowledge from a text book.
3. reading is applied to integrate with the information. Example like when there is an epidemic such as the Influenza A, there is a need to educate people the importance of wearing a face mask to prevent the spreading of the H1N1 virus.
4. purpose of critiquing a certain text, using analysis and evaluation, of the merits and faults of the actions or work of another individual.
5. reading is applied as a general comprehension on a certain texts. That is to just read and understands the relevancy of the information or in the case of a fiction or storybook, to simply read and enjoy the story without any restrictions.
Furthermore Wallace (1996: 6-7) state three purposesof reading:
1) Reading for survival
2) Reading for learning
3) Reading for pleasure.
Orangpasir. 2010. Purposes of reading. Available on: Accessed on: Teusday, 17 of april 2012
sibungsu in red. 2012. The Purposes of Reading. Available on: Accessed on: Teusday, 17 of april 2012
According to Brozo & Simpson, page 149 (2004)
ReplyDeleteIn order to set a purpose, a reader must determine the type of material to be read, gain a sense of what the material is about, and based on that information and the needs that the reader has at that moment, select the best of several possible purposes. Essentially, setting a purpose requires a reader to respond to three questions. These questions are similar to the questions posed during previewing/surveying.
• Teach students to set a purpose for reading by using questions such as:
What is the material about?
What type of material is this?
Why am I reading this material?
• Teach students how to determine the topic of a selection before they begin to read:
Explain to the students that quickly previewing/surveying a reading selection will give them some information about the topic and that knowing this makes reading much easier
• Teach students how to determine the topic of a selection before they begin to read:
Explain to the students that quickly previewing/surveying a reading selection will give them some information about the topic and that knowing this makes reading much easier.
By using newspapers and magazines, teachers can engage students in the reading of informative articles, editorials, essays, letters and advertisements.
• Teach students to select an appropriate purpose for reading based upon the type of material to be read:
Create a detailed list of reading materials that may include such diverse texts as an encyclopedia, newspaper, novel, television schedule, medicine bottle label, recipe, billboard, comic book or telephone directory. Use this listing to discuss why people read each type of material. Among the common reasons students will cite for reading include: for fun, for escape, for information, to solve a problem, to write a report, and to learn how to do something.
Smith. 2004. Setting a Purpose for Reading. From: accessed on: 17 April 2012
According to Ur (1996), Vaezi (2001), and Fitzgerald (1995), Purpose of reading.
ReplyDelete• Making predictions: The readers should be taught to be on the watch to predict what is going to happen next in the text to be able to integrate and combine what has come with what is to come.
• Making selections: Readers who are more proficient read selectively, continually making decisions about their reading.
• Integrating prior knowledge: The schemata that have been activated in the pre-reading section should be called upon to facilitate comprehension.
• Skipping insignificant parts: A good reader will concentrate on significant pieces of information while skipping insignificant pieces.
• Re-reading: Readers should be encouraged to become sensitive to the effect of reading on their comprehension.
• Making use of context or guessing: Readers should not be encouraged to define and understand every single unknown word in a text. Instead they should learn to make use of context to guess the meaning of unknown words.
• Breaking words into their component parts: To keep the process of comprehension ongoing, efficient readers break words into their affixes or bases. These parts can help readers guess the meaning of a word.
• Reading in chunks: To ensure reading speed, readers should get used to reading groups of words together. This act will also enhance comprehension by focusing on groups of meaning-conveying symbols simultaneously.
• Pausing: Good readers will pause at certain places while reading a text to absorb and internalize the material being read and sort out information.
• Paraphrasing: While reading texts it may be necessary to paraphrase and interpret texts subvocally in order to verify what was comprehended.
• Monitoring: Good readers monitor their understanding to evaluate whether the text, or the reading of it, is meeting their goals.
In my opinion, Purpose of Reading are the readers have to develop own their ability to understand the meaning of the text.
Ur. et al.(1996). Purpose of Reading. Retrieved from: Accessed onL: 29 Mach 2006
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