Sunday 4 March 2012


VII: 2 MAY 2012


  1. Name : Try Dina Marianti/09250062/pbi 02
    Readability tests

    According to Elliot(1990) Said that Readability tests are tools for checking how easy or difficult documents are to read. A formula measures the average sentence length of a document in words and the average word length in syllables. Putting those two numbers into an equation gives a result showing how a text rates on a readability scale.

    Readability scores in context:

    •A score of 90-100 means very easy to read.
    •A score of 70-90 means easy to fairly easy to read.
    •A score of 60-70 is regarded by the Flesch formula as plain language.
    •A score of 50-60 means fairly difficult to read.
    •A score of 35-45 means difficult to read.
    •Less than 30 is classed as very difficult to read.
    •A minus rating means the writing is virtually incomprehensible.

    Source: Elliot(1990) Writing Wills in Plain Language.Retrieved from :

  2. Name: Putri Saadatul Rashidah
    NIM: 09250047

    David (1990:2)
    , Readability tests are tools for checking how easy or difficult documents are to read. A formula measures the average sentence length of a document in words and the average word length in syllables. Putting those two numbers into an equation gives a result showing how a text rates on a readability scale.

    From the definition it can be stated that readability test is a test used to comprehend and understand the content of reading. It means that how easy or difficult the texts are to read.

    Elliot C.David.1990. Writing Wills In Plain Language. Retrieved from: Accesess on: 8th May 2012

  3. Name: Putri Saadatul Rashidah
    NIM: 09250047


    Stephens (2000)
    explains that Readability describes the ease with which a document can be read. Readability tests, which are mathematical formulas, were designed to assess the suitability of books for students at particular grade levels or ages.

    From the definition it can be stated that readability test is a test used to comprehend the content of reading. It means that how easy or difficult the texts are to read depends on the grade of student.

    Stphens,Cherly.(2000). All about Readability. Retrieved from: Accses on: 8th May 2012

  4. Name :Muji Lestari
    NIM : 09 25 0038


    According to Smarty (2009) she said that there are five levels od readibility :
    • Flesch–Kincaid readability test
    In this level the total words versus the total sentences and total syllables versus the total words.
    • Coleman-Liau Index
    In this level the characters versus words and Sentences versus words.
    • Automated Readability Index
    In this level the characters per word; words per sentence.
    • Gunning fog index
    In this level words per sentence; complex word per total number of words (complex = words with three or more syllables with some exceptions like proper names or words with common suffixes -es, ed, etc).
    • SMOG
    In this level the number of polysyllables (three or more syllables excluding proper names) versus number of sentences.

    Smarty,Ann.2009. Resource for Checking Your SEO Content Readability.Available on: Accessed on 8 Mei

  5. nama: lismania


    According to juicy studio (2012) Readability is the measure of how easy it is to read and comprehend a document. Readability tests were first developed in the 1920s in the United States. They are mathematical formulas, designed to determine the suitability of books for American students at a certain age, or grade level. Automating the process was intended to make it easier for tutors, librarians, and publishers to determine whether a book would be suitable for its intended audience. The formulas are based around the average words to a sentence, and the average syllables used per word. As such, the tend to reward short sentences made up of short words.

    For a document to be easily understood, the writing style should be clear and simple. This involves a writing style that is direct, and familiar to the intended reader. The structure of the document should be logical, unambiguous, and avoid redundant words. Many of these factors cannot be measured using readability tests. Instead, readability tests provide a prediction of the reading ease for a document

    From the explanation above,we can take conclutio that readability is the ways how to measure and comprehend the document or writing.

    Studio,juicy.2012.Teadability test.

    1. Name : Syamsidar
      Nim : 09250059
      According wiki (2012) readability tests, readability formulas, or readability metrics are formulae for evaluating the readability of text, usually by counting syllables, words, and sentences. Readability tests are often used as an alternative to conducting an actual statistical survey of human readers of the subject text (a readability survey). Word processing applications often have readability tests built-in, which can be deployed on documents in-editing.
      Some readability formulas refer to a list of words graded for difficulty. These formulas attempt to overcome the fact that some words, like "television", are well known to younger children, but have many syllables. In practice, however, the utility of simple word and sentence length measures make them more popular for readability formulas. Scores are compared with scales based on judged linguistic difficulty or reading grade level. Many readability formulas measure word length in syllables rather than letters, but only SMOG has a computerized readability program incorporating an accurate syllable counter.

  6. Readability test level
    According Wikipedia, Readability tests are formulae for evaluating the readability of text, usually by counting syllables, words, and sentences. Readability tests are often used as an alternative to conducting an actual statistical survey of human readers of the subject text (a readability survey).
    from the definition it can be state that readability test is the tests generate a score based on characteristics such as statistical average word length, sentence length and designed to indicate comprehension difficulty when read in text
    Reference :
    Kincaid JP, Braby R, Wulfeck WH II (1983). "Computer aids for editing tests".Educational Technology. Available on :

  7. Name: Saidah Syarifah
    Nim: 09250055
    • According to Glossary (2012), Readability Tests are designed to give a statistical analysis of the difficulty of a text. While any attempt to reduce language use, which is inherently creative, to statistics can be criticised, readability tests can be used to give an approximate indication.
    • From the definition it can be stated that readability test is a test which is function to give a quick assessment about the density of writing.

    Glossary (2012), Term: Readability Test. Retrieved from:
    Accesess on: 8th May 2012.

  8. Readability Test level

    According to (Sisson, 2007) state that Readability tests were originally created to evaluate the appropriateness of books for students at certain ages or grade levels.


    Sisson, Melanie, 2007, Readability Tests, Merion Matters, Pennsylvania,

    Makeuseof (2012) Readability is the quality of writing that makes it easy (or difficult) to read and understand.
    Usingenglish (2012) define that Readability Tests are designed to give a statistical analysis of the difficulty of a text. While any attempt to reduce language use, which is inherently creative, to statistics can be criticised, readability tests can be used to give an approximate indication.
    Furthermore, GNOME (2005-2011) explains the main function of readability tests is to give you a quick assessment about the density of your writing. Readability tests cannot tell you how easily a reader can understand the information in the text. You can perform readability tests manually by counting and doing a mathematical calculation, or by using word-processing software. There are several popular readability indexes, for example:
    • Gunning Fog Index
    • Flesch Reading Ease Scale
    • Flesch-Kincaid Grade Index

    GNOME. 2012. Readability Test. Available on: Accessed on: Tuesday, 8 May 2012
    Makeusof. 2005. 8 Readability Web Tools to Test Your Writing Quality.Available on: Accessed on: Tuesday, 8 May 2012
    Usingenglish. 2012. Term: Readability Test. Available on: Accessed on: Tuesday, 8 May 2012

  10. Sitepu (2012) readability test level, is a test to measure the ease or difficulty in understanding suatubacaan in teaching materials.

    A reading can be a good readability level dikatakanmemiliki where readers can:
    1) Know the alphabet used
    2) Knowing the meaning of the word in letter and spirit
    3) Know and understand the contents and purpose of sentence
    4) Knowing the meaning relations between sentences
    5) Knowing the relationship between the content and purpose of paragraph
    6) Understand the content of the material as a whole
    7) Respond to the ideas contained in reading material

    Sitepu (2012)

  11. M.Ghufron/09250707
    Sitepu (2012) readability test level, is a test to measure the ease or difficulty in understanding suatubacaan in teaching materials.

    A reading can be a good readability level dikatakanmemiliki where readers can:
    1) Know the alphabet used
    2) Knowing the meaning of the word in letter and spirit
    3) Know and understand the contents and purpose of sentence
    4) Knowing the meaning relations between sentences
    5) Knowing the relationship between the content and purpose of paragraph
    6) Understand the content of the material as a whole
    7) Respond to the ideas contained in reading material

    Sitepu (2012)

    Makeuseof (2012) Readability is the quality of writing that makes it easy (or difficult) to read and understand.
    Usingenglish (2012) define that Readability Tests are designed to give a statistical analysis of the difficulty of a text. While any attempt to reduce language use, which is inherently creative, to statistics can be criticised, readability tests can be used to give an approximate indication.
    Furthermore, GNOME (2005-2011) explains the main function of readability tests is to give you a quick assessment about the density of your writing. Readability tests cannot tell you how easily a reader can understand the information in the text. You can perform readability tests manually by counting and doing a mathematical calculation, or by using word-processing software. There are several popular readability indexes, for example:
    • Gunning Fog Index
    • Flesch Reading Ease Scale
    • Flesch-Kincaid Grade Index

    GNOME. 2012. Readability Test. Available on: Accessed on: Tuesday, 8 May 2012
    Makeusof. 2005. 8 Readability Web Tools to Test Your Writing Quality.Available on: Accessed on: Tuesday, 8 May 2012
    Usingenglish. 2012. Term: Readability Test. Available on: Accessed on: Tuesday, 8 May 2012

    Cheryl Stephens (2000) states that there are four readability test level:
    1. Individual judgment
    Teachers ask the students to read the passage one by one and then rank the students base on their ability in reading.
    2. Group judgment
    In the group, judgments, found that the majority matched the test data in all classes. Then, ask a group of writer or editor to make a judgment.
    3. Using a test
    The third method of assessing readability, testing it on an audience (students). Klare said, “To develop a test, to refine it, to modify it, and to put it into effect takes a good deal of time.” It means that in one readability study teachers did ended up with a test for recalling previous material.
    4. Readability formula
    The fourth method is using a readability formula. Readability formulas measure certain features of text which can be subjected to mathematical calculations. So, readability formula is the way how teachers calculate student’s score mathematically.

    Stephens Cheryl (2000). All about readability. available on: on Monday, 07 of May 2012.

  14. Name : Wiwin Ika Setiani
    NIM : 09250064
    Readability Test Level
     According to Wikipedia (2012) State that Readability tests are formulae for evaluating the readability of text, usually by counting syllables, words, and sentences. Readability tests are often used as an alternative to conducting an actual statistical survey of human readers of the subject text (a readability survey).
     According to John ( 1976 ) states that there are four grade level readability formula, that is :
    Step 1: Calculate the average number of words used per sentence.
    Step 2: Calculate the average number of syllables per word.
    Step 3: Multiply the average number of words by 0.39 and add it to the average number of syllables per word multiplied by 11.8.
    Step 4: Subtract 15.59 from the result.
    The specific mathematical formula is:
    FKRA = (0.39 x ASL) + (11.8 x ASW) - 15.59
    FKRA = Flesch-Kincaid Reading Age
    ASL = Average Sentence Length (i.e., the number of words divided by the number of sentences)
    ASW = Average number of Syllable per Word (i.e., the number of syllables divided by the number of words)
    From this explanation can be assumed that :
    Readability tests are a way to measure the reading ease, comprehension, retention, reading speed, and reading persistence of a text and there are four step to calculate a test in order easier to do it.
    Resources :
    Kincaid, John P. 1976. The Flesch Grade Level Readability Formula. Available on : accessed on : Monday, 07 of May 2012
    Wikipedia. 2012. Readability Test. Available on : Accessed on : Monday, 07 of May 2012

  15. Name: trisnawati
    Nim: 09250709
    Readability test level
    According to Cheryl Stephens(2000) state that Readability describes the ease with which a document can be read. Readability tests, which are mathematical formulas, were designed to assess the suitability of books for students at particular grade levels or ages.

    The tests were intended to help educators, librarians and publishers make decisions about purchase and sale of books. They were also meant to save time - because before the formula were used those decisions were made on recommendations of educators and librarians who read the books. These people were taking books already written and figuring out who were the appropriate reading groups.

    Webster's defines "readable" as:
    • fit to be read,
    • interesting,
    • agreeable and attractive in style; and
    • enjoyable.

    Stephen Cheryl.2000. All About Readability.
    Retrieved from: accesses on: 8 mei 2012

  16. Name : Resti Riyani
    Nim : 09250051
    Task : 7 Readability test

    Wikipedia (2012) Readability tests are formulae for evaluating the readability of text, usually by counting syllables, words, and sentences. Readability tests are often used as an alternative to conducting an actual statistical survey of human readers of the subject text (a readability survey).

    Reference: 2012. Readability test. Retrieved From: Accessed On : 13 April 2012

    1. Name : Lili Marlini
      Nim : 08250029
      No : 18

      Readability is what makes some texts easier to read than others. It is often confused with legibility, which concerns typeface and layout.
      George Klare (1963) defines readability as “the ease of understanding or comprehension due to the style of writing.” This definition focuses on writing The variables used in the readability formulas show us the skeleton of a text. It is up to us to flesh out that skeleton with tone, content, organization, coherence, and design.

      Gretchen Hargis of IBM (2000) states that readability research has
      made us very aware of what we “write at the level of words and sentences.” She
      Technical writers have accepted the limited benefit that these measurements offer in giving a rough sense of the difficulty of material.We have also assimilated readability as an aspect of the quality of information through its pervasiveness in areas such as task orientation, completeness, clarity, style, and visual effectiveness. We have put into practice, through user-centered design, ways to stay focused on the needs of our audience and their problems in using the information or assistance that we provide with computer products.
      The research on literacy has made us aware of the limited reading abilities of many in our audience. The research on readability has made us aware of the many factors affecting their success in reading. The readability formulas, when used properly, help us increase the chances of that success.
      According Cheryl Stephens,Readability describes the ease with which a document can be read. Readability tests, which are mathematical formulas, were designed to assess the suitability of books for students at particular grade levels or ages.
      The main function of readability tests is to give you a quick assessment about the density of your writing. Readability tests cannot tell you how easily a reader can understand the information in the text. You can perform readability tests manually by counting and doing a mathematical calculation, or by using word-processing software
      Adopted from: Klare George (1963) The Principles of Readability Retreived From:
      Hargis Gretchen (2000) The Principles of Readability Retreived From:
      Stephens Cheryl All About Readability Retreived From:

  17. Nama : Liza Fitriani
    Nim : 09250704

    According to Chris & Keith Johnson (2012).The term readability refers to all the factors that affect success in reading and understanding a text.
    These factors include:

    1. The interest and motivation of the reader.
    2. The legibility of the print (and of any illustrations).
    3. The complexity of words and sentences in relation to the reading ability of the reader.

    These factors are discussed in turn, followed by the results of research into school science textbooks.

    1. Interest and motivation
    This aspect of readability is probably the most important, but unfortunately it is also the least tractable. A young electronics enthusiast may read and persevere with a complex electronics magazine, but quickly abandon the simplest history book.
    This internal motivation is very powerful, but not easily modified by a teacher.
    There are other, external, factors which affect motivation and which can be adjusted to advantage. These include approval by the teacher, the use of merit marks, and success in tests and other tasks. ‘Nothing succeeds like success.’
    Generally, motivation for reading school books is likely to be low. Indeed, a textbook has been defined as ‘a book that no-one would read unless they had to’.
    In practice, this means that the prose in a school book usually should be much simpler than the readers are capable of reading.

    2. Legibility of print
    You are probably a fluent reader, reading at a rate of 250-300 words per minute, your eyes moving in a series of rapid jerks and pausing 8-10 times along the length of a typical line. These pauses consume about 90 per cent of reading time, each pause lasting for about 0.2 second. When there is difficulty in reading the text, your eyes are likely to make a backward movement, a 'regression'. Reading then becomes less efficient in terms of speed, but more efficient in terms of comprehension.
    The factors affecting speed and comprehension have been extensively researched.

    3. Sentence structure
    The third factor affecting readability is concerned with the words and sentences chosen by an author. This factor is the most easily quantifiable, and the rest of this article is concerned with this aspect of readability.
    Consider two examples:
    This short sentence needs a reading age of less than nine years.
    This longer sentence, which contains an adjectival clause and polysyllabic words, has a reading age of more than sixteen years.

    References :
    Chris & Keith Johnson.2012.Measuring the reading age of books and other reading matter. Retrieved from : . Accesess on: 15 May 2012.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. John J. Pikulski states that Readability is the level of ease or difficulty with which text material can be understood by a particular reader who is reading that text for a specific purpose.
    So, it can be assumed that Readability Test is designed to give a statistical analysis of the difficulty of a text and it can be used an approximate indication.

    Adopted from: Pikulski, John(2002:1).Readability. Retrieved from:

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Nama : Liza Fitriani
    Nim : 09250704


    According to Chris & Keith Johnson (2012).The term readability refers to all the factors that affect success in reading and understanding a text.
    These factors include:

    1. The interest and motivation of the reader.
    2. The legibility of the print (and of any illustrations).
    3. The complexity of words and sentences in relation to the reading ability of the reader.
    These factors are discussed in turn, followed by the results of research into school science textbooks.

    1. Interest and motivation
    This aspect of readability is probably the most important, but unfortunately it is also the least tractable. A young electronics enthusiast may read and persevere with a complex electronics magazine, but quickly abandon the simplest history book.
    This internal motivation is very powerful, but not easily modified by a teacher.
    There are other, external, factors which affect motivation and which can be adjusted to advantage. These include approval by the teacher, the use of merit marks, and success in tests and other tasks. ‘Nothing succeeds like success.’
    Generally, motivation for reading school books is likely to be low. Indeed, a textbook has been defined as ‘a book that no-one would read unless they had to’.
    In practice, this means that the prose in a school book usually should be much simpler than the readers are capable of reading.

    2. Legibility of print
    You are probably a fluent reader, reading at a rate of 250-300 words per minute, your eyes moving in a series of rapid jerks and pausing 8-10 times along the length of a typical line. These pauses consume about 90 per cent of reading time, each pause lasting for about 0.2 second. When there is difficulty in reading the text, your eyes are likely to make a backward movement, a 'regression'. Reading then becomes less efficient in terms of speed, but more efficient in terms of comprehension.
    The factors affecting speed and comprehension have been extensively researched.

    3. Sentence structure
    The third factor affecting readability is concerned with the words and sentences chosen by an author. This factor is the most easily quantifiable, and the rest of this article is concerned with this aspect of readability.
    Consider two examples:
    This short sentence needs a reading age of less than nine years.
    This longer sentence, which contains an adjectival clause and polysyllabic words, has a reading age of more than sixteen years.

    References :

    Chris & Keith Johnson.2012.Measuring the reading age of books and other reading matter. Retrieved from : . Accesess on: 15 May 2012.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Name: Tri Anggun Lestari (09250061)

    According to AJ Ghergich (2008), Readability Tests – These tests are designed to indicate comprehension difficulty when reading a passage of contemporary academic English. There are two tests, the Flesch Reading Ease, and the Flesch–Kincaid Grade Level.

    From the definition it can be stated that readability test is a way to measure a text for how easy or difficult it is to read depends on the grade level of student.

    Reference: AJ Ghergich.(2008). The Blog Readability Test – What’s Your Score?. Retrieved from: Accessed on: 21th May 2012

  24. name : Muhamad Jawat
    Nim : 09250065

    What is Readability
    Readability describes the ease with which a document can be read. Readability tests, which are mathematical formulas, were designed to assess the suitability of books for students at particular grade levels or ages.
    The tests were intended to help educators, librarians and publishers make decisions about purchase and sale of books. They were also meant to save time - because before the formula were used those decisions were made on recommendations of educators and librarians who read the books. These people were taking books already written and figuring out who were the appropriate reading groups.
    Webster's defines "readable" as:
    • fit to be read,
    • interesting,
    • agreeable and attractive in style; and
    • enjoyable.
    Obviously, readability formulas cannot measure features like interest and enjoyment. Also, when we ask whether text is understood by its reader we are questioning is "comprehensibility". Readability formulas cannot measure how comprehensible a text is. And they cannot measure whether a text is suitable for particular readers needs.

    Summary a readability test is needed to choose the right material for teaching is the text is readable or suitable for each level reader from child to adult, to know how a document or text is suitable is decided by four kind of things, fit to read, interesting, agreeable and attractive, and the last is enjoyable. Because by only able to comprehend is not enough to say a material is suitable for a reader.


    Stephens, Cheryl, 2000, All About Readability retrieved from:
